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Published on May 10, 2012

Determination of minimal transcriptional signatures of compounds for target prediction.

Authors: Nigsch F, Hutz J, Cornett B, Selinger DW, McAllister G, Bandyopadhyay S, Loureiro J, Jenkins JL

Abstract: The identification of molecular target and mechanism of action of compounds is a key hurdle in drug discovery. Multiplexed techniques for bead-based expression profiling allow the measurement of transcriptional signatures of compound-treated cells in high-throughput mode. Such profiles can be used to gain insight into compounds' mode of action and the protein targets they are modulating. Through the proxy of target prediction from such gene signatures we explored important aspects of the use of transcriptional profiles to capture biological variability of perturbed cellular assays. We found that signatures derived from expression data and signatures derived from biological interaction networks performed equally well, and we showed that gene signatures can be optimised using a genetic algorithm. Gene signatures of approximately 128 genes seemed to be most generic, capturing a maximum of the perturbation inflicted on cells through compound treatment. Moreover, we found evidence for oxidative phosphorylation to be one of the most general ways to capture compound perturbation.
Published on May 8, 2012

Exploring drug combinations in genetic interaction network.

Authors: Wang YY, Xu KJ, Song J, Zhao XM

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Drug combination that consists of distinctive agents is an attractive strategy to combat complex diseases and has been widely used clinically with improved therapeutic effects. However, the identification of efficacious drug combinations remains a non-trivial and challenging task due to the huge number of possible combinations among the candidate drugs. As an important factor, the molecular context in which drugs exert their functions can provide crucial insights into the mechanism underlying drug combinations. RESULTS: In this work, we present a network biology approach to investigate drug combinations and their target proteins in the context of genetic interaction networks and the related human pathways, in order to better understand the underlying rules of effective drug combinations. Our results indicate that combinatorial drugs tend to have a smaller effect radius in the genetic interaction networks, which is an important parameter to describe the therapeutic effect of a drug combination from the network perspective. We also find that drug combinations are more likely to modulate functionally related pathways. CONCLUSIONS: This study confirms that the molecular networks where drug combinations exert their functions can indeed provide important insights into the underlying rules of effective drug combinations. We hope that our findings can help shortcut the expedition of the future discovery of novel drug combinations.
Published on May 4, 2012

Quantitatively integrating molecular structure and bioactivity profile evidence into drug-target relationship analysis.

Authors: Xu T, Zhu R, Liu Q, Cao Z

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Public resources of chemical compound are in a rapid growth both in quantity and the types of data-representation. To comprehensively understand the relationship between the intrinsic features of chemical compounds and protein targets is an essential task to evaluate potential protein-binding function for virtual drug screening. In previous studies, correlations were proposed between bioactivity profiles and target networks, especially when chemical structures were similar. With the lack of effective quantitative methods to uncover such correlation, it is demanding and necessary for us to integrate the information from multiple data sources to produce an comprehensive assessment of the similarity between small molecules, as well as quantitatively uncover the relationship between compounds and their targets by such integrated schema. RESULTS: In this study a multi-view based clustering algorithm was introduced to quantitatively integrate compound similarity from both bioactivity profiles and structural fingerprints. Firstly, a hierarchy clustering was performed with the fused similarity on 37 compounds curated from PubChem. Compared to clustering in a single view, the overall common target number within fused classes has been improved by using the integrated similarity, which indicated that the present multi-view based clustering is more efficient by successfully identifying clusters with its members sharing more number of common targets. Analysis in certain classes reveals that mutual complement of the two views for compound description helps to discover missing similar compound when only single view was applied. Then, a large-scale drug virtual screen was performed on 1267 compounds curated from Connectivity Map (CMap) dataset based on the fused similarity, which obtained a better ranking result compared to that of single-view. These comprehensive tests indicated that by combining different data representations; an improved assessment of target-specific compound similarity can be achieved. CONCLUSIONS: Our study presented an efficient, extendable and quantitative computational model for integration of different compound representations, and expected to provide new clues to improve the virtual drug screening from various pharmacological properties. Scripts, supplementary materials and data used in this study are publicly available at
Published on May 1, 2012

A comparative analysis of protein targets of withdrawn cardiovascular drugs in human and mouse.

Authors: Zhao Y, Wang J, Wang Y, Huang J

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Mouse is widely used in animal testing of cardiovascular disease. However, a large number of cardiovascular drugs that have been experimentally proved to work well on mouse were withdrawn because they caused adverse side effects in human. METHODS: In this study, we investigate whether binding patterns of withdrawn cardiovascular drugs are conserved between mouse and human through computational dockings and molecular dynamic simulations. In addition, we also measured the level of conservation of gene expression patterns of the drug targets and their interacting partners by analyzing the microarray data. RESULTS: The results show that target proteins of withdrawn cardiovascular drugs are functionally conserved between human and mouse. However, all the binding patterns of withdrawn drugs we retrieved show striking difference due to sequence divergence in drug-binding pocket, mainly through loss or gain of hydrogen bond donors and distinct drug-binding pockets. The binding affinities of withdrawn drugs to their receptors tend to be reduced from mouse to human. In contrast, the FDA-approved and best-selling drugs are little affected. CONCLUSIONS: Our analysis suggests that sequence divergence in drug-binding pocket may be a reasonable explanation for the discrepancy of drug effects between animal models and human.
Published in April 2012

Classification of scaffold-hopping approaches.

Authors: Sun H, Tawa G, Wallqvist A

Abstract: The general goal of drug discovery is to identify novel compounds that are active against a preselected biological target with acceptable pharmacological properties defined by marketed drugs. Scaffold hopping has been widely applied by medicinal chemists to discover equipotent compounds with novel backbones that have improved properties. In this article we classify scaffold hopping into four major categories, namely heterocycle replacements, ring opening or closure, peptidomimetics and topology-based hopping. We review the structural diversity of original and final scaffolds with respect to each category. We discuss the advantages and limitations of small, medium and large-step scaffold hopping. Finally, we summarize software that is frequently used to facilitate different kinds of scaffold-hopping methods.
Published in April 2012

Mass spectrometry-based metabolomics to elucidate functions in marine organisms and ecosystems.

Authors: Goulitquer S, Potin P, Tonon T

Abstract: Marine systems are very diverse and recognized as being sources of a wide range of biomolecules. This review provides an overview of metabolite profiling based on mass spectrometry (MS) approaches in marine organisms and their environments, focusing on recent advances in the field. We also point out some of the technical challenges that need to be overcome in order to increase applications of metabolomics in marine systems, including extraction of chemical compounds from different matrices and data management. Metabolites being important links between genotype and phenotype, we describe added value provided by integration of data from metabolite profiling with other layers of omics, as well as their importance for the development of systems biology approaches in marine systems to study several biological processes, and to analyze interactions between organisms within communities. The growing importance of MS-based metabolomics in chemical ecology studies in marine ecosystems is also illustrated.
Published on April 5, 2012

Comprehensive predictions of target proteins based on protein-chemical interaction using virtual screening and experimental verifications.

Authors: Kobayashi H, Harada H, Nakamura M, Futamura Y, Ito A, Yoshida M, Iemura SI, Shin-Ya K, Doi T, Takahashi T, Natsume T, Imoto M, Sakakibara Y

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Identification of the target proteins of bioactive compounds is critical for elucidating the mode of action; however, target identification has been difficult in general, mostly due to the low sensitivity of detection using affinity chromatography followed by CBB staining and MS/MS analysis. RESULTS: We applied our protocol of predicting target proteins combining in silico screening and experimental verification for incednine, which inhibits the anti-apoptotic function of Bcl-xL by an unknown mechanism. One hundred eighty-two target protein candidates were computationally predicted to bind to incednine by the statistical prediction method, and the predictions were verified by in vitro binding of incednine to seven proteins, whose expression can be confirmed in our cell system.As a result, 40% accuracy of the computational predictions was achieved successfully, and we newly found 3 incednine-binding proteins. CONCLUSIONS: This study revealed that our proposed protocol of predicting target protein combining in silico screening and experimental verification is useful, and provides new insight into a strategy for identifying target proteins of small molecules.
Published on April 5, 2012

Systems analysis of inflammatory bowel disease based on comprehensive gene information.

Authors: Suzuki S, Takai-Igarashi T, Fukuoka Y, Wall DP, Tanaka H, Tonellato PJ

Abstract: BACKGROUND: The rise of systems biology and availability of highly curated gene and molecular information resources has promoted a comprehensive approach to study disease as the cumulative deleterious function of a collection of individual genes and networks of molecules acting in concert. These "human disease networks" (HDN) have revealed novel candidate genes and pharmaceutical targets for many diseases and identified fundamental HDN features conserved across diseases. A network-based analysis is particularly vital for a study on polygenic diseases where many interactions between molecules should be simultaneously examined and elucidated. We employ a new knowledge driven HDN gene and molecular database systems approach to analyze Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), whose pathogenesis remains largely unknown. METHODS AND RESULTS: Based on drug indications for IBD, we determined sibling diseases of mild and severe states of IBD. Approximately 1,000 genes associated with the sibling diseases were retrieved from four databases. After ranking the genes by the frequency of records in the databases, we obtained 250 and 253 genes highly associated with the mild and severe IBD states, respectively. We then calculated functional similarities of these genes with known drug targets and examined and presented their interactions as PPI networks. CONCLUSIONS: The results demonstrate that this knowledge-based systems approach, predicated on functionally similar genes important to sibling diseases is an effective method to identify important components of the IBD human disease network. Our approach elucidates a previously unknown biological distinction between mild and severe IBD states.
Published in March 2012

Network systems biology for targeted cancer therapies.

Authors: Zhou TT

Abstract: The era of targeted cancer therapies has arrived. However, due to the complexity of biological systems, the current progress is far from enough. From biological network modeling to structural/dynamic network analysis, network systems biology provides unique insight into the potential mechanisms underlying the growth and progression of cancer cells. It has also introduced great changes into the research paradigm of cancer-associated drug discovery and drug resistance.
Published on March 16, 2012

Three ring posttranslational circuses: insertion of oxazoles, thiazoles, and pyridines into protein-derived frameworks.

Authors: Walsh CT, Malcolmson SJ, Young TS

Abstract: Nitrogen heterocycles are the key functional and structural elements in both RNA and DNA, in half a dozen of the most important coenzymes, and in many synthetic drug scaffolds. On the other hand, only 3 of 20 proteinogenic amino acids have nitrogen heterocycles: proline, histidine, and tryptophan. This inventory can be augmented in microbial proteins by posttranslational modifications downstream of leader peptide regions that convert up to 10 serine, threonine, and cysteine residues, side chains and peptide backbones, into oxazoles, thiazoles, and pyridine rings. Subsequent proteolysis releases these heterocyclic scaffolds in both linear and macrocyclic frameworks as bioactive small molecules.