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Published on February 18, 2021

Cellular Fitness Phenotypes of Cancer Target Genes from Oncobiology to Cancer Therapeutics.

Authors: George B, Pillai PM, Paul AM, Amjesh R, Leitzel K, Ali SM, Sandiford O, Lipton A, Rameshwar P, Hortobagyi GN, Pillai MR, Kumar R

Abstract: To define the growing significance of cellular targets and/or effectors of cancer drugs, we examined the fitness dependency of cellular targets and effectors of cancer drug targets across human cancer cells from 19 cancer types. We observed that the deletion of 35 out of 47 cellular effectors and/or targets of oncology drugs did not result in the expected loss of cell fitness in appropriate cancer types for which drugs targeting or utilizing these molecules for their actions were approved. Additionally, our analysis recognized 43 cellular molecules as fitness genes in several cancer types in which these drugs were not approved, and thus, providing clues for repurposing certain approved oncology drugs in such cancer types. For example, we found a widespread upregulation and fitness dependency of several components of the mevalonate and purine biosynthesis pathways (currently targeted by bisphosphonates, statins, and pemetrexed in certain cancers) and an association between the overexpression of these molecules and reduction in the overall survival duration of patients with breast and other hard-to-treat cancers, for which such drugs are not approved. In brief, the present analysis raised cautions about off-target and undesirable effects of certain oncology drugs in a subset of cancers where the intended cellular effectors of drug might not be good fitness genes and that this study offers a potential rationale for repurposing certain approved oncology drugs for targeted therapeutics in additional cancer types.
Published on February 17, 2021

HPLC-UV and UPLC-MS/MS methods for the simultaneous analysis of sildenafil, vardenafil, and tadalafil and their counterfeits dapoxetine, paroxetine, citalopram, tramadol, and yohimbine in aphrodisiac products.

Authors: Abdelshakour MA, Abdel Salam RA, Hadad GM, Abo-ElMatty DM, Abdel Hameed EA

Abstract: In recent times, the counterfeiting of pharmaceuticals has been considered a serious trouble especially in developing countries that acquire poor inspection programs. Sildenafil, vardenafil and tadalafil (phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors) products have gained wide popularity in treating sexual disorders, for which they are subjected to counterfeiting. For this purpose, a simple, rapid, and novel HPLC method with ultraviolet detection has been simply developed for the simultaneous determination of vardenafil, sildenafil, and tadalafil, and their counterfeits (dapoxetine, paroxetine, citalopram, tramadol and yohimbine) in pharmaceutical dosage forms and counterfeit products such as instant coffee and honey. The separation was carried out on a C18 column, with acetonitrile and an aqueous 0.05% formic acid solution as the mobile phase with a gradient program and at a flow rate of 1 mL min(-1). UV detection was accurately set at 230 nm. The total run time was 11 min for elution of these eight drugs. A UPLC-MS/MS method was also developed, by which compounds were separated in only 6 min, and it was used as a confirmatory tool for studied compounds by identification of their mass spectra. Proposed methods were validated by following ICH guidelines. Both methods were found to be linear, specific, precise and accurate, and they were efficiently applied to analyze 50 commercial products including honey sachets, instant coffee and pharmaceutical products marketed as aphrodisiacs and suspected to contain PDE5-inhibitors.
Published on February 17, 2021

Targeting the Complement Serine Protease MASP-2 as a Therapeutic Strategy for Coronavirus Infections.

Authors: Flude BM, Nannetti G, Mitchell P, Compton N, Richards C, Heurich M, Brancale A, Ferla S, Bassetto M

Abstract: MASP-2, mannose-binding protein-associated serine protease 2, is a key enzyme in the lectin pathway of complement activation. Hyperactivation of this protein by human coronaviruses SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 has been found to contribute to aberrant complement activation in patients, leading to aggravated lung injury with potentially fatal consequences. This hyperactivation is triggered in the lungs through a conserved, direct interaction between MASP-2 and coronavirus nucleocapsid (N) proteins. Blocking this interaction with monoclonal antibodies and interfering directly with the catalytic activity of MASP-2, have been found to alleviate coronavirus-induced lung injury both in vitro and in vivo. In this study, a virtual library of 8736 licensed drugs and clinical agents has been screened in silico according to two parallel strategies. The first strategy aims at identifying direct inhibitors of MASP-2 catalytic activity, while the second strategy focusses on finding protein-protein interaction inhibitors (PPIs) of MASP-2 and coronaviral N proteins. Such agents could represent promising support treatment options to prevent lung injury and reduce mortality rates of infections caused by both present and future-emerging coronaviruses. Forty-six drug repurposing candidates were purchased and, for the ones selected as potential direct inhibitors of MASP-2, a preliminary in vitro assay was conducted to assess their interference with the lectin pathway of complement activation. Some of the tested agents displayed a dose-response inhibitory activity of the lectin pathway, potentially providing the basis for a viable support strategy to prevent the severe complications of coronavirus infections.
Published on February 16, 2021

Genome-scale meta-analysis of breast cancer datasets identifies promising targets for drug development.

Authors: Altaf R, Nadeem H, Babar MM, Ilyas U, Muhammad SA

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Because of the highly heterogeneous nature of breast cancer, each subtype differs in response to several treatment regimens. This has limited the therapeutic options for metastatic breast cancer disease requiring exploration of diverse therapeutic models to target tumor specific biomarkers. METHODS: Differentially expressed breast cancer genes identified through extensive data mapping were studied for their interaction with other target proteins involved in breast cancer progression. The molecular mechanisms by which these signature genes are involved in breast cancer metastasis were also studied through pathway analysis. The potential drug targets for these genes were also identified. RESULTS: From 50 DEGs, 20 genes were identified based on fold change and p-value and the data curation of these genes helped in shortlisting 8 potential gene signatures that can be used as potential candidates for breast cancer. Their network and pathway analysis clarified the role of these genes in breast cancer and their interaction with other signaling pathways involved in the progression of disease metastasis. The miRNA targets identified through miRDB predictor provided potential miRNA targets for these genes that can be involved in breast cancer progression. Several FDA approved drug targets were identified for the signature genes easing the therapeutic options for breast cancer treatment. CONCLUSION: The study provides a more clarified role of signature genes, their interaction with other genes as well as signaling pathways. The miRNA prediction and the potential drugs identified will aid in assessing the role of these targets in breast cancer.
Published on February 16, 2021

Knowledge-Guided "Community Network" Analysis Reveals the Functional Modules and Candidate Targets in Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer.

Authors: Wang F, Han S, Yang J, Yan W, Hu G

Abstract: Non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) represents a heterogeneous group of malignancies that are the leading cause of cancer-related death worldwide. Although many NSCLC-related genes and pathways have been identified, there remains an urgent need to mechanistically understand how these genes and pathways drive NSCLC. Here, we propose a knowledge-guided and network-based integration method, called the node and edge Prioritization-based Community Analysis, to identify functional modules and their candidate targets in NSCLC. The protein-protein interaction network was prioritized by performing a random walk with restart algorithm based on NSCLC seed genes and the integrating edge weights, and then a "community network" was constructed by combining Girvan-Newman and Label Propagation algorithms. This systems biology analysis revealed that the CCNB1-mediated network in the largest community provides a modular biomarker, the second community serves as a drug regulatory module, and the two are connected by some contextual signaling motifs. Moreover, integrating structural information into the signaling network suggested novel protein-protein interactions with therapeutic significance, such as interactions between GNG11 and CXCR2, CXCL3, and PPBP. This study provides new mechanistic insights into the landscape of cellular functions in the context of modular networks and will help in developing therapeutic targets for NSCLC.
Published on February 16, 2021

Head to head evaluation of second generation ALK inhibitors brigatinib and alectinib as first-line treatment for ALK+ NSCLC using an in silico systems biology-based approach.

Authors: Carcereny E, Fernandez-Nistal A, Lopez A, Montoto C, Naves A, Segu-Verges C, Coma M, Jorba G, Oliva B, Mas JM

Abstract: Around 3-7% of patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), which represent 85% of diagnosed lung cancers, have a rearrangement in the ALK gene that produces an abnormal activity of the ALK protein cell signaling pathway. The developed ALK tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs), such as crizotinib, ceritinib, alectinib, brigatinib and lorlatinb present good performance treating ALK+ NSCLC, although all patients invariably develop resistance due to ALK secondary mutations or bypass mechanisms. In the present study, we compare the potential differences between brigatinib and alectinib's mechanisms of action as first-line treatment for ALK+ NSCLC in a systems biology-based in silico setting. Therapeutic performance mapping system (TPMS) technology was used to characterize the mechanisms of action of brigatinib and alectinib and the impact of potential resistances and drug interferences with concomitant treatments. The analyses indicate that brigatinib and alectinib affect cell growth, apoptosis and immune evasion through ALK inhibition. However, brigatinib seems to achieve a more diverse downstream effect due to a broader cancer-related kinase target spectrum. Brigatinib also shows a robust effect over invasiveness and central nervous system metastasis-related mechanisms, whereas alectinib seems to have a greater impact on the immune evasion mechanism. Based on this in silico head to head study, we conclude that brigatinib shows a predicted efficacy similar to alectinib and could be a good candidate in a first-line setting against ALK+ NSCLC. Future investigation involving clinical studies will be needed to confirm these findings. These in silico systems biology-based models could be applied for exploring other unanswered questions.
Published on February 15, 2021

GLORYx: Prediction of the Metabolites Resulting from Phase 1 and Phase 2 Biotransformations of Xenobiotics.

Authors: de Bruyn Kops C, Sicho M, Mazzolari A, Kirchmair J

Abstract: Predicting the structures of metabolites formed in humans can provide advantageous insights for the development of drugs and other compounds. Here we present GLORYx, which integrates machine learning-based site of metabolism (SoM) prediction with reaction rule sets to predict and rank the structures of metabolites that could potentially be formed by phase 1 and/or phase 2 metabolism. GLORYx extends the approach from our previously developed tool GLORY, which predicted metabolite structures for cytochrome P450-mediated metabolism only. A robust approach to ranking the predicted metabolites is attained by using the SoM probabilities predicted by the FAME 3 machine learning models to score the predicted metabolites. On a manually curated test data set containing both phase 1 and phase 2 metabolites, GLORYx achieves a recall of 77% and an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) of 0.79. Separate analysis of performance on a large amount of freely available phase 1 and phase 2 metabolite data indicates that achieving a meaningful ranking of predicted metabolites is more difficult for phase 2 than for phase 1 metabolites. GLORYx is freely available as a web server at and is also provided as a software package upon request. The data sets as well as all the reaction rules from this work are also made freely available.
Published on February 15, 2021

The Tox21 10K Compound Library: Collaborative Chemistry Advancing Toxicology.

Authors: Richard AM, Huang R, Waidyanatha S, Shinn P, Collins BJ, Thillainadarajah I, Grulke CM, Williams AJ, Lougee RR, Judson RS, Houck KA, Shobair M, Yang C, Rathman JF, Yasgar A, Fitzpatrick SC, Simeonov A, Thomas RS, Crofton KM, Paules RS, Bucher JR, Austin CP, Kavlock RJ, Tice RR

Abstract: Since 2009, the Tox21 project has screened approximately 8500 chemicals in more than 70 high-throughput assays, generating upward of 100 million data points, with all data publicly available through partner websites at the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS), and National Toxicology Program (NTP). Underpinning this public effort is the largest compound library ever constructed specifically for improving understanding of the chemical basis of toxicity across research and regulatory domains. Each Tox21 federal partner brought specialized resources and capabilities to the partnership, including three approximately equal-sized compound libraries. All Tox21 data generated to date have resulted from a confluence of ideas, technologies, and expertise used to design, screen, and analyze the Tox21 10K library. The different programmatic objectives of the partners led to three distinct, overlapping compound libraries that, when combined, not only covered a diversity of chemical structures, use-categories, and properties but also incorporated many types of compound replicates. The history of development of the Tox21 "10K" chemical library and data workflows implemented to ensure quality chemical annotations and allow for various reproducibility assessments are described. Cheminformatics profiling demonstrates how the three partner libraries complement one another to expand the reach of each individual library, as reflected in coverage of regulatory lists, predicted toxicity end points, and physicochemical properties. ToxPrint chemotypes (CTs) and enrichment approaches further demonstrate how the combined partner libraries amplify structure-activity patterns that would otherwise not be detected. Finally, CT enrichments are used to probe global patterns of activity in combined ToxCast and Tox21 activity data sets relative to test-set size and chemical versus biological end point diversity, illustrating the power of CT approaches to discern patterns in chemical-activity data sets. These results support a central premise of the Tox21 program: A collaborative merging of programmatically distinct compound libraries would yield greater rewards than could be achieved separately.
Published on February 15, 2021

Predicting Biomedical Interactions with Higher-Order Graph Convolutional Networks.

Authors: Kc K, Li R, Cui F, Haake A

Abstract: Biomedical interaction networks have incredible potential to be useful in the prediction of biologically meaningful interactions, identification of network biomarkers of disease, and the discovery of putative drug targets. Recently, graph neural networks have been proposed to effectively learn representations for biomedical entities and achieved state-of-the-art results in biomedical interaction prediction. These methods only consider information from immediate neighbors but cannot learn a general mixing of features from neighbors at various distances. In this paper, we present a higher-order graph convolutional network (HOGCN) to aggregate information from the higher-order neighborhood for biomedical interaction prediction. Specifically, HOGCN collects feature representations of neighbors at various distances and learns their linear mixing to obtain informative representations of biomedical entities. Experiments on four interaction networks, including protein-protein, drug-drug, drug-target, and gene-disease interactions, show that HOGCN achieves more accurate and calibrated predictions. HOGCN performs well on noisy, sparse interaction networks when feature representations of neighbors at various distances are considered. Moreover, a set of novel interaction predictions are validated by literature-based case studies.
Published on February 15, 2021

Mapping drug-target interactions and synergy in multi-molecular therapeutics for pressure-overload cardiac hypertrophy.

Authors: Rai A, Kumar V, Jerath G, Kartha CC, Ramakrishnan V

Abstract: Advancements in systems biology have resulted in the development of network pharmacology, leading to a paradigm shift from "one-target, one-drug" to "target-network, multi-component therapeutics". We employ a chimeric approach involving in-vivo assays, gene expression analysis, cheminformatics, and network biology to deduce the regulatory actions of a multi-constituent Ayurvedic concoction, Amalaki Rasayana (AR) in animal models for its effect in pressure-overload cardiac hypertrophy. The proteomics analysis of in-vivo assays for Aorta Constricted and Biologically Aged rat models identify proteins expressed under each condition. Network analysis mapping protein-protein interactions and synergistic actions of AR using multi-component networks reveal drug targets such as ACADM, COX4I1, COX6B1, HBB, MYH14, and SLC25A4, as potential pharmacological co-targets for cardiac hypertrophy. Further, five out of eighteen AR constituents potentially target these proteins. We propose a distinct prospective strategy for the discovery of network pharmacological therapies and repositioning of existing drug molecules for treating pressure-overload cardiac hypertrophy.