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Published in 2014

Exploring compound promiscuity patterns and multi-target activity spaces.

Authors: Hu Y, Gupta-Ostermann D, Bajorath J

Abstract: Compound promiscuity is rationalized as the specific interaction of a small molecule with multiple biological targets (as opposed to non-specific binding events) and represents the molecular basis of polypharmacology, an emerging theme in drug discovery and chemical biology. This concise review focuses on recent studies that have provided a detailed picture of the degree of promiscuity among different categories of small molecules. In addition, an exemplary computational approach is discussed that is designed to navigate multi-target activity spaces populated with various compounds.
Published in 2014

Chemogenomics knowledgebased polypharmacology analyses of drug abuse related G-protein coupled receptors and their ligands.

Authors: Xie XQ, Wang L, Liu H, Ouyang Q, Fang C, Su W

Abstract: Drug abuse (DA) and addiction is a complex illness, broadly viewed as a neurobiological impairment with genetic and environmental factors that influence its development and manifestation. Abused substances can disrupt the activity of neurons by interacting with many proteins, particularly G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs). A few medicines that target the central nervous system (CNS) can also modulate DA related proteins, such as GPCRs, which can act in conjunction with the controlled psychoactive substance(s) and increase side effects. To fully explore the molecular interaction networks that underlie DA and to effectively modulate the GPCRs in these networks with small molecules for DA treatment, we built a drug-abuse domain specific chemogenomics knowledgebase (DA-KB) to centralize the reported chemogenomics research information related to DA and CNS disorders in an effort to benefit researchers across a broad range of disciplines. We then focus on the analysis of GPCRs as many of them are closely related with DA. Their distribution in human tissues was also analyzed for the study of side effects caused by abused drugs. We further implement our computational algorithms/tools to explore DA targets, DA mechanisms and pathways involved in polydrug addiction and to explore polypharmacological effects of the GPCR ligands. Finally, the polypharmacology effects of GPCRs-targeted medicines for DA treatment were investigated and such effects can be exploited for the development of drugs with polypharmacophore for DA intervention. The chemogenomics database and the analysis tools will help us better understand the mechanism of drugs abuse and facilitate to design new medications for system pharmacotherapy of DA.
Published in 2014

Drug Intervention Response Predictions with PARADIGM (DIRPP) identifies drug resistant cancer cell lines and pathway mechanisms of resistance.

Authors: Brubaker D, Difeo A, Chen Y, Pearl T, Zhai K, Bebek G, Chance M, Barnholtz-Sloan J

Abstract: The revolution in sequencing techniques in the past decade has provided an extensive picture of the molecular mechanisms behind complex diseases such as cancer. The Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia (CCLE) and The Cancer Genome Project (CGP) have provided an unprecedented opportunity to examine copy number, gene expression, and mutational information for over 1000 cell lines of multiple tumor types alongside IC50 values for over 150 different drugs and drug related compounds. We present a novel pipeline called DIRPP, Drug Intervention Response Predictions with PARADIGM7, which predicts a cell line's response to a drug intervention from molecular data. PARADIGM (Pathway Recognition Algorithm using Data Integration on Genomic Models) is a probabilistic graphical model used to infer patient specific genetic activity by integrating copy number and gene expression data into a factor graph model of a cellular network. We evaluated the performance of DIRPP on endometrial, ovarian, and breast cancer related cell lines from the CCLE and CGP for nine drugs. The pipeline is sensitive enough to predict the response of a cell line with accuracy and precision across datasets as high as 80 and 88% respectively. We then classify drugs by the specific pathway mechanisms governing drug response. This classification allows us to compare drugs by cellular response mechanisms rather than simply by their specific gene targets. This pipeline represents a novel approach for predicting clinical drug response and generating novel candidates for drug repurposing and repositioning.
Published in 2014

Molecularly and clinically related drugs and diseases are enriched in phenotypically similar drug-disease pairs.

Authors: Vogt I, Prinz J, Campillos M

Abstract: BACKGROUND: The incomplete understanding of disease causes and drug mechanisms of action often leads to ineffective drug therapies or side effects. Therefore, new approaches are needed to improve treatment decisions and to elucidate molecular mechanisms underlying pathologies and unwanted drug effects. METHODS: We present here the first analysis of phenotypically related drug-disease pairs. The phenotypic similarity between 4,869 human diseases and 1,667 drugs was evaluated using an ontology-based semantic similarity approach to compare disease symptoms with drug side effects. We assessed and visualized the enrichment over random of clinical and molecular relationships among drug-disease pairs that share phenotypes using lift plots. To determine the associations between drug and disease classes enriched among phenotypically related pairs we employed a network-based approach combined with Fisher's exact test. RESULTS: We observed that molecularly and clinically related (for example, indication or contraindication) drugs and diseases are likely to share phenotypes. An analysis of the relations between drug mechanisms of action (MoAs) and disease classes among highly similar pairs revealed known and suspected MoA-disease relationships. Interestingly, we found that contraindications associated with high phenotypic similarity often involve diseases that have been reported as side effects of the drug, probably due to common mechanisms. Based on this, we propose a list of 752 precautions or potential contraindications for 486 drugs. CONCLUSIONS: Phenotypic similarity between drugs and diseases facilitates the proposal of contraindications and the mechanistic understanding of diseases and drug side effects.
Published in 2014

Finding candidate drugs for hepatitis C based on chemical-chemical and chemical-protein interactions.

Authors: Chen L, Lu J, Huang T, Yin J, Wei L, Cai YD

Abstract: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is an infectious virus that can cause serious illnesses. Only a few drugs have been reported to effectively treat hepatitis C. To have greater diversity in drug choice and better treatment options, it is necessary to develop more drugs to treat the infection. However, it is time-consuming and expensive to discover candidate drugs using experimental methods, and computational methods may complement experimental approaches as a preliminary filtering process. This type of approach was proposed by using known chemical-chemical interactions to extract interactive compounds with three known drug compounds of HCV, and the probabilities of these drug compounds being able to treat hepatitis C were calculated using chemical-protein interactions between the interactive compounds and HCV target genes. Moreover, the randomization test and expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm were both employed to exclude false discoveries. Analysis of the selected compounds, including acyclovir and ganciclovir, indicated that some of these compounds had potential to treat the HCV. Hopefully, this proposed method could provide new insights into the discovery of candidate drugs for the treatment of HCV and other diseases.
Published in 2014

A systematic investigation of computation models for predicting Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs).

Authors: Kuang Q, Wang M, Li R, Dong Y, Li Y, Li M

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Early and accurate identification of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) is critically important for drug development and clinical safety. Computer-aided prediction of ADRs has attracted increasing attention in recent years, and many computational models have been proposed. However, because of the lack of systematic analysis and comparison of the different computational models, there remain limitations in designing more effective algorithms and selecting more useful features. There is therefore an urgent need to review and analyze previous computation models to obtain general conclusions that can provide useful guidance to construct more effective computational models to predict ADRs. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In the current study, the main work is to compare and analyze the performance of existing computational methods to predict ADRs, by implementing and evaluating additional algorithms that have been earlier used for predicting drug targets. Our results indicated that topological and intrinsic features were complementary to an extent and the Jaccard coefficient had an important and general effect on the prediction of drug-ADR associations. By comparing the structure of each algorithm, final formulas of these algorithms were all converted to linear model in form, based on this finding we propose a new algorithm called the general weighted profile method and it yielded the best overall performance among the algorithms investigated in this paper. CONCLUSION: Several meaningful conclusions and useful findings regarding the prediction of ADRs are provided for selecting optimal features and algorithms.
Published in December 2014

Effects of antibiotic physicochemical properties on their release kinetics from biodegradable polymer microparticles.

Authors: Shah SR, Henslee AM, Spicer PP, Yokota S, Petrichenko S, Allahabadi S, Bennett GN, Wong ME, Kasper FK, Mikos AG

Abstract: PURPOSE: This study investigated the effects of the physicochemical properties of antibiotics on the morphology, loading efficiency, size, release kinetics, and antibiotic efficacy of loaded poly(DL-lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) microparticles (MPs) at different loading percentages. METHODS: Cefazolin, ciprofloxacin, clindamycin, colistin, doxycycline, and vancomycin were loaded at 10 and 20 wt% into PLGA MPs using a water-in-oil-in water double emulsion fabrication protocol. Microparticle morphology, size, loading efficiency, release kinetics, and antibiotic efficacy were assessed. RESULTS: The results from this study demonstrate that the chemical nature of loaded antibiotics, especially charge and molecular weight, influence the incorporation into and release of antibiotics from PLGA MPs. Drugs with molecular weights less than 600 Da displayed biphasic release while those with molecular weights greater than 1,000 Da displayed triphasic release kinetics. Large molecular weight drugs also had a longer delay before release than smaller molecular weight drugs. The negatively charged antibiotic cefazolin had lower loading efficiency than positively charged antibiotics. Microparticle size appeared to be mainly controlled by fabrication parameters, and partition and solubility coefficients did not appear to have an obvious effect on loading efficiency or release. Released antibiotics maintained their efficacy against susceptible strains over the duration of release. Duration of release varied between 17 and 49 days based on the type of antibiotic loaded. CONCLUSIONS: The data from this study indicate that the chemical nature of antibiotics affects properties of antibiotic-loaded PLGA MPs and allows for general prediction of loading and release kinetics.
Published in 2014

Pros and cons of the tuberculosis drugome approach--an empirical analysis.

Authors: Chen FC, Liao YC, Huang JM, Lin CH, Chen YY, Dou HY, Hsiung CA

Abstract: Drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB), the causative pathogen of tuberculosis (TB), has become a serious threat to global public health. Yet the development of novel drugs against MTB has been lagging. One potentially powerful approach to drug development is computation-aided repositioning of current drugs. However, the effectiveness of this approach has rarely been examined. Here we select the "TB drugome" approach--a protein structure-based method for drug repositioning for tuberculosis treatment--to (1) experimentally validate the efficacy of the identified drug candidates for inhibiting MTB growth, and (2) computationally examine how consistently drug candidates are prioritized, considering changes in input data. Twenty three drugs in the TB drugome were tested. Of them, only two drugs (tamoxifen and 4-hydroxytamoxifen) effectively suppressed MTB growth at relatively high concentrations. Both drugs significantly enhanced the inhibitory effects of three first-line anti-TB drugs (rifampin, isoniazid, and ethambutol). However, tamoxifen is not a top-listed drug in the TB drugome, and 4-hydroxytamoxifen is not approved for use in humans. Computational re-examination of the TB drugome indicated that the rankings were subject to technical and data-related biases. Thus, although our results support the effectiveness of the TB drugome approach for identifying drugs that can potentially be repositioned for stand-alone applications or for combination treatments for TB, the approach requires further refinements via incorporation of additional biological information. Our findings can also be extended to other structure-based drug repositioning methods.
Published in 2014

Computational methods in drug discovery.

Authors: Sliwoski G, Kothiwale S, Meiler J, Lowe EW Jr

Abstract: Computer-aided drug discovery/design methods have played a major role in the development of therapeutically important small molecules for over three decades. These methods are broadly classified as either structure-based or ligand-based methods. Structure-based methods are in principle analogous to high-throughput screening in that both target and ligand structure information is imperative. Structure-based approaches include ligand docking, pharmacophore, and ligand design methods. The article discusses theory behind the most important methods and recent successful applications. Ligand-based methods use only ligand information for predicting activity depending on its similarity/dissimilarity to previously known active ligands. We review widely used ligand-based methods such as ligand-based pharmacophores, molecular descriptors, and quantitative structure-activity relationships. In addition, important tools such as target/ligand data bases, homology modeling, ligand fingerprint methods, etc., necessary for successful implementation of various computer-aided drug discovery/design methods in a drug discovery campaign are discussed. Finally, computational methods for toxicity prediction and optimization for favorable physiologic properties are discussed with successful examples from literature.
Published in 2014

Intra- and inter-pandemic variations of antiviral, antibiotics and decongestants in wastewater treatment plants and receiving rivers.

Authors: Singer AC, Jarhult JD, Grabic R, Khan GA, Lindberg RH, Fedorova G, Fick J, Bowes MJ, Olsen B, Soderstrom H

Abstract: The concentration of eleven antibiotics (trimethoprim, oxytetracycline, ciprofloxacin, azithromycin, cefotaxime, doxycycline, sulfamethoxazole, erythromycin, clarithromycin, ofloxacin, norfloxacin), three decongestants (naphazoline, oxymetazoline, xylometazoline) and the antiviral drug oseltamivir's active metabolite, oseltamivir carboxylate (OC), were measured weekly at 21 locations within the River Thames catchment in England during the month of November 2009, the autumnal peak of the influenza A[H1N1]pdm09 pandemic. The aim was to quantify the pharmaceutical response to the pandemic and compare this to drug use during the late pandemic (March 2010) and the inter-pandemic periods (May 2011). A large and small wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) were sampled in November 2009 to understand the differential fate of the analytes in the two WWTPs prior to their entry in the receiving river and to estimate drug users using a wastewater epidemiology approach. Mean hourly OC concentrations in the small and large WWTP's influent were 208 and 350 ng/L (max, 2070 and 550 ng/L, respectively). Erythromycin was the most concentrated antibiotic measured in Benson and Oxford WWTPs influent (max=6,870 and 2,930 ng/L, respectively). Napthazoline and oxymetazoline were the most frequently detected and concentrated decongestant in the Benson WWTP influent (1650 and 67 ng/L) and effluent (696 and 307 ng/L), respectively, but were below detection in the Oxford WWTP. OC was found in 73% of November 2009's weekly river samples (max=193 ng/L), but only in 5% and 0% of the late- and inter-pandemic river samples, respectively. The mean river concentration of each antibiotic during the pandemic largely fell between 17-74 ng/L, with clarithromycin (max=292 ng/L) and erythromycin (max=448 ng/L) yielding the highest single measure. In general, the concentration and frequency of detecting antibiotics in the river increased during the pandemic. OC was uniquely well-suited for the wastewater epidemiology approach owing to its nature as a prodrug, recalcitrance and temporally- and spatially-resolved prescription statistics.