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Published on January 15, 2021

Anticancer drug synergy prediction in understudied tissues using transfer learning.

Authors: Kim Y, Zheng S, Tang J, Jim Zheng W, Li Z, Jiang X

Abstract: OBJECTIVE: Drug combination screening has advantages in identifying cancer treatment options with higher efficacy without degradation in terms of safety. A key challenge is that the accumulated number of observations in in-vitro drug responses varies greatly among different cancer types, where some tissues are more understudied than the others. Thus, we aim to develop a drug synergy prediction model for understudied tissues as a way of overcoming data scarcity problems. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We collected a comprehensive set of genetic, molecular, phenotypic features for cancer cell lines. We developed a drug synergy prediction model based on multitask deep neural networks to integrate multimodal input and multiple output. We also utilized transfer learning from data-rich tissues to data-poor tissues. RESULTS: We showed improved accuracy in predicting synergy in both data-rich tissues and understudied tissues. In data-rich tissue, the prediction model accuracy was 0.9577 AUROC for binarized classification task and 174.3 mean squared error for regression task. We observed that an adequate transfer learning strategy significantly increases accuracy in the understudied tissues. CONCLUSIONS: Our synergy prediction model can be used to rank synergistic drug combinations in understudied tissues and thus help to prioritize future in-vitro experiments. Code is available at
Published on January 14, 2021

An Integrated Approach to Identify New Anti-Filarial Leads to Treat River Blindness, a Neglected Tropical Disease.

Authors: Tyagi R, Bulman CA, Cho-Ngwa F, Fischer C, Marcellino C, Arkin MR, McKerrow JH, McNamara CW, Mahoney M, Tricoche N, Jawahar S, Janetka JW, Lustigman S, Sakanari J, Mitreva M

Abstract: Filarial worms cause multiple debilitating diseases in millions of people worldwide, including river blindness. Currently available drugs reduce transmission by killing larvae (microfilariae), but there are no effective cures targeting the adult parasites (macrofilaricides) which survive and reproduce in the host for very long periods. To identify effective macrofilaricides, we carried out phenotypic screening of a library of 2121 approved drugs for clinical use against adult Brugia pahangi and prioritized the hits for further studies by integrating those results with a computational prioritization of drugs and associated targets. This resulted in the identification of 18 hits with anti-macrofilaricidal activity, of which two classes, azoles and aspartic protease inhibitors, were further expanded upon. Follow up screening against Onchocerca spp. (adult Onchocerca ochengi and pre-adult O. volvulus) confirmed activity for 13 drugs (the majority having IC50 < 10 muM), and a counter screen of a subset against L. loa microfilariae showed the potential to identify selective drugs that prevent adverse events when co-infected individuals are treated. Stage specific activity was also observed. Many of these drugs are amenable to structural optimization, and also have known canonical targets, making them promising candidates for further optimization that can lead to identifying and characterizing novel anti-macrofilarial drugs.
Published on January 14, 2021

Potential repurposing of four FDA approved compounds with antiplasmodial activity identified through proteome scale computational drug discovery and in vitro assay.

Authors: Diallo BN, Swart T, Hoppe HC, Tastan Bishop O, Lobb K

Abstract: Malaria elimination can benefit from time and cost-efficient approaches for antimalarials such as drug repurposing. In this work, 796 DrugBank compounds were screened against 36 Plasmodium falciparum targets using QuickVina-W. Hits were selected after rescoring using GRaph Interaction Matching (GRIM) and ligand efficiency metrics: surface efficiency index (SEI), binding efficiency index (BEI) and lipophilic efficiency (LipE). They were further evaluated in Molecular dynamics (MD). Twenty-five protein-ligand complexes were finally retained from the 28,656 (36 x 796) dockings. Hit GRIM scores (0.58 to 0.78) showed their molecular interaction similarity to co-crystallized ligands. Minimum LipE (3), SEI (23) and BEI (7) were in at least acceptable thresholds for hits. Binding energies ranged from -6 to -11 kcal/mol. Ligands showed stability in MD simulation with good hydrogen bonding and favorable protein-ligand interactions energy (the poorest being -140.12 kcal/mol). In vitro testing showed 4 active compounds with two having IC50 values in the single-digit muM range.
Published on January 14, 2021

Diflunisal Derivatives as Modulators of ACMS Decarboxylase Targeting the Tryptophan-Kynurenine Pathway.

Authors: Yang Y, Borel T, de Azambuja F, Johnson D, Sorrentino JP, Udokwu C, Davis I, Liu A, Altman RA

Abstract: In the kynurenine pathway for tryptophan degradation, an unstable metabolic intermediate, alpha-amino-beta-carboxymuconate-epsilon-semialdehyde (ACMS), can nonenzymatically cyclize to form quinolinic acid, the precursor for de novo biosynthesis of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD(+)). In a competing reaction, ACMS is decarboxylated by ACMS decarboxylase (ACMSD) for further metabolism and energy production. Therefore, the inhibition of ACMSD increases NAD(+) levels. In this study, an Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved drug, diflunisal, was found to competitively inhibit ACMSD. The complex structure of ACMSD with diflunisal revealed a previously unknown ligand-binding mode and was consistent with the results of inhibition assays, as well as a structure-activity relationship (SAR) study. Moreover, two synthesized diflunisal derivatives showed half-maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) values 1 order of magnitude better than diflunisal at 1.32 +/- 0.07 muM (22) and 3.10 +/- 0.11 muM (20), respectively. The results suggest that diflunisal derivatives have the potential to modulate NAD(+) levels. The ligand-binding mode revealed here provides a new direction for developing inhibitors of ACMSD.
Published on January 13, 2021

Disease severity-specific neutrophil signatures in blood transcriptomes stratify COVID-19 patients.

Authors: Aschenbrenner AC, Mouktaroudi M, Kramer B, Oestreich M, Antonakos N, Nuesch-Germano M, Gkizeli K, Bonaguro L, Reusch N, Bassler K, Saridaki M, Knoll R, Pecht T, Kapellos TS, Doulou S, Kroger C, Herbert M, Holsten L, Horne A, Gemund ID, Rovina N, Agrawal S, Dahm K, van Uelft M, Drews A, Lenkeit L, Bruse N, Gerretsen J, Gierlich J, Becker M, Handler K, Kraut M, Theis H, Mengiste S, De Domenico E, Schulte-Schrepping J, Seep L, Raabe J, Hoffmeister C, ToVinh M, Keitel V, Rieke G, Talevi V, Skowasch D, Aziz NA, Pickkers P, van de Veerdonk FL, Netea MG, Schultze JL, Kox M, Breteler MMB, Nattermann J, Koutsoukou A, Giamarellos-Bourboulis EJ, Ulas T

Abstract: BACKGROUND: The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is currently leading to increasing numbers of COVID-19 patients all over the world. Clinical presentations range from asymptomatic, mild respiratory tract infection, to severe cases with acute respiratory distress syndrome, respiratory failure, and death. Reports on a dysregulated immune system in the severe cases call for a better characterization and understanding of the changes in the immune system. METHODS: In order to dissect COVID-19-driven immune host responses, we performed RNA-seq of whole blood cell transcriptomes and granulocyte preparations from mild and severe COVID-19 patients and analyzed the data using a combination of conventional and data-driven co-expression analysis. Additionally, publicly available data was used to show the distinction from COVID-19 to other diseases. Reverse drug target prediction was used to identify known or novel drug candidates based on finding from data-driven findings. RESULTS: Here, we profiled whole blood transcriptomes of 39 COVID-19 patients and 10 control donors enabling a data-driven stratification based on molecular phenotype. Neutrophil activation-associated signatures were prominently enriched in severe patient groups, which was corroborated in whole blood transcriptomes from an independent second cohort of 30 as well as in granulocyte samples from a third cohort of 16 COVID-19 patients (44 samples). Comparison of COVID-19 blood transcriptomes with those of a collection of over 3100 samples derived from 12 different viral infections, inflammatory diseases, and independent control samples revealed highly specific transcriptome signatures for COVID-19. Further, stratified transcriptomes predicted patient subgroup-specific drug candidates targeting the dysregulated systemic immune response of the host. CONCLUSIONS: Our study provides novel insights in the distinct molecular subgroups or phenotypes that are not simply explained by clinical parameters. We show that whole blood transcriptomes are extremely informative for COVID-19 since they capture granulocytes which are major drivers of disease severity.
Published on January 13, 2021

AlzGPS: a genome-wide positioning systems platform to catalyze multi-omics for Alzheimer's drug discovery.

Authors: Zhou Y, Fang J, Bekris LM, Kim YH, Pieper AA, Leverenz JB, Cummings J, Cheng F

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Recent DNA/RNA sequencing and other multi-omics technologies have advanced the understanding of the biology and pathophysiology of AD, yet there is still a lack of disease-modifying treatments for AD. A new approach to integration of the genome, transcriptome, proteome, and human interactome in the drug discovery and development process is essential for this endeavor. METHODS: In this study, we developed AlzGPS (Genome-wide Positioning Systems platform for Alzheimer's Drug Discovery, ), a comprehensive systems biology tool to enable searching, visualizing, and analyzing multi-omics, various types of heterogeneous biological networks, and clinical databases for target identification and development of effective prevention and treatment for AD. RESULTS: Via AlzGPS: (1) we curated more than 100 AD multi-omics data sets capturing DNA, RNA, protein, and small molecule profiles underlying AD pathogenesis (e.g., early vs. late stage and tau or amyloid endophenotype); (2) we constructed endophenotype disease modules by incorporating multi-omics findings and human protein-protein interactome networks; (3) we provided possible treatment information from ~ 3000 FDA approved/investigational drugs for AD using state-of-the-art network proximity analyses; (4) we curated nearly 300 literature references for high-confidence drug candidates; (5) we included information from over 1000 AD clinical trials noting drug's mechanisms-of-action and primary drug targets, and linking them to our integrated multi-omics view for targets and network analysis results for the drugs; (6) we implemented a highly interactive web interface for database browsing and network visualization. CONCLUSIONS: Network visualization enabled by AlzGPS includes brain-specific neighborhood networks for genes-of-interest, endophenotype disease module networks for omics-of-interest, and mechanism-of-action networks for drugs targeting disease modules. By virtue of combining systems pharmacology and network-based integrative analysis of multi-omics data, AlzGPS offers actionable systems biology tools for accelerating therapeutic development in AD.
Published on January 13, 2021

Ontological modeling and analysis of experimentally or clinically verified drugs against coronavirus infection.

Authors: Liu Y, Hur J, Chan WKB, Wang Z, Xie J, Sun D, Handelman S, Sexton J, Yu H, He Y

Abstract: Our systematic literature collection and annotation identified 106 chemical drugs and 31 antibodies effective against the infection of at least one human coronavirus (including SARS-CoV, SAR-CoV-2, and MERS-CoV) in vitro or in vivo in an experimental or clinical setting. A total of 163 drug protein targets were identified, and 125 biological processes involving the drug targets were significantly enriched based on a Gene Ontology (GO) enrichment analysis. The Coronavirus Infectious Disease Ontology (CIDO) was used as an ontological platform to represent the anti-coronaviral drugs, chemical compounds, drug targets, biological processes, viruses, and the relations among these entities. In addition to new term generation, CIDO also adopted various terms from existing ontologies and developed new relations and axioms to semantically represent our annotated knowledge. The CIDO knowledgebase was systematically analyzed for scientific insights. To support rational drug design, a "Host-coronavirus interaction (HCI) checkpoint cocktail" strategy was proposed to interrupt the important checkpoints in the dynamic HCI network, and ontologies would greatly support the design process with interoperable knowledge representation and reasoning.
Published on January 13, 2021

Impact of CNS Diseases on Drug Delivery to Brain Extracellular and Intracellular Target Sites in Human: A "WHAT-IF" Simulation Study.

Authors: Saleh MAA, de Lange ECM

Abstract: The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is equipped with unique physical and functional processes that control central nervous system (CNS) drug transport and the resulting concentration-time profiles (PK). In CNS diseases, the altered BBB and CNS pathophysiology may affect the CNS PK at the drug target sites in the brain extracellular fluid (brainECF) and intracellular fluid (brainICF) that may result in changes in CNS drug effects. Here, we used our human CNS physiologically-based PK model (LeiCNS-PK3.0) to investigate the impact of altered cerebral blood flow (CBF), tight junction paracellular pore radius (pararadius), brainECF volume, and pH of brainECF (pHECF) and of brainICF (pHICF) on brainECF and brainICF PK for 46 small drugs with distinct physicochemical properties. LeiCNS-PK3.0 simulations showed a drug-dependent effect of the pathophysiological changes on the rate and extent of BBB transport and on brainECF and brainICF PK. Altered pararadius, pHECF, and pHICF affected both the rate and extent of BBB drug transport, whereas changes in CBF and brainECF volume modestly affected the rate of BBB drug transport. While the focus is often on BBB paracellular and active transport processes, this study indicates that also changes in pH should be considered for their important implications on brainECF and brainICF target site PK.
Published on January 11, 2021

Drug repurposing for opioid use disorders: integration of computational prediction, clinical corroboration, and mechanism of action analyses.

Authors: Zhou M, Wang Q, Zheng C, John Rush A, Volkow ND, Xu R

Abstract: Morbidity and mortality from opioid use disorders (OUD) and other substance use disorders (SUD) is a major public health crisis, yet there are few medications to treat them. There is an urgency to accelerate SUD medication development. We present an integrated drug repurposing strategy that combines computational prediction, clinical corroboration using electronic health records (EHRs) of over 72.9 million patients and mechanisms of action analysis. Among top-ranked repurposed candidate drugs, tramadol, olanzapine, mirtazapine, bupropion, and atomoxetine were associated with increased odds of OUD remission (adjusted odds ratio: 1.51 [1.38-1.66], 1.90 [1.66-2.18], 1.38 [1.31-1.46], 1.37 [1.29-1.46], 1.48 [1.25-1.76], p value < 0.001, respectively). Genetic and functional analyses showed these five candidate drugs directly target multiple OUD-associated genes including BDNF, CYP2D6, OPRD1, OPRK1, OPRM1, HTR1B, POMC, SLC6A4 and OUD-associated pathways, including opioid signaling, G-protein activation, serotonin receptors, and GPCR signaling. In summary, we developed an integrated drug repurposing approach and identified five repurposed candidate drugs that might be of value for treating OUD patients, including those suffering from comorbid conditions.
Published on January 11, 2021

Predictive medicinal metabolites from Momordica dioica against comorbidity related proteins of SARS-CoV-2 infections.

Authors: Sakshi C, Harikrishnan A, Jayaraman S, Choudhury AR, Veena V

Abstract: Momordica dioica have proven medicinal potential of antidiabetic, antiviral and immune stimulating properties. Flavonoids and triterpenoids from M. dioica were more extensively investigated for antiviral, antidiabetic and immunomodulatory activities. In this present study, we have predicted the reported bioactive flavonoids and triterpenoids of the plant against the SARS-CoV-2 main protease, RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp), spike protein, angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE-2) receptor and dipeptidyl peptidase (DPP4) receptor through molecular docking and in silico ADME predictions methods. According to the binding affinities, the two triterpenoids, hederagenin and oleanolic acid exhibited the best docking scores with these proteins than the catechin and quercetin with compared to standard remdesivir, favipiravir and hydroxychloroquine. The in vitro protein-drug studies have also showed significant interaction of catechin and quercetin compounds than standard drugs. The in silico binding studies correlated with the in silico binding studies. Further, M. dioica being used as antidiabetic and its metabolite had significant interaction with DDP4, a comorbidity protein involved in aiding the viral entry. Out of all the natural ligands, quercetin was reported relatively good and safe for humans with high gastrointestinal tract permeability and poor blood brain barrier crossing abilities. Hence, M. dioica phytocompounds reflects promising therapeutic properties against SARS-CoV-2 infections under comorbid conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and kidney disorders. Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma.