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Published on February 12, 2021

Chemical Elicitors Induce Rare Bioactive Secondary Metabolites in Deep-Sea Bacteria under Laboratory Conditions.

Authors: de Felicio R, Ballone P, Bazzano CF, Alves LFG, Sigrist R, Infante GP, Niero H, Rodrigues-Costa F, Fernandes AZN, Tonon LAC, Paradela LS, Costa RKE, Dias SMG, Dessen A, Telles GP, da Silva MAC, Lima AOS, Trivella DBB

Abstract: Bacterial genome sequencing has revealed a vast number of novel biosynthetic gene clusters (BGC) with potential to produce bioactive natural products. However, the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites by bacteria is often silenced under laboratory conditions, limiting the controlled expression of natural products. Here we describe an integrated methodology for the construction and screening of an elicited and pre-fractionated library of marine bacteria. In this pilot study, chemical elicitors were evaluated to mimic the natural environment and to induce the expression of cryptic BGCs in deep-sea bacteria. By integrating high-resolution untargeted metabolomics with cheminformatics analyses, it was possible to visualize, mine, identify and map the chemical and biological space of the elicited bacterial metabolites. The results show that elicited bacterial metabolites correspond to ~45% of the compounds produced under laboratory conditions. In addition, the elicited chemical space is novel (~70% of the elicited compounds) or concentrated in the chemical space of drugs. Fractionation of the crude extracts further evidenced minor compounds (~90% of the collection) and the detection of biological activity. This pilot work pinpoints strategies for constructing and evaluating chemically diverse bacterial natural product libraries towards the identification of novel bacterial metabolites in natural product-based drug discovery pipelines.
Published on February 12, 2021

InContext: curation of medical context for drug indications.

Authors: Moodley K, Rieswijk L, Oprea TI, Dumontier M

Abstract: Accurate and precise information about the therapeutic uses (indications) of a drug is essential for applications in drug repurposing and precision medicine. Leading online drug resources such as DrugCentral and DrugBank provide rich information about various properties of drugs, including their indications. However, because indications in such databases are often partly automatically mined, some may prove to be inaccurate or imprecise. Particularly challenging for text mining methods is the task of distinguishing between general disease mentions in drug product labels and actual indications for the drug. For this, the qualifying medical context of the disease mentions in the text should be studied. Some examples include contraindications, co-prescribed drugs and target patient qualifications. No existing indication curation efforts attempt to capture such information in a precise way. Here we fill this gap by presenting a novel curation protocol for extracting indications and machine processable annotations of contextual information about the therapeutic use of a drug. We implemented the protocol on a reference set of FDA-approved drug product labels on the DailyMed website to curate indications for 150 anti-cancer and cardiovascular drugs. The resulting corpus - InContext - focuses on anti-cancer and cardiovascular drugs because of the heightened societal interest in cancer and heart disease. In order to understand how InContext relates with existing reputable drug indication databases, we analysed it's overlap with a state-of-the-art indications database - LabeledIn - as well as a reputable online drug compendium - DrugCentral. We found that 40% of indications sampled from DrugCentral (and 23% from LabeledIn) respectively, could not be accounted for in InContext. This raises questions about the veracity of indications not appearing in InContext. The additional contextual information curated by InContext about disease mentions in drug SPLs provides a foundation for more precise, structured and formal representations of knowledge related to drug therapeutic use, in order to increase accuracy and agreement of drug indication extraction methods for in silico drug repurposing.
Published on February 12, 2021

Docking Prediction of Levodopa in the Receptor Binding Domain of Spike Protein of SARS-CoV-2.

Authors: Baig AM, Khaleeq A, Syeda H, Bibi N

Abstract: Levodopa is a prodrug that is converted into dopamine, which replenishes the deficient dopamine in the brain of patients suffering from Parkinsonism. We hypothesize that levodopa may interact with the receptor binding domain of the SARS-CoV-2 and may act as a physical impediment to the viral entry into the host cell.
Published on February 11, 2021

Integrated network analysis reveals new genes suggesting COVID-19 chronic effects and treatment.

Authors: Pavel A, Del Giudice G, Federico A, Di Lieto A, Kinaret PAS, Serra A, Greco D

Abstract: The COVID-19 disease led to an unprecedented health emergency, still ongoing worldwide. Given the lack of a vaccine or a clear therapeutic strategy to counteract the infection as well as its secondary effects, there is currently a pressing need to generate new insights into the SARS-CoV-2 induced host response. Biomedical data can help to investigate new aspects of the COVID-19 pathogenesis, but source heterogeneity represents a major drawback and limitation. In this work, we applied data integration methods to develop a Unified Knowledge Space (UKS) and used it to identify a new set of genes associated with SARS-CoV-2 host response, both in vitro and in vivo. Functional analysis of these genes reveals possible long-term systemic effects of the infection, such as vascular remodelling and fibrosis. Finally, we identified a set of potentially relevant drugs targeting proteins involved in multiple steps of the host response to the virus.
Published on February 10, 2021

ChemSpectra: a web-based spectra editor for analytical data.

Authors: Huang YC, Tremouilhac P, Nguyen A, Jung N, Brase S

Abstract: ChemSpectra, a web-based software to visualize and analyze spectroscopic data, integrating solutions for infrared spectroscopy (IR), mass spectrometry (MS), and one-dimensional (1)H and (13)C NMR (proton and carbon nuclear magnetic resonance) spectroscopy, is described. ChemSpectra serves as web-based tool for the analysis of the most often used types of one-dimensional spectroscopic data in synthetic (organic) chemistry research. It was developed to support in particular processes for the use of open file formats which enable the work according to the FAIR data principles. The software can deal with the open file formats JCAMP-DX (IR, MS, NMR) and mzML (MS) proposing these data file types to gain interoperable data. ChemSpectra can be extended to read also other formats as exemplified by selected proprietary mass spectrometry data files of type RAW and NMR spectra files of type FID. The JavaScript-based editor can be integrated with other software, as demonstrated by integration into the Chemotion electronic lab notebook (ELN) and Chemotion repository, demonstrating the implementation into a digital work environment that offers additional functionality and sustainable research data management options. ChemSpectra supports different functions for working with spectroscopic data such as zoom functions, peak picking and automatic peak detection according to a default or manually defined threshold. NMR specific functions include the definition of a reference signal, the integration of signals, coupling constant calculation and multiplicity assignment. Embedded into a web application such as an ELN or a repository, the editor can also be used to generate an association of spectra to a sample and a file management. The file management supports the storage of the original spectra along with the last edited version and an automatically generated image of the spectra in png format. To maximize the benefit of the spectra editor for e.g. ELN users, an automated procedure for the transfer of the detected or manually chosen signals to the ELN was implemented. ChemSpectra is released under the AGPL license to encourage its re-use and further developments by the community.
Published on February 9, 2021

TIES 20: Relative Binding Free Energy with a Flexible Superimposition Algorithm and Partial Ring Morphing.

Authors: Bieniek MK, Bhati AP, Wan S, Coveney PV

Abstract: The TIES (Thermodynamic Integration with Enhanced Sampling) protocol is a formally exact alchemical approach in computational chemistry to the calculation of relative binding free energies. The validity of TIES relies on the correctness of matching atoms across compared pairs of ligands, laying the foundation for the transformation along an alchemical pathway. We implement a flexible topology superimposition algorithm which uses an exhaustive joint-traversal for computing the largest common component(s). The algorithm is employed to enable matching and morphing of partial rings in the TIES protocol along with a validation study using 55 transformations and five different proteins from our previous work. We find that TIES 20 with the RESP charge system, using the new superimposition algorithm, reproduces the previous results with mean unsigned error of 0.75 kcal/mol with respect to the experimental data. Enabling the morphing of partial rings decreases the size of the alchemical region in the dual-topology transformations resulting in a significant improvement in the prediction precision. We find that increasing the ensemble size from 5 to 20 replicas per lambda window only has a minimal impact on the accuracy. However, the non-normal nature of the relative free energy distributions underscores the importance of ensemble simulation. We further compare the results with the AM1-BCC charge system and show that it improves agreement with the experimental data by slightly over 10%. This improvement is partly due to AM1-BCC affecting only the charges of the atoms local to the mutation, which translates to even fewer morphed atoms, consequently reducing issues with sampling and therefore ensemble averaging. TIES 20, in conjunction with the enablement of ring morphing, reduces the size of the alchemical region and significantly improves the precision of the predicted free energies.
Published on February 9, 2021

Genetically determined blood pressure, antihypertensive medications, and risk of Alzheimer's disease: a Mendelian randomization study.

Authors: Ou YN, Yang YX, Shen XN, Ma YH, Chen SD, Dong Q, Tan L, Yu JT

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Observational studies suggest that the use of antihypertensive medications (AHMs) is associated with a reduced risk of Alzheimer's disease (AD); however, these findings may be biased by confounding and reverse causality. We aimed to explore the effects of blood pressure (BP) and lowering systolic BP (SBP) via the protein targets of different AHMs on AD through a two-sample Mendelian randomization (MR) approach. METHODS: Genetic proxies from genome-wide association studies of BP traits and BP-lowering variants in genes encoding AHM targets were extracted. Estimates were calculated by inverse-variance weighted method as the main model. MR Egger regression and leave-one-out analysis were performed to identify potential violations. RESULTS: There was limited evidence that genetically predicted SBP/diastolic BP level affected AD risk based on 400/398 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), respectively (all P > 0.05). Suitable genetic variants for beta-blockers (1 SNP), angiotensin receptor blockers (1 SNP), calcium channel blockers (CCBs, 45 SNPs), and thiazide diuretics (5 SNPs) were identified. Genetic proxies for CCB [odds ratio (OR) = 0.959, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.941-0.977, P = 3.92 x 10(-6)] and overall use of AHMs (OR = 0.961, 95% CI = 0.944-0.978, P = 5.74 x 10(-6), SNPs = 52) were associated with a lower risk of AD. No notable heterogeneity and directional pleiotropy were identified (all P > 0.05). Additional analyses partly support these results. No single SNP was driving the observed effects. CONCLUSIONS: This MR analysis found evidence that genetically determined lowering BP was associated with a lower risk of AD and CCB was identified as a promising strategy for AD prevention.
Published on February 8, 2021

Drug repurposing for COVID-19 via knowledge graph completion.

Authors: Zhang R, Hristovski D, Schutte D, Kastrin A, Fiszman M, Kilicoglu H

Abstract: OBJECTIVE: To discover candidate drugs to repurpose for COVID-19 using literature-derived knowledge and knowledge graph completion methods. METHODS: We propose a novel, integrative, and neural network-based literature-based discovery (LBD) approach to identify drug candidates from PubMed and other COVID-19-focused research literature. Our approach relies on semantic triples extracted using SemRep (via SemMedDB). We identified an informative and accurate subset of semantic triples using filtering rules and an accuracy classifier developed on a BERT variant. We used this subset to construct a knowledge graph, and applied five state-of-the-art, neural knowledge graph completion algorithms (i.e., TransE, RotatE, DistMult, ComplEx, and STELP) to predict drug repurposing candidates. The models were trained and assessed using a time slicing approach and the predicted drugs were compared with a list of drugs reported in the literature and evaluated in clinical trials. These models were complemented by a discovery pattern-based approach. RESULTS: Accuracy classifier based on PubMedBERT achieved the best performance (F1 = 0.854) in identifying accurate semantic predications. Among five knowledge graph completion models, TransE outperformed others (MR = 0.923, Hits@1 = 0.417). Some known drugs linked to COVID-19 in the literature were identified, as well as others that have not yet been studied. Discovery patterns enabled identification of additional candidate drugs and generation of plausible hypotheses regarding the links between the candidate drugs and COVID-19. Among them, five highly ranked and novel drugs (i.e., paclitaxel, SB 203580, alpha 2-antiplasmin, metoclopramide, and oxymatrine) and the mechanistic explanations for their potential use are further discussed. CONCLUSION: We showed that a LBD approach can be feasible not only for discovering drug candidates for COVID-19, but also for generating mechanistic explanations. Our approach can be generalized to other diseases as well as to other clinical questions. Source code and data are available at
Published on February 8, 2021

Prebiotically Plausible RNA Activation Compatible with Ribozyme-Catalyzed Ligation.

Authors: Song EY, Jimenez EI, Lin H, Le Vay K, Krishnamurthy R, Mutschler H

Abstract: RNA-catalyzed RNA ligation is widely believed to be a key reaction for primordial biology. However, since typical chemical routes towards activating RNA substrates are incompatible with ribozyme catalysis, it remains unclear how prebiotic systems generated and sustained pools of activated building blocks needed to form increasingly larger and complex RNA. Herein, we demonstrate in situ activation of RNA substrates under reaction conditions amenable to catalysis by the hairpin ribozyme. We found that diamidophosphate (DAP) and imidazole drive the formation of 2',3'-cyclic phosphate RNA mono- and oligonucleotides from monophosphorylated precursors in frozen water-ice. This long-lived activation enables iterative enzymatic assembly of long RNAs. Our results provide a plausible scenario for the generation of higher-energy substrates required to fuel ribozyme-catalyzed RNA synthesis in the absence of a highly evolved metabolism.
Published on February 8, 2021

In silico drug repositioning based on the integration of chemical, genomic and pharmacological spaces.

Authors: Chen H, Zhang Z, Zhang J

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Drug repositioning refers to the identification of new indications for existing drugs. Drug-based inference methods for drug repositioning apply some unique features of drugs for new indication prediction. Complementary information is provided by these different features. It is therefore necessary to integrate these features for more accurate in silico drug repositioning. RESULTS: In this study, we collect 3 different types of drug features (i.e., chemical, genomic and pharmacological spaces) from public databases. Similarities between drugs are separately calculated based on each of the features. We further develop a fusion method to combine the 3 similarity measurements. We test the inference abilities of the 4 similarity datasets in drug repositioning under the guilt-by-association principle. Leave-one-out cross-validations show the integrated similarity measurement IntegratedSim receives the best prediction performance, with the highest AUC value of 0.8451 and the highest AUPR value of 0.2201. Case studies demonstrate IntegratedSim produces the largest numbers of confirmed predictions in most cases. Moreover, we compare our integration method with 3 other similarity-fusion methods using the datasets in our study. Cross-validation results suggest our method improves the prediction accuracy in terms of AUC and AUPR values. CONCLUSIONS: Our study suggests that the 3 drug features used in our manuscript are valuable information for drug repositioning. The comparative results indicate that integration of the 3 drug features would improve drug-disease association prediction. Our study provides a strategy for the fusion of different drug features for in silico drug repositioning.