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Published on November 21, 2018

Effects of PKM2 on global metabolic changes and prognosis in hepatocellular carcinoma: from gene expression to drug discovery.

Authors: Lv WW, Liu D, Liu XC, Feng TN, Li L, Qian BY, Li WX

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a malignant tumor that threatens global human health. High PKM2 expression is widely reported in multiple cancers, especially in HCC. This study aimed to explore the effects of PKM2 on global gene expression, metabolic damages, patient prognosis, and multiple transcriptional regulation relationships, as well as to identify several key metabolic genes and screen some small-molecule drugs. METHODS: Transcriptome and clinical HCC data were downloaded from the NIH-GDC repository. Information regarding the metabolic genes and subsystems was collected from the Recon 2 human metabolic model. Drug-protein interaction data were obtained from the DrugBank and UniProt databases. We defined patients with PKM2 expression levels >/=11.25 as the high-PKM2 group, and those with low PKM2 expression (< 11.25) were defined as the low-PKM2 group. RESULTS: The results showed that the global metabolic gene expression levels were obviously divided into the high- or low-PKM2 groups. In addition, a greater number of affected metabolic subsystems were observed in the high-PKM2 group. Furthermore, we identified 98 PKM2-correlated deregulated metabolic genes that were associated with poor overall patient survival. Together, these findings suggest more comprehensive influences of PKM2 on HCC. In addition, we screened several small-molecule drugs that target these metabolic enzymes, some of which have been used in antitumor clinical studies. CONCLUSIONS: HCC patients with high PKM2 expression showed more severe metabolic damage, transcriptional regulation imbalance and poor prognosis than low-PKM2 individuals. We believe that our study provides valuable information for pathology research and drug development for HCC.
Published on November 21, 2018

Drug repositioning using drug-disease vectors based on an integrated network.

Authors: Lee T, Yoon Y

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Diverse interactions occur between biomolecules, such as activation, inhibition, expression, or repression. However, previous network-based studies of drug repositioning have employed interaction on the binary protein-protein interaction (PPI) network without considering the characteristics of the interactions. Recently, some studies of drug repositioning using gene expression data found that associations between drug and disease genes are useful information for identifying novel drugs to treat diseases. However, the gene expression profiles for drugs and diseases are not always available. Although gene expression profiles of drugs and diseases are available, existing methods cannot use the drugs or diseases, when differentially expressed genes in the profiles are not included in their network. RESULTS: We developed a novel method for identifying candidate indications of existing drugs considering types of interactions between biomolecules based on known drug-disease associations. To obtain associations between drug and disease genes, we constructed a directed network using protein interaction and gene regulation data obtained from various public databases providing diverse biological pathways. The network includes three types of edges depending on relationships between biomolecules. To quantify the association between a target gene and a disease gene, we explored the shortest paths from the target gene to the disease gene and calculated the types and weights of the shortest paths. For each drug-disease pair, we built a vector consisting of values for each disease gene influenced by the drug. Using the vectors and known drug-disease associations, we constructed classifiers to identify novel drugs for each disease. CONCLUSION: We propose a method for exploring candidate drugs of diseases using associations between drugs and disease genes derived from a directed gene network instead of gene regulation data obtained from gene expression profiles. Compared to existing methods that require information on gene relationships and gene expression data, our method can be applied to a greater number of drugs and diseases. Furthermore, to validate our predictions, we compared the predictions with drug-disease pairs in clinical trials using the hypergeometric test, which showed significant results. Our method also showed better performance compared to existing methods for the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC).
Published on November 21, 2018

Variant information systems for precision oncology.

Authors: Starlinger J, Pallarz S, Seva J, Rieke D, Sers C, Keilholz U, Leser U

Abstract: BACKGROUND: The decreasing cost of obtaining high-quality calls of genomic variants and the increasing availability of clinically relevant data on such variants are important drivers for personalized oncology. To allow rational genome-based decisions in diagnosis and treatment, clinicians need intuitive access to up-to-date and comprehensive variant information, encompassing, for instance, prevalence in populations and diseases, functional impact at the molecular level, associations to druggable targets, or results from clinical trials. In practice, collecting such comprehensive information on genomic variants is difficult since the underlying data is dispersed over a multitude of distributed, heterogeneous, sometimes conflicting, and quickly evolving data sources. To work efficiently, clinicians require powerful Variant Information Systems (VIS) which automatically collect and aggregate available evidences from such data sources without suppressing existing uncertainty. METHODS: We address the most important cornerstones of modeling a VIS: We take from emerging community standards regarding the necessary breadth of variant information and procedures for their clinical assessment, long standing experience in implementing biomedical databases and information systems, our own clinical record of diagnosis and treatment of cancer patients based on molecular profiles, and extensive literature review to derive a set of design principles along which we develop a relational data model for variant level data. In addition, we characterize a number of public variant data sources, and describe a data integration pipeline to integrate their data into a VIS. RESULTS: We provide a number of contributions that are fundamental to the design and implementation of a comprehensive, operational VIS. In particular, we (a) present a relational data model to accurately reflect data extracted from public databases relevant for clinical variant interpretation, (b) introduce a fault tolerant and performant integration pipeline for public variant data sources, and (c) offer recommendations regarding a number of intricate challenges encountered when integrating variant data for clincal interpretation. CONCLUSION: The analysis of requirements for representation of variant level data in an operational data model, together with the implementation-ready relational data model presented here, and the instructional description of methods to acquire comprehensive information to fill it, are an important step towards variant information systems for genomic medicine.
Published on November 20, 2018

TMFUF: a triple matrix factorization-based unified framework for predicting comprehensive drug-drug interactions of new drugs.

Authors: Shi JY, Huang H, Li JX, Lei P, Zhang YN, Dong K, Yiu SM

Abstract: BACKGROUND: A significant number of adverse drug reactions is caused by unexpected Drug-drug interactions (DDIs). The identification of DDIs becomes crucial before the co-prescription of multiple drugs is made. Such a task in clinics or in drug discovery usually requires high costs and numerous limitations, while computational approaches are able to predict potential DDIs effectively by utilizing diverse drug attributes (e.g. side effects). Nevertheless, they're incapable when required to predict enhancive and degressive DDIs, which change increasingly and decreasingly the pharmacological behavior of interacting drugs respectively. The pharmacological change of DDIs is one of the most important factors when making a multi-drug prescription. RESULTS: In this work, we design a Triple Matrix Factorization-based Unified Framework (TMFUF) to address the above issue. By leveraging a group of side effect entries of drugs, TMFUF achieves the inspiring result (AUC = 0.842 and AUPR = 0.526) in the case of conventional DDI prediction under the traditional screening task. In the comparison with two state-of-the-art approaches, TMFUF demonstrates it superiority by ~ 7% and ~ 20% improvement in terms of AUC and AUPR respectively. More importantly, TMFUF shows its ability in the comprehensive DDI prediction under different screening tasks. Finally, a utilization TMFUF reveals the significant pairs of side effects, which contribute to form enhancive and degressive DDIs, for further clinical validation. CONCLUSIONS: The proposed TMFUF is first capable to predict both conventional binary DDIs and comprehensive DDIs such that it captures the pharmacological changes caused by DDIs. Furthermore, it provides a unified solution of DDI prediction for two screening scenarios, which involves newly given drugs having no prior interaction. Another advantage is its ability to indicate how significantly the pairs of drug features contribute to form DDIs.
Published on November 20, 2018

Synthetic lethal combinations of low-toxicity drugs for breast cancer identified in silico by genetic screens in yeast.

Authors: Marhold M, Tomasich E, Schwarz M, Udovica S, Heinzel A, Mayer P, Horak P, Perco P, Krainer M

Abstract: In recent years, the concept of synthetic lethality, describing a cellular state where loss of two genes leads to a non-viable phenotype while loss of one gene can be compensated, has emerged as a novel strategy for cancer therapy. Various compounds targeting synthetic lethal pathways are either under clinical investigation or are already routinely used in multiple cancer entities such as breast cancer. Most of them target the well-described synthetic lethal interplay between PARP1 and BRCA1/2. In our study, we investigated, using an in silico methodological approach, clinically utilized drug combinations for breast cancer treatment, by correlating their known molecular targets with known homologous interaction partners that cause synthetic lethality in yeast. Further, by creating a machine-learning algorithm, we were able to suggest novel synthetic lethal drug combinations of low-toxicity drugs in breast cancer and showed their negative effects on cancer cell viability in vitro. Our findings foster the understanding of evolutionarily conserved synthetic lethality in breast cancer cells and might lead to new drug combinations with favorable toxicity profile in this entity.
Published on November 15, 2018

In silico drug screening by using genome-wide association study data repurposed dabrafenib, an anti-melanoma drug, for Parkinson's disease.

Authors: Uenaka T, Satake W, Cha PC, Hayakawa H, Baba K, Jiang S, Kobayashi K, Kanagawa M, Okada Y, Mochizuki H, Toda T

Abstract: Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by dopaminergic neuron loss. At present, there are no drugs that stop the progression of PD. As with other multifactorial genetic disorders, genome-wide association studies (GWASs) found multiple risk loci for PD, although their clinical significance remains uncertain. Here, we report the identification of candidate drugs for PD by a method using GWAS data and in silico databases. We identified 57 Food and Drug Administration-approved drug families as candidate neuroprotective drugs for PD. Among them, dabrafenib, which is known as a B-Raf kinase inhibitor and is approved for the treatment of malignant melanoma, showed remarkable cytoprotective effects in neurotoxin-treated SH-SY5Y cells and mice. Dabrafenib was found to inhibit apoptosis, and to enhance the phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK), and inhibit the phosphorylation of c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase. Dabrafenib targets B-Raf, and we confirmed a protein-protein interaction between B-Raf and Rit2, which is coded by RIT2, a PD risk gene in Asians and Caucasians. In RIT2-knockout cells, the phosphorylation of ERK was reduced, and dabrafenib treatment improved the ERK phosphorylation. These data indicated that dabrafenib exerts protective effects against neurotoxicity associated with PD. By using animal model, we confirmed the effectiveness of this in silico screening method. Furthermore, our results suggest that this in silico drug screening system is useful in not only neurodegenerative diseases but also other common diseases such as diabetes mellitus and hypertension.
Published on November 13, 2018

Escaping Atom Types in Force Fields Using Direct Chemical Perception.

Authors: Mobley DL, Bannan CC, Rizzi A, Bayly CI, Chodera JD, Lim VT, Lim NM, Beauchamp KA, Slochower DR, Shirts MR, Gilson MK, Eastman PK

Abstract: Traditional approaches to specifying a molecular mechanics force field encode all the information needed to assign force field parameters to a given molecule into a discrete set of atom types. This is equivalent to a representation consisting of a molecular graph comprising a set of vertices, which represent atoms labeled by atom type, and unlabeled edges, which represent chemical bonds. Bond stretch, angle bend, and dihedral parameters are then assigned by looking up bonded pairs, triplets, and quartets of atom types in parameter tables to assign valence terms and using the atom types themselves to assign nonbonded parameters. This approach, which we call indirect chemical perception because it operates on the intermediate graph of atom-typed nodes, creates a number of technical problems. For example, atom types must be sufficiently complex to encode all necessary information about the molecular environment, making it difficult to extend force fields encoded this way. Atom typing also results in a proliferation of redundant parameters applied to chemically equivalent classes of valence terms, needlessly increasing force field complexity. Here, we describe a new approach to assigning force field parameters via direct chemical perception. Rather than working through the intermediary of the atom-typed graph, direct chemical perception operates directly on the unmodified chemical graph of the molecule to assign parameters. In particular, parameters are assigned to each type of force field term (e.g., bond stretch, angle bend, torsion, and Lennard-Jones) based on standard chemical substructure queries implemented via the industry-standard SMARTS chemical perception language, using SMIRKS extensions that permit labeling of specific atoms within a chemical pattern. We use this to implement a new force field format, called the SMIRKS Native Open Force Field (SMIRNOFF) format. We demonstrate the power and generality of this approach using examples of specific molecules that pose problems for indirect chemical perception and construct and validate a minimalist yet very general force field, SMIRNOFF99Frosst. We find that a parameter definition file only approximately 300 lines long provides coverage of all but <0.02% of a 5 million molecule drug-like test set. Despite its simplicity, the accuracy of SMIRNOFF99Frosst for small molecule hydration free energies and selected properties of pure organic liquids is similar to that of the General Amber Force Field, whose specification requires thousands of parameters. This force field provides a starting point for further optimization and refitting work to follow.
Published on November 8, 2018

Systemic neurotransmitter responses to clinically approved and experimental neuropsychiatric drugs.

Authors: Noori HR, Mervin LH, Bokharaie V, Durmus O, Egenrieder L, Fritze S, Gruhlke B, Reinhardt G, Schabel HH, Staudenmaier S, Logothetis NK, Bender A, Spanagel R

Abstract: Neuropsychiatric disorders are the third leading cause of global disease burden. Current pharmacological treatment for these disorders is inadequate, with often insufficient efficacy and undesirable side effects. One reason for this is that the links between molecular drug action and neurobehavioral drug effects are elusive. We use a big data approach from the neurotransmitter response patterns of 258 different neuropsychiatric drugs in rats to address this question. Data from experiments comprising 110,674 rats are presented in the Syphad database [ ]. Chemoinformatics analyses of the neurotransmitter responses suggest a mismatch between the current classification of neuropsychiatric drugs and spatiotemporal neurostransmitter response patterns at the systems level. In contrast, predicted drug-target interactions reflect more appropriately brain region related neurotransmitter response. In conclusion the neurobiological mechanism of neuropsychiatric drugs are not well reflected by their current classification or their chemical similarity, but can be better captured by molecular drug-target interactions.
Published on November 1, 2018

Exploring drug space with

Authors: Borrel A, Kleinstreuer NC, Fourches D

Abstract: Motivation: Easily navigating chemical space has become more important due to the increasing size and diversity of publicly-accessible databases such as DrugBank, ChEMBL or Tox21. To do so, modelers typically rely on complex projection techniques using molecular descriptors computed for all the chemicals to be visualized. However, the multiple cheminformatics steps required to prepare, characterize, compute and explore those molecules, are technical, typically necessitate scripting skills, and thus represent a real obstacle for non-specialists. Results: We developed the webserver to easily browse, navigate and mine chemical space. The first version of features more than 8000 approved, in development, and rejected drugs, as well as over 47 000 environmental chemicals. Availability and implementation: The webserver is freely available at
Published in October 2018

Multifunctional Proteins: Involvement in Human Diseases and Targets of Current Drugs.

Authors: Franco-Serrano L, Huerta M, Hernandez S, Cedano J, Perez-Pons J, Pinol J, Mozo-Villarias A, Amela I, Querol E

Abstract: Multifunctionality or multitasking is the capability of some proteins to execute two or more biochemical functions. The objective of this work is to explore the relationship between multifunctional proteins, human diseases and drug targeting. The analysis of the proportion of multitasking proteins from the MultitaskProtDB-II database shows that 78% of the proteins analyzed are involved in human diseases. This percentage is much higher than the 17.9% found in human proteins in general. A similar analysis using drug target databases shows that 48% of these analyzed human multitasking proteins are targets of current drugs, while only 9.8% of the human proteins present in UniProt are specified as drug targets. In almost 50% of these proteins, both the canonical and moonlighting functions are related to the molecular basis of the disease. A procedure to identify multifunctional proteins from disease databases and a method to structurally map the canonical and moonlighting functions of the protein have also been proposed here. Both of the previous percentages suggest that multitasking is not a rare phenomenon in proteins causing human diseases, and that their detailed study might explain some collateral drug effects.