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Published in 2015

Network-based gene prediction for Plasmodium falciparum malaria towards genetics-based drug discovery.

Authors: Chen Y, Xu R

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Malaria is the most deadly parasitic infectious disease. Existing drug treatments have limited efficacy in malaria elimination, and the complex pathogenesis of the disease is not fully understood. Detecting novel malaria-associated genes not only contributes in revealing the disease pathogenesis, but also facilitates discovering new targets for anti-malaria drugs. METHODS: In this study, we developed a network-based approach to predict malaria-associated genes. We constructed a cross-species network to integrate human-human, parasite-parasite and human-parasite protein interactions. Then we extended the random walk algorithm on this network, and used known malaria genes as the seeds to find novel candidate genes for malaria. RESULTS: We validated our algorithms using 77 known malaria genes: 14 human genes and 63 parasite genes were ranked averagely within top 2% and top 4%, respectively among human and parasite genomes. We also evaluated our method for predicting novel malaria genes using a set of 27 genes with literature supporting evidence. Our approach ranked 12 genes within top 1% and 24 genes within top 5%. In addition, we demonstrated that top-ranked candied genes were enriched for drug targets, and identified commonalities underlying top-ranked malaria genes through pathway analysis. In summary, the candidate malaria-associated genes predicted by our data-driven approach have the potential to guide genetics-based anti-malaria drug discovery.
Published in 2015

ChemDIS: a chemical-disease inference system based on chemical-protein interactions.

Authors: Tung CW

Abstract: BACKGROUND: The characterization of toxicities associated with environmental and industrial chemicals is required for risk assessment. However, we lack the toxicological data for a large portion of chemicals due to the high cost of experiments for a huge number of chemicals. The development of computational methods for identifying potential risks associated with chemicals is desirable for generating testable hypothesis to accelerate the hazard identification process. RESULTS: A chemical-disease inference system named ChemDIS was developed to facilitate hazard identification for chemicals. The chemical-protein interactions from a large database STITCH and protein-disease relationship from disease ontology and disease ontology lite were utilized for chemical-protein-disease inferences. Tools with user-friendly interfaces for enrichment analysis of functions, pathways and diseases were implemented and integrated into ChemDIS. An analysis on maleic acid and sibutramine showed that ChemDIS could be a useful tool for the identification of potential functions, pathways and diseases affected by poorly characterized chemicals. CONCLUSIONS: ChemDIS is an integrated chemical-disease inference system for poorly characterized chemicals with potentially affected functions and pathways for experimental validation. ChemDIS server is freely accessible at
Published in 2015

Context-based resolution of semantic conflicts in biological pathways.

Authors: Yoon S, Jung J, Yu H, Kwon M, Choo S, Park K, Jang D, Kim S, Lee D

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Interactions between biological entities such as genes, proteins and metabolites, so called pathways, are key features to understand molecular mechanisms of life. As pathway information is being accumulated rapidly through various knowledge resources, there are growing interests in maintaining the integrity of the heterogeneous databases. METHODS: Here, we defined conflict as a status where two contradictory pieces of evidence (i.e. 'A increases B' and 'A decreases B') coexist in a same pathway. This conflict damages unity so that inference of simulation on the integrated pathway network might be unreliable. We defined rule and rule group. A rule consists of interaction of two entities, meta-relation (increase or decrease), and contexts terms about tissue specificity or environmental conditions. The rules, which have the same interaction, are grouped into a rule group. If the rules don't have a unanimous meta-relation, the rule group and the rules are judged as being conflicting. RESULTS: This analysis revealed that almost 20% of known interactions suffer from conflicting information and conflicting information occurred much more frequently in the literature than the public database. CONCLUSIONS: By identifying and resolving the conflicts, we expect that pathway databases can be cleaned and used for better secondary analyses such as gene/protein annotation, network dynamics and qualitative/quantitative simulation.
Published in 2015

Herb Network Analysis for a Famous TCM Doctor's Prescriptions on Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Authors: Li Y, Li R, Ouyang Z, Li S

Abstract: Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) doctors always prescribe various herbal formulae tailored to individual patients. However, there is still a lack of appropriate methods to study the rule and potential biological basis underlying the numerous prescriptions. Here we developed an Herb-Compound-Target-Disease coherent network approach to analyze 871 herbal prescriptions from a TCM master, Mr. Ji-Ren Li, in his clinical practice on treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The core herb networks were extracted from Mr. Li's prescriptions. Then, we predicted target profiles of compounds in core herb networks and calculated potential synergistic activities among them. We further found that the target sets of core herbs overlapped significantly with the RA related biological processes and pathways. Moreover, we detected a possible connection between the prescribed herbs with different properties such as Cold and Hot and the Western drugs with different actions such as immunomodulatory and hormone regulation on treatment of RA. In summary, we explored a new application of TCM network pharmacology on the analysis of TCM prescriptions and detected the networked core herbs, their potential synergistic and biological activities, and possible connections with drugs. This work offers a novel way to understand TCM prescriptions in clinical practice.
Published in 2015

HDACiDB: a database for histone deacetylase inhibitors.

Authors: Murugan K, Sangeetha S, Ranjitha S, Vimala A, Al-Sohaibani S, Rameshkumar G

Abstract: An histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor database (HDACiDB) was constructed to enable rapid access to data relevant to the development of epigenetic modulators (HDAC inhibitors [HDACi]), helping bring precision cancer medicine a step closer. Thousands of HDACi targeting HDACs are in various stages of development and are being tested in clinical trials as monotherapy and in combination with other cancer agents. Despite the abundance of HDACi, information resources are limited. Tools for in silico experiments on specific HDACi prediction, for designing and analyzing the generated data, as well as custom-made specific tools and interactive databases, are needed. We have developed an HDACiDB that is a composite collection of HDACi and currently comprises 1,445 chemical compounds, including 419 natural and 1,026 synthetic ones having the potential to inhibit histone deacetylation. Most importantly, it will allow application of Lipinski's rule of five drug-likeness and other physicochemical property-based screening of the inhibitors. It also provides easy access to information on their source of origin, molecular properties, drug likeness, as well as bioavailability with relevant references cited. Being the first comprehensive database on HDACi that contains all known natural and synthetic HDACi, the HDACiDB may help to improve our knowledge concerning the mechanisms of actions of available HDACi and enable us to selectively target individual HDAC isoforms and establish a new paradigm for intelligent epigenetic cancer drug design. The database is freely available on the
Published in 2015

Concept Modeling-based Drug Repositioning.

Authors: Patchala J, Jegga AG

Abstract: Our hypothesis is that drugs and diseases sharing similar biomedical and genomic concepts are likely to be related, and thus repositioning opportunities can be identified by ranking drugs based on the incidence of shared similar concepts with diseases and vice versa. To test this, we constructed a probabilistic topic model based on the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) concepts that appear in the disease and drug related abstracts in MEDLINE. The resulting probabilistic topic associations were used to measure the similarity between disease and drugs. The success of the proposed model is evaluated using a set of repositioned drugs, and comparing a drug's ranking based on its similarity to the original and new indication. We then applied the model to rare disorders and compared them to all approved drugs to facilitate "systematically serendipitous" discovery of relationships between rare diseases and existing drugs, some of which could be potential repositioning candidates.
Published in 2015

A comparative study of disease genes and drug targets in the human protein interactome.

Authors: Sun J, Zhu K, Zheng W, Xu H

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Disease genes cause or contribute genetically to the development of the most complex diseases. Drugs are the major approaches to treat the complex disease through interacting with their targets. Thus, drug targets are critical for treatment efficacy. However, the interrelationship between the disease genes and drug targets is not clear. RESULTS: In this study, we comprehensively compared the network properties of disease genes and drug targets for five major disease categories (cancer, cardiovascular disease, immune system disease, metabolic disease, and nervous system disease). We first collected disease genes from genome-wide association studies (GWAS) for five disease categories and collected their corresponding drugs based on drugs' Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classification. Then, we obtained the drug targets for these five different disease categories. We found that, though the intersections between disease genes and drug targets were small, disease genes were significantly enriched in targets compared to their enrichment in human protein-coding genes. We further compared network properties of the proteins encoded by disease genes and drug targets in human protein-protein interaction networks (interactome). The results showed that the drug targets tended to have higher degree, higher betweenness, and lower clustering coefficient in cancer Furthermore, we observed a clear fraction increase of disease proteins or drug targets in the near neighborhood compared with the randomized genes. CONCLUSIONS: The study presents the first comprehensive comparison of the disease genes and drug targets in the context of interactome. The results provide some foundational network characteristics for further designing computational strategies to predict novel drug targets and drug repurposing.
Published in 2015

A multi-label approach to target prediction taking ligand promiscuity into account.

Authors: Afzal AM, Mussa HY, Turner RE, Bender A, Glen RC

Abstract: BACKGROUND: According to Cobanoglu et al., it is now widely acknowledged that the single target paradigm (one protein/target, one disease, one drug) that has been the dominant premise in drug development in the recent past is untenable. More often than not, a drug-like compound (ligand) can be promiscuous - it can interact with more than one target protein. In recent years, in in silico target prediction methods the promiscuity issue has generally been approached computationally in three main ways: ligand-based methods; target-protein-based methods; and integrative schemes. In this study we confine attention to ligand-based target prediction machine learning approaches, commonly referred to as target-fishing. The target-fishing approaches that are currently ubiquitous in cheminformatics literature can be essentially viewed as single-label multi-classification schemes; these approaches inherently bank on the single target paradigm assumption that a ligand can zero in on one single target. In order to address the ligand promiscuity issue, one might be able to cast target-fishing as a multi-label multi-class classification problem. For illustrative and comparison purposes, single-label and multi-label Naive Bayes classification models (denoted here by SMM and MMM, respectively) for target-fishing were implemented. The models were constructed and tested on 65,587 compounds/ligands and 308 targets retrieved from the ChEMBL17 database. RESULTS: On classifying 3,332 test multi-label (promiscuous) compounds, SMM and MMM performed differently. At the 0.05 significance level, a Wilcoxon signed rank test performed on the paired target predictions yielded by SMM and MMM for the test ligands gave a p-value < 5.1 x 10(-94) and test statistics value of 6.8 x 10(5), in favour of MMM. The two models performed differently when tested on four datasets comprising single-label (non-promiscuous) compounds; McNemar's test yielded chi (2) values of 15.657, 16.500 and 16.405 (with corresponding p-values of 7.594 x 10(-05), 4.865 x 10(-05) and 5.115 x 10(-05)), respectively, for three test sets, in favour of MMM. The models performed similarly on the fourth set. CONCLUSIONS: The target prediction results obtained in this study indicate that multi-label multi-class approaches are more apt than the ubiquitous single-label multi-class schemes when it comes to the application of ligand-based classifiers to target-fishing.
Published in 2015

Antihypertensive drugs metabolism: an update to pharmacokinetic profiles and computational approaches.

Authors: Zisaki A, Miskovic L, Hatzimanikatis V

Abstract: Drug discovery and development is a high-risk enterprise that requires significant investments in capital, time and scientific expertise. The studies of xenobiotic metabolism remain as one of the main topics in the research and development of drugs, cosmetics and nutritional supplements. Antihypertensive drugs are used for the treatment of high blood pressure, which is one the most frequent symptoms of the patients that undergo cardiovascular diseases such as myocardial infraction and strokes. In current cardiovascular disease pharmacology, four drug clusters - Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors, Beta-Blockers, Calcium Channel Blockers and Diuretics - cover the major therapeutic characteristics of the most antihypertensive drugs. The pharmacokinetic and specifically the metabolic profile of the antihypertensive agents are intensively studied because of the broad inter-individual variability on plasma concentrations and the diversity on the efficacy response especially due to the P450 dependent metabolic status they present. Several computational methods have been developed with the aim to: (i) model and better understand the human drug metabolism; and (ii) enhance the experimental investigation of the metabolism of small xenobiotic molecules. The main predictive tools these methods employ are rule-based approaches, quantitative structure metabolism/activity relationships and docking approaches. This review paper provides detailed metabolic profiles of the major clusters of antihypertensive agents, including their metabolites and their metabolizing enzymes, and it also provides specific information concerning the computational approaches that have been used to predict the metabolic profile of several antihypertensive drugs.
Published in 2015

LENS: web-based lens for enrichment and network studies of human proteins.

Authors: Handen A, Ganapathiraju MK

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Network analysis is a common approach for the study of genetic view of diseases and biological pathways. Typically, when a set of genes are identified to be of interest in relation to a disease, say through a genome wide association study (GWAS) or a different gene expression study, these genes are typically analyzed in the context of their protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks. Further analysis is carried out to compute the enrichment of known pathways and disease-associations in the network. Having tools for such analysis at the fingertips of biologists without the requirement for computer programming or curation of data would accelerate the characterization of genes of interest. Currently available tools do not integrate network and enrichment analysis and their visualizations, and most of them present results in formats not most conducive to human cognition. RESULTS: We developed the tool Lens for Enrichment and Network Studies of human proteins (LENS) that performs network and pathway and diseases enrichment analyses on genes of interest to users. The tool creates a visualization of the network, provides easy to read statistics on network connectivity, and displays Venn diagrams with statistical significance values of the network's association with drugs, diseases, pathways, and GWASs. We used the tool to analyze gene sets related to craniofacial development, autism, and schizophrenia. CONCLUSION: LENS is a web-based tool that does not require and download or plugins to use. The tool is free and does not require login for use, and is available at