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Published on June 1, 2020

Pharmacovigilance in patients with diabetes: A data-driven analysis identifying specific RAS antagonists with adverse pulmonary safety profiles that have implications for COVID-19 morbidity and mortality.

Authors: Stafford EG, Riviere JE, Xu X, Kawakami J, Wyckoff GJ, Jaberi-Douraki M

Abstract: OBJECTIVES: The current demographic information from China reports that 10%-19% of patients hospitalized with coronavirus disease (COVID-19) were diabetic. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) and angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs) are considered first-line agents in patients with diabetes because of their nephroprotective effects, but administration of these drugs leads to upregulation of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), which is responsible for the viral entry of severe acute respiratory distress syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Data are lacking to determine what pulmonary effects ACEIs or ARBs may have in patients with diabetes, which could be relevant in the management of patients infected with SARS-CoV-2. This study aims to assess the prevalence of pulmonary adverse drug effects (ADEs) in patients with diabetes who were taking ACEI or ARBs to provide guidance as to how these medications could affect outcomes in acute respiratory illnesses such as SARS-CoV-2 infection. METHODS: 1DATA, a unique data platform resulting from collaboration across veterinary and human health care, used an intelligent medicine recommender system (1DrugAssist) developed using several national and international databases to evaluate all ADEs reported to the Food and Drug Administration for patients with diabetes taking ACEIs or ARBs. RESULTS: Mining of this data elucidated the proportion of a cluster of pulmonary ADEs associated with specific medications in these classes, which may aid health care professionals in understanding how these medications could worsen or predispose patients with diabetes to infections affecting the respiratory system, specifically COVID-19. Based on this data mining process, captopril was found to have a statistically significantly higher incidence of pulmonary ADEs compared with other ACEIs (P = 0.005) as well as ARBs (P = 0.012), though other specific drugs also had important pulmonary ADEs associated with their use. CONCLUSION: These analyses suggest that pharmacists and clinicians will need to consider the specific medication's adverse event profile, particularly captopril, on how it may affect infections and other acute disease states that alter pulmonary function, such as COVID-19.
Published in May 2020

Molecular dissection of Chagas induced cardiomyopathy reveals central disease associated and druggable signaling pathways.

Authors: Wozniak JM, Silva TA, Thomas D, Siqueira-Neto JL, McKerrow JH, Gonzalez DJ, Calvet CM

Abstract: Chagas disease, the clinical presentation of T. cruzi infection, is a major human health concern. While the acute phase of Chagas disease is typically asymptomatic and self-resolving, chronically infected individuals suffer numerous sequelae later in life. Cardiomyopathies in particular are the most severe consequence of chronic Chagas disease and cannot be reversed solely by parasite load reduction. To prioritize new therapeutic targets, we unbiasedly interrogated the host signaling events in heart tissues isolated from a Chagas disease mouse model using quantitative, multiplexed proteomics. We defined the host response to infection at both the proteome and phospho-proteome levels. The proteome showed an increase in the immune response and a strong repression of several mitochondrial proteins. Complementing the proteome studies, the phospho-proteomic survey found an abundance of phospho-site alterations in plasma membrane and cytoskeletal proteins. Bioinformatic analysis of kinase activity provided substantial evidence for the activation of NDRG2 and JNK/p38 kinases during Chagas disease. A significant activation of DYRK2 and AMPKA2 and the inhibition of casein family kinases were also predicted. We concluded our analyses by linking the diseased heart proteome profile to known therapeutic interventions, uncovering a potential to target mitochondrial proteins, secreted immune effectors and core kinases for the treatment of chronic Chagas disease. Together, this study provides molecular insight into host proteome and phospho-proteome responses to T. cruzi infection in the heart for the first time, highlighting pathways that can be further validated for functional contributions to disease and suitability as drug targets.
Published in May 2020

Genomics of Blood Pressure and Hypertension: Extending the Mosaic Theory Toward Stratification.

Authors: Lip S, Padmanabhan S

Abstract: The genetic architecture of blood pressure (BP) now includes more than 30 genes, with rare mutations resulting in inherited forms of hypertension or hypotension, and 1477 common single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). These signify the heterogeneity of the BP phenotype and support the mosaic theory of hypertension. The majority of monogenic syndromes involve the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and the adrenal glucocorticoid pathway, and a smaller fraction are due to rare neuroendocrine tumours of the adrenal glands and the sympathetic and parasympathetic paraganglia. Somatic mutations in genes coding for ion channels (KCNJ5 and CACNA1D) and adenosine triphosphatases (ATP1A1 and ATP2B3) highlight the central role of calcium signalling in autonomous aldosterone production by the adrenal gland. The per-SNP BP effect is small for SNPs according to genome-wide association studies (GWAS), and all of the GWAS-identified BP SNPs explain approximately 27% of the 30%-50% estimated heritability of BP. Uromodulin is a novel pathway identified by GWAS, and it has now progressed to a genotype-directed clinical trial. The majority of the GWAS-identified BP SNPs show pleiotropic associations, and unravelling those signals and underpinning biological pathways offers potential opportunities for drug repurposing. The GWAS signals are predominantly from Europe-centric studies with other ancestries underrepresented, however, limiting the generalisability of the findings. In this review, we leverage the burgeoning list of polygenic and monogenic variants associated with BP regulation along with phenome-wide studies in the context of the mosaic theory of hypertension, and we explore potential translational aspects that underlie different hypertension subtypes.
Published in May 2020

Robotically handled whole-tissue culture system for the screening of oral drug formulations.

Authors: von Erlach T, Saxton S, Shi Y, Minahan D, Reker D, Javid F, Lee YL, Schoellhammer C, Esfandiary T, Cleveland C, Booth L, Lin J, Levy H, Blackburn S, Hayward A, Langer R, Traverso G

Abstract: Monolayers of cancer-derived cell lines are widely used in the modelling of the gastrointestinal (GI) absorption of drugs and in oral drug development. However, they do not generally predict drug absorption in vivo. Here, we report a robotically handled system that uses large porcine GI tissue explants that are functionally maintained for an extended period in culture for the high-throughput interrogation (several thousand samples per day) of whole segments of the GI tract. The automated culture system provided higher predictability of drug absorption in the human GI tract than a Caco-2 Transwell system (Spearman's correlation coefficients of 0.906 and 0.302, respectively). By using the culture system to analyse the intestinal absorption of 2,930 formulations of the peptide drug oxytocin, we discovered an absorption enhancer that resulted in a 11.3-fold increase in the oral bioavailability of oxytocin in pigs in the absence of cellular disruption of the intestinal tissue. The robotically handled whole-tissue culture system should help advance the development of oral drug formulations and might also be useful for drug screening applications.
Published in May 2020

Predicting octanol/water partition coefficients for the SAMPL6 challenge using the SM12, SM8, and SMD solvation models.

Authors: Ouimet JA, Paluch AS

Abstract: Blind predictions of octanol/water partition coefficients at 298 K for 11 kinase inhibitor fragment like compounds were made for the SAMPL6 challenge. We used the conventional, "untrained", free energy based approach wherein the octanol/water partition coefficient was computed directly as the difference in solvation free energy in water and 1-octanol. We additionally proposed and used two different forms of a "trained" approach. Physically, the goal of the trained approach is to relate the partition coefficient computed using pure 1-octanol to that using water-saturated 1-octanol. In the first case, we assumed the partition coefficient using water-saturated 1-octanol and pure 1-octanol are linearly correlated. In the second approach, we assume the solvation free energy in water-saturated 1-octanol can be written as a linear combination of the solvation free energy in pure water and 1-octanol. In all cases here, the solvation free energies were computed using electronic structure calculations in the SM12, SM8, and SMD universal solvent models. In the context of the present study, our results in general do not support the additional effort of the trained approach.
Published in May 2020

Evaluating drug targets through human loss-of-function genetic variation.

Authors: Minikel EV, Karczewski KJ, Martin HC, Cummings BB, Whiffin N, Rhodes D, Alfoldi J, Trembath RC, van Heel DA, Daly MJ, Schreiber SL, MacArthur DG

Abstract: Naturally occurring human genetic variants that are predicted to inactivate protein-coding genes provide an in vivo model of human gene inactivation that complements knockout studies in cells and model organisms. Here we report three key findings regarding the assessment of candidate drug targets using human loss-of-function variants. First, even essential genes, in which loss-of-function variants are not tolerated, can be highly successful as targets of inhibitory drugs. Second, in most genes, loss-of-function variants are sufficiently rare that genotype-based ascertainment of homozygous or compound heterozygous 'knockout' humans will await sample sizes that are approximately 1,000 times those presently available, unless recruitment focuses on consanguineous individuals. Third, automated variant annotation and filtering are powerful, but manual curation remains crucial for removing artefacts, and is a prerequisite for recall-by-genotype efforts. Our results provide a roadmap for human knockout studies and should guide the interpretation of loss-of-function variants in drug development.
Published in May 2020

Meltome atlas-thermal proteome stability across the tree of life.

Authors: Jarzab A, Kurzawa N, Hopf T, Moerch M, Zecha J, Leijten N, Bian Y, Musiol E, Maschberger M, Stoehr G, Becher I, Daly C, Samaras P, Mergner J, Spanier B, Angelov A, Werner T, Bantscheff M, Wilhelm M, Klingenspor M, Lemeer S, Liebl W, Hahne H, Savitski MM, Kuster B

Abstract: We have used a mass spectrometry-based proteomic approach to compile an atlas of the thermal stability of 48,000 proteins across 13 species ranging from archaea to humans and covering melting temperatures of 30-90 degrees C. Protein sequence, composition and size affect thermal stability in prokaryotes and eukaryotic proteins show a nonlinear relationship between the degree of disordered protein structure and thermal stability. The data indicate that evolutionary conservation of protein complexes is reflected by similar thermal stability of their proteins, and we show examples in which genomic alterations can affect thermal stability. Proteins of the respiratory chain were found to be very stable in many organisms, and human mitochondria showed close to normal respiration at 46 degrees C. We also noted cell-type-specific effects that can affect protein stability or the efficacy of drugs. This meltome atlas broadly defines the proteome amenable to thermal profiling in biology and drug discovery and can be explored online at and
Published on May 30, 2020

Drug repurposing using computational methods to identify therapeutic options for COVID-19.

Authors: Mahdian S, Ebrahim-Habibi A, Zarrabi M

Abstract: Purpose: Recently, the world has been dealing with a new type of coronavirus called COVID-19 that in terms of symptoms is similar to the SARS coronavirus. Unfortunately, researchers could not find a registered therapy to treat the infection related to the virus yet. Regarding the fact that drug repurposing is a good strategy for epidemic viral infection, we applied the drug repurposing strategy using virtual screening to identify therapeutic options for COVID-19. For this purpose, five proteins of COVID-19 (3-chymotrypsin-like protease (3CLpro), Papain-Like protease (PLpro), cleavage site, HR1 and RBD in Spike protein) were selected as target proteins for drug repositioning. Methods: First, five proteins of COVID-19 were built by homology modeling. Then FDA-approved drugs (2471 drugs) were screened against cleavage site and RBD in Spike protein via virtual screening. One hundred and twenty-eight FDA-approved drugs with the most favorable free-binding energy were attached to the cleavage site and RBD in Spike protein. Of these 128 drugs, 18 drugs have either been used currently as antiviral or have been reported to possess antiviral effects. Virtual screening was then performed for the 18 selected drugs with ACE2, 3CLpro and PLpro and HR1 and TMPRSS2. Results: According to the results, glecaprevir, paritaprevir, simeprevir, ledipasvir, glycyrrhizic acid, TMC-310911, and hesperidin showed highly favorably free binding energies with all tested target proteins. Conclusion: The above-mentioned drugs can be regarded as candidates to treat COVID-19 infections, but further study on the efficiency of these drugs is also necessary.
Published on May 29, 2020

Document-Level Biomedical Relation Extraction Leveraging Pretrained Self-Attention Structure and Entity Replacement: Algorithm and Pretreatment Method Validation Study.

Authors: Liu X, Fan J, Dong S

Abstract: BACKGROUND: The most current methods applied for intrasentence relation extraction in the biomedical literature are inadequate for document-level relation extraction, in which the relationship may cross sentence boundaries. Hence, some approaches have been proposed to extract relations by splitting the document-level datasets through heuristic rules and learning methods. However, these approaches may introduce additional noise and do not really solve the problem of intersentence relation extraction. It is challenging to avoid noise and extract cross-sentence relations. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to avoid errors by dividing the document-level dataset, verify that a self-attention structure can extract biomedical relations in a document with long-distance dependencies and complex semantics, and discuss the relative benefits of different entity pretreatment methods for biomedical relation extraction. METHODS: This paper proposes a new data preprocessing method and attempts to apply a pretrained self-attention structure for document biomedical relation extraction with an entity replacement method to capture very long-distance dependencies and complex semantics. RESULTS: Compared with state-of-the-art approaches, our method greatly improved the precision. The results show that our approach increases the F1 value, compared with state-of-the-art methods. Through experiments of biomedical entity pretreatments, we found that a model using an entity replacement method can improve performance. CONCLUSIONS: When considering all target entity pairs as a whole in the document-level dataset, a pretrained self-attention structure is suitable to capture very long-distance dependencies and learn the textual context and complicated semantics. A replacement method for biomedical entities is conducive to biomedical relation extraction, especially to document-level relation extraction.
Published on May 27, 2020

Prediction of Novel Inhibitors of the Main Protease (M-pro) of SARS-CoV-2 through Consensus Docking and Drug Reposition.

Authors: Gimeno A, Mestres-Truyol J, Ojeda-Montes MJ, Macip G, Saldivar-Espinoza B, Cereto-Massague A, Pujadas G, Garcia-Vallve S

Abstract: Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in December 2019 and its rapid spread worldwide, the scientific community has been under pressure to react and make progress in the development of an effective treatment against the virus responsible for the disease. Here, we implement an original virtual screening (VS) protocol for repositioning approved drugs in order to predict which of them could inhibit the main protease of the virus (M-pro), a key target for antiviral drugs given its essential role in the virus' replication. Two different libraries of approved drugs were docked against the structure of M-pro using Glide, FRED and AutoDock Vina, and only the equivalent high affinity binding modes predicted simultaneously by the three docking programs were considered to correspond to bioactive poses. In this way, we took advantage of the three sampling algorithms to generate hypothetic binding modes without relying on a single scoring function to rank the results. Seven possible SARS-CoV-2 M-pro inhibitors were predicted using this approach: Perampanel, Carprofen, Celecoxib, Alprazolam, Trovafloxacin, Sarafloxacin and ethyl biscoumacetate. Carprofen and Celecoxib have been selected by the COVID Moonshot initiative for in vitro testing; they show 3.97 and 11.90% M-pro inhibition at 50 microM, respectively.