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Published on January 11, 2021

MeFSAT: a curated natural product database specific to secondary metabolites of medicinal fungi.

Authors: Vivek-Ananth RP, Sahoo AK, Kumaravel K, Mohanraj K, Samal A

Abstract: Fungi are a rich source of secondary metabolites which constitutes a valuable and diverse chemical space of natural products. Medicinal fungi have been used in traditional medicine to treat human ailments for centuries. To date, there is no devoted resource on secondary metabolites and therapeutic uses of medicinal fungi. Such a dedicated resource compiling dispersed information on medicinal fungi across published literature will facilitate ongoing efforts towards natural product based drug discovery. Here, we present the first comprehensive manually curated database on Medicinal Fungi Secondary metabolites And Therapeutics (MeFSAT) that compiles information on 184 medicinal fungi, 1830 secondary metabolites and 149 therapeutics uses. Importantly, MeFSAT contains a non-redundant in silico natural product library of 1830 secondary metabolites along with information on their chemical structures, computed physicochemical properties, drug-likeness properties, predicted ADMET properties, molecular descriptors and predicted human target proteins. By comparing the physicochemical properties of secondary metabolites in MeFSAT with other small molecules collections, we find that fungal secondary metabolites have high stereochemical complexity and shape complexity similar to other natural product libraries. Based on multiple scoring schemes, we have filtered a subset of 228 drug-like secondary metabolites in MeFSAT database. By constructing and analyzing chemical similarity networks, we show that the chemical space of secondary metabolites in MeFSAT is highly diverse. The compiled information in MeFSAT database is openly accessible at:
Published on January 10, 2021

Profiling and analysis of chemical compounds using pointwise mutual information.

Authors: Cmelo I, Vorsilak M, Svozil D

Abstract: Pointwise mutual information (PMI) is a measure of association used in information theory. In this paper, PMI is used to characterize several publicly available databases (DrugBank, ChEMBL, PubChem and ZINC) in terms of association strength between compound structural features resulting in database PMI interrelation profiles. As structural features, substructure fragments obtained by coding individual compounds as MACCS, PubChemKey and ECFP fingerprints are used. The analysis of publicly available databases reveals, in accord with other studies, unusual properties of DrugBank compounds which further confirms the validity of PMI profiling approach. Z-standardized relative feature tightness (ZRFT), a PMI-derived measure that quantifies how well the given compound's feature combinations fit these in a particular compound set, is applied for the analysis of compound synthetic accessibility (SA), as well as for the classification of compounds as easy (ES) and hard (HS) to synthesize. ZRFT value distributions are compared with these of SYBA and SAScore. The analysis of ZRFT values of structurally complex compounds in the SAVI database reveals oligopeptide structures that are mispredicted by SAScore as HS, while correctly predicted by ZRFT and SYBA as ES. Compared to SAScore, SYBA and random forest, ZRFT predictions are less accurate, though by a narrow margin (AccZRFT = 94.5%, AccSYBA = 98.8%, AccSAScore = 99.0%, AccRF = 97.3%). However, ZRFT ability to distinguish between ES and HS compounds is surprisingly high considering that while SYBA, SAScore and random forest are dedicated SA models, ZRFT is a generic measurement that merely quantifies the strength of interrelations between structural feature pairs. The results presented in the current work indicate that structural feature co-occurrence, quantified by PMI or ZRFT, contains a significant amount of information relevant to physico-chemical properties of organic compounds.
Published on January 8, 2021

Exploring gene knockout strategies to identify potential drug targets using genome-scale metabolic models.

Authors: Paul A, Anand R, Karmakar SP, Rawat S, Bairagi N, Chatterjee S

Abstract: Research on new cancer drugs is performed either through gene knockout studies or phenotypic screening of drugs in cancer cell-lines. Both of these approaches are costly and time-consuming. Computational framework, e.g., genome-scale metabolic models (GSMMs), could be a good alternative to find potential drug targets. The present study aims to investigate the applicability of gene knockout strategies to be used as the finding of drug targets using GSMMs. We performed single-gene knockout studies on existing GSMMs of the NCI-60 cell-lines obtained from 9 tissue types. The metabolic genes responsible for the growth of cancerous cells were identified and then ranked based on their cellular growth reduction. The possible growth reduction mechanisms, which matches with the gene knockout results, were described. Gene ranking was used to identify potential drug targets, which reduce the growth rate of cancer cells but not of the normal cells. The gene ranking results were also compared with existing shRNA screening data. The rank-correlation results for most of the cell-lines were not satisfactory for a single-gene knockout, but it played a significant role in deciding the activity of drug against cell proliferation, whereas multiple gene knockout analysis gave better correlation results. We validated our theoretical results experimentally and showed that the drugs mitotane and myxothiazol can inhibit the growth of at least four cell-lines of NCI-60 database.
Published on January 8, 2021

Can natural products stop the SARS-CoV-2 virus? A docking and molecular dynamics study of a natural product database.

Authors: Novak J, Rimac H, Kandagalla S, Grishina MA, Potemkin VA

Abstract: Background: The SARS-CoV-2 3CLpro is one of the primary targets for designing new and repurposing known drugs. Methodology: A virtual screening of molecules from the Natural Product Atlas was performed, followed by molecular dynamics simulations of the most potent inhibitor bound to two conformations of the protease and into two binding sites. Conclusion: Eight molecules with appropriate ADMET properties are suggested as potential inhibitors. The greatest benefit of this study is the demonstration that these ligands can bind in the catalytic site but also to the groove between domains II and III, where they interact with a series of residues which have an important role in the dimerization and the maturation process of the enzyme.
Published on January 8, 2021

PAGER-CoV: a comprehensive collection of pathways, annotated gene-lists and gene signatures for coronavirus disease studies.

Authors: Yue Z, Zhang E, Xu C, Khurana S, Batra N, Dang SDH, Cimino JJ, Chen JY

Abstract: PAGER-CoV ( is a new web-based database that can help biomedical researchers interpret coronavirus-related functional genomic study results in the context of curated knowledge of host viral infection, inflammatory response, organ damage, and tissue repair. The new database consists of 11 835 PAGs (Pathways, Annotated gene-lists, or Gene signatures) from 33 public data sources. Through the web user interface, users can search by a query gene or a query term and retrieve significantly matched PAGs with all the curated information. Users can navigate from a PAG of interest to other related PAGs through either shared PAG-to-PAG co-membership relationships or PAG-to-PAG regulatory relationships, totaling 19 996 993. Users can also retrieve enriched PAGs from an input list of COVID-19 functional study result genes, customize the search data sources, and export all results for subsequent offline data analysis. In a case study, we performed a gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) of a COVID-19 RNA-seq data set from the Gene Expression Omnibus database. Compared with the results using the standard PAGER database, PAGER-CoV allows for more sensitive matching of known immune-related gene signatures. We expect PAGER-CoV to be invaluable for biomedical researchers to find molecular biology mechanisms and tailored therapeutics to treat COVID-19 patients.
Published on January 8, 2021

Integration of the Drug-Gene Interaction Database (DGIdb 4.0) with open crowdsource efforts.

Authors: Freshour SL, Kiwala S, Cotto KC, Coffman AC, McMichael JF, Song JJ, Griffith M, Griffith OL, Wagner AH

Abstract: The Drug-Gene Interaction Database (DGIdb, is a web resource that provides information on drug-gene interactions and druggable genes from publications, databases, and other web-based sources. Drug, gene, and interaction data are normalized and merged into conceptual groups. The information contained in this resource is available to users through a straightforward search interface, an application programming interface (API), and TSV data downloads. DGIdb 4.0 is the latest major version release of this database. A primary focus of this update was integration with crowdsourced efforts, leveraging the Drug Target Commons for community-contributed interaction data, Wikidata to facilitate term normalization, and export to NDEx for drug-gene interaction network representations. Seven new sources have been added since the last major version release, bringing the total number of sources included to 41. Of the previously aggregated sources, 15 have been updated. DGIdb 4.0 also includes improvements to the process of drug normalization and grouping of imported sources. Other notable updates include the introduction of a more sophisticated Query Score for interaction search results, an updated Interaction Score, the inclusion of interaction directionality, and several additional improvements to search features, data releases, licensing documentation and the application framework.
Published on January 8, 2021

RCSB Protein Data Bank: powerful new tools for exploring 3D structures of biological macromolecules for basic and applied research and education in fundamental biology, biomedicine, biotechnology, bioengineering and energy sciences.

Authors: Burley SK, Bhikadiya C, Bi C, Bittrich S, Chen L, Crichlow GV, Christie CH, Dalenberg K, Di Costanzo L, Duarte JM, Dutta S, Feng Z, Ganesan S, Goodsell DS, Ghosh S, Green RK, Guranovic V, Guzenko D, Hudson BP, Lawson CL, Liang Y, Lowe R, Namkoong H, Peisach E, Persikova I, Randle C, Rose A, Rose Y, Sali A, Segura J, Sekharan M, Shao C, Tao YP, Voigt M, Westbrook JD, Young JY, Zardecki C, Zhuravleva M

Abstract: The Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics Protein Data Bank (RCSB PDB), the US data center for the global PDB archive and a founding member of the Worldwide Protein Data Bank partnership, serves tens of thousands of data depositors in the Americas and Oceania and makes 3D macromolecular structure data available at no charge and without restrictions to millions of users around the world, including >660 000 educators, students and members of the curious public using PDB data depositors include structural biologists using macromolecular crystallography, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, 3D electron microscopy and micro-electron diffraction. PDB data consumers accessing our web portals include researchers, educators and students studying fundamental biology, biomedicine, biotechnology, bioengineering and energy sciences. During the past 2 years, the research-focused RCSB PDB web portal ( has undergone a complete redesign, enabling improved searching with full Boolean operator logic and more facile access to PDB data integrated with >40 external biodata resources. New features and resources are described in detail using examples that showcase recently released structures of SARS-CoV-2 proteins and host cell proteins relevant to understanding and addressing the COVID-19 global pandemic.
Published on January 8, 2021

CovalentInDB: a comprehensive database facilitating the discovery of covalent inhibitors.

Authors: Du H, Gao J, Weng G, Ding J, Chai X, Pang J, Kang Y, Li D, Cao D, Hou T

Abstract: Inhibitors that form covalent bonds with their targets have traditionally been considered highly adventurous due to their potential off-target effects and toxicity concerns. However, with the clinical validation and approval of many covalent inhibitors during the past decade, design and discovery of novel covalent inhibitors have attracted increasing attention. A large amount of scattered experimental data for covalent inhibitors have been reported, but a resource by integrating the experimental information for covalent inhibitor discovery is still lacking. In this study, we presented Covalent Inhibitor Database (CovalentInDB), the largest online database that provides the structural information and experimental data for covalent inhibitors. CovalentInDB contains 4511 covalent inhibitors (including 68 approved drugs) with 57 different reactive warheads for 280 protein targets. The crystal structures of some of the proteins bound with a covalent inhibitor are provided to visualize the protein-ligand interactions around the binding site. Each covalent inhibitor is annotated with the structure, warhead, experimental bioactivity, physicochemical properties, etc. Moreover, CovalentInDB provides the covalent reaction mechanism and the corresponding experimental verification methods for each inhibitor towards its target. High-quality datasets are downloadable for users to evaluate and develop computational methods for covalent drug design. CovalentInDB is freely accessible at
Published on January 8, 2021

The iPPI-DB initiative: A Community-centered database of Protein-Protein Interaction modulators.

Authors: Torchet R, Druart K, Ruano LC, Moine-Franel A, Borges H, Doppelt-Azeroual O, Brancotte B, Mareuil F, Nilges M, Menager H, Sperandio O

Abstract: MOTIVATION: One avenue to address the paucity of clinically testable targets is to reinvestigate the druggable genome by tackling complicated types of targets such as Protein-Protein Interactions (PPIs). Given the challenge to target those interfaces with small chemical compounds, it has become clear that learning from successful examples of PPI modulation is a powerful strategy. Freely-accessible databases of PPI modulators that provide the community with tractable chemical and pharmacological data, as well as powerful tools to query them, are therefore essential to stimulate new drug discovery projects on PPI targets. RESULTS: Here, we present the new version iPPI-DB, our manually curated database of PPI modulators. In this completely redesigned version of the database, we introduce a new web interface relying on crowdsourcing for the maintenance of the database. This interface was created to enable community contributions, whereby external experts can suggest new database entries. Moreover, the data model, the graphical interface, and the tools to query the database have been completely modernized and improved. We added new PPI modulators, new PPI targets, and extended our focus to stabilizers of PPIs as well. AVAILABILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION: The iPPI-DB server is available at The source code for this server is available at and is distributed under GPL licence ( Queries can be shared through persistent links according to the FAIR data standards. Data can be downloaded from the website as csv files. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.
Published on January 8, 2021

G protein-coupled receptors: structure- and function-based drug discovery.

Authors: Yang D, Zhou Q, Labroska V, Qin S, Darbalaei S, Wu Y, Yuliantie E, Xie L, Tao H, Cheng J, Liu Q, Zhao S, Shui W, Jiang Y, Wang MW

Abstract: As one of the most successful therapeutic target families, G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) have experienced a transformation from random ligand screening to knowledge-driven drug design. We are eye-witnessing tremendous progresses made recently in the understanding of their structure-function relationships that facilitated drug development at an unprecedented pace. This article intends to provide a comprehensive overview of this important field to a broader readership that shares some common interests in drug discovery.