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Published in February 2021

Screening of potent drug inhibitors against SARS-CoV-2 RNA polymerase: an in silico approach.

Authors: Singh SK, Upadhyay AK, Reddy MS

Abstract: COVID-19 has emerged as a rapidly escalating serious global health issue, affecting every section of population in a detrimental way. Present situation invigorated researchers to look for potent targets, development as well as repurposing of conventional therapeutic drugs. NSP12, a RNA polymerase, is key player in viral RNA replication and, hence, viral multiplication. In our study, we have screened a battery of FDA-approved drugs against SARS-CoV-2 RNA polymerase using in silico molecular docking approach. Identification of potent inhibitors against SARS-CoV-2 NSP12 (RNA polymerase) were screeened from FDA approved drugs by virtual screening for therapeutic applications in treatment of COVID-19. In this study, virtual screening of 1749 antiviral drugs was executed using AutoDock Vina in PyRx software. Binding affinities between NSP12 and drug molecules were determined using Ligplot(+) and PyMOL was used for visualization of docking between interacting residues. Screening of 1749 compounds resulted in 14 compounds that rendered high binding affinity for NSP12 target molecule. Out of 14 compounds, 5 compounds which include 3a (Paritaprevir), 3d (Glecaprevir), 3h (Velpatasvir), 3j (Remdesivir) and 3l (Ribavirin) had a binding affinity of - 10.2 kcal/mol, -9.6 kcal/mol, - 8.5 kcal/mol, - 8.0 kcal/mol and - 6.8 kcal/mol, respectively. Moreover, a number of hydrophobic interactions and hydrogen bonding between these 5 compounds and NSP12 active site were observed. Further, 3l (Ribavirin) was docked with 6M71 and molecular dynamic simulation of the complex was also performed to check the stability of the conformation. In silico analysis postulated the potential of conventional antiviral drugs in treatment of COVID-19. However, these finding may be further supported by experimental data for its possible clinical application in present scenario.
Published in February 2021

A wealth of discovery built on the Human Genome Project - by the numbers.

Authors: Gates AJ, Gysi DM, Kellis M, Barabasi AL

Published in February 2021

Modeling drug response using network-based personalized treatment prediction (NetPTP) with applications to inflammatory bowel disease.

Authors: Han L, Sayyid ZN, Altman RB

Abstract: For many prevalent complex diseases, treatment regimens are frequently ineffective. For example, despite multiple available immunomodulators and immunosuppressants, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) remains difficult to treat. Heterogeneity in the disease across patients makes it challenging to select the optimal treatment regimens, and some patients do not respond to any of the existing treatment choices. Drug repurposing strategies for IBD have had limited clinical success and have not typically offered individualized patient-level treatment recommendations. In this work, we present NetPTP, a Network-based Personalized Treatment Prediction framework which models measured drug effects from gene expression data and applies them to patient samples to generate personalized ranked treatment lists. To accomplish this, we combine publicly available network, drug target, and drug effect data to generate treatment rankings using patient data. These ranked lists can then be used to prioritize existing treatments and discover new therapies for individual patients. We demonstrate how NetPTP captures and models drug effects, and we apply our framework to individual IBD samples to provide novel insights into IBD treatment.
Published in February 2021

An Integrated Systems Biology Approach Identifies the Proteasome as A Critical Host Machinery for ZIKV and DENV Replication.

Authors: Song G, Lee EM, Pan J, Xu M, Rho HS, Cheng Y, Whitt N, Yang S, Kouznetsova J, Klumpp-Thomas C, Michael SG, Moore C, Yoon KJ, Christian KM, Simeonov A, Huang W, Xia M, Huang R, Lal-Nag M, Tang H, Zheng W, Qian J, Song H, Ming GL, Zhu H

Abstract: The Zika virus (ZIKV) and dengue virus (DENV) flaviviruses exhibit similar replicative processes but have distinct clinical outcomes. A systematic understanding of virus-host protein-protein interaction networks can reveal cellular pathways critical to viral replication and disease pathogenesis. Here we employed three independent systems biology approaches toward this goal. First, protein array analysis of direct interactions between individual ZIKV/DENV viral proteins and 20,240 human proteins revealed multiple conserved cellular pathways and protein complexes, including proteasome complexes. Second, an RNAi screen of 10,415 druggable genes identified the host proteins required for ZIKV infection and uncovered that proteasome proteins were crucial in this process. Third, high-throughput screening of 6016 bioactive compounds for ZIKV inhibition yielded 134 effective compounds, including six proteasome inhibitors that suppress both ZIKV and DENV replication. Integrative analyses of these orthogonal datasets pinpoint proteasomes as critical host machinery for ZIKV/DENV replication. Our study provides multi-omics datasets for further studies of flavivirus-host interactions, disease pathogenesis, and new drug targets.
Published in February 2021

Visual snow syndrome after start of citalopram-novel insights into underlying pathophysiology.

Authors: Eren OE, Schoberl F, Schankin CJ, Straube A

Published in February 2021

Essential interpretations of bioinformatics in COVID-19 pandemic.

Authors: Ray M, Sable MN, Sarkar S, Hallur V

Abstract: The currently emerging pathogen SARS-CoV-2 has produced the global pandemic crisis by causing COVID-19. The unique and novel genetic makeup of SARS-CoV-2 has created hurdles in biological research, due to which the potential drug/vaccine candidates have not yet been discovered by the scientific community. Meanwhile, the advantages of bioinformatics in viral research had created a milestone since last few decades. The exploitation of bioinformatics tools and techniques has successfully interpreted this viral genomics architecture. Some major in silico studies involving next-generation sequencing, genome-wide association studies, computer-aided drug design etc. have been effectively applied in COVID-19 research methodologies and discovered novel information on SARS-CoV-2 in several ways. Nowadays the implementation of in silico studies in COVID-19 research has not only sequenced the SARS-CoV-2 genome but also properly analyzed the sequencing errors, evolutionary relationship, genetic variations, putative drug candidates against SARS-CoV-2 viral genes etc. within a very short time period. These would be very needful towards further research on COVID-19 pandemic and essential for vaccine development against SARS-CoV-2 which will save public health.
Published in February 2021

TranSynergy: Mechanism-driven interpretable deep neural network for the synergistic prediction and pathway deconvolution of drug combinations.

Authors: Liu Q, Xie L

Abstract: Drug combinations have demonstrated great potential in cancer treatments. They alleviate drug resistance and improve therapeutic efficacy. The fast-growing number of anti-cancer drugs has caused the experimental investigation of all drug combinations to become costly and time-consuming. Computational techniques can improve the efficiency of drug combination screening. Despite recent advances in applying machine learning to synergistic drug combination prediction, several challenges remain. First, the performance of existing methods is suboptimal. There is still much space for improvement. Second, biological knowledge has not been fully incorporated into the model. Finally, many models are lack interpretability, limiting their clinical applications. To address these challenges, we have developed a knowledge-enabled and self-attention transformer boosted deep learning model, TranSynergy, which improves the performance and interpretability of synergistic drug combination prediction. TranSynergy is designed so that the cellular effect of drug actions can be explicitly modeled through cell-line gene dependency, gene-gene interaction, and genome-wide drug-target interaction. A novel Shapley Additive Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (SA-GSEA) method has been developed to deconvolute genes that contribute to the synergistic drug combination and improve model interpretability. Extensive benchmark studies demonstrate that TranSynergy outperforms the state-of-the-art method, suggesting the potential of mechanism-driven machine learning. Novel pathways that are associated with the synergistic combinations are revealed and supported by experimental evidences. They may provide new insights into identifying biomarkers for precision medicine and discovering new anti-cancer therapies. Several new synergistic drug combinations have been predicted with high confidence for ovarian cancer which has few treatment options. The code is available at
Published in February 2021

SAveRUNNER: A network-based algorithm for drug repurposing and its application to COVID-19.

Authors: Fiscon G, Conte F, Farina L, Paci P

Abstract: The novelty of new human coronavirus COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 and the lack of effective drugs and vaccines gave rise to a wide variety of strategies employed to fight this worldwide pandemic. Many of these strategies rely on the repositioning of existing drugs that could shorten the time and reduce the cost compared to de novo drug discovery. In this study, we presented a new network-based algorithm for drug repositioning, called SAveRUNNER (Searching off-lAbel dRUg aNd NEtwoRk), which predicts drug-disease associations by quantifying the interplay between the drug targets and the disease-specific proteins in the human interactome via a novel network-based similarity measure that prioritizes associations between drugs and diseases locating in the same network neighborhoods. Specifically, we applied SAveRUNNER on a panel of 14 selected diseases with a consolidated knowledge about their disease-causing genes and that have been found to be related to COVID-19 for genetic similarity (i.e., SARS), comorbidity (e.g., cardiovascular diseases), or for their association to drugs tentatively repurposed to treat COVID-19 (e.g., malaria, HIV, rheumatoid arthritis). Focusing specifically on SARS subnetwork, we identified 282 repurposable drugs, including some the most rumored off-label drugs for COVID-19 treatments (e.g., chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine, tocilizumab, heparin), as well as a new combination therapy of 5 drugs (hydroxychloroquine, chloroquine, lopinavir, ritonavir, remdesivir), actually used in clinical practice. Furthermore, to maximize the efficiency of putative downstream validation experiments, we prioritized 24 potential anti-SARS-CoV repurposable drugs based on their network-based similarity values. These top-ranked drugs include ACE-inhibitors, monoclonal antibodies (e.g., anti-IFNgamma, anti-TNFalpha, anti-IL12, anti-IL1beta, anti-IL6), and thrombin inhibitors. Finally, our findings were in-silico validated by performing a gene set enrichment analysis, which confirmed that most of the network-predicted repurposable drugs may have a potential treatment effect against human coronavirus infections.
Published in February 2021

Comparative metabolomics reveals key pathways associated with the synergistic activity of polymyxin B and rifampicin combination against multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii.

Authors: Zhao J, Han ML, Zhu Y, Lin YW, Wang YW, Lu J, Hu Y, Tony Zhou Q, Velkov T, Li J

Abstract: Multidrug-resistant (MDR) Acinetobacter baumannii presents a critical challenge to human health worldwide and polymyxins are increasingly used as a last-line therapy. Due to the rapid emergence of resistance during polymyxin monotherapy, synergistic combinations (e.g. with rifampicin) are recommended to treat A. baumannii infections. However, most combination therapies are empirical, owing to a dearth of understanding on the mechanism of synergistic antibacterial killing. In the present study, we employed metabolomics to investigate the synergy mechanism of polymyxin B-rifampicin against A. baumannii AB5075, an MDR clinical isolate. The metabolomes of A. baumannii AB5075 were compared at 1 and 4 h following treatments with polymyxin B alone (0.75 mg/L, i.e. 3 x MIC), rifampicin alone (1 mg/L, i.e. 0.25 x MIC) and their combination. Polymyxin B monotherapy significantly perturbed glycerophospholipid and fatty acid metabolism at 1 h, reflecting its activity on bacterial outer membrane. Rifampicin monotherapy significantly perturbed glycerophospholipid, nucleotide and amino acid metabolism, which are related to the inhibition of RNA synthesis. The combination treatment significantly perturbed the metabolism of nucleotides, amino acids, fatty acids and glycerophospholipids at 1 and 4 h. Notably, the intermediate metabolite pools from pentose phosphate pathway were exclusively enhanced by the combination, while most metabolites from the nucleotide and amino acid biosynthesis pathways were significantly decreased. Overall, the synergistic activity of the combination was initially driven by polymyxin B which impacted pathways associated with outer membrane biogenesis; and subsequent effects were mainly attributed to rifampicin via the inhibition of RNA synthesis. This study is the first to reveal the synergistic killing mechanism of polymyxin-rifampicin combination against polymyxin-susceptible MDR A. baumannii at the network level. Our findings provide new mechanistic insights for optimizing this synergistic combination in patients.
Published in February 2021

Synthesis, Molecular Docking and Preliminary Antileukemic Activity of 4-Methoxybenzyl Derivatives Bearing Imidazo[2,1-b][1,3,4]thiadiazole.

Authors: Choodamani B, Cano Hernandez KG, Kumar S, Tony AM, Schiaffino Bustamante AY, Aguilera RJ, Schols D, Gopi Mohan C, Karki SS

Abstract: In this study, we synthesized 22 compounds in a series with various substitution on imidazo[2,1-b][1,3,4]thiadiazole. The potential cytotoxic activity of these compounds investigated in leukemia cell lines by Differential Nuclear Staining (DNS). Our results identified two compounds, 2-(4-methoxybenzyl)-6-(2-oxo-2H-chromen-3-yl)imidazo[2,1-b][1,3,4]thiadiazol-5-yl thiocyanate and 6-(4-chlorophenyl)-2-(4-methoxybenzyl)imidazo[2,1-b][1,3,4]thiadiazole-5-carbalde hyde, exhibited the most cytotoxic effect against murine leukemia cells (L1210), human T-lymphocyte cells (CEM) and human cervix carcinoma cells (HeLa) with IC50 values ranging between 0.79 and 1.6 muM. The results indicate that 2-(4-methoxybenzyl)-6-(2-oxo-2H-chromen-3-yl)imidazo[2,1-b][1,3,4]thiadiazol-5-yl thiocyanate is inducing phosphatidylserine externalization and caspase-3 activation which are both a hallmark of apoptosis. Docking studies showed that 2-(4-methoxybenzyl)-6-(2-oxo-2H-chromen-3-yl)imidazo[2,1-b][1,3,4]thiadiazol-5-yl thiocyanate binds within the active sites of transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) type I receptor kinase domain by strong hydrogen binding and hydrophobic interactions.