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Published on January 28, 2015

Systems pharmacology dissection of the anti-inflammatory mechanism for the medicinal herb Folium eriobotryae.

Authors: Zhang J, Li Y, Chen SS, Zhang L, Wang J, Yang Y, Zhang S, Pan Y, Wang Y, Yang L

Abstract: Inflammation is a hallmark of many diseases like diabetes, cancers, atherosclerosis and arthritis. Thus, lots of concerns have been raised toward developing novel anti-inflammatory agents. Many alternative herbal medicines possess excellent anti-inflammatory properties, yet their precise mechanisms of action are yet to be elucidated. Here, a novel systems pharmacology approach based on a large number of chemical, biological and pharmacological data was developed and exemplified by a probe herb Folium Eriobotryae, a widely used clinical anti-inflammatory botanic drug. The results show that 11 ingredients of this herb with favorable pharmacokinetic properties are predicted as active compounds for anti-inflammatory treatment. In addition, via systematic network analyses, their targets are identified to be 43 inflammation-associated proteins including especially COX2, ALOX5, PPARG, TNF and RELA that are mainly involved in the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathway, the rheumatoid arthritis pathway and NF-kappaB signaling pathway. All these demonstrate that the integrated systems pharmacology method provides not only an effective tool to illustrate the anti-inflammatory mechanisms of herbs, but also a new systems-based approach for drug discovery from, but not limited to, herbs, especially when combined with further experimental validations.
Published on January 13, 2015

Recent Advances on Small-Molecule Survivin Inhibitors

Authors: Xiao M, Li W

Abstract: Survivin, a member of the inhibitor of apoptosisproteins family, is highly expressed in most human neoplasms, but its expression is very low or undetectable in terminally differentiated normal tissues. Survivin has been shown to inhibit cancer cell apoptosis and promote cell proliferation. The overexpression of survivin closely correlates with tumor progression and drug resistance. Because of its key role in tumor formation and maintenance, survivin is considered as an ideal target for anticancer treatment. However, the development of small-molecule survivin inhibitors has been challenging due to the requirement to disrupt the protein-protein interactions. Currently only a limited number of survivin inhibitors have been developed in recent years, and most of these inhibitors reduce survivin levels by interacting with other biomolecules instead of directly interacting with survivin protein. Despite these challenges, developing potent and selective small-molecule survivin inhibitors will be important in both basic science to better understand survivin biology and in translational research to develop potentially more effective, broad-spectrum anticancer agents. In this review, the functions of survivin and its role in cancer are summarized. Recent developments, challenges, and future direction of small-molecule survivin inhibitors are also discussed in detail.
Published on January 2, 2015

Mitochondrial targets for pharmacological intervention in human disease.

Authors: Malty RH, Jessulat M, Jin K, Musso G, Vlasblom J, Phanse S, Zhang Z, Babu M

Abstract: Over the past several years, mitochondrial dysfunction has been linked to an increasing number of human illnesses, making mitochondrial proteins (MPs) an ever more appealing target for therapeutic intervention. With 20% of the mitochondrial proteome (312 of an estimated 1500 MPs) having known interactions with small molecules, MPs appear to be highly targetable. Yet, despite these targeted proteins functioning in a range of biological processes (including induction of apoptosis, calcium homeostasis, and metabolism), very few of the compounds targeting MPs find clinical use. Recent work has greatly expanded the number of proteins known to localize to the mitochondria and has generated a considerable increase in MP 3D structures available in public databases, allowing experimental screening and in silico prediction of mitochondrial drug targets on an unprecedented scale. Here, we summarize the current literature on clinically active drugs that target MPs, with a focus on how existing drug targets are distributed across biochemical pathways and organelle substructures. Also, we examine current strategies for mitochondrial drug discovery, focusing on genetic, proteomic, and chemogenomic assays, and relevant model systems. As cell models and screening techniques improve, MPs appear poised to emerge as relevant targets for a wide range of complex human diseases, an eventuality that can be expedited through systematic analysis of MP function.
Published on January 1, 2015

BalestraWeb: efficient online evaluation of drug-target interactions.

Authors: Cobanoglu MC, Oltvai ZN, Taylor DL, Bahar I

Abstract: SUMMARY: BalestraWeb is an online server that allows users to instantly make predictions about the potential occurrence of interactions between any given drug-target pair, or predict the most likely interaction partners of any drug or target listed in the DrugBank. It also permits users to identify most similar drugs or most similar targets based on their interaction patterns. Outputs help to develop hypotheses about drug repurposing as well as potential side effects. AVAILABILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION: BalestraWeb is accessible at The tool is built using a probabilistic matrix factorization method and DrugBank v3, and the latent variable models are trained using the GraphLab collaborative filtering toolkit. The server is implemented using Python, Flask, NumPy and SciPy.
Published in 2014

Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine binding to melanin: Some possible consequences for pathologies.

Authors: Schroeder RL, Gerber JP

Abstract: For many years chloroquine was used as a prophylactic agent against malaria, and more recently as a mild immunosuppressive. However, due to lengthy treatment periods, adverse effects have become apparent, which included retinopathy. The structurally related hydroxychloroquine is less toxic, thought to be owing to a lower tissue accumulation in melanin rich areas. This study primarily focused on quantifying melanin binding between chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine at physiological pH to investigate the potential link between binding and reported toxicity. In addition, for the first time this study quantified the actual extent of adsorption of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine to melanin and examined the desorption profile of both drugs from melanin to demonstrate the affinity between the pigment and the solutes. The results suggest that there is a difference between the adsorption affinities of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, potentially explaining the differences in bioaccumulation in retinal tissue. In addition, both solutes displayed a strong physical attraction to the absorbent.
Published in 2014

DCDB 2.0: a major update of the drug combination database.

Authors: Liu Y, Wei Q, Yu G, Gai W, Li Y, Chen X

Abstract: Experience in clinical practice and research in systems pharmacology suggested the limitations of the current one-drug-one-target paradigm in new drug discovery. Single-target drugs may not always produce desired physiological effects on the entire biological system, even if they have successfully regulated the activities of their designated targets. On the other hand, multicomponent therapy, in which two or more agents simultaneously interact with multiple targets, has attracted growing attention. Many drug combinations consisting of multiple agents have already entered clinical practice, especially in treating complex and refractory diseases. Drug combination database (DCDB), launched in 2010, is the first available database that collects and organizes information on drug combinations, with an aim to facilitate systems-oriented new drug discovery. Here, we report the second major release of DCDB (Version 2.0), which includes 866 new drug combinations (1363 in total), consisting of 904 distinctive components. These drug combinations are curated from approximately 140,000 clinical studies and the food and drug administration (FDA) electronic orange book. In this update, DCDB collects 237 unsuccessful drug combinations, which may provide a contrast for systematic discovery of the patterns in successful drug combinations. Database URL:
Published in 2014

Integration strategy is a key step in network-based analysis and dramatically affects network topological properties and inferring outcomes.

Authors: Jin N, Wu D, Gong Y, Bi X, Jiang H, Li K, Wang Q

Abstract: An increasing number of experiments have been designed to detect intracellular and intercellular molecular interactions. Based on these molecular interactions (especially protein interactions), molecular networks have been built for using in several typical applications, such as the discovery of new disease genes and the identification of drug targets and molecular complexes. Because the data are incomplete and a considerable number of false-positive interactions exist, protein interactions from different sources are commonly integrated in network analyses to build a stable molecular network. Although various types of integration strategies are being applied in current studies, the topological properties of the networks from these different integration strategies, especially typical applications based on these network integration strategies, have not been rigorously evaluated. In this paper, systematic analyses were performed to evaluate 11 frequently used methods using two types of integration strategies: empirical and machine learning methods. The topological properties of the networks of these different integration strategies were found to significantly differ. Moreover, these networks were found to dramatically affect the outcomes of typical applications, such as disease gene predictions, drug target detections, and molecular complex identifications. The analysis presented in this paper could provide an important basis for future network-based biological researches.
Published in 2014

Identification of novel therapeutics for complex diseases from genome-wide association data.

Authors: Grover MP, Ballouz S, Mohanasundaram KA, George RA, Sherman CD, Crowley TM, Wouters MA

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Human genome sequencing has enabled the association of phenotypes with genetic loci, but our ability to effectively translate this data to the clinic has not kept pace. Over the past 60 years, pharmaceutical companies have successfully demonstrated the safety and efficacy of over 1,200 novel therapeutic drugs via costly clinical studies. While this process must continue, better use can be made of the existing valuable data. In silico tools such as candidate gene prediction systems allow rapid identification of disease genes by identifying the most probable candidate genes linked to genetic markers of the disease or phenotype under investigation. Integration of drug-target data with candidate gene prediction systems can identify novel phenotypes which may benefit from current therapeutics. Such a drug repositioning tool can save valuable time and money spent on preclinical studies and phase I clinical trials. METHODS: We previously used Gentrepid ( as a platform to predict 1,497 candidate genes for the seven complex diseases considered in the Wellcome Trust Case-Control Consortium genome-wide association study; namely Type 2 Diabetes, Bipolar Disorder, Crohn's Disease, Hypertension, Type 1 Diabetes, Coronary Artery Disease and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Here, we adopted a simple approach to integrate drug data from three publicly available drug databases: the Therapeutic Target Database, the Pharmacogenomics Knowledgebase and DrugBank; with candidate gene predictions from Gentrepid at the systems level. RESULTS: Using the publicly available drug databases as sources of drug-target association data, we identified a total of 428 candidate genes as novel therapeutic targets for the seven phenotypes of interest, and 2,130 drugs feasible for repositioning against the predicted novel targets. CONCLUSIONS: By integrating genetic, bioinformatic and drug data, we have demonstrated that currently available drugs may be repositioned as novel therapeutics for the seven diseases studied here, quickly taking advantage of prior work in pharmaceutics to translate ground-breaking results in genetics to clinical treatments.
Published in 2014

Text mining for drug-drug interaction.

Authors: Wu HY, Chiang CW, Li L

Abstract: In order to understand the mechanisms of drug-drug interaction (DDI), the study of pharmacokinetics (PK), pharmacodynamics (PD), and pharmacogenetics (PG) data are significant. In recent years, drug PK parameters, drug interaction parameters, and PG data have been unevenly collected in different databases and published extensively in literature. Also the lack of an appropriate PK ontology and a well-annotated PK corpus, which provide the background knowledge and the criteria of determining DDI, respectively, lead to the difficulty of developing DDI text mining tools for PK data collection from the literature and data integration from multiple databases.To conquer the issues, we constructed a comprehensive pharmacokinetics ontology. It includes all aspects of in vitro pharmacokinetics experiments, in vivo pharmacokinetics studies, as well as drug metabolism and transportation enzymes. Using our pharmacokinetics ontology, a PK corpus was constructed to present four classes of pharmacokinetics abstracts: in vivo pharmacokinetics studies, in vivo pharmacogenetic studies, in vivo drug interaction studies, and in vitro drug interaction studies. A novel hierarchical three-level annotation scheme was proposed and implemented to tag key terms, drug interaction sentences, and drug interaction pairs. The utility of the pharmacokinetics ontology was demonstrated by annotating three pharmacokinetics studies; and the utility of the PK corpus was demonstrated by a drug interaction extraction text mining analysis.The pharmacokinetics ontology annotates both in vitro pharmacokinetics experiments and in vivo pharmacokinetics studies. The PK corpus is a highly valuable resource for the text mining of pharmacokinetics parameters and drug interactions.
Published in 2014

Drug targets for cell cycle dysregulators in leukemogenesis: in silico docking studies.

Authors: Jayaraman A, Jamil K

Abstract: Alterations in cell cycle regulating proteins are a key characteristic in neoplastic proliferation of lymphoblast cells in patients with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL). The aim of our study was to investigate whether the routinely administered ALL chemotherapeutic agents would be able to bind and inhibit the key deregulated cell cycle proteins such as--Cyclins E1, D1, D3, A1 and Cyclin Dependent Kinases (CDK) 2 and 6. We used Schrodinger Glide docking protocol to dock the chemotherapeutic drugs such as Doxorubicin and Daunorubicin and others which are not very common including Clofarabine, Nelarabine and Flavopiridol, to the crystal structures of these proteins. We observed that the drugs were able to bind and interact with cyclins E1 and A1 and CDKs 2 and 6 while their docking to cyclins D1 and D3 were not successful. This binding proved favorable to interact with the G1/S cell cycle phase proteins that were examined in this study and may lead to the interruption of the growth of leukemic cells. Our observations therefore suggest that these drugs could be explored for use as inhibitors for these cell cycle proteins. Further, we have also highlighted residues which could be important in the designing of pharmacophores against these cell cycle proteins. This is the first report in understanding the mechanism of action of the drugs targeting these cell cycle proteins in leukemia through the visualization of drug-target binding and molecular docking using computational methods.