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Published in November 2009

Benefits of structural genomics for drug discovery research.

Authors: Grabowski M, Chruszcz M, Zimmerman MD, Kirillova O, Minor W

Abstract: While three dimensional structures have long been used to search for new drug targets, only a fraction of new drugs coming to the market has been developed with the use of a structure-based drug discovery approach. However, the recent years have brought not only an avalanche of new macromolecular structures, but also significant advances in the protein structure determination methodology only now making their way into structure-based drug discovery. In this paper, we review recent developments resulting from the Structural Genomics (SG) programs, focusing on the methods and results most likely to improve our understanding of the molecular foundation of human diseases. SG programs have been around for almost a decade, and in that time, have contributed a significant part of the structural coverage of both the genomes of pathogens causing infectious diseases and structurally uncharacterized biological processes in general. Perhaps most importantly, SG programs have developed new methodology at all steps of the structure determination process, not only to determine new structures highly efficiently, but also to screen protein/ligand interactions. We describe the methodologies, experience and technologies developed by SG, which range from improvements to cloning protocols to improved procedures for crystallographic structure solution that may be applied in "traditional" structural biology laboratories particularly those performing drug discovery. We also discuss the conditions that must be met to convert the present high-throughput structure determination pipeline into a high-output structure-based drug discovery system.
Published on November 28, 2009

Computational prediction of essential genes in an unculturable endosymbiotic bacterium, Wolbachia of Brugia malayi.

Authors: Holman AG, Davis PJ, Foster JM, Carlow CK, Kumar S

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Wolbachia (wBm) is an obligate endosymbiotic bacterium of Brugia malayi, a parasitic filarial nematode of humans and one of the causative agents of lymphatic filariasis. There is a pressing need for new drugs against filarial parasites, such as B. malayi. As wBm is required for B. malayi development and fertility, targeting wBm is a promising approach. However, the lifecycle of neither B. malayi nor wBm can be maintained in vitro. To facilitate selection of potential drug targets we computationally ranked the wBm genome based on confidence that a particular gene is essential for the survival of the bacterium. RESULTS: wBm protein sequences were aligned using BLAST to the Database of Essential Genes (DEG) version 5.2, a collection of 5,260 experimentally identified essential genes in 15 bacterial strains. A confidence score, the Multiple Hit Score (MHS), was developed to predict each wBm gene's essentiality based on the top alignments to essential genes in each bacterial strain. This method was validated using a jackknife methodology to test the ability to recover known essential genes in a control genome. A second estimation of essentiality, the Gene Conservation Score (GCS), was calculated on the basis of phyletic conservation of genes across Wolbachia's parent order Rickettsiales. Clusters of orthologous genes were predicted within the 27 currently available complete genomes. Druggability of wBm proteins was predicted by alignment to a database of protein targets of known compounds. CONCLUSION: Ranking wBm genes by either MHS or GCS predicts and prioritizes potentially essential genes. Comparison of the MHS to GCS produces quadrants representing four types of predictions: those with high confidence of essentiality by both methods (245 genes), those highly conserved across Rickettsiales (299 genes), those similar to distant essential genes (8 genes), and those with low confidence of essentiality (253 genes). These data facilitate selection of wBm genes for entry into drug design pipelines.
Published in October 2009

Target fishing for chemical compounds using target-ligand activity data and ranking based methods.

Authors: Wale N, Karypis G

Abstract: In recent years, the development of computational techniques that identify all the likely targets for a given chemical compound, also termed as the problem of Target Fishing, has been an active area of research. Identification of likely targets of a chemical compound in the early stages of drug discovery helps to understand issues such as selectivity, off-target pharmacology, and toxicity. In this paper, we present a set of techniques whose goal is to rank or prioritize targets in the context of a given chemical compound so that most targets against which this compound may show activity appear higher in the ranked list. These methods are based on our extensions to the SVM and ranking perceptron algorithms for this problem. Our extensive experimental study shows that the methods developed in this work outperform previous approaches 2% to 60% under different evaluation criterions.
Published in October 2009

Structure of protein interaction networks and their implications on drug design.

Authors: Hase T, Tanaka H, Suzuki Y, Nakagawa S, Kitano H

Abstract: Protein-protein interaction networks (PINs) are rich sources of information that enable the network properties of biological systems to be understood. A study of the topological and statistical properties of budding yeast and human PINs revealed that they are scale-rich and configured as highly optimized tolerance (HOT) networks that are similar to the router-level topology of the Internet. This is different from claims that such networks are scale-free and configured through simple preferential-attachment processes. Further analysis revealed that there are extensive interconnections among middle-degree nodes that form the backbone of the networks. Degree distributions of essential genes, synthetic lethal genes, synthetic sick genes, and human drug-target genes indicate that there are advantageous drug targets among nodes with middle- to low-degree nodes. Such network properties provide the rationale for combinatorial drugs that target less prominent nodes to increase synergetic efficacy and create fewer side effects.
Published on October 1, 2009

Network analyses in systems pharmacology.

Authors: Berger SI, Iyengar R

Abstract: Systems pharmacology is an emerging area of pharmacology which utilizes network analysis of drug action as one of its approaches. By considering drug actions and side effects in the context of the regulatory networks within which the drug targets and disease gene products function, network analysis promises to greatly increase our knowledge of the mechanisms underlying the multiple actions of drugs. Systems pharmacology can provide new approaches for drug discovery for complex diseases. The integrated approach used in systems pharmacology can allow for drug action to be considered in the context of the whole genome. Network-based studies are becoming an increasingly important tool in understanding the relationships between drug action and disease susceptibility genes. This review discusses how analysis of biological networks has contributed to the genesis of systems pharmacology and how these studies have improved global understanding of drug targets, suggested new targets and approaches for therapeutics, and provided a deeper understanding of the effects of drugs. Taken together, these types of analyses can lead to new therapeutic options while improving the safety and efficacy of existing medications.
Published in September 2009

Lowering industry firewalls: pre-competitive informatics initiatives in drug discovery.

Authors: Barnes MR, Harland L, Foord SM, Hall MD, Dix I, Thomas S, Williams-Jones BI, Brouwer CR

Abstract: Pharmaceutical research and development is facing substantial challenges that have prompted the industry to shift funding from early- to late-stage projects. Among the effects is a major change in the attitude of many companies to their internal bioinformatics resources: the focus has moved from the vigorous pursuit of intellectual property towards exploration of pre-competitive cross-industry collaborations and engagement with the public domain. High-quality, open and accessible data are the foundation of pre-competitive research, and strong public-private partnerships have considerable potential to enhance public data resources, which would benefit everyone engaged in drug discovery. In this article, we discuss the background to these changes and propose new areas of collaboration in computational biology and chemistry between the public domain and the pharmaceutical industry.
Published in September - October 2009

Structure Activity Relationships (SARs) Using a Structurally Diverse Drug Database: Validating Success of Predictor Tools.

Authors: D'Souza MJ, Koyoshi F, Everett LM

Abstract: ADME/Tox (absorption, distribution, metabolism, elimination and toxicity) technology is traditionally associated as a tool in the drug discovery process which is often used to predict the efficiency of drug adsorption, distribution, metabolic pathways, and elimination. For the past four years we have been involved in an effort to evaluate readily available Food and Drug Administration (FDA) consumer drug profiles and pharmacological data. Portable Document Format (PDF) data from drug profiles available on the FDA Drug Information website were used to create a searchable FDA Consumer Drug Database((c)) using Bio-Rad's KnowItAll((R)) platform which includes ADME/Tox in silico predictors. 14 pertinent pharmaceutical and pharmacological properties were collected for 75 structurally diverse consumer prescription drugs, and for several drugs, not all properties were completely populated. The major objective of this investigation was to validate the platforms prediction models for plasma protein binding (PPB) and bioavailability (BIO).
Published on September 15, 2009

Supervised prediction of drug-target interactions using bipartite local models.

Authors: Bleakley K, Yamanishi Y

Abstract: MOTIVATION: In silico prediction of drug-target interactions from heterogeneous biological data is critical in the search for drugs for known diseases. This problem is currently being attacked from many different points of view, a strong indication of its current importance. Precisely, being able to predict new drug-target interactions with both high precision and accuracy is the holy grail, a fundamental requirement for in silico methods to be useful in a biological setting. This, however, remains extremely challenging due to, amongst other things, the rarity of known drug-target interactions. RESULTS: We propose a novel supervised inference method to predict unknown drug-target interactions, represented as a bipartite graph. We use this method, known as bipartite local models to first predict target proteins of a given drug, then to predict drugs targeting a given protein. This gives two independent predictions for each putative drug-target interaction, which we show can be combined to give a definitive prediction for each interaction. We demonstrate the excellent performance of the proposed method in the prediction of four classes of drug-target interaction networks involving enzymes, ion channels, G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and nuclear receptors in human. This enables us to suggest a number of new potential drug-target interactions. AVAILABILITY: An implementation of the proposed algorithm is available upon request from the authors. Datasets and all prediction results are available at
Published in August 2009

Tunable machine vision-based strategy for automated annotation of chemical databases.

Authors: Park J, Rosania GR, Saitou K

Abstract: We present a tunable, machine vision-based strategy for automated annotation of virtual small molecule databases. The proposed strategy is based on the use of a machine vision-based tool for extracting structure diagrams in research articles and converting them into connection tables, a virtual "Chemical Expert" system for screening the converted structures based on the adjustable levels of estimated conversion accuracy, and a fragment-based measure for calculating intermolecular similarity. For annotation, calculated chemical similarity between the converted structures and entries in a virtual small molecule database is used to establish the links. The overall annotation performances can be tuned by adjusting the cutoff threshold of the estimated conversion accuracy. We perform an annotation test which attempts to link 121 journal articles registered in PubMed to entries in PubChem which is the largest, publicly accessible chemical database. Two cases of tests are performed, and their results are compared to see how the overall annotation performances are affected by the different threshold levels of the estimated accuracy of the converted structure. Our work demonstrates that over 45% of the articles could have true positive links to entries in the PubChem database with promising recall and precision rates in both tests. Furthermore, we illustrate that the Chemical Expert system which can screen converted structures based on the adjustable levels of estimated conversion accuracy is a key factor impacting the overall annotation performance. We propose that this machine vision-based strategy can be incorporated with the text-mining approach to facilitate extraction of contextual scientific knowledge about a chemical structure, from the scientific literature.
Published in August 2009

Generating genome-scale candidate gene lists for pharmacogenomics.

Authors: Hansen NT, Brunak S, Altman RB

Abstract: A critical task in pharmacogenomics is identifying genes that may be important modulators of drug response. High-throughput experimental methods are often plagued by false positives and do not take advantage of existing knowledge. Candidate gene lists can usefully summarize existing knowledge, but they are expensive to generate manually and may therefore have incomplete coverage. We have developed a method that ranks 12,460 genes in the human genome on the basis of their potential relevance to a specific query drug and its putative indications. Our method uses known gene-drug interactions, networks of gene-gene interactions, and available measures of drug-drug similarity. It ranks genes by building a local network of known interactions and assessing the similarity of the query drug (by both structure and indication) with drugs that interact with gene products in the local network. In a comprehensive benchmark, our method achieves an overall area under the curve of 0.82. To showcase our method, we found novel gene candidates for warfarin, gefitinib, carboplatin, and gemcitabine, and we provide the molecular hypotheses for these predictions.