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Published in 2020

Potential Molecular Mechanisms of Chaihu-Shugan-San in Treatment of Breast Cancer Based on Network Pharmacology.

Authors: Xiao K, Li K, Long S, Kong C, Zhu S

Abstract: Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers endangering women's health all over the world. Traditional Chinese medicine is increasingly recognized as a possible complementary and alternative therapy for breast cancer. Chaihu-Shugan-San is a traditional Chinese medicine prescription, which is extensively used in clinical practice. Its therapeutic effect on breast cancer has attracted extensive attention, but its mechanism of action is still unclear. In this study, we explored the molecular mechanism of Chaihu-Shugan-San in the treatment of breast cancer by network pharmacology. The results showed that 157 active ingredients and 8074 potential drug targets were obtained in the TCMSP database according to the screening conditions. 2384 disease targets were collected in the TTD, OMIM, DrugBank, GeneCards disease database. We applied the Bisogenet plug-in in Cytoscape 3.7.1 to obtain 451 core targets. The biological process of gene ontology (GO) involves the mRNA catabolic process, RNA catabolic process, telomere organization, nucleobase-containing compound catabolic process, heterocycle catabolic process, and so on. In cellular component, cytosolic part, focal adhesion, cell-substrate adherens junction, and cell-substrate junction are highly correlated with breast cancer. In the molecular function category, most proteins were addressed to ubiquitin-like protein ligase binding, protein domain specific binding, and Nop56p-associated pre-rRNA complex. Besides, the results of the KEGG pathway analysis showed that the pathways mainly involved in apoptosis, cell cycle, transcriptional dysregulation, endocrine resistance, and viral infection. In conclusion, the treatment of breast cancer by Chaihu-Shugan-San is the result of multicomponent, multitarget, and multipathway interaction. This study provides a certain theoretical basis for the treatment of breast cancer by Chaihu-Shugan-San and has certain reference value for the development and application of new drugs.
Published in 2020

Identification of Growth Inhibitors of the Fish Pathogen Saprolegnia parasitica Using in silico Subtractive Proteomics, Computational Modeling, and Biochemical Validation.

Authors: Kumar S, Mandal RS, Bulone V, Srivastava V

Abstract: Many Stramenopile species belonging to oomycetes from the genus Saprolegnia infect fish, amphibians, and crustaceans in aquaculture farms and natural ecosystems. Saprolegnia parasitica is one of the most severe fish pathogens, responsible for high losses in the aquaculture industry worldwide. Most of the molecules reported to date for the control of Saprolegnia infections either are inefficient or have negative impacts on the health of the fish hosts or the environment resulting in substantial economic losses. Until now, the whole proteome of S. parasitica has not been explored for a systematic screening of novel inhibitors against the pathogen. The present study was designed to develop a consensus computational framework for the identification of potential target proteins and their inhibitors and subsequent experimental validation of selected compounds. Comparative analysis between the proteomes of Saprolegnia, humans and fish species identified proteins that are specific and essential for the survival of the pathogen. The DrugBank database was exploited to select food and drug administration (FDA)-approved inhibitors whose high binding affinity to their respective protein targets was confirmed by computational modeling. At least six of the identified compounds significantly inhibited the growth of S. parasitica in vitro. Triclosan was found to be most effective with a minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC100) of 4 mug/ml. Optical microscopy showed that the inhibitors affect the morphology of hyphal cells, with hyper-branching being commonly observed. The inhibitory effects of the compounds identified in this study on Saprolegnia's mycelial growth indicate that they are potentially usable for disease control against this class of oomycete pathogens. Similar approaches can be easily adopted for the identification of potential inhibitors against other plant and animal pathogenic oomycete infections.
Published in 2020

Potential Therapeutic Approaches to Alzheimer's Disease By Bioinformatics, Cheminformatics And Predicted Adme-Tox Tools.

Authors: Avram S, Mernea M, Limban C, Borcan F, Chifiriuc C

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is considered a severe, irreversible and progressive neurodegenerative disorder. Currently, the pharmacological management of AD is based on a few clinically approved acethylcholinesterase (AChE) and N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor ligands, with unclear molecular mechanisms and severe side effects. METHODS: Here, we reviewed the most recent bioinformatics, cheminformatics (SAR, drug design, molecular docking, friendly databases, ADME-Tox) and experimental data on relevant structurebiological activity relationships and molecular mechanisms of some natural and synthetic compounds with possible anti-AD effects (inhibitors of AChE, NMDA receptors, beta-secretase, amyloid beta (Abeta), redox metals) or acting on multiple AD targets at once. We considered: (i) in silico supported by experimental studies regarding the pharmacological potential of natural compounds as resveratrol, natural alkaloids, flavonoids isolated from various plants and donepezil, galantamine, rivastagmine and memantine derivatives, (ii) the most important pharmacokinetic descriptors of natural compounds in comparison with donepezil, memantine and galantamine. RESULTS: In silico and experimental methods applied to synthetic compounds led to the identification of new AChE inhibitors, NMDA antagonists, multipotent hybrids targeting different AD processes and metal-organic compounds acting as Abeta inhibitors. Natural compounds appear as multipotent agents, acting on several AD pathways: cholinesterases, NMDA receptors, secretases or Abeta, but their efficiency in vivo and their correct dosage should be determined. CONCLUSION: Bioinformatics, cheminformatics and ADME-Tox methods can be very helpful in the quest for an effective anti-AD treatment, allowing the identification of novel drugs, enhancing the druggability of molecular targets and providing a deeper understanding of AD pathological mechanisms.
Published in December 2020

Single-Cell Techniques and Deep Learning in Predicting Drug Response.

Authors: Wu Z, Lawrence PJ, Ma A, Zhu J, Xu D, Ma Q

Abstract: Rapidly developing single-cell sequencing analyses produce more comprehensive profiles of the genomic, transcriptomic, and epigenomic heterogeneity of tumor subpopulations than do traditional bulk sequencing analyses. Moreover, single-cell techniques allow the response of a tumor to drug exposure to be more thoroughlyinvestigated. Deep learning (DL) models have successfully extracted features from complex bulk sequence data to predict drug responses. We review recent innovations in single-cell technologies and DL-based approaches related to drug sensitivity predictions. We believe that, by using insights from bulk sequencedata, deep transfer learning (DTL) can facilitate the use of single-cell data for training superior DL-based drug prediction models.
Published in 2020

CovMulNet19, Integrating Proteins, Diseases, Drugs, and Symptoms: A Network Medicine Approach to COVID-19.

Authors: Verstraete N, Jurman G, Bertagnolli G, Ghavasieh A, Pancaldi V, De Domenico M

Abstract: Introduction: We introduce in this study CovMulNet19, a comprehensive COVID-19 network containing all available known interactions involving SARS-CoV-2 proteins, interacting-human proteins, diseases and symptoms that are related to these human proteins, and compounds that can potentially target them. Materials and Methods: Extensive network analysis methods, based on a bootstrap approach, allow us to prioritize a list of diseases that display a high similarity to COVID-19 and a list of drugs that could potentially be beneficial to treat patients. As a key feature of CovMulNet19, the inclusion of symptoms allows a deeper characterization of the disease pathology, representing a useful proxy for COVID-19-related molecular processes. Results: We recapitulate many of the known symptoms of the disease and we find the most similar diseases to COVID-19 reflect conditions that are risk factors in patients. In particular, the comparison between CovMulNet19 and randomized networks recovers many of the known associated comorbidities that are important risk factors for COVID-19 patients, through identified similarities with intestinal, hepatic, and neurological diseases as well as with respiratory conditions, in line with reported comorbidities. Conclusion: CovMulNet19 can be suitably used for network medicine analysis, as a valuable tool for exploring drug repurposing while accounting for the intervening multidimensional factors, from molecular interactions to symptoms.
Published in 2020

Clinical Perspective of FDA Approved Drugs With P-Glycoprotein Inhibition Activities for Potential Cancer Therapeutics.

Authors: Lai JI, Tseng YJ, Chen MH, Huang CF, Chang PM

Abstract: P-glycoprotein (also known as multidrug resistance protein 1 (MDR1) or ATP-binding cassette sub-family B member 1 (ABCB1) plays a crucial role in determining response against medications, including cancer therapeutics. It is now well established that p-glycoprotein acts as an ATP dependent pump that pumps out small molecules from cells. Ample evidence exist that show p-glycoprotein expression levels correlate with drug efficacy, which suggests the rationale for developing p-glycoprotein inhibitors for treatment against cancer. Preclinical and clinical studies have investigated this possibility, but mostly were limited by substantial toxicities. Repurposing FDA-approved drugs that have p-glycoprotein inhibition activities is therefore a potential alternative approach. In this review, we searched the Drugbank Database ( and identified 98 FDA-approved small molecules that possess p-glycoprotein inhibition properties. Focusing on the small molecules approved with indications against non-cancer diseases, we query the scientific literature for studies that specifically investigate these therapeutics as cancer treatment. In light of this analysis, potential development opportunities will then be thoroughly investigated for future efforts in repositioning of non-cancer p-glycoprotein inhibitors in single use or in combination therapy for clinical oncology treatment.
Published in December 2020

Drug2ways: Reasoning over causal paths in biological networks for drug discovery.

Authors: Rivas-Barragan D, Mubeen S, Guim Bernat F, Hofmann-Apitius M, Domingo-Fernandez D

Abstract: Elucidating the causal mechanisms responsible for disease can reveal potential therapeutic targets for pharmacological intervention and, accordingly, guide drug repositioning and discovery. In essence, the topology of a network can reveal the impact a drug candidate may have on a given biological state, leading the way for enhanced disease characterization and the design of advanced therapies. Network-based approaches, in particular, are highly suited for these purposes as they hold the capacity to identify the molecular mechanisms underlying disease. Here, we present drug2ways, a novel methodology that leverages multimodal causal networks for predicting drug candidates. Drug2ways implements an efficient algorithm which reasons over causal paths in large-scale biological networks to propose drug candidates for a given disease. We validate our approach using clinical trial information and demonstrate how drug2ways can be used for multiple applications to identify: i) single-target drug candidates, ii) candidates with polypharmacological properties that can optimize multiple targets, and iii) candidates for combination therapy. Finally, we make drug2ways available to the scientific community as a Python package that enables conducting these applications on multiple standard network formats.
Published in 2020

New Putative Antimicrobial Candidates: In silico Design of Fish-Derived Antibacterial Peptide-Motifs.

Authors: Okella H, Georrge JJ, Ochwo S, Ndekezi C, Koffi KT, Aber J, Ajayi CO, Fofana FG, Ikiriza H, Mtewa AG, Nkamwesiga J, Bassogog CBB, Kato CD, Ogwang PE

Abstract: Antimicrobial resistance remains a great threat to global health. In response to the World Health Organizations' global call for action, nature has been explored for novel and safe antimicrobial candidates. To date, fish have gained recognition as potential source of safe, broad spectrum and effective antimicrobial therapeutics. The use of computational methods to design antimicrobial candidates of industrial application has however, been lagging behind. To fill the gap and contribute to the current fish-derived antimicrobial peptide repertoire, this study used Support Vector Machines algorithm to fish out fish-antimicrobial peptide-motif candidates encrypted in 127 peptides submitted at the Antimicrobial Peptide Database (APD3), steered by their physico-chemical characteristics (i.e., positive net charge, hydrophobicity, stability, molecular weight and sequence length). The best two novel antimicrobial peptide-motifs (A15_B, A15_E) with the lowest instability index (-28.25, -22.49, respectively) and highest isoelectric point (pI) index (10.48 for each) were selected for further analysis. Their 3D structures were predicted using I-TASSER and PEP-FOLD servers while ProSA, PROCHECK, and ANOLEA were used to validate them. The models predicted by I-TASSER were found to be better than those predicted by PEP-FOLD upon validation. Two I-TASSER models with the lowest c-score of -0.10 and -0.30 for A15_B and A15_E peptide-motifs, respectively, were selected for docking against known bacterial-antimicrobial target-proteins retrieved from protein databank (PDB). Carbapenam-3-carboxylate synthase (PDB ID; 4oj8) yielded the lowest docking energy (-8.80 and -7.80 Kcal/mol) against motif A15_B and A15_E, respectively, using AutoDock VINA. Further, in addition to Carbapenam-3-carboxylate synthase, these peptides (A15_B and A15_E) were found to as well bind to membrane protein (PDB ID: 1by3) and Carbapenem synthetase (PDB: 1q15) when ClusPro and HPEPDOCK tools were used. The membrane protein yielded docking energy scores (DES): -290.094, -270.751; coefficient weight (CW): -763.6, 763.3 for A15_B and A15_E) whereas, Carbapenem synthetase (PDB: 1q15) had a DES of -236.802, -262.75 and a CW of -819.7, -829.7 for peptides A15_B and A15_E, respectively. Motif A15_B of amino acid positions 2-19 in Pleurocidin exhibited the strongest in silico antimicrobial potentials. This segment could be a good biological candidate of great application in pharmaceutical industries as an antimicrobial drug candidate.
Published in 2020

A Multi-Pronged Computational Pipeline for Prioritizing Drug Target Strategies for Latent Tuberculosis.

Authors: Banerjee U, Sankar S, Singh A, Chandra N

Abstract: Tuberculosis is one of the deadliest infectious diseases worldwide and the prevalence of latent tuberculosis acts as a huge roadblock in the global effort to eradicate tuberculosis. Most of the currently available anti-tubercular drugs act against the actively replicating form of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), and are not effective against the non-replicating dormant form present in latent tuberculosis. With about 30% of the global population harboring latent tuberculosis and the requirement for prolonged treatment duration with the available drugs in such cases, the rate of adherence and successful completion of therapy is low. This necessitates the discovery of new drugs effective against latent tuberculosis. In this work, we have employed a combination of bioinformatics and chemoinformatics approaches to identify potential targets and lead candidates against latent tuberculosis. Our pipeline adopts transcriptome-integrated metabolic flux analysis combined with an analysis of a transcriptome-integrated protein-protein interaction network to identify perturbations in dormant Mtb which leads to a shortlist of 6 potential drug targets. We perform a further selection of the candidate targets and identify potential leads for 3 targets using a range of bioinformatics methods including structural modeling, binding site association and ligand fingerprint similarities. Put together, we identify potential new strategies for targeting latent tuberculosis, new candidate drug targets as well as important lead clues for drug design.
Published in December 2020

A computational approach to predict multi-pathway drug-drug interactions: A case study of irinotecan, a colon cancer medication.

Authors: Assiri A, Noor A

Abstract: Drug-drug interactions (DDIs) are a potentially distressing corollary of drug interventions, and may result in discomfort, debilitating illness, or even death. Existing research predominantly considers only a single level of interaction; however, serious health complications may result from multi-pathway DDIs, and so new methods are needed to enable predicting and preventing complex DDIs. This article introduces a novel method for the prediction of DDIs at two pharmacological levels (metabolic and transporter interactions) by means of a rule-based model implemented with Semantic Web technologies. The chemotherapy agent irinotecan is used as a case study for demonstrating the validity of this approach. Mechanistic and interaction data were mined from available sources and then used to predict interactors of irinotecan, including potential DDIs mediated by previously unidentified mechanisms. The findings also draw attention to the profound variation between DDI resources, indicating that clinical practice would see significant value from the development of an evidence-based resource to support DDI identification.