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Published in April 2020

Network-based computational approach to identify genetic links between cardiomyopathy and its risk factors.

Authors: Haidar MN, Islam MB, Chowdhury UN, Rahman MR, Huq F, Quinn JMW, Moni MA

Abstract: Cardiomyopathy (CMP) is a group of myocardial diseases that progressively impair cardiac function. The mechanisms underlying CMP development are poorly understood, but lifestyle factors are clearly implicated as risk factors. This study aimed to identify molecular biomarkers involved in inflammatory CMP development and progression using a systems biology approach. The authors analysed microarray gene expression datasets from CMP and tissues affected by risk factors including smoking, ageing factors, high body fat, clinical depression status, insulin resistance, high dietary red meat intake, chronic alcohol consumption, obesity, high-calorie diet and high-fat diet. The authors identified differentially expressed genes (DEGs) from each dataset and compared those from CMP and risk factor datasets to identify common DEGs. Gene set enrichment analyses identified metabolic and signalling pathways, including MAPK, RAS signalling and cardiomyopathy pathways. Protein-protein interaction (PPI) network analysis identified protein subnetworks and ten hub proteins (CDK2, ATM, CDT1, NCOR2, HIST1H4A, HIST1H4B, HIST1H4C, HIST1H4D, HIST1H4E and HIST1H4L). Five transcription factors (FOXC1, GATA2, FOXL1, YY1, CREB1) and five miRNAs were also identified in CMP. Thus the authors' approach reveals candidate biomarkers that may enhance understanding of mechanisms underlying CMP and their link to risk factors. Such biomarkers may also be useful to develop new therapeutics for CMP.
Published in April 2020

iGMDR: Integrated Pharmacogenetic Resource Guide to Cancer Therapy and Research.

Authors: Chen X, Guo Y, Chen X

Abstract: Current pharmacogenetic studies have obtained many genetic models that can predict the therapeutic efficacy of anticancer drugs. Although some of these models are of crucial importance and have been used in clinical practice, these very valuable models have not been well adopted into cancer research to promote the development of cancer therapies due to the lack of integration and standards for the existing data of the pharmacogenetic studies. For this purpose, we built a resource investigating genetic model of drug response (iGMDR), which integrates the models from in vitro and in vivo pharmacogenetic studies with different omics data from a variety of technical systems. In this study, we introduced a standardized process for all integrations, and described how users can utilize these models to gain insights into cancer. iGMDR is freely accessible at
Published on April 29, 2020

Predicting potential adverse events using safety data from marketed drugs.

Authors: Daluwatte C, Schotland P, Strauss DG, Burkhart KK, Racz R

Abstract: BACKGROUND: While clinical trials are considered the gold standard for detecting adverse events, often these trials are not sufficiently powered to detect difficult to observe adverse events. We developed a preliminary approach to predict 135 adverse events using post-market safety data from marketed drugs. Adverse event information available from FDA product labels and scientific literature for drugs that have the same activity at one or more of the same targets, structural and target similarities, and the duration of post market experience were used as features for a classifier algorithm. The proposed method was studied using 54 drugs and a probabilistic approach of performance evaluation using bootstrapping with 10,000 iterations. RESULTS: Out of 135 adverse events, 53 had high probability of having high positive predictive value. Cross validation showed that 32% of the model-predicted safety label changes occurred within four to nine years of approval (median: six years). CONCLUSIONS: This approach predicts 53 serious adverse events with high positive predictive values where well-characterized target-event relationships exist. Adverse events with well-defined target-event associations were better predicted compared to adverse events that may be idiosyncratic or related to secondary target effects that were poorly captured. Further enhancement of this model with additional features, such as target prediction and drug binding data, may increase accuracy.
Published on April 28, 2020

Uncovering the mechanism of the effects of Paeoniae Radix Alba on iron-deficiency anaemia through a network pharmacology-based strategy.

Authors: Ye XW, Deng YL, Xia LT, Ren HM, Zhang JL

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Paeoniae Radix Alba, the root of the plant Paeonia lactiflora Pall, is a common blood-enriching drug in traditional Chinese medicine. Its effectiveness in the clinical treatment of anaemia is remarkable, but its potential pharmacologic mechanism has not been clarified. METHODS: In this study, the potential pharmacologic mechanism of Paeoniae Radix Alba in the treatment of iron-deficiency anaemia was preliminarily elucidated through systematic and comprehensive network pharmacology. RESULTS: Specifically, we obtained 15 candidate active ingredients from among 146 chemical components in Paeoniae Radix Alba. The ingredients were predicted to target 77 genes associated with iron-deficiency anaemia. In-depth analyses of these targets revealed that they were mostly associated with energy metabolism, cell proliferation, and stress responses, suggesting that Paeoniae Radix Alba helps alleviate iron-deficiency anaemia by affecting these processes. In addition, we conducted a core target analysis and a cluster analysis of protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks. The results showed that four pathways, the p53 signalling pathway, the IL-17 signalling pathway, the TNF signalling pathway and the AGE-RAGE signalling pathway in diabetic complications, may be major pathways associated with the ameliorative effects of Paeoniae Radix Alba on iron-deficiency anaemia. Moreover, molecular docking verified the credibility of the network for molecular target prediction. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, this study predicted the functional ingredients in Paeoniae Radix Alba and their targets and uncovered the mechanism of action of this drug, providing new insights for advanced research on Paeoniae Radix Alba and other traditional Chinese medicines.
Published on April 27, 2020

Gene-Wise Burden of Coding Variants Correlates to Noncoding Pharmacogenetic Risk Variants.

Authors: Park J, Lee SY, Baik SY, Park CH, Yoon JH, Ryu BY, Kim JH

Abstract: Genetic variability can modulate individual drug responses. A significant portion of pharmacogenetic variants reside in the noncoding genome yet it is unclear if the noncoding variants directly influence protein function and expression or are present on a haplotype including a functionally relevant genetic variation (synthetic association). Gene-wise variant burden (GVB) is a gene-level measure of deleteriousness, reflecting the cumulative effects of deleterious coding variants, predicted in silico. To test potential associations between noncoding and coding pharmacogenetic variants, we computed a drug-level GVB for 5099 drugs from DrugBank for 2504 genomes of the 1000 Genomes Project and evaluated the correlation between the long-known noncoding variant-drug associations in PharmGKB, with functionally relevant rare and common coding variants aggregated into GVBs. We obtained the area under the receiver operating characteristics curve (AUC) by comparing the drug-level GVB ranks against the corresponding pharmacogenetic variants-drug associations in PharmGKB. We obtained high overall AUCs (0.710 +/- 0.022-0.734 +/- 0.018) for six different methods (i.e., SIFT, MutationTaster, Polyphen-2 HVAR, Polyphen-2 HDIV, phyloP, and GERP(++)), and further improved the ethnicity-specific validations (0.759 +/- 0.066-0.791 +/- 0.078). These results suggest that a significant portion of the long-known noncoding variant-drug associations can be explained as synthetic associations with rare and common coding variants burden of the corresponding pharmacogenes.
Published on April 25, 2020

Mining Drug-Target Associations in Cancer: Analysis of Gene Expression and Drug Activity Correlations.

Authors: Arroyo MM, Berral-Gonzalez A, Bueno-Fortes S, Alonso-Lopez D, Rivas JL

Abstract: Cancer is a complex disease affecting millions of people worldwide, with over a hundred clinically approved drugs available. In order to improve therapy, treatment, and response, it is essential to draw better maps of the targets of cancer drugs and possible side interactors. This study presents a large-scale screening method to find associations of cancer drugs with human genes. The analysis is focused on the current collection of Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved drugs (which includes about one hundred chemicals). The approach integrates global gene-expression transcriptomic profiles with drug-activity profiles of a set of 60 human cell lines obtained for a collection of chemical compounds (small bioactive molecules). Using a standardized expression for each gene versus standardized activity for each drug, Pearson and Spearman correlations were calculated for all possible pairwise gene-drug combinations. These correlations were used to build a global bipartite network that includes 1007 gene-drug significant associations. The data are integrated into an open web-tool called GEDA (Gene Expression and Drug Activity) which includes a relational view of cancer drugs and genes, disclosing the putative indirect interactions found for FDA-approved drugs as well as the known targets of these drugs. The results also provide insight into the complex action of pharmaceuticals, presenting an alternative view to address predicted pleiotropic effects of the drugs.
Published on April 24, 2020

A Novel Combination of Vitamin C, Curcumin and Glycyrrhizic Acid Potentially Regulates Immune and Inflammatory Response Associated with Coronavirus Infections: A Perspective from System Biology Analysis.

Authors: Chen L, Hu C, Hood M, Zhang X, Zhang L, Kan J, Du J

Abstract: Novel coronaviruses (CoV) have emerged periodically around the world in recent years. The recurrent spreading of CoVs imposes an ongoing threat to global health and the economy. Since no specific therapy for these CoVs is available, any beneficial approach (including nutritional and dietary approach) is worth investigation. Based on recent advances in nutrients and phytonutrients research, a novel combination of vitamin C, curcumin and glycyrrhizic acid (VCG Plus) was developed that has potential against CoV infection. System biology tools were applied to explore the potential of VCG Plus in modulating targets and pathways relevant to immune and inflammation responses. Gene target acquisition, gene ontology and Kyoto encyclopedia of genes and genomes (KEGG) pathway enrichment were conducted consecutively along with network analysis. The results show that VCG Plus can act on 88 hub targets which are closely connected and associated with immune and inflammatory responses. Specifically, VCG Plus has the potential to regulate innate immune response by acting on NOD-like and Toll-like signaling pathways to promote interferons production, activate and balance T-cells, and regulate the inflammatory response by inhibiting PI3K/AKT, NF-kappaB and MAPK signaling pathways. All these biological processes and pathways have been well documented in CoV infections studies. Therefore, our findings suggest that VCG Plus may be helpful in regulating immune response to combat CoV infections and inhibit excessive inflammatory responses to prevent the onset of cytokine storm. However, further in vitro and in vivo experiments are warranted to validate the current findings with system biology tools. Our current approach provides a new strategy in predicting formulation rationale when developing new dietary supplements.
Published on April 24, 2020

Identification of therapeutics that target eEF1A2 and upregulate utrophin A translation in dystrophic muscles.

Authors: Peladeau C, Adam N, Bronicki LM, Coriati A, Thabet M, Al-Rewashdy H, Vanstone J, Mears A, Renaud JM, Holcik M, Jasmin BJ

Abstract: Up-regulation of utrophin in muscles represents a promising therapeutic strategy for the treatment of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. We previously demonstrated that eEF1A2 associates with the 5'UTR of utrophin A to promote IRES-dependent translation. Here, we examine whether eEF1A2 directly regulates utrophin A expression and identify via an ELISA-based high-throughput screen, FDA-approved drugs that upregulate both eEF1A2 and utrophin A. Our results show that transient overexpression of eEF1A2 in mouse muscles causes an increase in IRES-mediated translation of utrophin A. Through the assessment of our screen, we reveal 7 classes of FDA-approved drugs that increase eEF1A2 and utrophin A protein levels. Treatment of mdx mice with the 2 top leads results in multiple improvements of the dystrophic phenotype. Here, we report that IRES-mediated translation of utrophin A via eEF1A2 is a critical mechanism of regulating utrophin A expression and reveal the potential of repurposed drugs for treating DMD via this pathway.
Published on April 23, 2020

Dual graph convolutional neural network for predicting chemical networks.

Authors: Harada S, Akita H, Tsubaki M, Baba Y, Takigawa I, Yamanishi Y, Kashima H

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Predicting of chemical compounds is one of the fundamental tasks in bioinformatics and chemoinformatics, because it contributes to various applications in metabolic engineering and drug discovery. The recent rapid growth of the amount of available data has enabled applications of computational approaches such as statistical modeling and machine learning method. Both a set of chemical interactions and chemical compound structures are represented as graphs, and various graph-based approaches including graph convolutional neural networks have been successfully applied to chemical network prediction. However, there was no efficient method that can consider the two different types of graphs in an end-to-end manner. RESULTS: We give a new formulation of the chemical network prediction problem as a link prediction problem in a graph of graphs (GoG) which can represent the hierarchical structure consisting of compound graphs and an inter-compound graph. We propose a new graph convolutional neural network architecture called dual graph convolutional network that learns compound representations from both the compound graphs and the inter-compound network in an end-to-end manner. CONCLUSIONS: Experiments using four chemical networks with different sparsity levels and degree distributions shows that our dual graph convolution approach achieves high prediction performance in relatively dense networks, while the performance becomes inferior on extremely-sparse networks.
Published on April 22, 2020

A comparative chemogenic analysis for predicting Drug-Target Pair via Machine Learning Approaches.

Authors: Kaushik AC, Mehmood A, Dai X, Wei DQ

Abstract: A computational technique for predicting the DTIs has now turned out to be an indispensable job during the process of drug finding. It tapers the exploration room for interactions by propounding possible interaction contenders for authentication through experiments of wet-lab which are known for their expensiveness and time consumption. Chemogenomics, an emerging research area focused on the systematic examination of the biological impact of a broad series of minute molecular-weighting ligands on a broad raiment of macromolecular target spots. Additionally, with the advancement in time, the complexity of the algorithms is increasing which may result in the entry of big data technologies like Spark in this field soon. In the presented work, we intend to offer an inclusive idea and realistic evaluation of the computational Drug Target Interaction projection approaches, to perform as a guide and reference for researchers who are carrying out work in a similar direction. Precisely, we first explain the data utilized in computational Drug Target Interaction prediction attempts like this. We then sort and explain the best and most modern techniques for the prediction of DTIs. Then, a realistic assessment is executed to show the projection performance of several illustrative approaches in various situations. Ultimately, we underline possible opportunities for additional improvement of Drug Target Interaction projection enactment and also linked study objectives.