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Published on September 6, 2019

Genetic Interaction-Based Biomarkers Identification for Drug Resistance and Sensitivity in Cancer Cells.

Authors: Han Y, Wang C, Dong Q, Chen T, Yang F, Liu Y, Chen B, Zhao Z, Qi L, Zhao W, Liang H, Guo Z, Gu Y

Abstract: Cancer cells generally harbor hundreds of alterations in the cancer genomes and act as crucial factors in the development and progression of cancer. Gene alterations in the cancer genome form genetic interactions, which affect the response of patients to drugs. We developed an algorithm that mines copy number alteration and whole-exome mutation profiles from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA), as well as functional screen data generated to identify potential genetic interactions for specific cancer types. As a result, 4,529 synthetic viability (SV) interactions and 10,637 synthetic lethality (SL) interactions were detected. The pharmacogenomic datasets revealed that SV interactions induced drug resistance in cancer cells and that SL interactions mediated drug sensitivity in cancer cells. Deletions of HDAC1 and DVL1, both of which participate in the Notch signaling pathway, had an SV effect in cancer cells, and deletion of DVL1 induced resistance to HDAC1 inhibitors in cancer cells. In addition, patients with low expression of both HDAC1 and DVL1 had poor prognosis. Finally, by integrating current reported genetic interactions from other studies, the Cancer Genetic Interaction database (CGIdb) ( was constructed, providing a convenient retrieval for genetic interactions in cancer.
Published on September 4, 2019

Molecular Docking: Shifting Paradigms in Drug Discovery.

Authors: Pinzi L, Rastelli G

Abstract: Molecular docking is an established in silico structure-based method widely used in drug discovery. Docking enables the identification of novel compounds of therapeutic interest, predicting ligand-target interactions at a molecular level, or delineating structure-activity relationships (SAR), without knowing a priori the chemical structure of other target modulators. Although it was originally developed to help understanding the mechanisms of molecular recognition between small and large molecules, uses and applications of docking in drug discovery have heavily changed over the last years. In this review, we describe how molecular docking was firstly applied to assist in drug discovery tasks. Then, we illustrate newer and emergent uses and applications of docking, including prediction of adverse effects, polypharmacology, drug repurposing, and target fishing and profiling, discussing also future applications and further potential of this technique when combined with emergent techniques, such as artificial intelligence.
Published on September 3, 2019

Potentially repurposable drugs for schizophrenia identified from its interactome.

Authors: Karunakaran KB, Chaparala S, Ganapathiraju MK

Abstract: We previously presented the protein-protein interaction network of schizophrenia associated genes, and from it, the drug-protein interactome which showed the drugs that target any of the proteins in the interactome. Here, we studied these drugs further to identify whether any of them may potentially be repurposable for schizophrenia. In schizophrenia, gene expression has been described as a measurable aspect of the disease reflecting the action of risk genes. We studied each of the drugs from the interactome using the BaseSpace Correlation Engine, and shortlisted those that had a negative correlation with differential gene expression of schizophrenia. This analysis resulted in 12 drugs whose differential gene expression (drug versus normal) had an anti-correlation with differential expression for schizophrenia (disorder versus normal). Some of these drugs were already being tested for their clinical activity in schizophrenia and other neuropsychiatric disorders. Several proteins in the protein interactome of the targets of several of these drugs were associated with various neuropsychiatric disorders. The network of genes with opposite drug-induced versus schizophrenia-associated expression profiles were significantly enriched in pathways relevant to schizophrenia etiology and GWAS genes associated with traits or diseases that had a pathophysiological overlap with schizophrenia. Drugs that targeted the same genes as the shortlisted drugs, have also demonstrated clinical activity in schizophrenia and other related disorders. This integrated computational analysis will help translate insights from the schizophrenia drug-protein interactome to clinical research - an important step, especially in the field of psychiatric drug development which faces a high failure rate.
Published on September 2, 2019

Computational Drug Repurposing Algorithm Targeting TRPA1 Calcium Channel as a Potential Therapeutic Solution for Multiple Sclerosis.

Authors: Mihai DP, Nitulescu GM, Ion GND, Ciotu CI, Chirita C, Negres S

Abstract: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic autoimmune disease affecting the central nervous system (CNS) through neurodegeneration and demyelination, leading to physical/cognitive disability and neurological defects. A viable target for treating MS appears to be the Transient Receptor Potential Ankyrin 1 (TRPA1) calcium channel, whose inhibition has been shown to have beneficial effects on neuroglial cells and protect against demyelination. Using computational drug discovery and data mining methods, we performed an in silico screening study combining chemical graph mining, quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) modeling, and molecular docking techniques in a global prediction model in order to identify repurposable drugs as potent TRPA1 antagonists that may serve as potential treatments for MS patients. After screening the DrugBank database with the combined generated algorithm, 903 repurposable structures were selected, with 97 displaying satisfactory inhibition probabilities and pharmacokinetics. Among the top 10 most probable inhibitors of TRPA1 with good blood brain barrier (BBB) permeability, desvenlafaxine, paliperidone, and febuxostat emerged as the most promising repurposable agents for treating MS. Molecular docking studies indicated that desvenlafaxine, paliperidone, and febuxostat are likely to induce allosteric TRPA1 channel inhibition. Future in vitro and in vivo studies are needed to confirm the biological activity of the selected hit molecules.
Published on September 1, 2019

Large-scale analysis of human gene expression variability associates highly variable drug targets with lower drug effectiveness and safety.

Authors: Simonovsky E, Schuster R, Yeger-Lotem E

Abstract: MOTIVATION: The effectiveness of drugs tends to vary between patients. One of the well-known reasons for this phenomenon is genetic polymorphisms in drug target genes among patients. Here, we propose that differences in expression levels of drug target genes across individuals can also contribute to this phenomenon. RESULTS: To explore this hypothesis, we analyzed the expression variability of protein-coding genes, and particularly drug target genes, across individuals. For this, we developed a novel variability measure, termed local coefficient of variation (LCV), which ranks the expression variability of each gene relative to genes with similar expression levels. Unlike commonly used methods, LCV neutralizes expression levels biases without imposing any distribution over the variation and is robust to data incompleteness. Application of LCV to RNA-sequencing profiles of 19 human tissues and to target genes of 1076 approved drugs revealed that drug target genes were significantly more variable than protein-coding genes. Analysis of 113 drugs with available effectiveness scores showed that drugs targeting highly variable genes tended to be less effective in the population. Furthermore, comparison of approved drugs to drugs that were withdrawn from the market showed that withdrawn drugs targeted significantly more variable genes than approved drugs. Last, upon analyzing gender differences we found that the variability of drug target genes was similar between men and women. Altogether, our results suggest that expression variability of drug target genes could contribute to the variable responsiveness and effectiveness of drugs, and is worth considering during drug treatment and development. AVAILABILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION: LCV is available as a python script in GitHub ( SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.
Published on September 1, 2019

Pyrimidine biosynthesis in pathogens - Structures and analysis of dihydroorotases from Yersinia pestis and Vibrio cholerae.

Authors: Lipowska J, Miks CD, Kwon K, Shuvalova L, Zheng H, Lewinski K, Cooper DR, Shabalin IG, Minor W

Abstract: The de novo pyrimidine biosynthesis pathway is essential for the proliferation of many pathogens. One of the pathway enzymes, dihydroorotase (DHO), catalyzes the reversible interconversion of N-carbamoyl-l-aspartate to 4,5-dihydroorotate. The substantial difference between bacterial and mammalian DHOs makes it a promising drug target for disrupting bacterial growth and thus an important candidate to evaluate as a response to antimicrobial resistance on a molecular level. Here, we present two novel three-dimensional structures of DHOs from Yersinia pestis (YpDHO), the plague-causing pathogen, and Vibrio cholerae (VcDHO), the causative agent of cholera. The evaluations of these two structures led to an analysis of all available DHO structures and their classification into known DHO types. Comparison of all the DHO active sites containing ligands that are listed in DrugBank was facilitated by a new interactive, structure-comparison and presentation platform. In addition, we examined the genetic context of characterized DHOs, which revealed characteristic patterns for different types of DHOs. We also generated a homology model for DHO from Plasmodium falciparum.
Published in August 2019

Novel natural and synthetic inhibitors of solute carriers SGLT1 and SGLT2.

Authors: Oranje P, Gouka R, Burggraaff L, Vermeer M, Chalet C, Duchateau G, van der Pijl P, Geldof M, de Roo N, Clauwaert F, Vanpaeschen T, Nicolai J, de Bruyn T, Annaert P, IJzerman AP, van Westen GJP

Abstract: Selective analogs of the natural glycoside phloridzin are marketed drugs that reduce hyperglycemia in diabetes by inhibiting the active sodium glucose cotransporter SGLT2 in the kidneys. In addition, intestinal SGLT1 is now recognized as a target for glycemic control. To expand available type 2 diabetes remedies, we aimed to find novel SGLT1 inhibitors beyond the chemical space of glycosides. We screened a bioactive compound library for SGLT1 inhibitors and tested primary hits and additional structurally similar molecules on SGLT1 and SGLT2 (SGLT1/2). Novel SGLT1/2 inhibitors were discovered in separate chemical clusters of natural and synthetic compounds. These have IC50-values in the 10-100 mumol/L range. The most potent identified novel inhibitors from different chemical clusters are (SGLT1-IC50 Mean +/- SD, SGLT2-IC50 Mean +/- SD): (+)-pteryxin (12 +/- 2 mumol/L, 9 +/- 4 mumol/L), (+)-epsilon-viniferin (58 +/- 18 mumol/L, 110 mumol/L), quinidine (62 mumol/L, 56 mumol/L), cloperastine (9 +/- 3 mumol/L, 9 +/- 7 mumol/L), bepridil (10 +/- 5 mumol/L, 14 +/- 12 mumol/L), trihexyphenidyl (12 +/- 1 mumol/L, 20 +/- 13 mumol/L) and bupivacaine (23 +/- 14 mumol/L, 43 +/- 29 mumol/L). The discovered natural inhibitors may be further investigated as new potential (prophylactic) agents for controlling dietary glucose uptake. The new diverse structure activity data can provide a starting point for the optimization of novel SGLT1/2 inhibitors and support the development of virtual SGLT1/2 inhibitor screening models.
Published in August 2019

In silico comparative molecular docking analysis and analysis of the anti-inflammatory mechanisms of action of tanshinone from Salvia miltiorrhiza.

Authors: Ruan Z, Niu L, Han L, Ren R, Xu Z, Dong W, Jiang L

Abstract: Tanshinones are a class of abietane diterpene compounds extracted from Salvia miltiorrhiza, and have been used for medical purposes in traditional Chinese medicinal practices. This herb has been used in the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), breast cancer and inflammatory disorders. This study examined the anti-inflammatory properties of tanshinones. In addition, lipid-soluble compounds which were specific to Tanshinone class were also highlighted, out of which two compounds, dihydrotanshinone I and cryptotanshinone were selected with the aim of creating a new research perspective in order to further elucidate the mechanisms of the pathogenesis of inflammatory diseases. Moreover, interaction analyses were carried out successfully to determine the interactions formed between both dihdrotanshinone I and cryptotanshinone, and target proteins. The bioactivity properties and various other pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic analyses discerned that crytptotanshinone was more effective dihydrotanshinone and more 'drug-like' than its counterpart. It was found to have a better solubility and permeability, and thus has potential for use as an anti-inflammatory agent.
Published in August 2019

Public data sources to support systems toxicology applications.

Authors: Davis AP, Wiegers J, Wiegers TC, Mattingly CJ

Abstract: Public databases provide a wealth of freely available information about chemicals, genes, proteins, biological networks, phenotypes, diseases, and exposure science that can be integrated to construct pathways for systems toxicology applications. Relating this disparate information from public repositories, however, can be challenging since databases use a variety of ways to represent, describe, and make available their content. The use of standard vocabularies to annotate key data concepts, however, allows the information to be more easily exchanged and combined for discovery of new findings. We explore some of the many public data sources currently available to support systems toxicology, and demonstrate the value of standardizing data to help construct chemical-induced outcome pathways.
Published in August 2019

Insights into Computational Drug Repurposing for Neurodegenerative Disease.

Authors: Paranjpe MD, Taubes A, Sirota M

Abstract: Computational drug repurposing has the ability to remarkably reduce drug development time and cost in an era where these factors are prohibitively high. Several examples of successful repurposed drugs exist in fields such as oncology, diabetes, leprosy, inflammatory bowel disease, among others, however computational drug repurposing in neurodegenerative disease has presented several unique challenges stemming from the lack of validation methods and difficulty in studying heterogenous diseases of aging. Here, we examine existing approaches to computational drug repurposing, including molecular, clinical, and biophysical methods, and propose data sources and methods to advance computational drug repurposing in neurodegenerative disease using Alzheimer's disease as an example.