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Published in January 2014

ASD v2.0: updated content and novel features focusing on allosteric regulation.

Authors: Huang Z, Mou L, Shen Q, Lu S, Li C, Liu X, Wang G, Li S, Geng L, Liu Y, Wu J, Chen G, Zhang J

Abstract: Allostery is the most direct and efficient way for regulation of biological macromolecule function and is induced by the binding of a ligand at an allosteric site topographically distinct from the orthosteric site. AlloSteric Database (ASD, has been developed to provide comprehensive information on allostery. Owing to the inherent high receptor selectivity and lower target-based toxicity, allosteric regulation is expected to assume a more prominent role in drug discovery and bioengineering, leading to the rapid growth of allosteric findings. In this updated version, ASD v2.0 has expanded to 1286 allosteric proteins, 565 allosteric diseases and 22 008 allosteric modulators. A total of 907 allosteric site-modulator structural complexes and >200 structural pairs of orthosteric/allosteric sites in the allosteric proteins were constructed for researchers to develop allosteric site and pathway tools in response to community demands. Up-to-date allosteric pathways were manually curated in the updated version. In addition, both the front-end and the back-end of ASD have been redesigned and enhanced to allow more efficient access. Taken together, these updates are useful for facilitating the investigation of allosteric mechanisms, allosteric target identification and allosteric drug discovery.
Published in January 2014

Gene3D: Multi-domain annotations for protein sequence and comparative genome analysis.

Authors: Lees JG, Lee D, Studer RA, Dawson NL, Sillitoe I, Das S, Yeats C, Dessailly BH, Rentzsch R, Orengo CA

Abstract: Gene3D ( is a database of protein domain structure annotations for protein sequences. Domains are predicted using a library of profile HMMs from 2738 CATH superfamilies. Gene3D assigns domain annotations to Ensembl and UniProt sequence sets including >6000 cellular genomes and >20 million unique protein sequences. This represents an increase of 45% in the number of protein sequences since our last publication. Thanks to improvements in the underlying data and pipeline, we see large increases in the domain coverage of sequences. We have expanded this coverage by integrating Pfam and SUPERFAMILY domain annotations, and we now resolve domain overlaps to provide highly comprehensive composite multi-domain architectures. To make these data more accessible for comparative genome analyses, we have developed novel search algorithms for searching genomes to identify related multi-domain architectures. In addition to providing domain family annotations, we have now developed a pipeline for 3D homology modelling of domains in Gene3D. This has been applied to the human genome and will be rolled out to other major organisms over the next year.
Published in January 2014

UniHI 7: an enhanced database for retrieval and interactive analysis of human molecular interaction networks.

Authors: Kalathur RK, Pinto JP, Hernandez-Prieto MA, Machado RS, Almeida D, Chaurasia G, Futschik ME

Abstract: Unified Human Interactome (UniHI) ( is a database for retrieval, analysis and visualization of human molecular interaction networks. Its primary aim is to provide a comprehensive and easy-to-use platform for network-based investigations to a wide community of researchers in biology and medicine. Here, we describe a major update (version 7) of the database previously featured in NAR Database Issue. UniHI 7 currently includes almost 350,000 molecular interactions between genes, proteins and drugs, as well as numerous other types of data such as gene expression and functional annotation. Multiple options for interactive filtering and highlighting of proteins can be employed to obtain more reliable and specific network structures. Expression and other genomic data can be uploaded by the user to examine local network structures. Additional built-in tools enable ready identification of known drug targets, as well as of biological processes, phenotypes and pathways enriched with network proteins. A distinctive feature of UniHI 7 is its user-friendly interface designed to be utilized in an intuitive manner, enabling researchers less acquainted with network analysis to perform state-of-the-art network-based investigations.
Published in January - February 2014

Toward creation of a cancer drug toxicity knowledge base: automatically extracting cancer drug-side effect relationships from the literature.

Authors: Xu R, Wang Q

Abstract: OBJECTIVE: A comprehensive and machine-understandable cancer drug-side effect (drug-SE) relationship knowledge base is important for in silico cancer drug target discovery, drug repurposing, and toxicity predication, and for personalized risk-benefit decisions by cancer patients. While US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) drug labels capture well-known cancer drug SE information, much cancer drug SE knowledge remains buried the published biomedical literature. We present a relationship extraction approach to extract cancer drug-SE pairs from the literature. DATA AND METHODS: We used 21,354,075 MEDLINE records as the text corpus. We extracted drug-SE co-occurrence pairs using a cancer drug lexicon and a clean SE lexicon that we created. We then developed two filtering approaches to remove drug-disease treatment pairs and subsequently a ranking scheme to further prioritize filtered pairs. Finally, we analyzed relationships among SEs, gene targets, and indications. RESULTS: We extracted 56,602 cancer drug-SE pairs. The filtering algorithms improved the precision of extracted pairs from 0.252 at baseline to 0.426, representing a 69% improvement in precision with no decrease in recall. The ranking algorithm further prioritized filtered pairs and achieved a precision of 0.778 for top-ranked pairs. We showed that cancer drugs that share SEs tend to have overlapping gene targets and overlapping indications. CONCLUSIONS: The relationship extraction approach is effective in extracting many cancer drug-SE pairs from the literature. This unique knowledge base, when combined with existing cancer drug SE knowledge, can facilitate drug target discovery, drug repurposing, and toxicity prediction.
Published in January 2014

ArchDB 2014: structural classification of loops in proteins.

Authors: Bonet J, Planas-Iglesias J, Garcia-Garcia J, Marin-Lopez MA, Fernandez-Fuentes N, Oliva B

Abstract: The function of a protein is determined by its three-dimensional structure, which is formed by regular (i.e. beta-strands and alpha-helices) and non-periodic structural units such as loops. Compared to regular structural elements, non-periodic, non-repetitive conformational units enclose a much higher degree of variability--raising difficulties in the identification of regularities, and yet represent an important part of the structure of a protein. Indeed, loops often play a pivotal role in the function of a protein and different aspects of protein folding and dynamics. Therefore, the structural classification of protein loops is an important subject with clear applications in homology modelling, protein structure prediction, protein design (e.g. enzyme design and catalytic loops) and function prediction. ArchDB, the database presented here (freely available at, represents such a resource and has been an important asset for the scientific community throughout the years. In this article, we present a completely reworked and updated version of ArchDB. The new version of ArchDB features a novel, fast and user-friendly web-based interface, and a novel graph-based, computationally efficient, clustering algorithm. The current version of ArchDB classifies 149,134 loops in 5739 classes and 9608 subclasses.
Published in January 2014

Therapeutic target database update 2014: a resource for targeted therapeutics.

Authors: Qin C, Zhang C, Zhu F, Xu F, Chen SY, Zhang P, Li YH, Yang SY, Wei YQ, Tao L, Chen YZ

Abstract: Here we describe an update of the Therapeutic Target Database ( for better serving the bench-to-clinic communities and for enabling more convenient data access, processing and exchange. Extensive efforts from the research, industry, clinical, regulatory and management communities have been collectively directed at the discovery, investigation, application, monitoring and management of targeted therapeutics. Increasing efforts have been directed at the development of stratified and personalized medicines. These efforts may be facilitated by the knowledge of the efficacy targets and biomarkers of targeted therapeutics. Therefore, we added search tools for using the International Classification of Disease ICD-10-CM and ICD-9-CM codes to retrieve the target, biomarker and drug information (currently enabling the search of almost 900 targets, 1800 biomarkers and 6000 drugs related to 900 disease conditions). We added information of almost 1800 biomarkers for 300 disease conditions and 200 drug scaffolds for 700 drugs. We significantly expanded Therapeutic Target Database data contents to cover >2300 targets (388 successful and 461 clinical trial targets), 20 600 drugs (2003 approved and 3147 clinical trial drugs), 20,000 multitarget agents against almost 400 target-pairs and the activity data of 1400 agents against 300 cell lines.
Published in January 2014

PDBsum additions.

Authors: de Beer TA, Berka K, Thornton JM, Laskowski RA

Abstract: PDBsum,, is a website providing numerous pictorial analyses of each entry in the Protein Data Bank. It portrays the structural features of all proteins, DNA and ligands in the entry, as well as depicting the interactions between them. The latest features, described here, include annotation of human protein sequences with their naturally occurring amino acid variants, dynamic graphs showing the relationships between related protein domain architectures, analyses of ligand binding clusters across different experimental determinations of the same protein, analyses of tunnels in proteins and new search options.
Published in January 2014

The Reactome pathway knowledgebase.

Authors: Croft D, Mundo AF, Haw R, Milacic M, Weiser J, Wu G, Caudy M, Garapati P, Gillespie M, Kamdar MR, Jassal B, Jupe S, Matthews L, May B, Palatnik S, Rothfels K, Shamovsky V, Song H, Williams M, Birney E, Hermjakob H, Stein L, D'Eustachio P

Abstract: Reactome ( is a manually curated open-source open-data resource of human pathways and reactions. The current version 46 describes 7088 human proteins (34% of the predicted human proteome), participating in 6744 reactions based on data extracted from 15 107 research publications with PubMed links. The Reactome Web site and analysis tool set have been completely redesigned to increase speed, flexibility and user friendliness. The data model has been extended to support annotation of disease processes due to infectious agents and to mutation.
Published in January 2014

FireDB: a compendium of biological and pharmacologically relevant ligands.

Authors: Maietta P, Lopez G, Carro A, Pingilley BJ, Leon LG, Valencia A, Tress ML

Abstract: FireDB ( is a curated inventory of catalytic and biologically relevant small ligand-binding residues culled from the protein structures in the Protein Data Bank. Here we present the important new additions since the publication of FireDB in 2007. The database now contains an extensive list of manually curated biologically relevant compounds. Biologically relevant compounds are informative because of their role in protein function, but they are only a small fraction of the entire ligand set. For the remaining ligands, the FireDB provides cross-references to the annotations from publicly available biological, chemical and pharmacological compound databases. FireDB now has external references for 95% of contacting small ligands, making FireDB a more complete database and providing the scientific community with easy access to the pharmacological annotations of PDB ligands. In addition to the manual curation of ligands, FireDB also provides insights into the biological relevance of individual binding sites. Here, biological relevance is calculated from the multiple sequence alignments of related binding sites that are generated from all-against-all comparison of each FireDB binding site. The database can be accessed by RESTful web services and is available for download via MySQL.
Published in January 2014

Engineered reversal of drug resistance in cancer cells--metastases suppressor factors as change agents.

Authors: Yadav VK, Kumar A, Mann A, Aggarwal S, Kumar M, Roy SD, Pore SK, Banerjee R, Mahesh Kumar J, Thakur RK, Chowdhury S

Abstract: Building molecular correlates of drug resistance in cancer and exploiting them for therapeutic intervention remains a pressing clinical need. To identify factors that impact drug resistance herein we built a model that couples inherent cell-based response toward drugs with transcriptomes of resistant/sensitive cells. To test this model, we focused on a group of genes called metastasis suppressor genes (MSGs) that influence aggressiveness and metastatic potential of cancers. Interestingly, modeling of 84 000 drug response transcriptome combinations predicted multiple MSGs to be associated with resistance of different cell types and drugs. As a case study, on inducing MSG levels in a drug resistant breast cancer line resistance to anticancer drugs caerulomycin, camptothecin and topotecan decreased by more than 50-60%, in both culture conditions and also in tumors generated in mice, in contrast to control un-induced cells. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of engineered reversal of drug resistance in cancer cells based on a model that exploits inherent cellular response profiles.