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Published in 2018

Predicting Potential Drugs for Breast Cancer based on miRNA and Tissue Specificity.

Authors: Yu L, Zhao J, Gao L

Abstract: Network-based computational method, with the emphasis on biomolecular interactions and biological data integration, has succeeded in drug development and created new directions, such as drug repositioning and drug combination. Drug repositioning, that is finding new uses for existing drugs to treat more patients, offers time, cost and efficiency benefits in drug development, especially when in silico techniques are used. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) play important roles in multiple biological processes and have attracted much scientific attention recently. Moreover, cumulative studies demonstrate that the mature miRNAs as well as their precursors can be targeted by small molecular drugs. At the same time, human diseases result from the disordered interplay of tissue- and cell lineage-specific processes. However, few computational researches predict drug-disease potential relationships based on miRNA data and tissue specificity. Therefore, based on miRNA data and the tissue specificity of diseases, we propose a new method named as miTS to predict the potential treatments for diseases. Firstly, based on miRNAs data, target genes and information of FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approved drugs, we evaluate the relationships between miRNAs and drugs in the tissue-specific PPI (protein-protein) network. Then, we construct a tripartite network: drug-miRNA-disease Finally, we obtain the potential drug-disease associations based on the tripartite network. In this paper, we take breast cancer as case study and focus on the top-30 predicted drugs. 25 of them (83.3%) are found having known connections with breast cancer in CTD (Comparative Toxicogenomics Database) benchmark and the other 5 drugs are potential drugs for breast cancer. We further evaluate the 5 newly predicted drugs from clinical records, literature mining, KEGG pathways enrichment analysis and overlapping genes between enriched pathways. For each of the 5 new drugs, strongly supported evidences can be found in three or more aspects. In particular, Regorafenib (DB08896) has 15 overlapping KEGG pathways with breast cancer and their p-values are all very small. In addition, whether in the literature curation or clinical validation, Regorafenib has a strong correlation with breast cancer. All the facts show that Regorafenib is likely to be a truly effective drug, worthy of our further study. It further follows that our method miTS is effective and practical for predicting new drug indications, which will provide potential values for treatments of complex diseases.
Published on December 31, 2018

Computational prediction of plasma protein binding of cyclic peptides from small molecule experimental data using sparse modeling techniques.

Authors: Tajimi T, Wakui N, Yanagisawa K, Yoshikawa Y, Ohue M, Akiyama Y

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Cyclic peptide-based drug discovery is attracting increasing interest owing to its potential to avoid target protein depletion. In drug discovery, it is important to maintain the biostability of a drug within the proper range. Plasma protein binding (PPB) is the most important index of biostability, and developing a computational method to predict PPB of drug candidate compounds contributes to the acceleration of drug discovery research. PPB prediction of small molecule drug compounds using machine learning has been conducted thus far; however, no study has investigated cyclic peptides because experimental information of cyclic peptides is scarce. RESULTS: First, we adopted sparse modeling and small molecule information to construct a PPB prediction model for cyclic peptides. As cyclic peptide data are limited, applying multidimensional nonlinear models involves concerns regarding overfitting. However, models constructed by sparse modeling can avoid overfitting, offering high generalization performance and interpretability. More than 1000 PPB data of small molecules are available, and we used them to construct a prediction models with two enumeration methods: enumerating lasso solutions (ELS) and forward beam search (FBS). The accuracies of the prediction models constructed by ELS and FBS were equal to or better than those of conventional non-linear models (MAE = 0.167-0.174) on cross-validation of a small molecule compound dataset. Moreover, we showed that the prediction accuracies for cyclic peptides were close to those for small molecule compounds (MAE = 0.194-0.288). Such high accuracy could not be obtained by a simple method of learning from cyclic peptide data directly by lasso regression (MAE = 0.286-0.671) or ridge regression (MAE = 0.244-0.354). CONCLUSION: In this study, we proposed a machine learning techniques that uses low-dimensional sparse modeling to predict the PPB value of cyclic peptides computationally. The low-dimensional sparse model not only exhibits excellent generalization performance but also improves interpretation of the prediction model. This can provide common an noteworthy knowledge for future cyclic peptide drug discovery studies.
Published in 2018

A Network Pharmacology Approach to Uncover the Molecular Mechanisms of Herbal Formula Ban-Xia-Xie-Xin-Tang.

Authors: Yang M, Chen J, Xu L, Shi X, Zhou X, An R, Wang X

Abstract: Ban-Xia-Xie-Xin-Tang (BXXXT) is a classical formula from Shang-Han-Lun which is one of the earliest books of TCM clinical practice. In this work, we investigated the therapeutic mechanisms of BXXXT for the treatment of multiple diseases using a network pharmacology approach. Here three BXXXT representative diseases (colitis, diabetes mellitus, and gastric cancer) were discussed, and we focus on in silico methods that integrate drug-likeness screening, target prioritizing, and multilayer network extending. A total of 140 core targets and 72 representative compounds were finally identified to elucidate the pharmacology of BXXXT formula. After constructing multilayer networks, a good overlap between BXXXT nodes and disease nodes was observed at each level, and the network-based proximity analysis shows that the relevance between the formula targets and disease genes was significant according to the shortest path distance (SPD) and a random walk with restart (RWR) based scores for each disease. We found that there were 22 key pathways significantly associated with BXXXT, and the therapeutic effects of BXXXT were likely addressed by regulating a combination of targets in a modular pattern. Furthermore, the synergistic effects among BXXXT herbs were highlighted by elucidating the molecular mechanisms of individual herbs, and the traditional theory of "Jun-Chen-Zuo-Shi" of TCM formula was effectively interpreted from a network perspective. The proposed approach provides an effective strategy to uncover the mechanisms of action and combinatorial rules of BXXXT formula in a holistic manner.
Published in 2018

Computational Insight Into Vitamin K1 omega-Hydroxylation by Cytochrome P450 4F2.

Authors: Li J, Zhang H, Liu G, Tang Y, Tu Y, Li W

Abstract: Vitamin K1 (VK1) plays an important role in the modulation of bleeding disorders. It has been reported that omega-hydroxylation on the VK1 aliphatic chain is catalyzed by cytochrome P450 4F2 (CYP4F2), an enzyme responsible for the metabolism of eicosanoids. However, the mechanism of VK1 omega-hydroxylation by CYP4F2 has not been disclosed. In this study, we employed a combination of quantum mechanism (QM) calculations, homology modeling, molecular docking, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, and combined quantum mechanism/molecular mechanism (QM/MM) calculations to investigate the metabolism profile of VK1 omega-hydroxylation. QM calculations based on the truncated VK1 model show that the energy barrier for omega-hydroxylation is about 6-25 kJ/mol higher than those at other potential sites of metabolism. However, results from the MD simulations indicate that hydroxylation at the omega-site is more favorable than at the other potential sites, which is in accordance with the experimental observation. The evaluation of MD simulations was further endorsed by the QM/MM calculation results. Our studies thus suggest that the active site residues of CYP4F2 play a determinant role in the omega-hydroxylation. Our results provide structural insights into the mechanism of VK1 omega-hydroxylation by CYP4F2 at the atomistic level and are helpful not only for characterizing the CYP4F2 functions but also for looking into the omega-hydroxylation mediated by other CYP4 enzymes.
Published in 2018

A Computational Approach for Prioritizing Selection of Therapies Targeting Drug Resistant Variation in Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase.

Authors: McCoy MD, Madhavan S

Abstract: Anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) is a receptor tyrosine kinase implicated as a driver of a number of cancer types, and activates cellular pathways involved in cell proliferation and differentiation. Tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) are a small molecule therapeutic that blocks ALK function, but tumor evolution leads to the rapid emergence of drug resistant somatic variation and necessitates selection of a new treatment strategy. Computational simulations of protein:drug interactions were used to investigate the impact of seven drug resistant mutations on binding to eleven TKIs approved, or under investigation, for treatment of ALK positive cancers. The results show variant specific disruptions to TKI molecular interactions, and demonstrate the potential to aid prioritization of therapeutic interventions. Validation remains a challenge due to the complex dependence of biomolecular interactions on the local biophysical environment, but improvements to the underlying structural model and continued curation efforts will improve the clinical utility of computational predictions.
Published in 2018

Epigenome-Wide Association Study of Soluble Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor 2 Levels in the Framingham Heart Study.

Authors: Mendelson MM, Johannes R, Liu C, Huan T, Yao C, Miao X, Murabito JM, Dupuis J, Levy D, Benjamin EJ, Lin H

Abstract: Background: Transmembrane tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptors are involved in inflammatory, apoptotic, and proliferative processes. In the bloodstream, soluble TNF receptor II (sTNFR2) can modify the inflammatory response of immune cells and is predictive of cardiovascular disease risk. We hypothesize that sTNFR2 is associated with epigenetic modifications of circulating leukocytes, which may relate to the pathophysiology underlying atherogenic risk. Methods: We conducted an epigenome-wide association study of sTNFR2 levels in the Framingham Heart Study Offspring cohort (examination 8; 2005-2008). sTNFR2 was quantitated by enzyme immunoassay and DNA methylation by microarray. The concentration of sTNFR2 was loge-transformed and outliers were excluded. We conducted linear mixed effects models to test the association between sTNFR2 level and methylation at over 400,000 CpGs, adjusting for age, sex, BMI, smoking, imputed cell count, technical covariates, and accounting for familial relatedness. Results: The study sample included 2468 participants (mean age: 67 +/- 9 years, 52% women, mean sTNFR2 level 2661 +/- 1078 pg/ml). After accounting for multiple testing, we identified 168 CpGs (P < 1.2 x 10(-7)) that were differentially methylated in relation to sTNFR2. A substantial proportion (27 CpGs; 16%) are in the major histocompatibility complex region and in loci overrepresented for antigen binding molecular functions (P = 1.7 x 10(-4)) and antigen processing and presentation biological processes (P = 1.3 x 10(-8)). Identified CpGs are enriched in active regulatory regions and associated with expression of 48 cis-genes (+/-500 kb) in whole blood (P < 1.1 x 10(-5)) that coincide with genes identified in GWAS of diseases of immune dysregulation (inflammatory bowel disease, type 1 diabetes, IgA nephropathy). Conclusion: Differentially methylated loci in leukocytes associated with sTNF2 levels reside in active regulatory regions, are overrepresented in antigen processes, and are linked to inflammatory diseases.
Published in 2018

Predicting potential drug-drug interactions on topological and semantic similarity features using statistical learning.

Authors: Kastrin A, Ferk P, Leskosek B

Abstract: Drug-drug interaction (DDI) is a change in the effect of a drug when patient takes another drug. Characterizing DDIs is extremely important to avoid potential adverse drug reactions. We represent DDIs as a complex network in which nodes refer to drugs and links refer to their potential interactions. Recently, the problem of link prediction has attracted much consideration in scientific community. We represent the process of link prediction as a binary classification task on networks of potential DDIs. We use link prediction techniques for predicting unknown interactions between drugs in five arbitrary chosen large-scale DDI databases, namely DrugBank, KEGG, NDF-RT, SemMedDB, and Twosides. We estimated the performance of link prediction using a series of experiments on DDI networks. We performed link prediction using unsupervised and supervised approach including classification tree, k-nearest neighbors, support vector machine, random forest, and gradient boosting machine classifiers based on topological and semantic similarity features. Supervised approach clearly outperforms unsupervised approach. The Twosides network gained the best prediction performance regarding the area under the precision-recall curve (0.93 for both random forests and gradient boosting machine). The applied methodology can be used as a tool to help researchers to identify potential DDIs. The supervised link prediction approach proved to be promising for potential DDIs prediction and may facilitate the identification of potential DDIs in clinical research.
Published in 2018

MDAD: A Special Resource for Microbe-Drug Associations.

Authors: Sun YZ, Zhang DH, Cai SB, Ming Z, Li JQ, Chen X

Abstract: The human-associated microbiota is diverse and complex. It takes an essential role in human health and behavior and is closely related to the occurrence and development of disease. Although the diversity and distribution of microbial communities have been widely studied, little is known about the function and dynamics of microbes in the human body or the complex mechanisms of interaction between them and drugs, which are important for drug discovery and design. A high-quality comprehensive microbe and drug association database will be extremely beneficial to explore the relationship between them. In this article, we developed the Microbe-Drug Association Database (MDAD), a collection of clinically or experimentally supported associations between microbes and drugs, collecting 5,055 entries that include 1,388 drugs and 180 microbes from multiple drug databases and related publications. Moreover, we provided detailed annotations for each record, including the molecular form of drugs or hyperlinks from DrugBank, microbe target information from Uniprot and the original reference links. We hope MDAD will be a useful resource for deeper understanding of microbe and drug interactions and will also be beneficial to drug design, disease therapy and human health.
Published in 2018

Pan-Cancer Analysis Reveals the Functional Importance of Protein Lysine Modification in Cancer Development.

Authors: Chen L, Miao Y, Liu M, Zeng Y, Gao Z, Peng D, Hu B, Li X, Zheng Y, Xue Y, Zuo Z, Xie Y, Ren J

Abstract: Large-scale tumor genome sequencing projects have revealed a complex landscape of genomic mutations in multiple cancer types. A major goal of these projects is to characterize somatic mutations and discover cancer drivers, thereby providing important clues to uncover diagnostic or therapeutic targets for clinical treatment. However, distinguishing only a few somatic mutations from the majority of passenger mutations is still a major challenge facing the biological community. Fortunately, combining other functional features with mutations to predict cancer driver genes is an effective approach to solve the above problem. Protein lysine modifications are an important functional feature that regulates the development of cancer. Therefore, in this work, we have systematically analyzed somatic mutations on seven protein lysine modifications and identified several important drivers that are responsible for tumorigenesis. From published literature, we first collected more than 100,000 lysine modification sites for analysis. Another 1 million non-synonymous single nucleotide variants (SNVs) were then downloaded from TCGA and mapped to our collected lysine modification sites. To identify driver proteins that significantly altered lysine modifications, we further developed a hierarchical Bayesian model and applied the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method for testing. Strikingly, the coding sequences of 473 proteins were found to carry a higher mutation rate in lysine modification sites compared to other background regions. Hypergeometric tests also revealed that these gene products were enriched in known cancer drivers. Functional analysis suggested that mutations within the lysine modification regions possessed higher evolutionary conservation and deleteriousness. Furthermore, pathway enrichment showed that mutations on lysine modification sites mainly affected cancer related processes, such as cell cycle and RNA transport. Moreover, clinical studies also suggested that the driver proteins were significantly associated with patient survival, implying an opportunity to use lysine modifications as molecular markers in cancer diagnosis or treatment. By searching within protein-protein interaction networks using a random walk with restart (RWR) algorithm, we further identified a series of potential treatment agents and therapeutic targets for cancer related to lysine modifications. Collectively, this study reveals the functional importance of lysine modifications in cancer development and may benefit the discovery of novel mechanisms for cancer treatment.
Published in 2018

Pharmacophore modeling for identification of anti-IGF-1R drugs and in-vitro validation of fulvestrant as a potential inhibitor.

Authors: Khalid S, Hanif R, Jabeen I, Mansoor Q, Ismail M

Abstract: Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor (IGF-1R) is an important therapeutic target for breast cancer treatment. The alteration in the IGF-1R associated signaling network due to various genetic and environmental factors leads the system towards metastasis. The pharmacophore modeling and logical approaches have been applied to analyze the behaviour of complex regulatory network involved in breast cancer. A total of 23 inhibitors were selected to generate ligand based pharmacophore using the tool, Molecular Operating Environment (MOE). The best model consisted of three pharmacophore features: aromatic hydrophobic (HyD/Aro), hydrophobic (HyD) and hydrogen bond acceptor (HBA). This model was validated against World drug bank (WDB) database screening to identify 189 hits with the required pharmacophore features and was further screened by using Lipinski positive compounds. Finally, the most effective drug, fulvestrant, was selected. Fulvestrant is a selective estrogen receptor down regulator (SERD). This inhibitor was further studied by using both in-silico and in-vitro approaches that showed the targeted effect of fulvestrant in ER+ MCF-7 cells. Results suggested that fulvestrant has selective cytotoxic effect and a dose dependent response on IRS-1, IGF-1R, PDZK1 and ER-alpha in MCF-7 cells. PDZK1 can be an important inhibitory target using fulvestrant because it directly regulates IGF-1R.