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Published in 2019

Workflow for defining reference chemicals for assessing performance of in vitro assays.

Authors: Judson RS, Thomas RS, Baker N, Simha A, Howey XM, Marable C, Kleinstreuer NC, Houck KA

Abstract: Instilling confidence in use of in vitro assays for predictive toxicology requires evaluation of assay performance. Performance is typically assessed using reference chemicals--compounds with defined activity against the test system target. However, developing reference chemical lists has historically been very resource-intensive. We developed a semi-automated process for selecting and annotating reference chemicals across many targets in a standardized format and demonstrate the workflow here. A series of required fields defines the potential reference chemical: the in vitro molecular target, pathway, or phenotype affected; and the chemical's mode (e.g. agonist, antagonist, inhibitor). Activity information was computationally extracted into a database from multiple public sources including non-curated scientific literature and curated chemical-biological databases, resulting in the identification of chemical activity in 2995 biological targets. Sample data from literature sources covering 54 molecular targets ranging from data-poor to data-rich was manually checked for accuracy. Precision rates were 82.7% from curated data sources and 39.5% from automated literature extraction. We applied the final reference chemical lists to evaluating performance of EPA's ToxCast program in vitro bioassays. The level of support, i.e. the number of independent reports in the database linking a chemical to a target, was found to strongly correlate with likelihood of positive results in the ToxCast assays, although individual assay performance had considerable variation. This overall approach allows rapid development of candidate reference chemical lists for a wide variety of targets that can facilitate performance evaluation of in vitro assays as a critical step in imparting confidence in alternative approaches.
Published in 2019

Fast Screening of Inhibitor Binding/Unbinding Using Novel Software Tool CaverDock.

Authors: Pinto GP, Vavra O, Filipovic J, Stourac J, Bednar D, Damborsky J

Abstract: Protein tunnels and channels are attractive targets for drug design. Drug molecules that block the access of substrates or release of products can be efficient modulators of biological activity. Here, we demonstrate the applicability of a newly developed software tool CaverDock for screening databases of drugs against pharmacologically relevant targets. First, we evaluated the effect of rigid and flexible side chains on sets of substrates and inhibitors of seven different proteins. In order to assess the accuracy of our software, we compared the results obtained from CaverDock calculation with experimental data previously collected with heat shock protein 90alpha. Finally, we tested the virtual screening capabilities of CaverDock with a set of oncological and anti-inflammatory FDA-approved drugs with two molecular targets-cytochrome P450 17A1 and leukotriene A4 hydrolase/aminopeptidase. Calculation of rigid trajectories using four processors took on average 53 min per molecule with 90% successfully calculated cases. The screening identified functional tunnels based on the profile of potential energies of binding and unbinding trajectories. We concluded that CaverDock is a sufficiently fast, robust, and accurate tool for screening binding/unbinding processes of pharmacologically important targets with buried functional sites. The standalone version of CaverDock is available freely at and the web version at
Published in 2019

Elucidation of the Mechanisms and Molecular Targets of Yiqi Shexue Formula for Treatment of Primary Immune Thrombocytopenia Based on Network Pharmacology.

Authors: Jiang Y, Liu N, Zhu S, Hu X, Chang D, Liu J

Abstract: Yiqi Shexue formula (YQSX) is traditionally used to treat primary immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) in clinical practice of traditional Chinese medicine. However, its mechanisms of action and molecular targets for treatment of ITP are not clear. The active compounds of YQSX were collected and their targets were identified. ITP-related targets were obtained by analyzing the differential expressed genes between ITP patients and healthy individuals. Protein-protein interaction (PPI) data were then obtained and PPI networks of YQSX putative targets and ITP-related targets were visualized and merged to identify the candidate targets for YQSX against ITP. Gene ontology and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes pathway analysis were carried out. The gene-pathway network was constructed to screen the key target genes. In total, 177 active compounds and 251 targets of YQSX were identified. Two hundred and thirty differential expressed genes with an P value < 0.005 and |log2(fold change)| > 1 were identified between ITP patient and control groups. One hundred and eighty-three target genes associated with ITP were finally identified. The functional annotations of target genes were found to be related to transcription, cytosol, protein binding, and so on. Twenty-four pathways including cell cycle, estrogen signaling pathway, and MAPK signaling pathway were significantly enriched. MDM2 was the core gene and other several genes including TP53, MAPK1, CDKN1A, MYC, and DDX5 were the key gens in the gene-pathway network of YQSX for treatment of ITP. The results indicated that YQSX's effects against ITP may relate to regulation of immunological function through the specific biological processes and the related pathways. This study demonstrates the application of network pharmacology in evaluating mechanisms of action and molecular targets of complex herbal formulations.
Published in 2019

Precision drug repurposing via convergent eQTL-based molecules and pathway targeting independent disease-associated polymorphisms.

Authors: Vitali F, Berghout J, Fan J, Li J, Li Q, Li H, Lussier YA

Abstract: Repurposing existing drugs for new therapeutic indications can improve success rates and streamline development. Use of large-scale biomedical data repositories, including eQTL regulatory relationships and genome-wide disease risk associations, offers opportunities to propose novel indications for drugs targeting common or convergent molecular candidates associated to two or more diseases. This proposed novel computational approach scales across 262 complex diseases, building a multi-partite hierarchical network integrating (i) GWAS-derived SNP-to-disease associations, (ii) eQTL-derived SNP-to-eGene associations incorporating both cis- and trans-relationships from 19 tissues, (iii) protein target-to-drug, and (iv) drug-to-disease indications with (iv) Gene Ontology-based information theoretic semantic (ITS) similarity calculated between protein target functions. Our hypothesis is that if two diseases are associated to a common or functionally similar eGene - and a drug targeting that eGene/protein in one disease exists - the second disease becomes a potential repurposing indication. To explore this, all possible pairs of independently segregating GWAS-derived SNPs were generated, and a statistical network of similarity within each SNP-SNP pair was calculated according to scale-free overrepresentation of convergent biological processes activity in regulated eGenes (ITSeGENE-eGENE) and scale-free overrepresentation of common eGene targets between the two SNPs (ITSSNP-SNP). Significance of ITSSNP-SNP was conservatively estimated using empirical scale-free permutation resampling keeping the node-degree constant for each molecule in each permutation. We identified 26 new drug repurposing indication candidates spanning 89 GWAS diseases, including a potential repurposing of the calcium-channel blocker Verapamil from coronary disease to gout. Predictions from our approach are compared to known drug indications using DrugBank as a gold standard (odds ratio=13.1, p-value=2.49x10-8). Because of specific disease-SNPs associations to candidate drug targets, the proposed method provides evidence for future precision drug repositioning to a patient's specific polymorphisms.
Published in 2019

Identification of Drug-Disease Associations Using Information of Molecular Structures and Clinical Symptoms via Deep Convolutional Neural Network.

Authors: Li Z, Huang Q, Chen X, Wang Y, Li J, Xie Y, Dai Z, Zou X

Abstract: Identifying drug-disease associations is helpful for not only predicting new drug indications and recognizing lead compounds, but also preventing, diagnosing, treating diseases. Traditional experimental methods are time consuming, laborious and expensive. Therefore, it is urgent to develop computational method for predicting potential drug-disease associations on a large scale. Herein, a novel method was proposed to identify drug-disease associations based on the deep learning technique. Molecular structure and clinical symptom information were used to characterize drugs and diseases. Then, a novel two-dimensional matrix was constructed and mapped to a gray-scale image for representing drug-disease association. Finally, deep convolution neural network was introduced to build model for identifying potential drug-disease associations. The performance of current method was evaluated based on the training set and test set, and accuracies of 89.90 and 86.51% were obtained. Prediction ability for recognizing new drug indications, lead compounds and true drug-disease associations was also investigated and verified by performing various experiments. Additionally, 3,620,516 potential drug-disease associations were identified and some of them were further validated through docking modeling. It is anticipated that the proposed method may be a powerful large scale virtual screening tool for drug research and development. The source code of MATLAB is freely available on request from the authors.
Published in 2019

Current computational methods for predicting protein interactions of natural products.

Authors: Moumbock AFA, Li J, Mishra P, Gao M, Gunther S

Abstract: Natural products (NPs) are an indispensable source of drugs and they have a better coverage of the pharmacological space than synthetic compounds, owing to their high structural diversity. The prediction of their interaction profiles with druggable protein targets remains a major challenge in modern drug discovery. Experimental (off-)target predictions of NPs are cost- and time-consuming, whereas computational methods, on the other hand, are much faster and cheaper. As a result, computational predictions are preferentially used in the first instance for NP profiling, prior to experimental validations. This review covers recent advances in computational approaches which have been developed to aid the annotation of unknown drug-target interactions (DTIs), by focusing on three broad classes, namely: ligand-based, target-based, and target-ligand-based (hybrid) approaches. Computational DTI prediction methods have the potential to significantly advance the discovery and development of novel selective drugs exhibiting minimal side effects. We highlight some inherent caveats of these methods which must be overcome to enable them to realize their full potential, and a future outlook is given.
Published in 2019

Systems Pharmacology-Based Method to Assess the Mechanism of Action of Weight-Loss Herbal Intervention Therapy for Obesity.

Authors: Zhou W, Chen Z, Wang Y, Li X, Lu A, Sun X, Liu Z

Abstract: Obesity is a multi-factorial chronic disease that has become a serious, prevalent, and refractory public health challenge globally because of high rates of various complications. Traditional Chinese medicines (TCMs) as a functional food are considered to be a valuable and readily available resource for treating obesity because of their better therapeutic effects and reduced side effects. However, their "multi-compound" and "multi-target" features make it extremely difficult to interpret the potential mechanism underlying the anti-obesity effects of TCMs from a holistic perspective. An innovative systems-pharmacology approach was employed, which combined absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion screening and multiple target fishing, gene ontology enrichment analysis, network pharmacology, and pathway analysis to explore the potential therapeutic mechanism of weight-loss herbal intervention therapy in obesity and related diseases. The current study provides a promising approach to facilitate the development and discovery of new botanical drugs.
Published in 2019

Herb Target Prediction Based on Representation Learning of Symptom related Heterogeneous Network.

Authors: Wang N, Li P, Hu X, Yang K, Peng Y, Zhu Q, Zhang R, Gao Z, Xu H, Liu B, Chen J, Zhou X

Abstract: Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has received increasing attention as a complementary approach or alternative to modern medicine. However, experimental methods for identifying novel targets of TCM herbs heavily relied on the current available herb-compound-target relationships. In this work, we present an Herb-Target Interaction Network (HTINet) approach, a novel network integration pipeline for herb-target prediction mainly relying on the symptom related associations. HTINet focuses on capturing the low-dimensional feature vectors for both herbs and proteins by network embedding, which incorporate the topological properties of nodes across multi-layered heterogeneous network, and then performs supervised learning based on these low-dimensional feature representations. HTINet obtains performance improvement over a well-established random walk based herb-target prediction method. Furthermore, we have manually validated several predicted herb-target interactions from independent literatures. These results indicate that HTINet can be used to integrate heterogeneous information to predict novel herb-target interactions.
Published in 2019

FindTargetsWEB: A User-Friendly Tool for Identification of Potential Therapeutic Targets in Metabolic Networks of Bacteria.

Authors: Merigueti TC, Carneiro MW, Carvalho-Assef APD, Silva-Jr FP, da Silva FAB

Abstract: Background: Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) are a serious public health problem. They can be associated with morbidity and mortality and are responsible for the increase in patient hospitalization. Antimicrobial resistance among pathogens causing HAI has increased at alarming levels. In this paper, a robust method for analyzing genome-scale metabolic networks of bacteria is proposed in order to identify potential therapeutic targets, along with its corresponding web implementation, dubbed FindTargetsWEB. The proposed method assumes that every metabolic network presents fragile genes whose blockade will impair one or more metabolic functions, such as biomass accumulation. FindTargetsWEB automates the process of identification of such fragile genes using flux balance analysis (FBA), flux variability analysis (FVA), extended Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) file parsing, and queries to three public repositories, i.e., KEGG, UniProt, and DrugBank. The web application was developed in Python using COBRApy and Django. Results: The proposed method was demonstrated to be robust enough to process even non-curated, incomplete, or imprecise metabolic networks, in addition to integrated host-pathogen models. A list of potential therapeutic targets and their putative inhibitors was generated as a result of the analysis of Pseudomonas aeruginosa metabolic networks available in the literature and a curated version of the metabolic network of a multidrug-resistant P. aeruginosa strain belonging to a clone endemic in Brazil (P. aeruginosa ST277). Genome-scale metabolic networks of other gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, such as Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Haemophilus influenzae, were also analyzed using FindTargetsWEB. Multiple potential targets have been found using the proposed method in all metabolic networks, including some overlapping between two or more pathogens. Among the potential targets, several have been previously reported in the literature as targets for antimicrobial development, and many targets have approved drugs. Despite similarities in the metabolic network structure for closely related bacteria, we show that the method is able to selectively identify targets in pathogenic versus non-pathogenic organisms. Conclusions: This new computational system can give insights into the identification of new candidate therapeutic targets for pathogenic bacteria and discovery of new antimicrobial drugs through genome-scale metabolic network analysis and heterogeneous data integration, even for non-curated or incomplete networks.
Published in 2019

An Ensemble Strategy to Predict Prognosis in Ovarian Cancer Based on Gene Modules.

Authors: Gao YC, Zhou XH, Zhang W

Abstract: Due to the high heterogeneity and complexity of cancer, it is still a challenge to predict the prognosis of cancer patients. In this work, we used a clustering algorithm to divide patients into different subtypes in order to reduce the heterogeneity of the cancer patients in each subtype. Based on the hypothesis that the gene co-expression network may reveal relationships among genes, some communities in the network could influence the prognosis of cancer patients and all the prognosis-related communities could fully reveal the prognosis of cancer patients. To predict the prognosis for cancer patients in each subtype, we adopted an ensemble classifier based on the gene co-expression network of the corresponding subtype. Using the gene expression data of ovarian cancer patients in TCGA (The Cancer Genome Atlas), three subtypes were identified. Survival analysis showed that patients in different subtypes had different survival risks. Three ensemble classifiers were constructed for each subtype. Leave-one-out and independent validation showed that our method outperformed control and literature methods. Furthermore, the function annotation of the communities in each subtype showed that some communities were cancer-related. Finally, we found that the current drug targets can partially support our method.