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Published in 2019

A Physiology-Based Model of Human Bile Acid Metabolism for Predicting Bile Acid Tissue Levels After Drug Administration in Healthy Subjects and BRIC Type 2 Patients.

Authors: Baier V, Cordes H, Thiel C, Castell JV, Neumann UP, Blank LM, Kuepfer L

Abstract: Drug-induced liver injury (DILI) is a matter of concern in the course of drug development and patient safety, often leading to discontinuation of drug-development programs or early withdrawal of drugs from market. Hepatocellular toxicity or impairment of bile acid (BA) metabolism, known as cholestasis, are the two clinical forms of DILI. Whole-body physiology-based modelling allows a mechanistic investigation of the physiological processes leading to cholestasis in man. Objectives of the present study were: (1) the development of a physiology-based model of the human BA metabolism, (2) population-based model validation and characterisation, and (3) the prediction and quantification of altered BA levels in special genotype subgroups and after drug administration. The developed physiology-based bile acid (PBBA) model describes the systemic BA circulation in humans and includes mechanistically relevant active and passive processes such as the hepatic synthesis, gallbladder emptying, transition through the gastrointestinal tract, reabsorption into the liver, distribution within the whole body, and excretion via urine and faeces. The kinetics of active processes were determined for the exemplary BA glycochenodeoxycholic acid (GCDCA) based on blood plasma concentration-time profiles. The robustness of our PBBA model was verified with population simulations of healthy individuals. In addition to plasma levels, the possibility to estimate BA concentrations in relevant tissues like the intracellular space of the liver enhance the mechanistic understanding of cholestasis. We analysed BA levels in various tissues of Benign Recurrent Intrahepatic Cholestasis type 2 (BRIC2) patients and our simulations suggest a higher susceptibility of BRIC2 patients toward cholestatic DILI due to BA accumulation in the liver. The effect of drugs on systemic BA levels were simulated for cyclosporine A (CsA). Our results confirmed the higher risk of DILI after CsA administration in healthy and BRIC2 patients. The presented PBBA model enhances our mechanistic understanding underlying cholestasis and drug-induced alterations of BA levels in blood and organs. The developed PBBA model might be applied in the future to anticipate potential risk of cholestasis in patients.
Published in 2019

Erxian Decoction Attenuates TNF-alpha Induced Osteoblast Apoptosis by Modulating the Akt/Nrf2/HO-1 Signaling Pathway.

Authors: Wang N, Xin H, Xu P, Yu Z, Shou D

Abstract: Erxian decoction (EXD), a traditional Chinese medicine formula, has been used for treatment of osteoporosis for many years. The purpose of this study was to investigate the pharmacological effect of EXD in preventing osteoblast apoptosis and the underlying mechanism of prevention. Putative targets of EXD were predicted by network pharmacology, and functional and pathway enrichment analyses were also performed. Evaluations of bone mineral density, serum estradiol level, trabecular area fraction, serum calcium levels, and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha levels in ovariectomized rats, as well as cell proliferation assays, apoptosis assays, and western blotting in MC3T3-E1 osteoblasts were performed for further experimental validation. Ninety-three active ingredients in the EXD formula and 259 potential targets were identified. Functional and pathway enrichment analyses indicated that EXD significantly influenced the PI3K-Akt signaling pathway. In vivo experiments indicated that EXD treatment attenuated bone loss and decreased TNF-alpha levels in rats with osteoporosis. In vitro experiments showed that EXD treatment increased cell viability markedly and decreased levels of caspase-3 and the rate of apoptosis. It also promoted phosphorylation of Akt, nuclear translocation of transcription factor NF-erythroid 2-related factor (Nrf2), and hemeoxygenase-1 (HO-1) expression in TNF-alpha-induced MC3T3-E1 cells. Our results suggest that EXD exerted profound anti-osteoporosis effects, at least partially by reducing production of TNF-alpha and attenuating osteoblast apoptosis via Akt/Nrf2/HO-1 signaling pathway.
Published in 2019

Use of big data in drug development for precision medicine: an update.

Authors: Qian T, Zhu S, Hoshida Y

Abstract: Introduction: Big-data-driven drug development resources and methodologies have been evolving with ever-expanding data from large-scale biological experiments, clinical trials, and medical records from participants in data collection initiatives. The enrichment of biological- and clinical-context-specific large-scale data has enabled computational inference more relevant to real-world biomedical research, particularly identification of therapeutic targets and drugs for specific diseases and clinical scenarios. Areas covered: Here we overview recent progresses made in the fields: new big-data-driven approach to therapeutic target discovery, candidate drug prioritization, inference of clinical toxicity, and machine-learning methods in drug discovery. Expert opinion: In the near future, much larger volumes and complex datasets for precision medicine will be generated, e.g., individual and longitudinal multi-omic, and direct-to-consumer datasets. Closer collaborations between experts with different backgrounds would also be required to better translate analytic results into prognosis and treatment in the clinical practice. Meanwhile, cloud computing with protected patient privacy would become more routine analytic practice to fill the gaps within data integration along with the advent of big-data. To conclude, integration of multitudes of data generated for each individual along with techniques tailored for big-data analytics may eventually enable us to achieve precision medicine.
Published in 2019

Network-Based Metabolism-Centered Screening of Potential Drug Targets in Klebsiella pneumoniae at Genome Scale.

Authors: Cesur MF, Siraj B, Uddin R, Durmus S, Cakir T

Abstract: Klebsiella pneumoniae is an opportunistic bacterial pathogen leading to life-threatening nosocomial infections. Emergence of highly resistant strains poses a major challenge in the management of the infections by healthcare-associated K. pneumoniae isolates. Thus, despite intensive efforts, the current treatment strategies remain insufficient to eradicate such infections. Failure of the conventional infection-prevention and treatment efforts explicitly indicates the requirement of new therapeutic approaches. This prompted us to systematically analyze the K. pneumoniae metabolism to investigate drug targets. Genome-scale metabolic networks (GMNs) facilitating the systematic analysis of the metabolism are promising platforms. Thus, we used a GMN of K. pneumoniae MGH 78578 to determine putative targets through gene- and metabolite-centric approaches. To develop more realistic infection models, we performed the bacterial growth simulations within different host-mimicking media, using an improved biomass formation reaction. We selected more suitable targets based on several property-based prioritization procedures. KdsA was identified as the high-ranked putative target satisfying most of the target prioritization criteria specified under the gene-centric approach. Through a structure-based virtual screening protocol, we identified potential KdsA inhibitors. In addition, the metabolite-centric approach extended the drug target list based on synthetic lethality. This revealed the importance of combined metabolic analyses for a better understanding of the metabolism. To our knowledge, this is the first comprehensive effort on the investigation of the K. pneumoniae metabolism for drug target prediction through the constraint-based analysis of its GMN in conjunction with several bioinformatic approaches. This study can guide the researchers for the future drug designs by providing initial findings regarding crucial components of the Klebsiella metabolism.
Published in 2019

Drug Disposition and Pharmacotherapy in Neonatal ECMO: From Fragmented Data to Integrated Knowledge.

Authors: Raffaeli G, Pokorna P, Allegaert K, Mosca F, Cavallaro G, Wildschut ED, Tibboel D

Abstract: Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is a lifesaving support technology for potentially reversible neonatal cardiac and/or respiratory failure. As the survival and the overall outcome of patients rely on the treatment and reversal of the underlying disease, effective and preferentially evidence-based pharmacotherapy is crucial to target recovery. Currently limited data exist to support the clinicians in their every-day intensive care prescribing practice with the contemporary ECMO technology. Indeed, drug dosing to optimize pharmacotherapy during neonatal ECMO is a major challenge. The impact of the maturational changes of the organ function on both pharmacokinetics (PK) and pharmacodynamics (PD) has been widely established over the last decades. Next to the developmental pharmacology, additional non-maturational factors have been recognized as key-determinants of PK/PD variability. The dynamically changing state of critical illness during the ECMO course impairs the achievement of optimal drug exposure, as a result of single or multi-organ failure, capillary leak, altered protein binding, and sometimes a hyperdynamic state, with a variable effect on both the volume of distribution (Vd) and the clearance (Cl) of drugs. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation introduces further PK/PD perturbation due to drug sequestration and hemodilution, thus increasing the Vd and clearance (sequestration). Drug disposition depends on the characteristics of the compounds (hydrophilic vs. lipophilic, protein binding), patients (age, comorbidities, surgery, co-medications, genetic variations), and circuits (roller vs. centrifugal-based systems; silicone vs. hollow-fiber oxygenators; renal replacement therapy). Based on the potential combination of the above-mentioned drug PK/PD determinants, an integrated approach in clinical drug prescription is pivotal to limit the risks of over- and under-dosing. The understanding of the dose-exposure-response relationship in critically-ill neonates on ECMO will enable the optimization of dosing strategies to ensure safety and efficacy for the individual patient. Next to in vitro and clinical PK data collection, physiologically-based pharmacokinetic modeling (PBPK) are emerging as alternative approaches to provide bedside dosing guidance. This article provides an overview of the available evidence in the field of neonatal pharmacology during ECMO. We will identify the main determinants of altered PK and PD, elaborate on evidence-based recommendations on pharmacotherapy and highlight areas for further research.
Published in 2019

DeepBindRG: a deep learning based method for estimating effective protein-ligand affinity.

Authors: Zhang H, Liao L, Saravanan KM, Yin P, Wei Y

Abstract: Proteins interact with small molecules to modulate several important cellular functions. Many acute diseases were cured by small molecule binding in the active site of protein either by inhibition or activation. Currently, there are several docking programs to estimate the binding position and the binding orientation of protein-ligand complex. Many scoring functions were developed to estimate the binding strength and predict the effective protein-ligand binding. While the accuracy of current scoring function is limited by several aspects, the solvent effect, entropy effect, and multibody effect are largely ignored in traditional machine learning methods. In this paper, we proposed a new deep neural network-based model named DeepBindRG to predict the binding affinity of protein-ligand complex, which learns all the effects, binding mode, and specificity implicitly by learning protein-ligand interface contact information from a large protein-ligand dataset. During the initial data processing step, the critical interface information was preserved to make sure the input is suitable for the proposed deep learning model. While validating our model on three independent datasets, DeepBindRG achieves root mean squared error (RMSE) value of pKa (-logKd or -logKi) about 1.6-1.8 and R value around 0.5-0.6, which is better than the autodock vina whose RMSE value is about 2.2-2.4 and R value is 0.42-0.57. We also explored the detailed reasons for the performance of DeepBindRG, especially for several failed cases by vina. Furthermore, DeepBindRG performed better for four challenging datasets from DUD.E database with no experimental protein-ligand complexes. The better performance of DeepBindRG than autodock vina in predicting protein-ligand binding affinity indicates that deep learning approach can greatly help with the drug discovery process. We also compare the performance of DeepBindRG with a 4D based deep learning method "pafnucy", the advantage and limitation of both methods have provided clues for improving the deep learning based protein-ligand prediction model in the future.
Published in 2019

A Systems Pharmacology-Based Study of the Molecular Mechanisms of San Cao Decoction for Treating Hypertension.

Authors: Ma C, Zhai C, Xu T, Lu F, Zhang S, Li C, Wang Q, Cheng F, Wang X

Abstract: Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has a longstanding history and has gained widespread clinical applications. San Cao Decoction (SCD) is an experience prescription first formulated by Prof. Duzhou Liu. We previously demonstrated its antihypertensive effects; however, to systematically explain the underlying mechanisms of action, we employed a systems pharmacology approach for pharmacokinetic screening and target prediction by constructing protein-protein interaction networks of hypertension-related and putative SCD-related targets, and Database for Annotation, Visualization, and Integrated Discovery enrichment analysis. We identified 123 active compounds in SCD and 116 hypertension-related targets. Furthermore, the enrichment analysis of the drug-target network showed that SCD acts in a multidimensional manner to regulate PI3K-Akt-endothelial nitric oxide synthase signaling to maintain blood pressure. Our results highlighted the molecular mechanisms of antihypertensive actions of medicinal herbs at a systematic level.
Published in 2019

In Vivo Metabolism of Ibuprofen in Growing Conventional Pigs: A Pharmacokinetic Approach.

Authors: Millecam J, De Baere S, Croubels S, Devreese M

Abstract: The juvenile conventional pig has been suggested as a preclinical animal model to evaluate pharmacokinetic (PK), pharmacodynamic (PD), and safety parameters in children. However, a lot of developmental changes in pig physiology still need to be unraveled. While the in vitro ontogeny of pig biotransformation enzymes is getting more attention in literature, the in vivo developmental changes have not yet been investigated. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to evaluate the biotransformation of ibuprofen (IBU) in conventional pigs aged 1 week, 4 weeks, 8 weeks, and 6-7 months after a single intravenous and oral administration of 5 mg/kg body weight (BW) of IBU, using a PK approach in a crossover design for each age group. An ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS) method was developed and validated to determine 2-hydroxyibuprofen (2OH-IBU), carboxyibuprofen (COOH-IBU), and ibuprofen glucuronide (IBU-GlcA) in pig plasma. All three metabolites could be quantified in plasma and the following PK parameters were determined: C max, T max, AUC0-->6h, area under plasma concentration-time curve (AUC) ratio between parent drug and metabolite, and the absolute oral bioavailability of the parent drug IBU. The plasma concentrations of the metabolites were always lower than those of IBU. The bioavailability was high, indicating limited pre-systemic biotransformation. The AUC ratio of 2OH-IBU and COOH-IBU/IBU showed a significant increase at 4 weeks of age compared to the 1-week-old and 6- to 7-month-old pigs. Interestingly, the IBU-GlcA/IBU AUC ratio did not change with age. The present study demonstrated that the main metabolites of IBU in human are also present in growing pigs. The oxidative phase I metabolism of IBU in growing conventional pigs did change with age. In contrast, age did not seem to affect the glucuronidation capacity of IBU in conventional pigs, although more studies with other substrate drugs are needed to confirm this.
Published in December 2019

Towards precision medicine: interrogating the human genome to identify drug pathways associated with potentially functional, population-differentiated polymorphisms.

Authors: Bachtiar M, Ooi BNS, Wang J, Jin Y, Tan TW, Chong SS, Lee CGL

Abstract: Drug response variations amongst different individuals/populations are influenced by several factors including allele frequency differences of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that functionally affect drug-response genes. Here, we aim to identify drugs that potentially exhibit population differences in response using SNP data mining and analytics. Ninety-one pairwise-comparisons of >22,000,000 SNPs from the 1000 Genomes Project, across 14 different populations, were performed to identify 'population-differentiated' SNPs (pdSNPs). Potentially-functional pdSNPs (pf-pdSNPs) were then selected, mapped into genes, and integrated with drug-gene databases to identify 'population-differentiated' drugs enriched with genes carrying pf-pdSNPs. 1191 clinically-approved drugs were found to be significantly enriched (Z > 2.58) with genes carrying SNPs that were differentiated in one or more population-pair comparisons. Thirteen drugs were found to be enriched with such differentiated genes across all 91 population-pairs. Notably, 82% of drugs, which were previously reported in the literature to exhibit population differences in response were also found by this method to contain a significant enrichment of population specific differentiated SNPs. Furthermore, drugs with genetic testing labels, or those suspected to cause adverse reactions, contained a significantly larger number (P < 0.01) of population-pairs with enriched pf-pdSNPs compared with those without these labels. This pioneering effort at harnessing big-data pharmacogenomics to identify 'population differentiated' drugs could help to facilitate data-driven decision-making for a more personalized medicine.
Published in 2019

Leveraging Big Data to Transform Drug Discovery.

Authors: Glicksberg BS, Li L, Chen R, Dudley J, Chen B

Abstract: The surge of public disease and drug-related data availability has facilitated the application of computational methodologies to transform drug discovery. In the current chapter, we outline and detail the various resources and tools one can leverage in order to perform such analyses. We further describe in depth the in silico workflows of two recent studies that have identified possible novel indications of existing drugs. Lastly, we delve into the caveats and considerations of this process to enable other researchers to perform rigorous computational drug discovery experiments of their own.