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Published on January 22, 2020

A Multi-Omics Interpretable Machine Learning Model Reveals Modes of Action of Small Molecules.

Authors: Patel-Murray NL, Adam M, Huynh N, Wassie BT, Milani P, Fraenkel E

Abstract: High-throughput screening and gene signature analyses frequently identify lead therapeutic compounds with unknown modes of action (MoAs), and the resulting uncertainties can lead to the failure of clinical trials. We developed an approach for uncovering MoAs through an interpretable machine learning model of transcriptomics, epigenomics, metabolomics, and proteomics. Examining compounds with beneficial effects in models of Huntington's Disease, we found common MoAs for compounds with unrelated structures, connectivity scores, and binding targets. The approach also predicted highly divergent MoAs for two FDA-approved antihistamines. We experimentally validated these effects, demonstrating that one antihistamine activates autophagy, while the other targets bioenergetics. The use of multiple omics was essential, as some MoAs were virtually undetectable in specific assays. Our approach does not require reference compounds or large databases of experimental data in related systems and thus can be applied to the study of agents with uncharacterized MoAs and to rare or understudied diseases.
Published on January 14, 2020

Combined network pharmacology and virtual reverse pharmacology approaches for identification of potential targets to treat vascular dementia.

Authors: Lagunin AA, Ivanov SM, Gloriozova TA, Pogodin PV, Filimonov DA, Kumar S, Goel RK

Abstract: Dementia is a major cause of disability and dependency among older people. If the lives of people with dementia are to be improved, research and its translation into druggable target are crucial. Ancient systems of healthcare (Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani and Sowa-Rigpa) have been used from centuries for the treatment vascular diseases and dementia. This traditional knowledge can be transformed into novel targets through robust interplay of network pharmacology (NetP) with reverse pharmacology (RevP), without ignoring cutting edge biomedical data. This work demonstrates interaction between recent and traditional data, and aimed at selection of most promising targets for guiding wet lab validations. PROTEOME, DisGeNE, DISEASES and DrugBank databases were used for selection of genes associated with pathogenesis and treatment of vascular dementia (VaD). The selection of new potential drug targets was made by methods of NetP (DIAMOnD algorithm, enrichment analysis of KEGG pathways and biological processes of Gene Ontology) and manual expert analysis. The structures of 1976 phytomolecules from the 573 Indian medicinal plants traditionally used for the treatment of dementia and vascular diseases were used for computational estimation of their interactions with new predicted VaD-related drug targets by RevP approach based on PASS (Prediction of Activity Spectra for Substances) software. We found 147 known genes associated with vascular dementia based on the analysis of the databases with gene-disease associations. Six hundred novel targets were selected by NetP methods based on 147 gene associations. The analysis of the predicted interactions between 1976 phytomolecules and 600 NetP predicted targets leaded to the selection of 10 potential drug targets for the treatment of VaD. The translational value of these targets is discussed herewith. Twenty four drugs interacting with 10 selected targets were identified from DrugBank. These drugs have not been yet studied for the treatment of VaD and may be investigated in this field for their repositioning. The relation between inhibition of two selected targets (GSK-3, PTP1B) and the treatment of VaD was confirmed by the experimental studies on animals and reported separately in our recent publications.
Published on January 13, 2020

Development and Challenges of Antimicrobial Peptides for Therapeutic Applications.

Authors: Chen CH, Lu TK

Abstract: More than 3000 antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) have been discovered, seven of which have been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Now commercialized, these seven peptides have mostly been utilized for topical medications, though some have been injected into the body to treat severe bacterial infections. To understand the translational potential for AMPs, we analyzed FDA-approved drugs in the FDA drug database. We examined their physicochemical properties, secondary structures, and mechanisms of action, and compared them with the peptides in the AMP database. All FDA-approved AMPs were discovered in Gram-positive soil bacteria, and 98% of known AMPs also come from natural sources (skin secretions of frogs and toxins from different species). However, AMPs can have undesirable properties as drugs, including instability and toxicity. Thus, the design and construction of effective AMPs require an understanding of the mechanisms of known peptides and their effects on the human body. This review provides an overview to guide the development of AMPs that can potentially be used as antimicrobial drugs.
Published on January 13, 2020

Target identification among known drugs by deep learning from heterogeneous networks.

Authors: Zeng X, Zhu S, Lu W, Liu Z, Huang J, Zhou Y, Fang J, Huang Y, Guo H, Li L, Trapp BD, Nussinov R, Eng C, Loscalzo J, Cheng F

Abstract: Without foreknowledge of the complete drug target information, development of promising and affordable approaches for effective treatment of human diseases is challenging. Here, we develop deepDTnet, a deep learning methodology for new target identification and drug repurposing in a heterogeneous drug-gene-disease network embedding 15 types of chemical, genomic, phenotypic, and cellular network profiles. Trained on 732 U.S. Food and Drug Administration-approved small molecule drugs, deepDTnet shows high accuracy (the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve = 0.963) in identifying novel molecular targets for known drugs, outperforming previously published state-of-the-art methodologies. We then experimentally validate that deepDTnet-predicted topotecan (an approved topoisomerase inhibitor) is a new, direct inhibitor (IC50 = 0.43 muM) of human retinoic-acid-receptor-related orphan receptor-gamma t (ROR-gammat). Furthermore, by specifically targeting ROR-gammat, topotecan reveals a potential therapeutic effect in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis. In summary, deepDTnet offers a powerful network-based deep learning methodology for target identification to accelerate drug repurposing and minimize the translational gap in drug development.
Published on January 10, 2020

Construction of asthma related competing endogenous RNA network revealed novel long non-coding RNAs and potential new drugs.

Authors: Liao Y, Li P, Wang Y, Chen H, Ning S, Su D

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Asthma is a heterogeneous disease characterized by chronic airway inflammation. Long non-coding RNA can act as competing endogenous RNA to mRNA, and play significant role in many diseases. However, there is little known about the profiles of long non-coding RNA and the long non-coding RNA related competing endogenous RNA network in asthma. In current study, we aimed to explore the long non-coding RNA-microRNA-mRNA competing endogenous RNA network in asthma and their potential implications for therapy and prognosis. METHODS: Asthma-related gene expression profiles were downloaded from the Gene Expression Omnibus database, re-annotated with these genes and identified for asthma-associated differentially expressed mRNAs and long non-coding RNAs. The long non-coding RNA-miRNA interaction data and mRNA-miRNA interaction data were downloaded using the starBase database to construct a long non-coding RNA-miRNA-mRNA global competing endogenous RNA network and extract asthma-related differentially expressed competing endogenous RNA network. Finally, functional enrichment analysis and drug repositioning of asthma-associated differentially expressed competing endogenous RNA networks were performed to further identify key long non-coding RNAs and potential therapeutics associated with asthma. RESULTS: This study constructed an asthma-associated competing endogenous RNA network, determined 5 key long non-coding RNAs (MALAT1, MIR17HG, CASC2, MAGI2-AS3, DAPK1-IT1) and identified 8 potential new drugs (Tamoxifen, Ruxolitinib, Tretinoin, Quercetin, Dasatinib, Levocarnitine, Niflumic Acid, Glyburide). CONCLUSIONS: The results suggested that long non-coding RNA played an important role in asthma, and these novel long non-coding RNAs could be potential therapeutic target and prognostic biomarkers. At the same time, potential new drugs for asthma treatment have been discovered through drug repositioning techniques, providing a new direction for the treatment of asthma.
Published on January 10, 2020

In silico analysis of alternative splicing on drug-target gene interactions.

Authors: Ji Y, Mishra RK, Davuluri RV

Abstract: Identifying and evaluating the right target are the most important factors in early drug discovery phase. Most studies focus on one protein ignoring the multiple splice-variant or protein-isoforms, which might contribute to unexpected therapeutic activity or adverse side effects. Here, we present computational analysis of cancer drug-target interactions affected by alternative splicing. By integrating information from publicly available databases, we curated 883 FDA approved or investigational stage small molecule cancer drugs that target 1,434 different genes, with an average of 5.22 protein isoforms per gene. Of these, 618 genes have >/=5 annotated protein-isoforms. By analyzing the interactions with binding pocket information, we found that 76% of drugs either miss a potential target isoform or target other isoforms with varied expression in multiple normal tissues. We present sequence and structure level alignments at isoform-level and make this information publicly available for all the curated drugs. Structure-level analysis showed ligand binding pocket architectures differences in size, shape and electrostatic parameters between isoforms. Our results emphasize how potentially important isoform-level interactions could be missed by solely focusing on the canonical isoform, and suggest that on- and off-target effects at isoform-level should be investigated to enhance the productivity of drug-discovery research.
Published on January 9, 2020

Uncovering the Pharmacological Mechanism of Stemazole in the Treatment of Neurodegenerative Diseases Based on a Network Pharmacology Approach.

Authors: Zhang J, Li H, Zhang Y, Zhao C, Zhu Y, Han M

Abstract: Stemazole exerts potent pharmacological effects against neurodegenerative diseases and protective effects in stem cells. However, on the basis of the current understanding, the molecular mechanisms underlying the effects of stemazole in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease have not been fully elucidated. In this study, a network pharmacology-based strategy integrating target prediction, network construction, gene ontology (GO) and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathway enrichment analyses, and molecular docking was adopted to predict the targets of stemazole relevant to the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases and to further explore the involved pharmacological mechanisms. The majority of the predicted targets were highly involved in the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathway. RAC-alpha serine/threonine-protein kinase (AKT1), caspase-3 (CASP3), caspase-8 (CASP8), mitogen-activated protein kinase 8 (MAPK8), and mitogen-activated protein kinase 14 (MAPK14) are the core targets regulated by stemazole and play a central role in its anti-apoptosis effects. This work provides a scientific basis for further elucidating the mechanism underlying the effects of stemazole in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases.
Published on January 8, 2020

Pathway Commons 2019 Update: integration, analysis and exploration of pathway data.

Authors: Rodchenkov I, Babur O, Luna A, Aksoy BA, Wong JV, Fong D, Franz M, Siper MC, Cheung M, Wrana M, Mistry H, Mosier L, Dlin J, Wen Q, O'Callaghan C, Li W, Elder G, Smith PT, Dallago C, Cerami E, Gross B, Dogrusoz U, Demir E, Bader GD, Sander C

Abstract: Pathway Commons ( is an integrated resource of publicly available information about biological pathways including biochemical reactions, assembly of biomolecular complexes, transport and catalysis events and physical interactions involving proteins, DNA, RNA, and small molecules (e.g. metabolites and drug compounds). Data is collected from multiple providers in standard formats, including the Biological Pathway Exchange (BioPAX) language and the Proteomics Standards Initiative Molecular Interactions format, and then integrated. Pathway Commons provides biologists with (i) tools to search this comprehensive resource, (ii) a download site offering integrated bulk sets of pathway data (e.g. tables of interactions and gene sets), (iii) reusable software libraries for working with pathway information in several programming languages (Java, R, Python and Javascript) and (iv) a web service for programmatically querying the entire dataset. Visualization of pathways is supported using the Systems Biological Graphical Notation (SBGN). Pathway Commons currently contains data from 22 databases with 4794 detailed human biochemical processes (i.e. pathways) and approximately 2.3 million interactions. To enhance the usability of this large resource for end-users, we develop and maintain interactive web applications and training materials that enable pathway exploration and advanced analysis.
Published on January 8, 2020

CARD 2020: antibiotic resistome surveillance with the comprehensive antibiotic resistance database.

Authors: Alcock BP, Raphenya AR, Lau TTY, Tsang KK, Bouchard M, Edalatmand A, Huynh W, Nguyen AV, Cheng AA, Liu S, Min SY, Miroshnichenko A, Tran HK, Werfalli RE, Nasir JA, Oloni M, Speicher DJ, Florescu A, Singh B, Faltyn M, Hernandez-Koutoucheva A, Sharma AN, Bordeleau E, Pawlowski AC, Zubyk HL, Dooley D, Griffiths E, Maguire F, Winsor GL, Beiko RG, Brinkman FSL, Hsiao WWL, Domselaar GV, McArthur AG

Abstract: The Comprehensive Antibiotic Resistance Database (CARD; is a curated resource providing reference DNA and protein sequences, detection models and bioinformatics tools on the molecular basis of bacterial antimicrobial resistance (AMR). CARD focuses on providing high-quality reference data and molecular sequences within a controlled vocabulary, the Antibiotic Resistance Ontology (ARO), designed by the CARD biocuration team to integrate with software development efforts for resistome analysis and prediction, such as CARD's Resistance Gene Identifier (RGI) software. Since 2017, CARD has expanded through extensive curation of reference sequences, revision of the ontological structure, curation of over 500 new AMR detection models, development of a new classification paradigm and expansion of analytical tools. Most notably, a new Resistomes & Variants module provides analysis and statistical summary of in silico predicted resistance variants from 82 pathogens and over 100 000 genomes. By adding these resistance variants to CARD, we are able to summarize predicted resistance using the information included in CARD, identify trends in AMR mobility and determine previously undescribed and novel resistance variants. Here, we describe updates and recent expansions to CARD and its biocuration process, including new resources for community biocuration of AMR molecular reference data.
Published on January 8, 2020

ExonSkipDB: functional annotation of exon skipping event in human.

Authors: Kim P, Yang M, Yiya K, Zhao W, Zhou X

Abstract: Exon skipping (ES) is reported to be the most common alternative splicing event due to loss of functional domains/sites or shifting of the open reading frame (ORF), leading to a variety of human diseases and considered therapeutic targets. To date, systematic and intensive annotations of ES events based on the skipped exon units in cancer and normal tissues are not available. Here, we built ExonSkipDB, the ES annotation database available at, aiming to provide a resource and reference for functional annotation of ES events in multiple cancer and tissues to identify therapeutically targetable genes in individual exon units. We collected 14 272 genes that have 90 616 and 89 845 ES events across 33 cancer types and 31 normal tissues from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) and Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx). For the ES events, we performed multiple functional annotations. These include ORF assignment of exon skipped transcript, studies of lost protein functional features due to ES events, and studies of exon skipping events associated with mutations and methylations based on multi-omics evidence. ExonSkipDB will be a unique resource for cancer and drug research communities to identify therapeutically targetable exon skipping events.