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Published on April 29, 2021

Synthetic lethality-mediated precision oncology via the tumor transcriptome.

Authors: Lee JS, Nair NU, Dinstag G, Chapman L, Chung Y, Wang K, Sinha S, Cha H, Kim D, Schperberg AV, Srinivasan A, Lazar V, Rubin E, Hwang S, Berger R, Beker T, Ronai Z, Hannenhalli S, Gilbert MR, Kurzrock R, Lee SH, Aldape K, Ruppin E

Abstract: Precision oncology has made significant advances, mainly by targeting actionable mutations in cancer driver genes. Aiming to expand treatment opportunities, recent studies have begun to explore the utility of tumor transcriptome to guide patient treatment. Here, we introduce SELECT (synthetic lethality and rescue-mediated precision oncology via the transcriptome), a precision oncology framework harnessing genetic interactions to predict patient response to cancer therapy from the tumor transcriptome. SELECT is tested on a broad collection of 35 published targeted and immunotherapy clinical trials from 10 different cancer types. It is predictive of patients' response in 80% of these clinical trials and in the recent multi-arm WINTHER trial. The predictive signatures and the code are made publicly available for academic use, laying a basis for future prospective clinical studies.
Published on April 28, 2021

Multiscale Virtual Screening Optimization for Shotgun Drug Repurposing Using the CANDO Platform.

Authors: Hudson ML, Samudrala R

Abstract: Drug repurposing, the practice of utilizing existing drugs for novel clinical indications, has tremendous potential for improving human health outcomes and increasing therapeutic development efficiency. The goal of multi-disease multitarget drug repurposing, also known as shotgun drug repurposing, is to develop platforms that assess the therapeutic potential of each existing drug for every clinical indication. Our Computational Analysis of Novel Drug Opportunities (CANDO) platform for shotgun multitarget repurposing implements several pipelines for the large-scale modeling and simulation of interactions between comprehensive libraries of drugs/compounds and protein structures. In these pipelines, each drug is described by an interaction signature that is compared to all other signatures that are subsequently sorted and ranked based on similarity. Pipelines within the platform are benchmarked based on their ability to recover known drugs for all indications in our library, and predictions are generated based on the hypothesis that (novel) drugs with similar signatures may be repurposed for the same indication(s). The drug-protein interactions used to create the drug-proteome signatures may be determined by any screening or docking method, but the primary approach used thus far has been BANDOCK, our in-house bioanalytical or similarity docking protocol. In this study, we calculated drug-proteome interaction signatures using the publicly available molecular docking method Autodock Vina and created hybrid decision tree pipelines that combined our original bio- and chem-informatic approach with the goal of assessing and benchmarking their drug repurposing capabilities and performance. The hybrid decision tree pipeline outperformed the two docking-based pipelines from which it was synthesized, yielding an average indication accuracy of 13.3% at the top10 cutoff (the most stringent), relative to 10.9% and 7.1% for its constituent pipelines, and a random control accuracy of 2.2%. We demonstrate that docking-based virtual screening pipelines have unique performance characteristics and that the CANDO shotgun repurposing paradigm is not dependent on a specific docking method. Our results also provide further evidence that multiple CANDO pipelines can be synthesized to enhance drug repurposing predictive capability relative to their constituent pipelines. Overall, this study indicates that pipelines consisting of varied docking-based signature generation methods can capture unique and useful signals for accurate comparison of drug-proteome interaction signatures, leading to improvements in the benchmarking and predictive performance of the CANDO shotgun drug repurposing platform.
Published on April 28, 2021

Target Prediction Model for Natural Products Using Transfer Learning.

Authors: Qiang B, Lai J, Jin H, Zhang L, Liu Z

Abstract: A large proportion of lead compounds are derived from natural products. However, most natural products have not been fully tested for their targets. To help resolve this problem, a model using transfer learning was built to predict targets for natural products. The model was pre-trained on a processed ChEMBL dataset and then fine-tuned on a natural product dataset. Benefitting from transfer learning and the data balancing technique, the model achieved a highly promising area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC) score of 0.910, with limited task-related training samples. Since the embedding distribution difference is reduced, embedding space analysis demonstrates that the model's outputs of natural products are reliable. Case studies have proved our model's performance in drug datasets. The fine-tuned model can successfully output all the targets of 62 drugs. Compared with a previous study, our model achieved better results in terms of both AUROC validation and its success rate for obtaining active targets among the top ones. The target prediction model using transfer learning can be applied in the field of natural product-based drug discovery and has the potential to find more lead compounds or to assist researchers in drug repurposing.
Published on April 28, 2021

Computational Identification of Essential Enzymes as Potential Drug Targets in Shigella flexneri Pathogenesis Using Metabolic Pathway Analysis and Epitope Mapping.

Authors: Narad P, Himanshu, Bansal H

Abstract: Shigella flexneri is a facultative intracellular pathogen that causes bacillary dysentery in humans. Infection with S. flexneri can result in more than a million deaths yearly and most of the victims are children in developing countries. Therefore, identifying novel and unique drug targets against this pathogen is instrumental to overcome the problem of drug resistance to the antibiotics given to patients as the current therapy. In this study, a comparative analysis of the metabolic pathways of the host and pathogen was performed to identify this pathogen's essential enzymes for the survival and propose potential drug targets. First, we extracted the metabolic pathways of the host, Homo sapiens, and pathogen, S. flexneri, from the KEGG database. Next, we manually compared the pathways to categorize those that were exclusive to the pathogen. Further, all enzymes for the 26 unique pathways were extracted and submitted to the Geptop tool to identify essential enzymes for further screening in determining the feasibility of the therapeutic targets that were predicted and analyzed using PPI network analysis, subcellular localization, druggability testing, gene ontology and epitope mapping. Using these various criteria, we narrowed it down to prioritize 5 novel drug targets against S. flexneri and one vaccine drug targets against all strains of Shigella. Hence, we suggest the identified enzymes as the best putative drug targets for the effective treatment of S. flexneri.
Published on April 27, 2021

A computational approach to aid clinicians in selecting anti-viral drugs for COVID-19 trials.

Authors: Mongia A, Saha SK, Chouzenoux E, Majumdar A

Abstract: The year 2020 witnessed a heavy death toll due to COVID-19, calling for a global emergency. The continuous ongoing research and clinical trials paved the way for vaccines. But, the vaccine efficacy in the long run is still questionable due to the mutating coronavirus, which makes drug re-positioning a reasonable alternative. COVID-19 has hence fast-paced drug re-positioning for the treatment of COVID-19 and its symptoms. This work builds computational models using matrix completion techniques to predict drug-virus association for drug re-positioning. The aim is to assist clinicians with a tool for selecting prospective antiviral treatments. Since the virus is known to mutate fast, the tool is likely to help clinicians in selecting the right set of antivirals for the mutated isolate. The main contribution of this work is a manually curated database publicly shared, comprising of existing associations between viruses and their corresponding antivirals. The database gathers similarity information using the chemical structure of drugs and the genomic structure of viruses. Along with this database, we make available a set of state-of-the-art computational drug re-positioning tools based on matrix completion. The tools are first analysed on a standard set of experimental protocols for drug target interactions. The best performing ones are applied for the task of re-positioning antivirals for COVID-19. These tools select six drugs out of which four are currently under various stages of trial, namely Remdesivir (as a cure), Ribavarin (in combination with others for cure), Umifenovir (as a prophylactic and cure) and Sofosbuvir (as a cure). Another unanimous prediction is Tenofovir alafenamide, which is a novel Tenofovir prodrug developed in order to improve renal safety when compared to its original counterpart (older version) Tenofovir disoproxil. Both are under trail, the former as a cure and the latter as a prophylactic. These results establish that the computational methods are in sync with the state-of-practice. We also demonstrate how the drugs to be used against the virus would vary as SARS-Cov-2 mutates over time by predicting the drugs for the mutated strains, suggesting the importance of such a tool in drug prediction. We believe this work would open up possibilities for applying machine learning models to clinical research for drug-virus association prediction and other similar biological problems.
Published on April 27, 2021

Discovery of Novel CCR5 Ligands as Anticolorectal Cancer Agents by Sequential Virtual Screening.

Authors: El-Zohairy MA, Zlotos DP, Berger MR, Adwan HH, Mandour YM

Abstract: C-C chemokine receptor type 5 (CCR5) is a member of the G protein-coupled receptor. CCR5 and its interaction with chemokine ligands have been crucial for understanding and tackling human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1 entry into target cells. In recent years, the change in CCR5 expression has been related to the progression of different cancer types. Patients treated with the CCR5 ligand, maraviroc (MVC), showed a deceleration in tumor development especially for metastatic colorectal cancer. Based on the crystal structure of CCR5, we herein describe a multistage virtual screening protocol including pharmacophore screening, molecular docking, and protein-ligand interaction fingerprint (PLIF) postdocking filtration for discovery of novel CCR5 ligands. The applied virtual screening protocol led to the identification of four hits with binding modes showing access to the major and minor pockets of the MVC binding site. Compounds 2-4 showed a decrease in cellular proliferation upon testing on the metastatic colorectal cancer cell line, SW620, displaying 12, 16, and 4 times higher potency compared to MVC, respectively. Compound 3 induced apoptosis by arresting cells in the G0/G1 phase of the cell cycle similar to MVC. Further in vitro assays showed compound 3 drastically decreasing the CCR5 expression and cellular migration 48 h post treatment, indicating its ability to inhibit metastatic activity in SW620 cells. The discovered hits represent potential leads for the development of novel classes of anticolorectal cancer agents targeting CCR5.
Published on April 27, 2021

NHLBI-CMREF Workshop Report on Pulmonary Vascular Disease Classification: JACC State-of-the-Art Review.

Authors: Oldham WM, Hemnes AR, Aldred MA, Barnard J, Brittain EL, Chan SY, Cheng F, Cho MH, Desai AA, Garcia JGN, Geraci MW, Ghiassian SD, Hall KT, Horn EM, Jain M, Kelly RS, Leopold JA, Lindstrom S, Modena BD, Nichols WC, Rhodes CJ, Sun W, Sweatt AJ, Vanderpool RR, Wilkins MR, Wilmot B, Zamanian RT, Fessel JP, Aggarwal NR, Loscalzo J, Xiao L

Abstract: The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and the Cardiovascular Medical Research and Education Fund held a workshop on the application of pulmonary vascular disease omics data to the understanding, prevention, and treatment of pulmonary vascular disease. Experts in pulmonary vascular disease, omics, and data analytics met to identify knowledge gaps and formulate ideas for future research priorities in pulmonary vascular disease in line with National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Strategic Vision goals. The group identified opportunities to develop analytic approaches to multiomic datasets, to identify molecular pathways in pulmonary vascular disease pathobiology, and to link novel phenotypes to meaningful clinical outcomes. The committee suggested support for interdisciplinary research teams to develop and validate analytic methods, a national effort to coordinate biosamples and data, a consortium of preclinical investigators to expedite target evaluation and drug development, longitudinal assessment of molecular biomarkers in clinical trials, and a task force to develop a master clinical trials protocol for pulmonary vascular disease.
Published on April 27, 2021

A Novel Method to Predict Drug-Target Interactions Based on Large-Scale Graph Representation Learning.

Authors: Zhao BW, You ZH, Hu L, Guo ZH, Wang L, Chen ZH, Wong L

Abstract: Identification of drug-target interactions (DTIs) is a significant step in the drug discovery or repositioning process. Compared with the time-consuming and labor-intensive in vivo experimental methods, the computational models can provide high-quality DTI candidates in an instant. In this study, we propose a novel method called LGDTI to predict DTIs based on large-scale graph representation learning. LGDTI can capture the local and global structural information of the graph. Specifically, the first-order neighbor information of nodes can be aggregated by the graph convolutional network (GCN); on the other hand, the high-order neighbor information of nodes can be learned by the graph embedding method called DeepWalk. Finally, the two kinds of feature are fed into the random forest classifier to train and predict potential DTIs. The results show that our method obtained area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC) of 0.9455 and area under the precision-recall curve (AUPR) of 0.9491 under 5-fold cross-validation. Moreover, we compare the presented method with some existing state-of-the-art methods. These results imply that LGDTI can efficiently and robustly capture undiscovered DTIs. Moreover, the proposed model is expected to bring new inspiration and provide novel perspectives to relevant researchers.
Published on April 27, 2021

In Silico Exploration of the Potential Role of Acetaminophen and Pesticides in the Etiology of Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Authors: Furnary T, Garcia-Milian R, Liew Z, Whirledge S, Vasiliou V

Abstract: Recent epidemiological studies suggest that prenatal exposure to acetaminophen (APAP) is associated with increased risk of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), a neurodevelopmental disorder affecting 1 in 59 children in the US. Maternal and prenatal exposure to pesticides from food and environmental sources have also been implicated to affect fetal neurodevelopment. However, the underlying mechanisms for ASD are so far unknown, likely with complex and multifactorial etiology. The aim of this study was to explore the potential effects of APAP and pesticide exposure on development with regards to the etiology of ASD by highlighting common genes and biological pathways. Genes associated with APAP, pesticides, and ASD through human research were retrieved from molecular and biomedical literature databases. The interaction network of overlapping genetic associations was subjected to network topology analysis and functional annotation of the resulting clusters. These genes were over-represented in pathways and biological processes (FDR p < 0.05) related to apoptosis, metabolism of reactive oxygen species (ROS), and carbohydrate metabolism. Since these three biological processes are frequently implicated in ASD, our findings support the hypothesis that cell death processes and specific metabolic pathways, both of which appear to be targeted by APAP and pesticide exposure, may be involved in the etiology of ASD. This novel exposures-gene-disease database mining might inspire future work on understanding the biological underpinnings of various ASD risk factors.
Published on April 26, 2021

Bacteriophage therapy for inhibition of multi drug-resistant uropathogenic bacteria: a narrative review.

Authors: Chegini Z, Khoshbayan A, Vesal S, Moradabadi A, Hashemi A, Shariati A

Abstract: Multi-Drug Resistant (MDR) uropathogenic bacteria have increased in number in recent years and the development of new treatment options for the corresponding infections has become a major challenge in the field of medicine. In this respect, recent studies have proposed bacteriophage (phage) therapy as a potential alternative against MDR Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) because the resistance mechanism of phages differs from that of antibiotics and few side effects have been reported for them. Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Proteus mirabilis are the most common uropathogenic bacteria against which phage therapy has been used. Phages, in addition to lysing bacterial pathogens, can prevent the formation of biofilms. Besides, by inducing or producing polysaccharide depolymerase, phages can easily penetrate into deeper layers of the biofilm and degrade it. Notably, phage therapy has shown good results in inhibiting multiple-species biofilm and this may be an efficient weapon against catheter-associated UTI. However, the narrow range of hosts limits the use of phage therapy. Therefore, the use of phage cocktail and combination therapy can form a highly attractive strategy. However, despite the positive use of these treatments, various studies have reported phage-resistant strains, indicating that phage-host interactions are more complicated and need further research. Furthermore, these investigations are limited and further clinical trials are required to make this treatment widely available for human use. This review highlights phage therapy in the context of treating UTIs and the specific considerations for this application.