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Published in 2012

Prediction of drug-target interactions and drug repositioning via network-based inference.

Authors: Cheng F, Liu C, Jiang J, Lu W, Li W, Liu G, Zhou W, Huang J, Tang Y

Abstract: Drug-target interaction (DTI) is the basis of drug discovery and design. It is time consuming and costly to determine DTI experimentally. Hence, it is necessary to develop computational methods for the prediction of potential DTI. Based on complex network theory, three supervised inference methods were developed here to predict DTI and used for drug repositioning, namely drug-based similarity inference (DBSI), target-based similarity inference (TBSI) and network-based inference (NBI). Among them, NBI performed best on four benchmark data sets. Then a drug-target network was created with NBI based on 12,483 FDA-approved and experimental drug-target binary links, and some new DTIs were further predicted. In vitro assays confirmed that five old drugs, namely montelukast, diclofenac, simvastatin, ketoconazole, and itraconazole, showed polypharmacological features on estrogen receptors or dipeptidyl peptidase-IV with half maximal inhibitory or effective concentration ranged from 0.2 to 10 microM. Moreover, simvastatin and ketoconazole showed potent antiproliferative activities on human MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cell line in MTT assays. The results indicated that these methods could be powerful tools in prediction of DTIs and drug repositioning.
Published in 2012

In silico assessment of potential druggable pockets on the surface of alpha1-antitrypsin conformers.

Authors: Patschull AO, Gooptu B, Ashford P, Daviter T, Nobeli I

Abstract: The search for druggable pockets on the surface of a protein is often performed on a single conformer, treated as a rigid body. Transient druggable pockets may be missed in this approach. Here, we describe a methodology for systematic in silico analysis of surface clefts across multiple conformers of the metastable protein alpha(1)-antitrypsin (A1AT). Pathological mutations disturb the conformational landscape of A1AT, triggering polymerisation that leads to emphysema and hepatic cirrhosis. Computational screens for small molecule inhibitors of polymerisation have generally focused on one major druggable site visible in all crystal structures of native A1AT. In an alternative approach, we scan all surface clefts observed in crystal structures of A1AT and in 100 computationally produced conformers, mimicking the native solution ensemble. We assess the persistence, variability and druggability of these pockets. Finally, we employ molecular docking using publicly available libraries of small molecules to explore scaffold preferences for each site. Our approach identifies a number of novel target sites for drug design. In particular one transient site shows favourable characteristics for druggability due to high enclosure and hydrophobicity. Hits against this and other druggable sites achieve docking scores corresponding to a K(d) in the microM-nM range, comparing favourably with a recently identified promising lead. Preliminary ThermoFluor studies support the docking predictions. In conclusion, our strategy shows considerable promise compared with the conventional single pocket/single conformer approach to in silico screening. Our best-scoring ligands warrant further experimental investigation.
Published in 2012

Identification of links between small molecules and miRNAs in human cancers based on transcriptional responses.

Authors: Jiang W, Chen X, Liao M, Li W, Lian B, Wang L, Meng F, Liu X, Chen X, Jin Y, Li X

Abstract: The use of small molecules to target miRNAs is a new type of therapy for human diseases, particularly cancers. We proposed a novel high-throughput approach to identify the biological links between small molecules and miRNAs in 23 different cancers and constructed the Small Molecule-MiRNA Network (SMirN) for each cancer to systematically analyze the properties of their associations. In each SMirN, we partitioned small molecules (miRNAs) into modules, in which small molecules (miRNAs) were connected with one miRNA (small molecule). Almost all of the miRNA modules comprised miRNAs that had similar target genes and functions or were members of the same miRNA family. Most of the small molecule modules involved compounds with similar chemical structures, modes of action, or drug interactions. These modules can be used to identify drug candidates and new indications for existing drugs. Therefore, our approach is valuable to drug discovery and cancer therapy.
Published in 2012

Helminth secretome database (HSD): a collection of helminth excretory/secretory proteins predicted from expressed sequence tags (ESTs).

Authors: Garg G, Ranganathan S

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Helminths are important socio-economic organisms, responsible for causing major parasitic infections in humans, other animals and plants. These infections impose a significant public health and economic burden globally. Exceptionally, some helminth organisms like Caenorhabditis elegans are free-living in nature and serve as model organisms for studying parasitic infections. Excretory/secretory proteins play an important role in parasitic helminth infections which make these proteins attractive targets for therapeutic use. In the case of helminths, large volume of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) has been generated to understand parasitism at molecular level and for predicting excretory/secretory proteins for developing novel strategies to tackle parasitic infections. However, mostly predicted ES proteins are not available for further analysis and there is no repository available for such predicted ES proteins. Furthermore, predictions have, in the main, focussed on classical secretory pathways while it is well established that helminth parasites also utilise non-classical secretory pathways. RESULTS: We developed a free Helminth Secretome Database (HSD), which serves as a repository for ES proteins predicted using classical and non-classical secretory pathways, from EST data for 78 helminth species (64 nematodes, 7 trematodes and 7 cestodes) ranging from parasitic to free-living organisms. Approximately 0.9 million ESTs compiled from the largest EST database, dbEST were cleaned, assembled and analysed by different computational tools in our bioinformatics pipeline and predicted ES proteins were submitted to HSD. CONCLUSION: We report the large-scale prediction and analysis of classically and non-classically secreted ES proteins from diverse helminth organisms. All the Unigenes (contigs and singletons) and excretory/secretory protein datasets generated from this analysis are freely available. A BLAST server is available at, for checking the sequence similarity of new protein sequences against predicted helminth ES proteins.
Published in 2012

Modularity in protein complex and drug interactions reveals new polypharmacological properties.

Authors: Nacher JC, Schwartz JM

Abstract: Recent studies have highlighted the importance of interconnectivity in a large range of molecular and human disease-related systems. Network medicine has emerged as a new paradigm to deal with complex diseases. Connections between protein complexes and key diseases have been suggested for decades. However, it was not until recently that protein complexes were identified and classified in sufficient amounts to carry out a large-scale analysis of the human protein complex system. We here present the first systematic and comprehensive set of relationships between protein complexes and associated drugs and analyzed their topological features. The network structure is characterized by a high modularity, both in the bipartite graph and in its projections, indicating that its topology is highly distinct from a random network and that it contains a rich and heterogeneous internal modular structure. To unravel the relationships between modules of protein complexes, drugs and diseases, we investigated in depth the origins of this modular structure in examples of particular diseases. This analysis unveils new associations between diseases and protein complexes and highlights the potential role of polypharmacological drugs, which target multiple cellular functions to combat complex diseases driven by gain-of-function mutations.
Published in 2012

Systems pharmacology: network analysis to identify multiscale mechanisms of drug action.

Authors: Zhao S, Iyengar R

Abstract: Systems approaches have long been used in pharmacology to understand drug action at the organ and organismal levels. The application of computational and experimental systems biology approaches to pharmacology allows us to expand the definition of systems pharmacology to include network analyses at multiple scales of biological organization and to explain both therapeutic and adverse effects of drugs. Systems pharmacology analyses rely on experimental "omics" technologies that are capable of measuring changes in large numbers of variables, often at a genome-wide level, to build networks for analyzing drug action. A major use of omics technologies is to relate the genomic status of an individual to the therapeutic efficacy of a drug of interest. Combining pathway and network analyses, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic models, and a knowledge of polymorphisms in the genome will enable the development of predictive models of therapeutic efficacy. Network analyses based on publicly available databases such as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's Adverse Event Reporting System allow us to develop an initial understanding of the context within which molecular-level drug-target interactions can lead to distal effectors in a process that results in adverse phenotypes at the organ and organismal levels. The current state of systems pharmacology allows us to formulate a set of questions that could drive future research in the field. The long-term goal of such research is to develop polypharmacology for complex diseases and predict therapeutic efficacy and adverse event risk for individuals prior to commencement of therapy.
Published in 2012

Identifying the preferred RNA motifs and chemotypes that interact by probing millions of combinations.

Authors: Tran T, Disney MD

Abstract: RNA is an important therapeutic target but information about RNA-ligand interactions is limited. Here, we report a screening method that probes over 3,000,000 combinations of RNA motif-small molecule interactions to identify the privileged RNA structures and chemical spaces that interact. Specifically, a small molecule library biased for binding RNA was probed for binding to over 70,000 unique RNA motifs in a high throughput solution-based screen. The RNA motifs that specifically bind each small molecule were identified by microarray-based selection. In this library-versus-library or multidimensional combinatorial screening approach, hairpin loops (among a variety of RNA motifs) were the preferred RNA motif space that binds small molecules. Furthermore, it was shown that indole, 2-phenyl indole, 2-phenyl benzimidazole and pyridinium chemotypes allow for specific recognition of RNA motifs. As targeting RNA with small molecules is an extremely challenging area, these studies provide new information on RNA-ligand interactions that has many potential uses.
Published in 2012

In vivo-validated essential genes identified in Acinetobacter baumannii by using human ascites overlap poorly with essential genes detected on laboratory media.

Authors: Umland TC, Schultz LW, MacDonald U, Beanan JM, Olson R, Russo TA

Abstract: UNLABELLED: A critical feature of a potential antimicrobial target is the characteristic of being essential for growth and survival during host infection. For bacteria, genome-wide essentiality screens are usually performed on rich laboratory media. This study addressed whether genes detected in that manner were optimal for the identification of antimicrobial targets since the in vivo milieu is fundamentally different. Mutant derivatives of a clinical isolate of Acinetobacter baumannii were screened for growth on human ascites, an ex vivo medium that reflects the infection environment. A subset of 34 mutants with unique gene disruptions that demonstrated little to no growth on ascites underwent evaluation in a rat subcutaneous abscess model, establishing 18 (53%) of these genes as in vivo essential. The putative gene products all had annotated biological functions, represented unrecognized or underexploited antimicrobial targets, and could be grouped into five functional categories: metabolic, two-component signaling systems, DNA/RNA synthesis and regulation, protein transport, and structural. These A. baumannii in vivo essential genes overlapped poorly with the sets of essential genes from other Gram-negative bacteria catalogued in the Database of Essential Genes (DEG), including those of Acinetobacter baylyi, a closely related species. However, this finding was not due to the absence of orthologs. None of the 18 in vivo essential genes identified in this study, or their putative gene products, were targets of FDA-approved drugs or drugs in the developmental pipeline, indicating that a significant portion of the available target space within pathogenic Gram-negative bacteria is currently neglected. IMPORTANCE: The human pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii is of increasing clinical importance, and a growing proportion of isolates are multiantimicrobial-resistant, pan-antimicrobial-resistant, or extremely resistant strains. This scenario is reflective of the general problem of a critical lack of antimicrobials effective against antimicrobial-resistant Gram-negative bacteria, such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Enterobacter sp., and Escherichia coli. This study identified a set of A. baumannii genes that are essential for growth and survival during infection and demonstrated the importance of using clinically relevant media and in vivo validation while screening for essential genes for the purpose of developing new antimicrobials. Furthermore, it established that if a gene is absent from the Database of Essential Genes, it should not be excluded as a potential antimicrobial target. Lastly, a new set of high-value potential antimicrobial targets for pathogenic Gram-negative bacteria has been identified.
Published in 2012

Characterizing the network of drugs and their affected metabolic subpathways.

Authors: Li C, Shang D, Wang Y, Li J, Han J, Wang S, Yao Q, Wang Y, Zhang Y, Zhang C, Xu Y, Jiang W, Li X

Abstract: A fundamental issue in biology and medicine is illustration of the overall drug impact which is always the consequence of changes in local regions of metabolic pathways (subpathways). To gain insights into the global relationship between drugs and their affected metabolic subpathways, we constructed a drug-metabolic subpathway network (DRSN). This network included 3925 significant drug-metabolic subpathway associations representing drug dual effects. Through analyses based on network biology, we found that if drugs were linked to the same subpathways in the DRSN, they tended to share the same indications and side effects. Furthermore, if drugs shared more subpathways, they tended to share more side effects. We then calculated the association score by integrating drug-affected subpathways and disease-related subpathways to quantify the extent of the associations between each drug class and disease class. The results showed some close drug-disease associations such as sex hormone drugs and cancer suggesting drug dual effects. Surprisingly, most drugs displayed close associations with their side effects rather than their indications. To further investigate the mechanism of drug dual effects, we classified all the subpathways in the DRSN into therapeutic and non-therapeutic subpathways representing drug therapeutic effects and side effects. Compared to drug side effects, the therapeutic effects tended to work through tissue-specific genes and these genes tend to be expressed in the adrenal gland, liver and kidney; while drug side effects always occurred in the liver, bone marrow and trachea. Taken together, the DRSN could provide great insights into understanding the global relationship between drugs and metabolic subpathways.
Published in 2012

The drug cocktail network.

Authors: Xu KJ, Song J, Zhao XM

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Combination of different agents is widely used in clinic to combat complex diseases with improved therapy and reduced side effects. However, the identification of effective drug combinations remains a challenging task due to the huge number of possible combinations among candidate drugs that makes it impractical to screen putative combinations. RESULTS: In this work, we construct a 'drug cocktail network' using all the known effective drug combinations extracted from the Drug Combination Database (DCDB), and propose a network-based approach to investigate drug combinations. Our results show that the agents in an effective combination tend to have more similar therapeutic effects and share more interaction partners. Based on our observations, we further develop a statistical approach termed as DCPred (Drug Combination Predictor) to predict possible drug combinations by exploiting the topological features of the drug cocktail network. Validating on the known drug combinations, DCPred achieves the overall AUC (Area Under the receiver operating characteristic Curve) score of 0.92, indicating the predictive power of our proposed approach. CONCLUSIONS: The drug cocktail network constructed in this work provides useful insights into the underlying rules of effective drug combinations and offer important clues to accelerate the future discovery of new drug combinations.