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Published in 2015

Potential Compounds for Oral Cancer Treatment: Resveratrol, Nimbolide, Lovastatin, Bortezomib, Vorinostat, Berberine, Pterostilbene, Deguelin, Andrographolide, and Colchicine.

Authors: Bundela S, Sharma A, Bisen PS

Abstract: Oral cancer is one of the main causes of cancer-related deaths in South-Asian countries. There are very limited treatment options available for oral cancer. Research endeavors focused on discovery and development of novel therapies for oral cancer, is necessary to control the ever rising oral cancer related mortalities. We mined the large pool of compounds from the publicly available compound databases, to identify potential therapeutic compounds for oral cancer. Over 84 million compounds were screened for the possible anti-cancer activity by custom build SVM classifier. The molecular targets of the predicted anti-cancer compounds were mined from reliable sources like experimental bioassays studies associated with the compound, and from protein-compound interaction databases. Therapeutic compounds from DrugBank, and a list of natural anti-cancer compounds derived from literature mining of published studies, were used for building partial least squares regression model. The regression model thus built, was used for the estimation of oral cancer specific weights based on the molecular targets. These weights were used to compute scores for screening the predicted anti-cancer compounds for their potential to treat oral cancer. The list of potential compounds was annotated with corresponding physicochemical properties, cancer specific bioactivity evidences, and literature evidences. In all, 288 compounds with the potential to treat oral cancer were identified in the current study. The majority of the compounds in this list are natural products, which are well-tolerated and have minimal side-effects compared to the synthetic counterparts. Some of the potential therapeutic compounds identified in the current study are resveratrol, nimbolide, lovastatin, bortezomib, vorinostat, berberine, pterostilbene, deguelin, andrographolide, and colchicine.
Published in 2015

Extraction of pharmacokinetic evidence of drug-drug interactions from the literature.

Authors: Kolchinsky A, Lourenco A, Wu HY, Li L, Rocha LM

Abstract: Drug-drug interaction (DDI) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality and a subject of intense scientific interest. Biomedical literature mining can aid DDI research by extracting evidence for large numbers of potential interactions from published literature and clinical databases. Though DDI is investigated in domains ranging in scale from intracellular biochemistry to human populations, literature mining has not been used to extract specific types of experimental evidence, which are reported differently for distinct experimental goals. We focus on pharmacokinetic evidence for DDI, essential for identifying causal mechanisms of putative interactions and as input for further pharmacological and pharmacoepidemiology investigations. We used manually curated corpora of PubMed abstracts and annotated sentences to evaluate the efficacy of literature mining on two tasks: first, identifying PubMed abstracts containing pharmacokinetic evidence of DDIs; second, extracting sentences containing such evidence from abstracts. We implemented a text mining pipeline and evaluated it using several linear classifiers and a variety of feature transforms. The most important textual features in the abstract and sentence classification tasks were analyzed. We also investigated the performance benefits of using features derived from PubMed metadata fields, various publicly available named entity recognizers, and pharmacokinetic dictionaries. Several classifiers performed very well in distinguishing relevant and irrelevant abstracts (reaching F1 approximately 0.93, MCC approximately 0.74, iAUC approximately 0.99) and sentences (F1 approximately 0.76, MCC approximately 0.65, iAUC approximately 0.83). We found that word bigram features were important for achieving optimal classifier performance and that features derived from Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) terms significantly improved abstract classification. We also found that some drug-related named entity recognition tools and dictionaries led to slight but significant improvements, especially in classification of evidence sentences. Based on our thorough analysis of classifiers and feature transforms and the high classification performance achieved, we demonstrate that literature mining can aid DDI discovery by supporting automatic extraction of specific types of experimental evidence.
Published in 2015

The apparent permeabilities of Caco-2 cells to marketed drugs: magnitude, and independence from both biophysical properties and endogenite similarities.

Authors: O'Hagan S, Kell DB

Abstract: We bring together fifteen, nonredundant, tabulated collections (amounting to 696 separate measurements) of the apparent permeability (P app) of Caco-2 cells to marketed drugs. While in some cases there are some significant interlaboratory disparities, most are quite minor. Most drugs are not especially permeable through Caco-2 cells, with the median P app value being some 16 10(-6) cm s(-1). This value is considerably lower than those (1,310 and 230 10(-6) cm s(-1)) recently used in some simulations that purported to show that P app values were too great to be transporter-mediated only. While these values are outliers, all values, and especially the comparatively low values normally observed, are entirely consistent with transporter-only mediated uptake, with no need to invoke phospholipid bilayer diffusion. The apparent permeability of Caco-2 cells to marketed drugs is poorly correlated with either simple biophysical properties, the extent of molecular similarity to endogenous metabolites (endogenites), or any specific substructural properties. In particular, the octanol:water partition coefficient, logP, shows negligible correlation with Caco-2 permeability. The data are best explained on the basis that most drugs enter (and exit) Caco-2 cells via a multiplicity of transporters of comparatively weak specificity.
Published in 2015

PharmDB-K: Integrated Bio-Pharmacological Network Database for Traditional Korean Medicine.

Authors: Lee JH, Park KM, Han DJ, Bang NY, Kim DH, Na H, Lim S, Kim TB, Kim DG, Kim HJ, Chung Y, Sung SH, Surh YJ, Kim S, Han BW

Abstract: Despite the growing attention given to Traditional Medicine (TM) worldwide, there is no well-known, publicly available, integrated bio-pharmacological Traditional Korean Medicine (TKM) database for researchers in drug discovery. In this study, we have constructed PharmDB-K, which offers comprehensive information relating to TKM-associated drugs (compound), disease indication, and protein relationships. To explore the underlying molecular interaction of TKM, we integrated fourteen different databases, six Pharmacopoeias, and literature, and established a massive bio-pharmacological network for TKM and experimentally validated some cases predicted from the PharmDB-K analyses. Currently, PharmDB-K contains information about 262 TKMs, 7,815 drugs, 3,721 diseases, 32,373 proteins, and 1,887 side effects. One of the unique sets of information in PharmDB-K includes 400 indicator compounds used for standardization of herbal medicine. Furthermore, we are operating PharmDB-K via phExplorer (a network visualization software) and BioMart (a data federation framework) for convenient search and analysis of the TKM network. Database URL:,
Published in December 2015

A Flow Cytometric Clonogenic Assay Reveals the Single-Cell Potency of Doxorubicin.

Authors: Maass KF, Kulkarni C, Quadir MA, Hammond PT, Betts AM, Wittrup KD

Abstract: Standard cell proliferation assays use bulk media drug concentration to ascertain the potency of chemotherapeutic drugs; however, the relevant quantity is clearly the amount of drug actually taken up by the cell. To address this discrepancy, we have developed a flow cytometric clonogenic assay to correlate the amount of drug in a single cell with the cell's ability to proliferate using a cell tracing dye and doxorubicin, a naturally fluorescent chemotherapeutic drug. By varying doxorubicin concentration in the media, length of treatment time, and treatment with verapamil, an efflux pump inhibitor, we introduced 10(5) -10(10) doxorubicin molecules per cell; then used a dye-dilution assay to simultaneously assess the number of cell divisions. We find that a cell's ability to proliferate is a surprisingly conserved function of the number of intracellular doxorubicin molecules, resulting in single-cell IC50 values of 4-12 million intracellular doxorubicin molecules. The developed assay is a straightforward method for understanding a drug's single-cell potency and can be used for any fluorescent or fluorescently labeled drug, including nanoparticles or antibody-drug conjugates.
Published in 2015

Metrabase: a cheminformatics and bioinformatics database for small molecule transporter data analysis and (Q)SAR modeling.

Authors: Mak L, Marcus D, Howlett A, Yarova G, Duchateau G, Klaffke W, Bender A, Glen RC

Abstract: ABSTRACT: Both metabolism and transport are key elements defining the bioavailability and biological activity of molecules, i.e. their adverse and therapeutic effects. Structured and high quality experimental data stored in a suitable container, such as a relational database, facilitates easy computational processing and thus allows for high quality information/knowledge to be efficiently inferred by computational analyses. Our aim was to create a freely accessible database that would provide easy access to data describing interactions between proteins involved in transport and xenobiotic metabolism and their small molecule substrates and modulators. We present Metrabase, an integrated cheminformatics and bioinformatics resource containing curated data related to human transport and metabolism of chemical compounds. Its primary content includes over 11,500 interaction records involving nearly 3,500 small molecule substrates and modulators of transport proteins and, currently to a much smaller extent, cytochrome P450 enzymes. Data was manually extracted from the published literature and supplemented with data integrated from other available resources. Metrabase version 1.0 is freely available under a CC BY-SA 4.0 license at
Published in 2015

Mechanistic analysis elucidating the relationship between Lys96 mutation in Mycobacterium tuberculosis pyrazinamidase enzyme and pyrazinamide susceptibility.

Authors: Vats C, Dhanjal J, Goyal S, Gupta A, Bharadvaja N, Grover A

Published in 2015

Prediction of Druggable Proteins Using Machine Learning and Systems Biology: A Mini-Review.

Authors: Kandoi G, Acencio ML, Lemke N

Abstract: The emergence of -omics technologies has allowed the collection of vast amounts of data on biological systems. Although, the pace of such collection has been exponential, the impact of these data remains small on many critical biomedical applications such as drug development. Limited resources, high costs, and low hit-to-lead ratio have led researchers to search for more cost effective methodologies. A possible alternative is to incorporate computational methods of potential drug target prediction early during drug discovery workflow. Computational methods based on systems approaches have the advantage of taking into account the global properties of a molecule not limited to its sequence, structure or function. Machine learning techniques are powerful tools that can extract relevant information from massive and noisy data sets. In recent years the scientific community has explored the combined power of these fields to propose increasingly accurate and low cost methods to propose interesting drug targets. In this mini-review, we describe promising approaches based on the simultaneous use of systems biology and machine learning to access gene and protein druggability. Moreover, we discuss the state-of-the-art of this emerging and interdisciplinary field, discussing data sources, algorithms and the performance of the different methodologies. Finally, we indicate interesting avenues of research and some remaining open challenges.
Published in 2015

A reliable computational workflow for the selection of optimal screening libraries.

Authors: Gilad Y, Nadassy K, Senderowitz H

Abstract: BACKGROUND: The experimental screening of compound collections is a common starting point in many drug discovery projects. Successes of such screening campaigns critically depend on the quality of the screened library. Many libraries are currently available from different vendors yet the selection of the optimal screening library for a specific project is challenging. We have devised a novel workflow for the rational selection of project-specific screening libraries. RESULTS: The workflow accepts as input a set of virtual candidate libraries and applies the following steps to each library: (1) data curation; (2) assessment of ADME/T profile; (3) assessment of the number of promiscuous binders/frequent HTS hitters; (4) assessment of internal diversity; (5) assessment of similarity to known active compound(s) (optional); (6) assessment of similarity to in-house or otherwise accessible compound collections (optional). For ADME/T profiling, Lipinski's and Veber's rule-based filters were implemented and a new blood brain barrier permeation model was developed and validated (85 and 74 % success rate for training set and test set, respectively). Diversity and similarity descriptors which demonstrated best performances in terms of their ability to select either diverse or focused sets of compounds from three databases (Drug Bank, CMC and CHEMBL) were identified and used for diversity and similarity assessments. The workflow was used to analyze nine common screening libraries available from six vendors. The results of this analysis are reported for each library providing an assessment of its quality. Furthermore, a consensus approach was developed to combine the results of these analyses into a single score for selecting the optimal library under different scenarios. CONCLUSIONS: We have devised and tested a new workflow for the rational selection of screening libraries under different scenarios. The current workflow was implemented using the Pipeline Pilot software yet due to the usage of generic components, it can be easily adapted and reproduced by computational groups interested in rational selection of screening libraries. Furthermore, the workflow could be readily modified to include additional components. This workflow has been routinely used in our laboratory for the selection of libraries in multiple projects and consistently selects libraries which are well balanced across multiple parameters.Graphical abstract.
Published in 2015

The Chemical Validation and Standardization Platform (CVSP): large-scale automated validation of chemical structure datasets.

Authors: Karapetyan K, Batchelor C, Sharpe D, Tkachenko V, Williams AJ

Abstract: BACKGROUND: There are presently hundreds of online databases hosting millions of chemical compounds and associated data. As a result of the number of cheminformatics software tools that can be used to produce the data, subtle differences between the various cheminformatics platforms, as well as the naivety of the software users, there are a myriad of issues that can exist with chemical structure representations online. In order to help facilitate validation and standardization of chemical structure datasets from various sources we have delivered a freely available internet-based platform to the community for the processing of chemical compound datasets. RESULTS: The chemical validation and standardization platform (CVSP) both validates and standardizes chemical structure representations according to sets of systematic rules. The chemical validation algorithms detect issues with submitted molecular representations using pre-defined or user-defined dictionary-based molecular patterns that are chemically suspicious or potentially requiring manual review. Each identified issue is assigned one of three levels of severity - Information, Warning, and Error - in order to conveniently inform the user of the need to browse and review subsets of their data. The validation process includes validation of atoms and bonds (e.g., making aware of query atoms and bonds), valences, and stereo. The standard form of submission of collections of data, the SDF file, allows the user to map the data fields to predefined CVSP fields for the purpose of cross-validating associated SMILES and InChIs with the connection tables contained within the SDF file. This platform has been applied to the analysis of a large number of data sets prepared for deposition to our ChemSpider database and in preparation of data for the Open PHACTS project. In this work we review the results of the automated validation of the DrugBank dataset, a popular drug and drug target database utilized by the community, and ChEMBL 17 data set. CVSP web site is located at CONCLUSION: A platform for the validation and standardization of chemical structure representations of various formats has been developed and made available to the community to assist and encourage the processing of chemical structure files to produce more homogeneous compound representations for exchange and interchange between online databases. While the CVSP platform is designed with flexibility inherent to the rules that can be used for processing the data we have produced a recommended rule set based on our own experiences with the large data sets such as DrugBank, ChEMBL, and data sets from ChemSpider.