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Published in 2018

How to Achieve Better Results Using PASS-Based Virtual Screening: Case Study for Kinase Inhibitors.

Authors: Pogodin PV, Lagunin AA, Rudik AV, Filimonov DA, Druzhilovskiy DS, Nicklaus MC, Poroikov VV

Abstract: Discovery of new pharmaceutical substances is currently boosted by the possibility of utilization of the Synthetically Accessible Virtual Inventory (SAVI) library, which includes about 283 million molecules, each annotated with a proposed synthetic one-step route from commercially available starting materials. The SAVI database is well-suited for ligand-based methods of virtual screening to select molecules for experimental testing. In this study, we compare the performance of three approaches for the analysis of structure-activity relationships that differ in their criteria for selecting of "active" and "inactive" compounds included in the training sets. PASS (Prediction of Activity Spectra for Substances), which is based on a modified Naive Bayes algorithm, was applied since it had been shown to be robust and to provide good predictions of many biological activities based on just the structural formula of a compound even if the information in the training set is incomplete. We used different subsets of kinase inhibitors for this case study because many data are currently available on this important class of drug-like molecules. Based on the subsets of kinase inhibitors extracted from the ChEMBL 20 database we performed the PASS training, and then applied the model to ChEMBL 23 compounds not yet present in ChEMBL 20 to identify novel kinase inhibitors. As one may expect, the best prediction accuracy was obtained if only the experimentally confirmed active and inactive compounds for distinct kinases in the training procedure were used. However, for some kinases, reasonable results were obtained even if we used merged training sets, in which we designated as inactives the compounds not tested against the particular kinase. Thus, depending on the availability of data for a particular biological activity, one may choose the first or the second approach for creating ligand-based computational tools to achieve the best possible results in virtual screening.
Published in 2018

Integration of genome-scale metabolic networks into whole-body PBPK models shows phenotype-specific cases of drug-induced metabolic perturbation.

Authors: Cordes H, Thiel C, Baier V, Blank LM, Kuepfer L

Abstract: Drug-induced perturbations of the endogenous metabolic network are a potential root cause of cellular toxicity. A mechanistic understanding of such unwanted side effects during drug therapy is therefore vital for patient safety. The comprehensive assessment of such drug-induced injuries requires the simultaneous consideration of both drug exposure at the whole-body and resulting biochemical responses at the cellular level. We here present a computational multi-scale workflow that combines whole-body physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) models and organ-specific genome-scale metabolic network (GSMN) models through shared reactions of the xenobiotic metabolism. The applicability of the proposed workflow is illustrated for isoniazid, a first-line antibacterial agent against Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which is known to cause idiosyncratic drug-induced liver injuries (DILI). We combined GSMN models of a human liver with N-acetyl transferase 2 (NAT2)-phenotype-specific PBPK models of isoniazid. The combined PBPK-GSMN models quantitatively describe isoniazid pharmacokinetics, as well as intracellular responses, and changes in the exometabolome in a human liver following isoniazid administration. Notably, intracellular and extracellular responses identified with the PBPK-GSMN models are in line with experimental and clinical findings. Moreover, the drug-induced metabolic perturbations are distributed and attenuated in the metabolic network in a phenotype-dependent manner. Our simulation results show that a simultaneous consideration of both drug pharmacokinetics at the whole-body and metabolism at the cellular level is mandatory to explain drug-induced injuries at the patient level. The proposed workflow extends our mechanistic understanding of the biochemistry underlying adverse events and may be used to prevent drug-induced injuries in the future.
Published in 2018

Systematic identification of latent disease-gene associations from PubMed articles.

Authors: Zhang Y, Shen F, Mojarad MR, Li D, Liu S, Tao C, Yu Y, Liu H

Abstract: Recent scientific advances have accumulated a tremendous amount of biomedical knowledge providing novel insights into the relationship between molecular and cellular processes and diseases. Literature mining is one of the commonly used methods to retrieve and extract information from scientific publications for understanding these associations. However, due to large data volume and complicated associations with noises, the interpretability of such association data for semantic knowledge discovery is challenging. In this study, we describe an integrative computational framework aiming to expedite the discovery of latent disease mechanisms by dissecting 146,245 disease-gene associations from over 25 million of PubMed indexed articles. We take advantage of both Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) modeling and network-based analysis for their capabilities of detecting latent associations and reducing noises for large volume data respectively. Our results demonstrate that (1) the LDA-based modeling is able to group similar diseases into disease topics; (2) the disease-specific association networks follow the scale-free network property; (3) certain subnetwork patterns were enriched in the disease-specific association networks; and (4) genes were enriched in topic-specific biological processes. Our approach offers promising opportunities for latent disease-gene knowledge discovery in biomedical research.
Published in 2018

Drug drug interaction extraction from the literature using a recursive neural network.

Authors: Lim S, Lee K, Kang J

Abstract: Detecting drug-drug interactions (DDI) is important because information on DDIs can help prevent adverse effects from drug combinations. Since there are many new DDI-related papers published in the biomedical domain, manually extracting DDI information from the literature is a laborious task. However, text mining can be used to find DDIs in the biomedical literature. Among the recently developed neural networks, we use a Recursive Neural Network to improve the performance of DDI extraction. Our recursive neural network model uses a position feature, a subtree containment feature, and an ensemble method to improve the performance of DDI extraction. Compared with the state-of-the-art models, the DDI detection and type classifiers of our model performed 4.4% and 2.8% better, respectively, on the DDIExtraction Challenge'13 test data. We also validated our model on the PK DDI corpus that consists of two types of DDIs data: in vivo DDI and in vitro DDI. Compared with the existing model, our detection classifier performed 2.3% and 6.7% better on in vivo and in vitro data respectively. The results of our validation demonstrate that our model can automatically extract DDIs better than existing models.
Published in 2018

Drug-target-disease network analysis of gene-phenotype connectivity for genistein in ovarian cancer.

Authors: Zhang C, Yang F, Ni S, Teng W, Ning Y

Abstract: Purpose: Genistein belongs to the group of isoflavones, which include powerful anticancer agents. Its antitumor properties have been intensively described in many cancers, but related studies assessing ovarian cancer are scarce. The aim of this study was to develop a new method of the underlying mechanisms of genistein's effects and broaden the perspective of targeted therapies in ovarian carcinoma. Materials and methods: Genistein targets were searched in the DrugBank database. Prediction of drug interactions with targets (including secondary targets) was performed with STRING database. Interaction pairs with overall score above 0.9 were recorded for protein-protein interaction (PPI) network generation based on the Cytoscape software. Genes with intense interconnections were grouped into a module. Then, PPI network modules with significance were assessed using Molecular Complex Detection (MCODE) analysis tool. The Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathway enrichment analysis was performed for the critical genes. Furthermore, disease targets were searched in Comparative Toxicogenomics Database (CTD). The overlapping targets were studied using a Kaplan-Meier analysis to evaluate ovarian carcinoma survival. Results: A total of 13 direct targets and 372 secondary targets were identified for genistein and further analyzed with the MCODE analysis tool to identify critical genes. The top 72 genes were further assessed with KEGG. Then, the term "ovarian cancer" was searched in CTD, and 123 genes associated only with the marker "T" or "M" were recorded. Next, seven overlapping genes (CDKN1B, PTEN, EGFR, MAPK1, MAPK3, PIK3C, and AKT1) resulting from the intersection of three pathways and 123 genes were obtained from CTD. Elevated CDKN1B amounts showed correlation with overall survival (log-rank P=0.021) according to Kaplan-Meier analysis. Conclusion: The current findings indicated that drug-target-disease network analysis represents a useful tool in gene-phenotype connectivity for genistein in ovarian cancer. Our result also showed that CDKN1B is worthy of further research.
Published in 2018

Cascade Ligand- and Structure-Based Virtual Screening to Identify New Trypanocidal Compounds Inhibiting Putrescine Uptake.

Authors: Alberca LN, Sbaraglini ML, Morales JF, Dietrich R, Ruiz MD, Pino Martinez AM, Miranda CG, Fraccaroli L, Alba Soto CD, Carrillo C, Palestro PH, Talevi A

Abstract: Chagas disease is a neglected tropical disease endemic to Latin America, though migratory movements have recently spread it to other regions. Here, we have applied a cascade virtual screening campaign combining ligand- and structure-based methods. In order to find novel inhibitors of putrescine uptake in Trypanosoma cruzi, an ensemble of linear ligand-based classifiers obtained by has been applied as initial screening filter, followed by docking into a homology model of the putrescine permease TcPAT12. 1,000 individual linear classifiers were inferred from a balanced dataset. Subsequently, different schemes were tested to combine the individual classifiers: MIN operator, average ranking, average score, average voting, with MIN operator leading to the best performance. The homology model was based on the arginine/agmatine antiporter (AdiC) from Escherichia coli as template. It showed 64% coverage of the entire query sequence and it was selected based on the normalized Discrete Optimized Protein Energy parameter and the GA341 score. The modeled structure had 96% in the allowed area of Ramachandran's plot, and none of the residues located in non-allowed regions were involved in the active site of the transporter. Positivity Predictive Value surfaces were applied to optimize the score thresholds to be used in the ligand-based virtual screening step: for that purpose Positivity Predictive Value was charted as a function of putative yields of active in the range 0.001-0.010 and the Se/Sp ratio. With a focus on drug repositioning opportunities, DrugBank and Sweetlead databases were subjected to screening. Among 8 hits, cinnarizine, a drug frequently prescribed for motion sickness and balance disorder, was tested against T. cruzi epimastigotes and amastigotes, confirming its trypanocidal effects and its inhibitory effects on putrescine uptake. Furthermore, clofazimine, an antibiotic with already proven trypanocidal effects, also displayed inhibitory effects on putrescine uptake. Two other hits, meclizine and butoconazole, also displayed trypanocidal effects (in the case of meclizine, against both epimastigotes and amastigotes), without inhibiting putrescine uptake.
Published in 2018

Reverse Screening Methods to Search for the Protein Targets of Chemopreventive Compounds.

Authors: Huang H, Zhang G, Zhou Y, Lin C, Chen S, Lin Y, Mai S, Huang Z

Abstract: This article is a systematic review of reverse screening methods used to search for the protein targets of chemopreventive compounds or drugs. Typical chemopreventive compounds include components of traditional Chinese medicine, natural compounds and Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved drugs. Such compounds are somewhat selective but are predisposed to bind multiple protein targets distributed throughout diverse signaling pathways in human cells. In contrast to conventional virtual screening, which identifies the ligands of a targeted protein from a compound database, reverse screening is used to identify the potential targets or unintended targets of a given compound from a large number of receptors by examining their known ligands or crystal structures. This method, also known as in silico or computational target fishing, is highly valuable for discovering the target receptors of query molecules from terrestrial or marine natural products, exploring the molecular mechanisms of chemopreventive compounds, finding alternative indications of existing drugs by drug repositioning, and detecting adverse drug reactions and drug toxicity. Reverse screening can be divided into three major groups: shape screening, pharmacophore screening and reverse docking. Several large software packages, such as Schrodinger and Discovery Studio; typical software/network services such as ChemMapper, PharmMapper, idTarget, and INVDOCK; and practical databases of known target ligands and receptor crystal structures, such as ChEMBL, BindingDB, and the Protein Data Bank (PDB), are available for use in these computational methods. Different programs, online services and databases have different applications and constraints. Here, we conducted a systematic analysis and multilevel classification of the computational programs, online services and compound libraries available for shape screening, pharmacophore screening and reverse docking to enable non-specialist users to quickly learn and grasp the types of calculations used in protein target fishing. In addition, we review the main features of these methods, programs and databases and provide a variety of examples illustrating the application of one or a combination of reverse screening methods for accurate target prediction.
Published in 2018

A Genome-Wide Search for Gene-Environment Effects in Isolated Cleft Lip with or without Cleft Palate Triads Points to an Interaction between Maternal Periconceptional Vitamin Use and Variants in ESRRG.

Authors: Haaland OA, Lie RT, Romanowska J, Gjerdevik M, Gjessing HK, Jugessur A

Abstract: Background: It is widely accepted that cleft lip with or without cleft palate (CL/P) results from the complex interplay between multiple genetic and environmental factors. However, a robust investigation of these gene-environment (GxE) interactions at a genome-wide level is still lacking for isolated CL/P. Materials and Methods: We used our R-package Haplin to perform a genome-wide search for GxE effects in isolated CL/P. From a previously published GWAS, genotypes and information on maternal periconceptional cigarette smoking, alcohol intake, and vitamin use were available on 1908 isolated CL/P triads of predominantly European or Asian ancestry. A GxE effect is present if the relative risk estimates for gene-effects in the offspring are different across exposure strata. We tested this using the relative risk ratio (RRR). Besides analyzing all ethnicities combined ("pooled analysis"), separate analyses were conducted on Europeans and Asians to investigate ethnicity-specific effects. To control for multiple testing, q-values were calculated from the p-values. Results: We identified significant GxVitamin interactions with three SNPs in "Estrogen-related receptor gamma" (ESRRG) in the pooled analysis. The RRRs (95% confidence intervals) were 0.56 (0.45-0.69) with rs1339221 (q = 0.011), 0.57 (0.46-0.70) with rs11117745 (q = 0.011), and 0.62 (0.50-0.76) with rs2099557 (q = 0.037). The associations were stronger when these SNPs were analyzed as haplotypes composed of two-SNP and three-SNP combinations. The strongest effect was with the "t-t-t" haplotype of the rs1339221-rs11117745-rs2099557 combination [RRR = 0.50 (0.40-0.64)], suggesting that the effects observed with the other SNP combinations, including those in the single-SNP analyses, were mainly driven by this haplotype. Although there were potential GxVitamin effects with rs17734557 and rs1316471 and GxAlcohol effects with rs9653456 and rs921876 in the European sample, respectively, none of the SNPs was located in or near genes with strong links to orofacial clefts. GxAlcohol and GxSmoke effects were not assessed in the Asian sample because of a lack of observations for these exposures. Discussion/Conclusion: We identified significant interactions between vitamin use and variants in ESRRG in the pooled analysis. These GxE effects are novel and warrant further investigations to elucidate their roles in orofacial clefting. If validated, they could provide prospects for exploring the impact of estrogens and vitamins on clefting, with potential translational applications.
Published in 2018

Drug-Target Interaction Prediction via Dual Laplacian Graph Regularized Matrix Completion.

Authors: Wang M, Tang C, Chen J

Abstract: Drug-target interactions play an important role for biomedical drug discovery and development. However, it is expensive and time-consuming to accomplish this task by experimental determination. Therefore, developing computational techniques for drug-target interaction prediction is urgent and has practical significance. In this work, we propose an effective computational model of dual Laplacian graph regularized matrix completion, referred to as DLGRMC briefly, to infer the unknown drug-target interactions. Specifically, DLGRMC transforms the task of drug-target interaction prediction into a matrix completion problem, in which the potential interactions between drugs and targets can be obtained based on the prediction scores after the matrix completion procedure. In DLGRMC, the drug pairwise chemical structure similarities and the target pairwise genomic sequence similarities are fully exploited to serve the matrix completion by using a dual Laplacian graph regularization term; i.e., drugs with similar chemical structure are more likely to have interactions with similar targets and targets with similar genomic sequence similarity are more likely to have interactions with similar drugs. In addition, during the matrix completion process, an indicator matrix with binary values which indicates the indices of the observed drug-target interactions is deployed to preserve the experimental confirmed interactions. Furthermore, we develop an alternative iterative strategy to solve the constrained matrix completion problem based on Augmented Lagrange Multiplier algorithm. We evaluate DLGRMC on five benchmark datasets and the results show that DLGRMC outperforms several state-of-the-art approaches in terms of 10-fold cross validation based AUPR values and PR curves. In addition, case studies also demonstrate that DLGRMC can successfully predict most of the experimental validated drug-target interactions.
Published in 2018

Identification of novel drug targets in bovine respiratory disease: an essential step in applying biotechnologic techniques to develop more effective therapeutic treatments.

Authors: Sakharkar MK, Rajamanickam K, Chandra R, Khan HA, Alhomida AS, Yang J

Abstract: Background: Bovine Respiratory Disease (BRD) is a major problem in cattle production which causes substantial economic loss. BRD has multifactorial aetiologies, is multi-microbial, and several of the causative pathogens are unknown. Consequently, primary management practices such as metaphylactic antimicrobial injections for BRD prevention are used to reduce the incidence of BRD in feedlot cattle. However, this poses a serious threat in the form of development of antimicrobial resistance and demands an urgent need to find novel interventions that could reduce the effects of BRD drastically and also delay/prevent bacterial resistance. Materials and methods: We have employed a subtractive genomics approach that helps delineate essential, host-specific, and druggable targets in pathogens responsible for BRD. We also proposed antimicrobials from FDA green and orange book that could be repositioned for BRD. Results: We have identified 107 putative targets that are essential, selective and druggable. We have also confirmed the susceptibility of two BRD pathogens to one of the proposed antimicrobials - oxytetracycline. Conclusion: This approach allows for repositioning drugs known for other infections to BRD, predicting novel druggable targets for BRD infection, and providing a new direction in developing more effective therapeutic treatments for BRD.