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Published on December 10, 2007

Quantitative analysis on the characteristics of targets with FDA approved drugs.

Authors: Sakharkar MK, Li P, Zhong Z, Sakharkar KR

Abstract: Accumulated knowledge of genomic information, systems biology, and disease mechanisms provide an unprecedented opportunity to elucidate the genetic basis of diseases, and to discover new and novel therapeutic targets from the wealth of genomic data. With hundreds to a few thousand potential targets available in the human genome alone, target selection and validation has become a critical component of drug discovery process. The explorations on quantitative characteristics of the currently explored targets (those without any marketed drug) and successful targets (targeted by at least one marketed drug) could help discern simple rules for selecting a putative successful target. Here we use integrative in silico (computational) approaches to quantitatively analyze the characteristics of 133 targets with FDA approved drugs and 3120 human disease genes (therapeutic targets) not targeted by FDA approved drugs. This is the first attempt to comparatively analyze targets with FDA approved drugs and targets with no FDA approved drug or no drugs available for them. Our results show that proteins with 5 or fewer number of homologs outside their own family, proteins with single-exon gene architecture and proteins interacting with more than 3 partners are more likely to be targetable. These quantitative characteristics could serve as criteria to search for promising targetable disease genes.
Published in November 2007

In silico elucidation of the molecular mechanism defining the adverse effect of selective estrogen receptor modulators.

Authors: Xie L, Wang J, Bourne PE

Abstract: Early identification of adverse effect of preclinical and commercial drugs is crucial in developing highly efficient therapeutics, since unexpected adverse drug effects account for one-third of all drug failures in drug development. To correlate protein-drug interactions at the molecule level with their clinical outcomes at the organism level, we have developed an integrated approach to studying protein-ligand interactions on a structural proteome-wide scale by combining protein functional site similarity search, small molecule screening, and protein-ligand binding affinity profile analysis. By applying this methodology, we have elucidated a possible molecular mechanism for the previously observed, but molecularly uncharacterized, side effect of selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs). The side effect involves the inhibition of the Sacroplasmic Reticulum Ca2+ ion channel ATPase protein (SERCA) transmembrane domain. The prediction provides molecular insight into reducing the adverse effect of SERMs and is supported by clinical and in vitro observations. The strategy used in this case study is being applied to discover off-targets for other commercially available pharmaceuticals. The process can be included in a drug discovery pipeline in an effort to optimize drug leads and reduce unwanted side effects.
Published in October 2007

A cheminformatic toolkit for mining biomedical knowledge.

Authors: Rosania GR, Crippen G, Woolf P, States D, Shedden K

Abstract: PURPOSE: Cheminformatics can be broadly defined to encompass any activity related to the application of information technology to the study of properties, effects and uses of chemical agents. One of the most important current challenges in cheminformatics is to allow researchers to search databases of biomedical knowledge, using chemical structures as input. MATERIALS AND METHODS: An important step towards this goal was the establishment of PubChem, an open, centralized database of small molecules accessible through the World Wide Web. While PubChem is primarily intended to serve as a repository for high throughput screening data from federally-funded screening centers and academic research laboratories, the major impact of PubChem could also reside in its ability to serve as a chemical gateway to biomedical databases such as PubMed. CONCLUSION: This article will review cheminformatic tools that can be applied to facilitate annotation of PubChem through links to the scientific literature; to integrate PubChem with transcriptomic, proteomic, and metabolomic datasets; to incorporate results of numerical simulations of physiological systems into PubChem annotation; and ultimately, to translate data of chemical genomics screening efforts into information that will benefit biomedical researchers and physician scientists across all therapeutic areas.
Published in September 2007

In silico pharmacology for drug discovery: applications to targets and beyond.

Authors: Ekins S, Mestres J, Testa B

Abstract: Computational (in silico) methods have been developed and widely applied to pharmacology hypothesis development and testing. These in silico methods include databases, quantitative structure-activity relationships, similarity searching, pharmacophores, homology models and other molecular modeling, machine learning, data mining, network analysis tools and data analysis tools that use a computer. Such methods have seen frequent use in the discovery and optimization of novel molecules with affinity to a target, the clarification of absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion and toxicity properties as well as physicochemical characterization. The first part of this review discussed the methods that have been used for virtual ligand and target-based screening and profiling to predict biological activity. The aim of this second part of the review is to illustrate some of the varied applications of in silico methods for pharmacology in terms of the targets addressed. We will also discuss some of the advantages and disadvantages of in silico methods with respect to in vitro and in vivo methods for pharmacology research. Our conclusion is that the in silico pharmacology paradigm is ongoing and presents a rich array of opportunities that will assist in expediting the discovery of new targets, and ultimately lead to compounds with predicted biological activity for these novel targets.
Published on September 20, 2007

Prediction of potential drug targets based on simple sequence properties.

Authors: Li Q, Lai L

Abstract: BACKGROUND: During the past decades, research and development in drug discovery have attracted much attention and efforts. However, only 324 drug targets are known for clinical drugs up to now. Identifying potential drug targets is the first step in the process of modern drug discovery for developing novel therapeutic agents. Therefore, the identification and validation of new and effective drug targets are of great value for drug discovery in both academia and pharmaceutical industry. If a protein can be predicted in advance for its potential application as a drug target, the drug discovery process targeting this protein will be greatly speeded up. In the current study, based on the properties of known drug targets, we have developed a sequence-based drug target prediction method for fast identification of novel drug targets. RESULTS: Based on simple physicochemical properties extracted from protein sequences of known drug targets, several support vector machine models have been constructed in this study. The best model can distinguish currently known drug targets from non drug targets at an accuracy of 84%. Using this model, potential protein drug targets of human origin from Swiss-Prot were predicted, some of which have already attracted much attention as potential drug targets in pharmaceutical research. CONCLUSION: We have developed a drug target prediction method based solely on protein sequence information without the knowledge of family/domain annotation, or the protein 3D structure. This method can be applied in novel drug target identification and validation, as well as genome scale drug target predictions.
Published on August 20, 2007

An integrative in silico approach for discovering candidates for drug-targetable protein-protein interactions in interactome data.

Authors: Sugaya N, Ikeda K, Tashiro T, Takeda S, Otomo J, Ishida Y, Shiratori A, Toyoda A, Noguchi H, Takeda T, Kuhara S, Sakaki Y, Iwayanagi T

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Protein-protein interactions (PPIs) are challenging but attractive targets for small chemical drugs. Whole PPIs, called the 'interactome', have been emerged in several organisms, including human, based on the recent development of high-throughput screening (HTS) technologies. Individual PPIs have been targeted by small drug-like chemicals (SDCs), however, interactome data have not been fully utilized for exploring drug targets due to the lack of comprehensive methodology for utilizing these data. Here we propose an integrative in silico approach for discovering candidates for drug-targetable PPIs in interactome data. RESULTS: Our novel in silico screening system comprises three independent assessment procedures: i) detection of protein domains responsible for PPIs, ii) finding SDC-binding pockets on protein surfaces, and iii) evaluating similarities in the assignment of Gene Ontology (GO) terms between specific partner proteins. We discovered six candidates for drug-targetable PPIs by applying our in silico approach to original human PPI data composed of 770 binary interactions produced by our HTS yeast two-hybrid (HTS-Y2H) assays. Among them, we further examined two candidates, RXRA/NRIP1 and CDK2/CDKN1A, with respect to their biological roles, PPI network around each candidate, and tertiary structures of the interacting domains. CONCLUSION: An integrative in silico approach for discovering candidates for drug-targetable PPIs was applied to original human PPIs data. The system excludes false positive interactions and selects reliable PPIs as drug targets. Its effectiveness was demonstrated by the discovery of the six promising candidate target PPIs. Inhibition or stabilization of the two interactions may have potential therapeutic effects against human diseases.
Published on August 1, 2007

PepBank--a database of peptides based on sequence text mining and public peptide data sources.

Authors: Shtatland T, Guettler D, Kossodo M, Pivovarov M, Weissleder R

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Peptides are important molecules with diverse biological functions and biomedical uses. To date, there does not exist a single, searchable archive for peptide sequences or associated biological data. Rather, peptide sequences still have to be mined from abstracts and full-length articles, and/or obtained from the fragmented public sources. DESCRIPTION: We have constructed a new database (PepBank), which at the time of writing contains a total of 19,792 individual peptide entries. The database has a web-based user interface with a simple, Google-like search function, advanced text search, and BLAST and Smith-Waterman search capabilities. The major source of peptide sequence data comes from text mining of MEDLINE abstracts. Another component of the database is the peptide sequence data from public sources (ASPD and UniProt). An additional, smaller part of the database is manually curated from sets of full text articles and text mining results. We show the utility of the database in different examples of affinity ligand discovery. CONCLUSION: We have created and maintain a database of peptide sequences. The database has biological and medical applications, for example, to predict the binding partners of biologically interesting peptides, to develop peptide based therapeutic or diagnostic agents, or to predict molecular targets or binding specificities of peptides resulting from phage display selection. The database is freely available on, and the text mining source code (Peptide::Pubmed) is freely available above as well as on CPAN (
Published in July 2007

Development and validation of a physiology-based model for the prediction of oral absorption in monkeys.

Authors: Willmann S, Edginton AN, Dressman JB

Abstract: PURPOSE: The development and validation of a physiology-based absorption model for orally administered drugs in monkeys is described. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Physiological parameters affecting intestinal transit and absorption of an orally administered drug in monkeys have been collected from the literature and implemented in a physiological model for passive absorption previously developed for rats and humans. Predicted fractions of dose absorbed have been compared to experimentally observed values for a set of N = 37 chemically diverse drugs. A sensitivity analysis was performed to assess the influence of various physiological model parameters on the predicted fraction dose absorbed. RESULTS: A Pearson's correlation coefficient of 0.94 (95% confidence interval: [0.88, 0.97]; p < 0.0001) between the predicted and observed fraction dose absorbed in monkeys was obtained for compounds undergoing non-solubility limited passive absorption (N = 29). The sensitivity analysis revealed that the predictions of fractions dose absorbed in monkeys are very sensitive with respect to inter-individual variations of the small intestinal transit time. CONCLUSIONS: The model is well suited to predict the fraction dose absorbed of passively absorbed compounds after oral administration and to assess the influence of inter-individual physiological variability on oral absorption in monkeys.
Published in June 2007

Potential drug sequestration during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation: results from an ex vivo experiment.

Authors: Mehta NM, Halwick DR, Dodson BL, Thompson JE, Arnold JH

Abstract: OBJECTIVE: Using an ex vivo simulation model we set out to estimate the amount of drug lost due to sequestration within the extracorporeal circuit over time. DESIGN: Simulated closed-loop extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) circuits were prepared using a 1.5-m2 silicone membrane oxygenator. Group A consisted of heparin, dopamine, ampicillin, vancomycin, phenobarbital and fentanyl. Group B consisted of epinephrine, cefazolin, hydrocortisone, fosphenytoin and morphine. Drugs were tested in crystalloid and blood-primed circuits. After administration of a one-time dose of drugs in the priming fluid, baseline drug concentrations were obtained (P0). A simultaneous specimen was stored for stability testing at 24 h (P4). Serial post-membrane drug concentrations were then obtained at 30 min (P1), 3 h (P2) and 24 h (P3) from circuit fluid. MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: One hundred and one samples were analyzed. At the end of 24 h in crystalloid-primed circuits, 71.8% of ampicillin, 96.7% of epinephrine, 17.6% of fosphenytoin, 33.3% of heparin, 17.5% of morphine and 87% of fentanyl was lost. At the end of 24 h in blood-primed extracorporeal circuits, 15.4% of ampicillin, 21% of cefazolin, 71% of voriconazole, 31.4% of fosphenytoin, 53.3% of heparin and 100% of fentanyl was lost. There was a significant decrease in overall drug concentrations from 30 min to 24 h for both crystalloid-primed circuits (p = 0.023) and blood-primed circuits (p = 0.04). CONCLUSIONS: Our ex vivo study demonstrates serial losses of several drugs commonly used during ECMO therapy. Therapeutic concentrations of fentanyl, voriconazole, antimicrobials and heparin cannot be guaranteed in patients on ECMO.
Published in April 2007

Network analysis of FDA approved drugs and their targets.

Authors: Ma'ayan A, Jenkins SL, Goldfarb J, Iyengar R

Abstract: The global relationship between drugs that are approved for therapeutic use and the human genome is not known. We employed graph-theory methods to analyze the Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved drugs and their known molecular targets. We used the FDA Approved Drug Products with Therapeutic Equivalence Evaluations 26(th) Edition Electronic Orange Book (EOB) to identify all FDA approved drugs and their active ingredients. We then connected the list of active ingredients extracted from the EOB to those known human protein targets included in the DrugBank database and constructed a bipartite network. We computed network statistics and conducted Gene Ontology analysis on the drug targets and drug categories. We find that drug to drug-target relationship in the bipartite network is scale-free. Several classes of proteins in the human genome appear to be better targets for drugs since they appear to be selectively enriched as drug targets for the currently FDA approved drugs. These initial observations allow for development of an integrated research methodology to identify general principles of the drug discovery process.