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Published in May 2011

Drug target-gene signatures that predict teratogenicity are enriched for developmentally related genes.

Authors: Schachter AD, Kohane IS

Abstract: Drugs prescribed during pregnancy affect two populations simultaneously: fetuses and their mothers. Drug-induced fetal injury (teratogenicity) has a significant impact on current and future public health. Teratogenic risk designation of many drugs relies on associating rare fetal events with rare environmental exposures. Therefore we aim to develop preclinical predictive models of clinical teratogenicity. We collated public databases for drug-target-gene relationships for 619 drugs spanning the 5 pregnancy risk classes. Genes targeted by high risk but not low risk drugs demonstrated 79% accuracy (p < 0.0001 vs. random) for predicting high vs. low fetal risk on cross validation. Functional enrichment analysis revealed that target genes of drugs known to be safe in pregnancy contained no developmentally related terms, while target genes of known teratogens contained 85 developmentally related terms. Drug target gene signatures that are enriched for known developmental genes may provide valuable preclinical predictive information regarding drug pregnancy risk.
Published in May 2011

Increased diversity of libraries from libraries: chemoinformatic analysis of bis-diazacyclic libraries.

Authors: Lopez-Vallejo F, Nefzi A, Bender A, Owen JR, Nabney IT, Houghten RA, Medina-Franco JL

Abstract: Combinatorial libraries continue to play a key role in drug discovery. To increase structural diversity, several experimental methods have been developed. However, limited efforts have been performed so far to quantify the diversity of the broadly used diversity-oriented synthetic libraries. Herein, we report a comprehensive characterization of 15 bis-diazacyclic combinatorial libraries obtained through libraries from libraries, which is a diversity-oriented synthetic approach. Using MACCS keys, radial and different pharmacophoric fingerprints as well as six molecular properties, it was demonstrated the increased structural and property diversity of the libraries from libraries over the individual libraries. Comparison of the libraries to existing drugs, NCI diversity, and the Molecular Libraries Small Molecule Repository revealed the structural uniqueness of the combinatorial libraries (mean similarity <0.5 for any fingerprint representation). In particular, bis-cyclic thiourea libraries were the most structurally dissimilar to drugs retaining drug-like character in property space. This study represents the first comprehensive quantification of the diversity of libraries from libraries providing a solid quantitative approach to compare and contrast the diversity of diversity-oriented synthetic libraries with existing drugs or any other compound collection.
Published in May 2011

Combinations of protein-chemical complex structures reveal new targets for established drugs.

Authors: Kalinina OV, Wichmann O, Apic G, Russell RB

Abstract: Biological networks are powerful tools for predicting undocumented relationships between molecules. The underlying principle is that existing interactions between molecules can be used to predict new interactions. Here we use this principle to suggest new protein-chemical interactions via the network derived from three-dimensional structures. For pairs of proteins sharing a common ligand, we use protein and chemical superimpositions combined with fast structural compatibility screens to predict whether additional compounds bound by one protein would bind the other. The method reproduces 84% of complexes in a benchmark, and we make many predictions that would not be possible using conventional modeling techniques. Within 19,578 novel predicted interactions are 7,793 involving 718 drugs, including filaminast, coumarin, alitretonin and erlotinib. The growth rate of confident predictions is twice that of experimental complexes, meaning that a complete structural drug-protein repertoire will be available at least ten years earlier than by X-ray and NMR techniques alone.
Published in May 2011

Natural products as DNA methyltransferase inhibitors: a computer-aided discovery approach.

Authors: Medina-Franco JL, Lopez-Vallejo F, Kuck D, Lyko F

Abstract: DNA methyltransferases (DNMTs) represent promising targets for the development of unique anticancer drugs. However, all DNMT inhibitors currently in clinical use are nonselective cytosine analogs with significant cytotoxic side-effects. Several natural products, covering diverse chemical classes, have indicated DNMT inhibitory activity, but these effects have yet to be systematically evaluated. In this study, we provide experimental data suggesting that two of the most prominent natural products associated with DNA methylation inhibition, (-)-epigallocathechin-3-gallate (EGCG) and curcumin, have little or no pharmacologically relevant inhibitory activity. We therefore conducted a virtual screen of a large database of natural products with a validated homology model of the catalytic domain of DNMT1. The virtual screening focused on a lead-like subset of the natural products docked with DNMT1, using three docking programs, following a multistep docking approach. Prior to docking, the lead-like subset was characterized in terms of chemical space coverage and scaffold content. Consensus hits with high predicted docking affinity for DNMT1 by all three docking programs were identified. One hit showed DNMT1 inhibitory activity in a previous study. The virtual screening hits were located within the biological-relevant chemical space of drugs, and represent potential unique DNMT inhibitors of natural origin. Validation of these virtual screening hits is warranted.
Published on May 25, 2011

Exploring the metabolic network of the epidemic pathogen Burkholderia cenocepacia J2315 via genome-scale reconstruction.

Authors: Fang K, Zhao H, Sun C, Lam CM, Chang S, Zhang K, Panda G, Godinho M, Martins dos Santos VA, Wang J

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Burkholderia cenocepacia is a threatening nosocomial epidemic pathogen in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) or a compromised immune system. Its high level of antibiotic resistance is an increasing concern in treatments against its infection. Strain B. cenocepacia J2315 is the most infectious isolate from CF patients. There is a strong demand to reconstruct a genome-scale metabolic network of B. cenocepacia J2315 to systematically analyze its metabolic capabilities and its virulence traits, and to search for potential clinical therapy targets. RESULTS: We reconstructed the genome-scale metabolic network of B. cenocepacia J2315. An iterative reconstruction process led to the establishment of a robust model, iKF1028, which accounts for 1,028 genes, 859 internal reactions, and 834 metabolites. The model iKF1028 captures important metabolic capabilities of B. cenocepacia J2315 with a particular focus on the biosyntheses of key metabolic virulence factors to assist in understanding the mechanism of disease infection and identifying potential drug targets. The model was tested through BIOLOG assays. Based on the model, the genome annotation of B. cenocepacia J2315 was refined and 24 genes were properly re-annotated. Gene and enzyme essentiality were analyzed to provide further insights into the genome function and architecture. A total of 45 essential enzymes were identified as potential therapeutic targets. CONCLUSIONS: As the first genome-scale metabolic network of B. cenocepacia J2315, iKF1028 allows a systematic study of the metabolic properties of B. cenocepacia and its key metabolic virulence factors affecting the CF community. The model can be used as a discovery tool to design novel drugs against diseases caused by this notorious pathogen.
Published on May 18, 2011

Predicting drug side-effect profiles: a chemical fragment-based approach.

Authors: Pauwels E, Stoven V, Yamanishi Y

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Drug side-effects, or adverse drug reactions, have become a major public health concern. It is one of the main causes of failure in the process of drug development, and of drug withdrawal once they have reached the market. Therefore, in silico prediction of potential side-effects early in the drug discovery process, before reaching the clinical stages, is of great interest to improve this long and expensive process and to provide new efficient and safe therapies for patients. RESULTS: In the present work, we propose a new method to predict potential side-effects of drug candidate molecules based on their chemical structures, applicable on large molecular databanks. A unique feature of the proposed method is its ability to extract correlated sets of chemical substructures (or chemical fragments) and side-effects. This is made possible using sparse canonical correlation analysis (SCCA). In the results, we show the usefulness of the proposed method by predicting 1385 side-effects in the SIDER database from the chemical structures of 888 approved drugs. These predictions are performed with simultaneous extraction of correlated ensembles formed by a set of chemical substructures shared by drugs that are likely to have a set of side-effects. We also conduct a comprehensive side-effect prediction for many uncharacterized drug molecules stored in DrugBank, and were able to confirm interesting predictions using independent source of information. CONCLUSIONS: The proposed method is expected to be useful in various stages of the drug development process.
Published on May 17, 2011

The Translational Medicine Ontology and Knowledge Base: driving personalized medicine by bridging the gap between bench and bedside.

Authors: Luciano JS, Andersson B, Batchelor C, Bodenreider O, Clark T, Denney CK, Domarew C, Gambet T, Harland L, Jentzsch A, Kashyap V, Kos P, Kozlovsky J, Lebo T, Marshall SM, McCusker JP, McGuinness DL, Ogbuji C, Pichler E, Powers RL, Prud'hommeaux E, Samwald M, Schriml L, Tonellato PJ, Whetzel PL, Zhao J, Stephens S, Dumontier M

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Translational medicine requires the integration of knowledge using heterogeneous data from health care to the life sciences. Here, we describe a collaborative effort to produce a prototype Translational Medicine Knowledge Base (TMKB) capable of answering questions relating to clinical practice and pharmaceutical drug discovery. RESULTS: We developed the Translational Medicine Ontology (TMO) as a unifying ontology to integrate chemical, genomic and proteomic data with disease, treatment, and electronic health records. We demonstrate the use of Semantic Web technologies in the integration of patient and biomedical data, and reveal how such a knowledge base can aid physicians in providing tailored patient care and facilitate the recruitment of patients into active clinical trials. Thus, patients, physicians and researchers may explore the knowledge base to better understand therapeutic options, efficacy, and mechanisms of action. CONCLUSIONS: This work takes an important step in using Semantic Web technologies to facilitate integration of relevant, distributed, external sources and progress towards a computational platform to support personalized medicine. AVAILABILITY: TMO can be downloaded from and TMKB can be accessed at
Published on May 16, 2011

Linked open drug data for pharmaceutical research and development.

Authors: Samwald M, Jentzsch A, Bouton C, Kallesoe CS, Willighagen E, Hajagos J, Marshall MS, Prud'hommeaux E, Hassenzadeh O, Pichler E, Stephens S

Abstract: There is an abundance of information about drugs available on the Web. Data sources range from medicinal chemistry results, over the impact of drugs on gene expression, to the outcomes of drugs in clinical trials. These data are typically not connected together, which reduces the ease with which insights can be gained. Linking Open Drug Data (LODD) is a task force within the World Wide Web Consortium's (W3C) Health Care and Life Sciences Interest Group (HCLS IG). LODD has surveyed publicly available data about drugs, created Linked Data representations of the data sets, and identified interesting scientific and business questions that can be answered once the data sets are connected. The task force provides recommendations for the best practices of exposing data in a Linked Data representation. In this paper, we present past and ongoing work of LODD and discuss the growing importance of Linked Data as a foundation for pharmaceutical R&D data sharing.
Published on May 14, 2011

Discrimination of approved drugs from experimental drugs by learning methods.

Authors: Tang K, Zhu R, Li Y, Cao Z

Abstract: BACKGROUND: To assess whether a compound is druglike or not as early as possible is always critical in drug discovery process. There have been many efforts made to create sets of 'rules' or 'filters' which, it is hoped, will help chemists to identify 'drug-like' molecules from 'non-drug' molecules. However, among the chemical space of the druglike molecules, the minority will be approved drugs. Classifying approved drugs from experimental drugs may be more helpful to obtain future approved drugs. Therefore, discrimination of approved drugs from experimental ones has been done in this paper by analyzing the compounds in terms of existing drugs features and machine learning methods. RESULTS: Four methodologies were compared by their performance to classify approved drugs from experimental ones. The best results were obtained by SVM, in which the accuracy is 0.7911, the sensitivity is 0.5929, and the specificity is 0.8743. Based on the results, consensus model was developed to effectively discriminate drugs, which further pushed the correct classification rate up to 0.8517, sensitivity up to 0.7242, specificity up to 0.9352. The applications on the Traditional Chinese Medicine Ingredients Database (TCM-ID) tested the methods. Therefore this model has been proven to be a potent tool for identifying drug molecules. CONCLUSION: The studies would have potential applications in the research of combinatorial library design and virtual high throughput screening for drug discovery.
Published on May 13, 2011

Analysis of in vitro bioactivity data extracted from drug discovery literature and patents: Ranking 1654 human protein targets by assayed compounds and molecular scaffolds.

Authors: Southan C, Boppana K, Jagarlapudi SA, Muresan S

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Since the classic Hopkins and Groom druggable genome review in 2002, there have been a number of publications updating both the hypothetical and successful human drug target statistics. However, listings of research targets that define the area between these two extremes are sparse because of the challenges of collating published information at the necessary scale. We have addressed this by interrogating databases, populated by expert curation, of bioactivity data extracted from patents and journal papers over the last 30 years. RESULTS: From a subset of just over 27,000 documents we have extracted a set of compound-to-target relationships for biochemical in vitro binding-type assay data for 1,736 human proteins and 1,654 gene identifiers. These are linked to 1,671,951 compound records derived from 823,179 unique chemical structures. The distribution showed a compounds-per-target average of 964 with a maximum of 42,869 (Factor Xa). The list includes non-targets, failed targets and cross-screening targets. The top-278 most actively pursued targets cover 90% of the compounds. We further investigated target ranking by determining the number of molecular frameworks and scaffolds. These were compared to the compound counts as alternative measures of chemical diversity on a per-target basis. CONCLUSIONS: The compounds-per-protein listing generated in this work (provided as a supplementary file) represents the major proportion of the human drug target landscape defined by published data. We supplemented the simple ranking by the number of compounds assayed with additional rankings by molecular topology. These showed significant differences and provide complementary assessments of chemical tractability.