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Published in December 2013

PainNetworks: a web-based resource for the visualisation of pain-related genes in the context of their network associations.

Authors: Perkins JR, Lees J, Antunes-Martins A, Diboun I, McMahon SB, Bennett DL, Orengo C

Abstract: Hundreds of genes are proposed to contribute to nociception and pain perception. Historically, most studies of pain-related genes have examined them in isolation or alongside a handful of other genes. More recently the use of systems biology techniques has enabled us to study genes in the context of the biological pathways and networks in which they operate. Here we describe a Web-based resource, available at It integrates interaction data from various public databases with information on known pain genes taken from several sources (eg, The Pain Genes Database) and allows the user to examine a gene (or set of genes) of interest alongside known interaction partners. This information is displayed by the resource in the form of a network. The user can enrich these networks by using data from pain-focused gene expression studies to highlight genes that change expression in a given experiment or pairs of genes showing correlated expression patterns across different experiments. Genes in the networks are annotated in several ways including biological function and drug binding. The Web site can be used to find out more about a gene of interest by looking at the function of its interaction partners. It can also be used to interpret the results of a functional genomics experiment by revealing putative novel pain-related genes that have similar expression patterns to known pain-related genes and by ranking genes according to their network connections with known pain genes. We expect this resource to grow over time and become a valuable asset to the pain community.
Published in 2013

T2D@ZJU: a knowledgebase integrating heterogeneous connections associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Authors: Yang Z, Yang J, Liu W, Wu L, Xing L, Wang Y, Fan X, Cheng Y

Abstract: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D), affecting >90% of the diabetic patients, is one of the major threats to human health. A comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms of T2D at molecular level is essential to facilitate the related translational research. Here, we introduce a comprehensive and up-to-date knowledgebase for T2D, i.e. T2D@ZJU. T2D@ZJU contains three levels of heterogeneous connections associated with T2D, which is retrieved from pathway databases, protein-protein interaction databases and literature, respectively. In current release, T2D@ZJU contains 1078 T2D related entities such as proteins, protein complexes, drugs and others together with their corresponding relationships, which include 3069 manually curated connections, 14,893 protein-protein interactions and 26,716 relationships identified by text-mining technology. Moreover, T2D@ZJU provides a user-friendly web interface for users to browse and search data. A Cytoscape Web-based interactive network browser is available to visualize the corresponding network relationships between T2D-related entities. The functionality of T2D@ZJU is shown by means of several case studies. Database URL:
Published in 2013

An accurate method for prediction of protein-ligand binding site on protein surface using SVM and statistical depth function.

Authors: Wang K, Gao J, Shen S, Tuszynski JA, Ruan J, Hu G

Abstract: Since proteins carry out their functions through interactions with other molecules, accurately identifying the protein-ligand binding site plays an important role in protein functional annotation and rational drug discovery. In the past two decades, a lot of algorithms were present to predict the protein-ligand binding site. In this paper, we introduce statistical depth function to define negative samples and propose an SVM-based method which integrates sequence and structural information to predict binding site. The results show that the present method performs better than the existent ones. The accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity on training set are 77.55%, 56.15%, and 87.96%, respectively; on the independent test set, the accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity are 80.36%, 53.53%, and 92.38%, respectively.
Published in 2013

Pathway-based drug repositioning using causal inference.

Authors: Li J, Lu Z

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Recent in vivo studies showed new hopes of drug repositioning through causality inference from drugs to disease. Inspired by their success, here we present an in silico method for building a causal network (CauseNet) between drugs and diseases, in an attempt to systematically identify new therapeutic uses of existing drugs. METHODS: Unlike the traditional 'one drug-one target-one disease' causal model, we simultaneously consider all possible causal chains connecting drugs to diseases via target- and gene-involved pathways based on rich information in several expert-curated knowledge-bases. With statistical learning, our method estimates transition likelihood of each causal chain in the network based on known drug-disease treatment associations (e.g. bexarotene treats skin cancer). RESULTS: To demonstrate its validity, our method showed high performance (AUC = 0.859) in cross validation. Moreover, our top scored prediction results are highly enriched in literature and clinical trials. As a showcase of its utility, we show several drugs for potential re-use in Crohn's Disease. CONCLUSIONS: We successfully developed a computational method for discovering new uses of existing drugs based on casual inference in a layered drug-target-pathway-gene- disease network. The results showed that our proposed method enables hypothesis generation from public accessible biological data for drug repositioning.
Published in 2013

Mapping molecular association networks of nervous system diseases via large-scale analysis of published research.

Authors: Hu X, Zhao D, Strotmann A

Abstract: Network medicine has been applied successfully to elicit the structure of large-scale molecular interaction networks. Its main proponents have claimed that this approach to integrative medical investigation should make it possible to identify functional modules of interacting molecular biological units as well as interactions themselves. This paper takes a significant step in this direction. Based on a large-scale analysis of the nervous system molecular medicine literature, this study analyzes and visualizes the complex structure of associations between diseases on the one hand and all types of molecular substances on the other. From this analysis it then identifies functional co-association groups consisting of several types of molecular substances, each consisting of substances that exhibit a pattern of frequent co-association with similar diseases. These groups in turn exhibit interlinking in a complex pattern, suggesting that such complex interactions between functional molecular modules may play a role in disease etiology. We find that the patterns exhibited by the networks of disease - molecular substance associations studied here correspond well to a number of recently published research results, and that the groups of molecular substances identified by statistical analysis of these networks do appear to be interesting groups of molecular substances that are interconnected in identifiable and interpretable ways. Our results not only demonstrate that networks are a convenient framework to analyze and visualize large-scale, complex relationships among molecular networks and diseases, but may also provide a conceptual basis for bridging gaps in experimental and theoretical knowledge.
Published in 2013

Molecular modeling and ligand docking for solute carrier (SLC) transporters.

Authors: Schlessinger A, Khuri N, Giacomini KM, Sali A

Abstract: Solute Carrier (SLC) transporters are membrane proteins that transport solutes, such as ions, metabolites, peptides, and drugs, across biological membranes, using diverse energy coupling mechanisms. In human, there are 386 SLC transporters, many of which contribute to the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion of drugs and/or can be targeted directly by therapeutics. Recent atomic structures of SLC transporters determined by X-ray crystallography and NMR spectroscopy have significantly expanded the applicability of structure-based prediction of SLC transporter ligands, by enabling both comparative modeling of additional SLC transporters and virtual screening of small molecules libraries against experimental structures as well as comparative models. In this review, we begin by describing computational tools, including sequence analysis, comparative modeling, and virtual screening, that are used to predict the structures and functions of membrane proteins such as SLC transporters. We then illustrate the applications of these tools to predicting ligand specificities of select SLC transporters, followed by experimental validation using uptake kinetic measurements and other assays. We conclude by discussing future directions in the discovery of the SLC transporter ligands.
Published in 2013

PharmGKB: the Pharmacogenomics Knowledge Base.

Authors: Thorn CF, Klein TE, Altman RB

Abstract: The Pharmacogenomics Knowledge Base, PharmGKB, is an interactive tool for researchers investigating how genetic variation affects drug response. The PharmGKB Web site, , displays genotype, molecular, and clinical knowledge integrated into pathway representations and Very Important Pharmacogene (VIP) summaries with links to additional external resources. Users can search and browse the knowledgebase by genes, variants, drugs, diseases, and pathways. Registration is free to the entire research community, but subject to agreement to use for research purposes only and not to redistribute. Registered users can access and download data to aid in the design of future pharmacogenetics and pharmacogenomics studies.
Published in 2013

A network inference method for large-scale unsupervised identification of novel drug-drug interactions.

Authors: Guimera R, Sales-Pardo M

Abstract: Characterizing interactions between drugs is important to avoid potentially harmful combinations, to reduce off-target effects of treatments and to fight antibiotic resistant pathogens, among others. Here we present a network inference algorithm to predict uncharacterized drug-drug interactions. Our algorithm takes, as its only input, sets of previously reported interactions, and does not require any pharmacological or biochemical information about the drugs, their targets or their mechanisms of action. Because the models we use are abstract, our approach can deal with adverse interactions, synergistic/antagonistic/suppressing interactions, or any other type of drug interaction. We show that our method is able to accurately predict interactions, both in exhaustive pairwise interaction data between small sets of drugs, and in large-scale databases. We also demonstrate that our algorithm can be used efficiently to discover interactions of new drugs as part of the drug discovery process.
Published in 2013

Functional comparison between genes dysregulated in ulcerative colitis and colorectal carcinoma.

Authors: Zhao W, Qi L, Qin Y, Wang H, Chen B, Wang R, Gu Y, Liu C, Wang C, Guo Z

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Patients with ulcerative colitis (UC) are predisposed to colitis-associated colorectal cancer (CAC). However, the transcriptional mechanism of the transformation from UC to CAC is not fully understood. METHODOLOGY: Firstly, we showed that CAC and non-UC-associated CRC were very similar in gene expression. Secondly, based on multiple datasets for UC and CRC, we extracted differentially expressed (DE) genes in UC and CRC versus normal controls, respectively. Thirdly, we compared the dysregulation directions (upregulation or downregulation) between DE genes of UC and CRC in CRC-related functions overrepresented with the DE genes of CRC, and proposed a regulatory model to explain the CRC-like dysregulation of genes in UC. A case study for "positive regulation of immune system process" was done to reveal the functional implication of DE genes with reversal dysregulations in these two diseases. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In all the 44 detected CRC-related functions except for "viral transcription", the dysregulation directions of DE genes in UC were significantly similar with their counterparts in CRC, and such CRC-like dysregulation in UC could be regulated by transcription factors affected by pro-inflammatory stimuli for colitis. A small portion of genes in each CRC-related function were dysregulated in opposite directions in the two diseases. The case study showed that genes related to humoral immunity specifically expressed in B cells tended to be upregulated in UC but downregulated in CRC. CONCLUSIONS: The CRC-like dysregulation of genes in CRC-related functions in UC patients provides hints for understanding the transcriptional basis for UC to CRC transition. A small portion of genes with distinct dysregulation directions in each of the CRC-related functions in the two diseases implicate that their reversal dysregulations might be critical for UC to CRC transition. The cases study indicates that the humoral immune response might be inhibited during the transformation from UC to CRC.
Published in 2013

Rapid countermeasure discovery against Francisella tularensis based on a metabolic network reconstruction.

Authors: Chaudhury S, Abdulhameed MD, Singh N, Tawa GJ, D'haeseleer PM, Zemla AT, Navid A, Zhou CE, Franklin MC, Cheung J, Rudolph MJ, Love J, Graf JF, Rozak DA, Dankmeyer JL, Amemiya K, Daefler S, Wallqvist A

Abstract: In the future, we may be faced with the need to provide treatment for an emergent biological threat against which existing vaccines and drugs have limited efficacy or availability. To prepare for this eventuality, our objective was to use a metabolic network-based approach to rapidly identify potential drug targets and prospectively screen and validate novel small-molecule antimicrobials. Our target organism was the fully virulent Francisella tularensis subspecies tularensis Schu S4 strain, a highly infectious intracellular pathogen that is the causative agent of tularemia and is classified as a category A biological agent by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We proceeded with a staggered computational and experimental workflow that used a strain-specific metabolic network model, homology modeling and X-ray crystallography of protein targets, and ligand- and structure-based drug design. Selected compounds were subsequently filtered based on physiological-based pharmacokinetic modeling, and we selected a final set of 40 compounds for experimental validation of antimicrobial activity. We began screening these compounds in whole bacterial cell-based assays in biosafety level 3 facilities in the 20th week of the study and completed the screens within 12 weeks. Six compounds showed significant growth inhibition of F. tularensis, and we determined their respective minimum inhibitory concentrations and mammalian cell cytotoxicities. The most promising compound had a low molecular weight, was non-toxic, and abolished bacterial growth at 13 microM, with putative activity against pantetheine-phosphate adenylyltransferase, an enzyme involved in the biosynthesis of coenzyme A, encoded by gene coaD. The novel antimicrobial compounds identified in this study serve as starting points for lead optimization, animal testing, and drug development against tularemia. Our integrated in silico/in vitro approach had an overall 15% success rate in terms of active versus tested compounds over an elapsed time period of 32 weeks, from pathogen strain identification to selection and validation of novel antimicrobial compounds.