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Published on July 12, 2011

iAB-RBC-283: A proteomically derived knowledge-base of erythrocyte metabolism that can be used to simulate its physiological and patho-physiological states.

Authors: Bordbar A, Jamshidi N, Palsson BO

Abstract: BACKGROUND: The development of high-throughput technologies capable of whole cell measurements of genes, proteins, and metabolites has led to the emergence of systems biology. Integrated analysis of the resulting omic data sets has proved to be hard to achieve. Metabolic network reconstructions enable complex relationships amongst molecular components to be represented formally in a biologically relevant manner while respecting physical constraints. In silico models derived from such reconstructions can then be queried or interrogated through mathematical simulations. Proteomic profiling studies of the mature human erythrocyte have shown more proteins present related to metabolic function than previously thought; however the significance and the causal consequences of these findings have not been explored. RESULTS: Erythrocyte proteomic data was used to reconstruct the most expansive description of erythrocyte metabolism to date, following extensive manual curation, assessment of the literature, and functional testing. The reconstruction contains 281 enzymes representing functions from glycolysis to cofactor and amino acid metabolism. Such a comprehensive view of erythrocyte metabolism implicates the erythrocyte as a potential biomarker for different diseases as well as a 'cell-based' drug-screening tool. The analysis shows that 94 erythrocyte enzymes are implicated in morbid single nucleotide polymorphisms, representing 142 pathologies. In addition, over 230 FDA-approved and experimental pharmaceuticals have enzymatic targets in the erythrocyte. CONCLUSION: The advancement of proteomic technologies and increased generation of high-throughput proteomic data have created the need for a means to analyze these data in a coherent manner. Network reconstructions provide a systematic means to integrate and analyze proteomic data in a biologically meaning manner. Analysis of the red cell proteome has revealed an unexpected level of complexity in the functional capabilities of human erythrocyte metabolism.
Published on July 8, 2011

Discovering the targets of drugs via computational systems biology.

Authors: Chua HN, Roth FP

Abstract: Computational systems biology is empowering the study of drug action. Studies on biological effects of chemical compounds have increased in scale and accessibility, allowing integration with other large-scale experimental data types. Here, we review computational approaches for elucidating the mechanisms of both intended and undesirable effects of drugs, with the collective potential to change the nature of drug discovery and pharmacological therapy.
Published on July 6, 2011

Genome sequence and global sequence variation map with 5.5 million SNPs in Chinese rhesus macaque.

Authors: Fang X, Zhang Y, Zhang R, Yang L, Li M, Ye K, Guo X, Wang J, Su B

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) is the most widely used nonhuman primate animal in biomedical research. A global map of genetic variations in rhesus macaque is valuable for both evolutionary and functional studies. RESULTS: Using next-generation sequencing technology, we sequenced a Chinese rhesus macaque genome with 11.56-fold coverage. In total, 96% of the reference Indian macaque genome was covered by at least one read, and we identified 2.56 million homozygous and 2.94 million heterozygous SNPs. We also detected a total of 125,150 structural variations, of which 123,610 were deletions with a median length of 184 bp (ranging from 25 bp to 10 kb); 63% of these deletions were located in intergenic regions and 35% in intronic regions. We further annotated 5,187 and 962 nonsynonymous SNPs to the macaque orthologs of human disease and drug-target genes, respectively. Finally, we set up a genome-wide genetic variation database with the use of Gbrowse. CONCLUSIONS: Genome sequencing and construction of a global sequence variation map in Chinese rhesus macaque with the concomitant database provide applicable resources for evolutionary and biomedical research.
Published in June 2011

Predicting binding to p-glycoprotein by flexible receptor docking.

Authors: Dolghih E, Bryant C, Renslo AR, Jacobson MP

Abstract: P-glycoprotein (P-gp) is an ATP-dependent transport protein that is selectively expressed at entry points of xenobiotics where, acting as an efflux pump, it prevents their entering sensitive organs. The protein also plays a key role in the absorption and blood-brain barrier penetration of many drugs, while its overexpression in cancer cells has been linked to multidrug resistance in tumors. The recent publication of the mouse P-gp crystal structure revealed a large and hydrophobic binding cavity with no clearly defined sub-sites that supports an "induced-fit" ligand binding model. We employed flexible receptor docking to develop a new prediction algorithm for P-gp binding specificity. We tested the ability of this method to differentiate between binders and nonbinders of P-gp using consistently measured experimental data from P-gp efflux and calcein-inhibition assays. We also subjected the model to a blind test on a series of peptidic cysteine protease inhibitors, confirming the ability to predict compounds more likely to be P-gp substrates. Finally, we used the method to predict cellular metabolites that may be P-gp substrates. Overall, our results suggest that many P-gp substrates bind deeper in the cavity than the cyclic peptide in the crystal structure and that specificity in P-gp is better understood in terms of physicochemical properties of the ligands (and the binding site), rather than being defined by specific sub-sites.
Published in June 2011

Software and resources for computational medicinal chemistry.

Authors: Liao C, Sitzmann M, Pugliese A, Nicklaus MC

Abstract: Computer-aided drug design plays a vital role in drug discovery and development and has become an indispensable tool in the pharmaceutical industry. Computational medicinal chemists can take advantage of all kinds of software and resources in the computer-aided drug design field for the purposes of discovering and optimizing biologically active compounds. This article reviews software and other resources related to computer-aided drug design approaches, putting particular emphasis on structure-based drug design, ligand-based drug design, chemical databases and chemoinformatics tools.
Published in June 2011

Online chemical modeling environment (OCHEM): web platform for data storage, model development and publishing of chemical information.

Authors: Sushko I, Novotarskyi S, Korner R, Pandey AK, Rupp M, Teetz W, Brandmaier S, Abdelaziz A, Prokopenko VV, Tanchuk VY, Todeschini R, Varnek A, Marcou G, Ertl P, Potemkin V, Grishina M, Gasteiger J, Schwab C, Baskin II, Palyulin VA, Radchenko EV, Welsh WJ, Kholodovych V, Chekmarev D, Cherkasov A, Aires-de-Sousa J, Zhang QY, Bender A, Nigsch F, Patiny L, Williams A, Tkachenko V, Tetko IV

Abstract: The Online Chemical Modeling Environment is a web-based platform that aims to automate and simplify the typical steps required for QSAR modeling. The platform consists of two major subsystems: the database of experimental measurements and the modeling framework. A user-contributed database contains a set of tools for easy input, search and modification of thousands of records. The OCHEM database is based on the wiki principle and focuses primarily on the quality and verifiability of the data. The database is tightly integrated with the modeling framework, which supports all the steps required to create a predictive model: data search, calculation and selection of a vast variety of molecular descriptors, application of machine learning methods, validation, analysis of the model and assessment of the applicability domain. As compared to other similar systems, OCHEM is not intended to re-implement the existing tools or models but rather to invite the original authors to contribute their results, make them publicly available, share them with other users and to become members of the growing research community. Our intention is to make OCHEM a widely used platform to perform the QSPR/QSAR studies online and share it with other users on the Web. The ultimate goal of OCHEM is collecting all possible chemoinformatics tools within one simple, reliable and user-friendly resource. The OCHEM is free for web users and it is available online at
Published on June 27, 2011

Characterizing the diversity and biological relevance of the MLPCN assay manifold and screening set.

Authors: Zhang J, Lushington GH, Huan J

Abstract: The NIH Molecular Libraries Initiative (MLI), launched in 2004 with initial goals of identifying chemical probes for characterizing gene function and druggability, has produced PubChem, a chemical genomics knowledgebase for fostering translation of basic research into new therapeutic strategies. This paper assesses progress toward these goals by evaluating MLI target novelty and propensity for undergoing biochemically or therapeutically relevant modulations and the degree of chemical diversity and biogenic bias inherent in the MLI screening set. Our analyses suggest that while MLI target selection has not yet been fully optimized for biochemical diversity, it covers biologically interesting pathway space that complements established drug targets. We find the MLI screening set to be chemically diverse and to have greater biogenic bias than comparable collections of commercially available compounds. Biogenic enhancements such as incorporation of more metabolite-like chemotypes are suggested.
Published on June 21, 2011

Predicting selective drug targets in cancer through metabolic networks.

Authors: Folger O, Jerby L, Frezza C, Gottlieb E, Ruppin E, Shlomi T

Abstract: The interest in studying metabolic alterations in cancer and their potential role as novel targets for therapy has been rejuvenated in recent years. Here, we report the development of the first genome-scale network model of cancer metabolism, validated by correctly identifying genes essential for cellular proliferation in cancer cell lines. The model predicts 52 cytostatic drug targets, of which 40% are targeted by known, approved or experimental anticancer drugs, and the rest are new. It further predicts combinations of synthetic lethal drug targets, whose synergy is validated using available drug efficacy and gene expression measurements across the NCI-60 cancer cell line collection. Finally, potential selective treatments for specific cancers that depend on cancer type-specific downregulation of gene expression and somatic mutations are compiled.
Published on June 21, 2011

Aromatase inhibitors and antiepileptic drugs: a computational systems biology analysis.

Authors: Muftuoglu Y, Mustata G

Abstract: BACKGROUND: The present study compares antiepileptic drugs and aromatase (CYP19) inhibitors for chemical and structural similarity. Human aromatase is well known as an important pharmacological target in anti-breast cancer therapy, but recent research demonstrates its role in epileptic seizures, as well. The current antiepileptic treatment methods cause severe side effects that endanger patient health and often preclude continued use. As a result, less toxic and more tolerable antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) are needed, especially since every individual responds differently to given treatment options. METHODS: Through a pharmacophore search, this study shows that a model previously designed to search for new classes of aromatase inhibitors is able to identify antiepileptic drugs from the set of drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Chemical and structural similarity analyses were performed using five potent AIs, and these studies returned a set of AEDs that the model identifies as hits. RESULTS: The pharmacophore model returned 73% (19 out of 26) of the drugs used specifically to treat epilepsy and approximately 82% (51 out of 62) of the compounds with anticonvulsant properties. Therefore, this study supports the possibility of identifying AEDs with a pharmacophore model that had originally been designed to identify new classes of aromatase inhibitors. Potential candidates for anticonvulsant therapy identified in this manner are also reported. Additionally, the chemical and structural similarity between antiepileptic compounds and aromatase inhibitors is proved using similarity analyses. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates that a pharmacophore search using a model based on aromatase inhibition and the enzyme's structural features can be used to screen for new candidates for antiepileptic therapy. In fact, potent aromatase inhibitors and current antiepileptic compounds display significant - over 70% - chemical and structural similarity, and the similarity analyses performed propose a number of antiepileptic compounds with high potential for aromatase inhibition.
Published on June 7, 2011

PREDICT: a method for inferring novel drug indications with application to personalized medicine.

Authors: Gottlieb A, Stein GY, Ruppin E, Sharan R

Abstract: Inferring potential drug indications, for either novel or approved drugs, is a key step in drug development. Previous computational methods in this domain have focused on either drug repositioning or matching drug and disease gene expression profiles. Here, we present a novel method for the large-scale prediction of drug indications (PREDICT) that can handle both approved drugs and novel molecules. Our method is based on the observation that similar drugs are indicated for similar diseases, and utilizes multiple drug-drug and disease-disease similarity measures for the prediction task. On cross-validation, it obtains high specificity and sensitivity (AUC=0.9) in predicting drug indications, surpassing existing methods. We validate our predictions by their overlap with drug indications that are currently under clinical trials, and by their agreement with tissue-specific expression information on the drug targets. We further show that disease-specific genetic signatures can be used to accurately predict drug indications for new diseases (AUC=0.92). This lays the computational foundation for future personalized drug treatments, where gene expression signatures from individual patients would replace the disease-specific signatures.