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Published on August 23, 2020

Drug Repurposing for Candidate SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease Inhibitors by a Novel In Silico Method.

Authors: Sencanski M, Perovic V, Pajovic SB, Adzic M, Paessler S, Glisic S

Abstract: The SARS-CoV-2 outbreak caused an unprecedented global public health threat, having a high transmission rate with currently no drugs or vaccines approved. An alternative powerful additional approach to counteract COVID-19 is in silico drug repurposing. The SARS-CoV-2 main protease is essential for viral replication and an attractive drug target. In this study, we used the virtual screening protocol with both long-range and short-range interactions to select candidate SARS-CoV-2 main protease inhibitors. First, the Informational spectrum method applied for small molecules was used for searching the Drugbank database and further followed by molecular docking. After in silico screening of drug space, we identified 57 drugs as potential SARS-CoV-2 main protease inhibitors that we propose for further experimental testing.
Published on August 20, 2020

Molecular docking and simulation studies on SARS-CoV-2 M(pro) reveals Mitoxantrone, Leucovorin, Birinapant, and Dynasore as potent drugs against COVID-19.

Authors: Lokhande KB, Doiphode S, Vyas R, Swamy KV

Abstract: The outbreak of novel coronavirus (COVID-19), which began from Wuhan City, Hubei, China, and declared as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern by World Health Organization (WHO) on 30(th) January 2020. The present study describes how the available drug candidates can be used as a potential SARS-CoV-2 M(pro) inhibitor by molecular docking and molecular dynamic simulation studies. Drug repurposing strategy is applied by using the library of antiviral and FDA approved drugs retrieved from the Selleckchem Inc. (Houston, TX, and DrugBank database respectively. Computational methods like molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulation were used. The molecular docking calculations were performed using LeadIT FlexX software. The molecular dynamics simulations of 100 ns were performed to study conformational stability for all complex systems. Mitoxantrone and Leucovorin from FDA approved drug library and Birinapant and Dynasore from anti-viral drug libraries interact with SARS-CoV-2 M(pro) at higher efficiency as a result of the improved steric and hydrophobic environment in the binding cavity to make stable complex. Also, the molecular dynamics simulations of 100 ns revealed the mean RMSD value of 2.25 A for all the complex systems. This shows that lead compounds bound tightly within the M(pro) cavity and thus having conformational stability. Glutamic acid (Glu166) of M(pro) is a key residue to hold and form a stable complex of reported lead compounds by forming hydrogen bonds and salt bridge. Our findings suggest that Mitoxantrone, Leucovorin, Birinapant, and Dynasore represents potential inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 M(pro).
Published on August 20, 2020

Computational Chemogenomics Drug Repositioning Strategy Enables the Discovery of Epirubicin as a New Repurposed Hit for Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax.

Authors: Ferreira LT, Rodrigues J, Cassiano GC, Tavella TA, Tomaz KCP, Baia-da-Silva DC, Souza MF, Lima MNDN, Mottin M, Almeida LD, Calit J, Puca MCSB, Melo GC, Bargieri DY, Lopes SCP, Lacerda MVG, Bilsland E, Sunnerhagen P, Neves BJ, Andrade CH, Cravo PVL, Costa FTM

Abstract: Widespread resistance against antimalarial drugs thwarts current efforts for controlling the disease and urges the discovery of new effective treatments. Drug repositioning is increasingly becoming an attractive strategy since it can reduce costs, risks, and time-to-market. Herein, we have used this strategy to identify novel antimalarial hits. We used a comparative in silico chemogenomics approach to select Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax proteins as potential drug targets and analyzed them using a computer-assisted drug repositioning pipeline to identify approved drugs with potential antimalarial activity. Among the seven drugs identified as promising antimalarial candidates, the anthracycline epirubicin was selected for further experimental validation. Epirubicin was shown to be potent in vitro against sensitive and multidrug-resistant P. falciparum strains and P. vivax field isolates in the nanomolar range, as well as being effective against an in vivo murine model of Plasmodium yoelii Transmission-blocking activity was observed for epirubicin in vitro and in vivo Finally, using yeast-based haploinsufficiency chemical genomic profiling, we aimed to get insights into the mechanism of action of epirubicin. Beyond the target predicted in silico (a DNA gyrase in the apicoplast), functional assays suggested a GlcNac-1-P-transferase (GPT) enzyme as a potential target. Docking calculations predicted the binding mode of epirubicin with DNA gyrase and GPT proteins. Epirubicin is originally an antitumoral agent and presents associated toxicity. However, its antiplasmodial activity against not only P. falciparum but also P. vivax in different stages of the parasite life cycle supports the use of this drug as a scaffold for hit-to-lead optimization in malaria drug discovery.
Published on August 19, 2020

Repositioning Dequalinium as Potent Muscarinic Allosteric Ligand by Combining Virtual Screening Campaigns and Experimental Binding Assays.

Authors: Mazzolari A, Gervasoni S, Pedretti A, Fumagalli L, Matucci R, Vistoli G

Abstract: Structure-based virtual screening is a truly productive repurposing approach provided that reliable target structures are available. Recent progresses in the structural resolution of the G-Protein Coupled Receptors (GPCRs) render these targets amenable for structure-based repurposing studies. Hence, the present study describes structure-based virtual screening campaigns with a view to repurposing known drugs as potential allosteric (and/or orthosteric) ligands for the hM2 muscarinic subtype which was indeed resolved in complex with an allosteric modulator thus allowing a precise identification of this binding cavity. First, a docking protocol was developed and optimized based on binding space concept and enrichment factor optimization algorithm (EFO) consensus approach by using a purposely collected database including known allosteric modulators. The so-developed consensus models were then utilized to virtually screen the DrugBank database. Based on the computational results, six promising molecules were selected and experimentally tested and four of them revealed interesting affinity data; in particular, dequalinium showed a very impressive allosteric modulation for hM2. Based on these results, a second campaign was focused on bis-cationic derivatives and allowed the identification of other two relevant hM2 ligands. Overall, the study enhances the understanding of the factors governing the hM2 allosteric modulation emphasizing the key role of ligand flexibility as well as of arrangement and delocalization of the positively charged moieties.
Published on August 17, 2020

An integrated drug repurposing strategy for the rapid identification of potential SARS-CoV-2 viral inhibitors.

Authors: Trezza A, Iovinelli D, Santucci A, Prischi F, Spiga O

Abstract: The Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The virus has rapidly spread in humans, causing the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic. Recent studies have shown that, similarly to SARS-CoV, SARS-CoV-2 utilises the Spike glycoprotein on the envelope to recognise and bind the human receptor ACE2. This event initiates the fusion of viral and host cell membranes and then the viral entry into the host cell. Despite several ongoing clinical studies, there are currently no approved vaccines or drugs that specifically target SARS-CoV-2. Until an effective vaccine is available, repurposing FDA approved drugs could significantly shorten the time and reduce the cost compared to de novo drug discovery. In this study we attempted to overcome the limitation of in silico virtual screening by applying a robust in silico drug repurposing strategy. We combined and integrated docking simulations, with molecular dynamics (MD), Supervised MD (SuMD) and Steered MD (SMD) simulations to identify a Spike protein - ACE2 interaction inhibitor. Our data showed that Simeprevir and Lumacaftor bind the receptor-binding domain of the Spike protein with high affinity and prevent ACE2 interaction.
Published on August 15, 2020

iBioProVis: interactive visualization and analysis of compound bioactivity space.

Authors: Donmez A, Rifaioglu AS, Acar A, Dogan T, Cetin-Atalay R, Atalay V

Abstract: SUMMARY: iBioProVis is an interactive tool for visual analysis of the compound bioactivity space in the context of target proteins, drugs and drug candidate compounds. iBioProVis tool takes target protein identifiers and, optionally, compound SMILES as input, and uses the state-of-the-art non-linear dimensionality reduction method t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) to plot the distribution of compounds embedded in a 2D map, based on the similarity of structural properties of compounds and in the context of compounds' cognate targets. Similar compounds, which are embedded to proximate points on the 2D map, may bind the same or similar target proteins. Thus, iBioProVis can be used to easily observe the structural distribution of one or two target proteins' known ligands on the 2D compound space, and to infer new binders to the same protein, or to infer new potential target(s) for a compound of interest, based on this distribution. Principal component analysis (PCA) projection of the input compounds is also provided, Hence the user can interactively observe the same compound or a group of selected compounds which is projected by both PCA and embedded by t-SNE. iBioProVis also provides detailed information about drugs and drug candidate compounds through cross-references to widely used and well-known databases, in the form of linked table views. Two use-case studies were demonstrated, one being on angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) protein which is Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Spike protein receptor. ACE2 binding compounds and seven antiviral drugs were closely embedded in which two of them have been under clinical trial for Coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19). AVAILABILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION: iBioProVis and its carefully filtered dataset are available at for public use. CONTACT: SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.
Published on August 15, 2020

ThETA: transcriptome-driven efficacy estimates for gene-based TArget discovery.

Authors: Failli M, Paananen J, Fortino V

Abstract: SUMMARY: Estimating efficacy of gene-target-disease associations is a fundamental step in drug discovery. An important data source for this laborious task is RNA expression, which can provide gene-disease associations on the basis of expression fold change and statistical significance. However, the simply use of the log-fold change can lead to numerous false-positive associations. On the other hand, more sophisticated methods that utilize gene co-expression networks do not consider tissue specificity. Here, we introduce Transcriptome-driven Efficacy estimates for gene-based TArget discovery (ThETA), an R package that enables non-expert users to use novel efficacy scoring methods for drug-target discovery. In particular, ThETA allows users to search for gene perturbation (therapeutics) that reverse disease-gene expression and genes that are closely related to disease-genes in tissue-specific networks. ThETA also provides functions to integrate efficacy evaluations obtained with different approaches and to build an overall efficacy score, which can be used to identify and prioritize gene(target)-disease associations. Finally, ThETA implements visualizations to show tissue-specific interconnections between target and disease-genes, and to indicate biological annotations associated with the top selected genes. AVAILABILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION: ThETA is freely available for academic use at CONTACT: SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.
Published on August 15, 2020

Advances in Genomics for Drug Development.

Authors: Spreafico R, Soriaga LB, Grosse J, Virgin HW, Telenti A

Abstract: Drug development (target identification, advancing drug leads to candidates for preclinical and clinical studies) can be facilitated by genetic and genomic knowledge. Here, we review the contribution of population genomics to target identification, the value of bulk and single cell gene expression analysis for understanding the biological relevance of a drug target, and genome-wide CRISPR editing for the prioritization of drug targets. In genomics, we discuss the different scope of genome-wide association studies using genotyping arrays, versus exome and whole genome sequencing. In transcriptomics, we discuss the information from drug perturbation and the selection of biomarkers. For CRISPR screens, we discuss target discovery, mechanism of action and the concept of gene to drug mapping. Harnessing genetic support increases the probability of drug developability and approval.
Published on August 15, 2020

Virtual Screening of FDA-Approved Drugs against LasR of Pseudomonas aeruginosa for Antibiofilm Potential.

Authors: Sadiq S, Rana NF, Zahid MA, Zargaham MK, Tanweer T, Batool A, Naeem A, Nawaz A, Rizwan-Ur-Rehman, Muneer Z, Siddiqi AR

Abstract: Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a Gram-negative pathogenic bacterium that is present commonly in soil and water and is responsible for causing septic shock, pneumonia, urinary tract and gastrointestinal infections, etc. The multi-drug resistance (MDR) phenomenon has increased dramatically in past years and is now considered a major threat globally, so there is an urgent need to develop new strategies to overcome drug resistance by P. aeruginosa. In P. aeruginosa, a major factor of drug resistance is associated to the formation of biofilms by the LasR enzyme, which regulates quorum sensing and has been reported as a new therapeutic target for designing novel antibacterial molecules. In this study, virtual screening and molecular docking were performed against the ligand binding domain (LBD) of LasR by employing a pharmacophore hypothesis for the screening of 2373 FDA-approved compounds to filter top-scoring hit compounds. Six inhibitors out of 2373 compounds were found to have binding affinities close to that of known LasR inhibitors. The binding modes of these compounds to the binding site in LasR-LBD were analyzed to identify the key interactions that contribute to the inhibition of LasR activity. Then, 50 ns simulations of top hit compounds were performed to elucidate the stability of their binding conformations with the LasR-LBD. This study, thus concluded that sulfamerazine showed the highest binding affinity for the LasR-LBD binding pocket exhibiting strong inhibitory binding interactions during molecular dynamics (MD) simulation.
Published on August 11, 2020

Pathogenetic profiling of COVID-19 and SARS-like viruses.

Authors: Nain Z, Rana HK, Lio P, Islam SMS, Summers MA, Moni MA

Abstract: The novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) has recently emerged, causing COVID-19 outbreaks and significant societal/global disruption. Importantly, COVID-19 infection resembles SARS-like complications. However, the lack of knowledge about the underlying genetic mechanisms of COVID-19 warrants the development of prospective control measures. In this study, we employed whole-genome alignment and digital DNA-DNA hybridization analyses to assess genomic linkage between 2019-nCoV and other coronaviruses. To understand the pathogenetic behavior of 2019-nCoV, we compared gene expression datasets of viral infections closest to 2019-nCoV with four COVID-19 clinical presentations followed by functional enrichment of shared dysregulated genes. Potential chemical antagonists were also identified using protein-chemical interaction analysis. Based on phylogram analysis, the 2019-nCoV was found genetically closest to SARS-CoVs. In addition, we identified 562 upregulated and 738 downregulated genes (adj. P = 0.05) with SARS-CoV infection. Among the dysregulated genes, SARS-CoV shared =19 upregulated and =22 downregulated genes with each of different COVID-19 complications. Notably, upregulation of BCL6 and PFKFB3 genes was common to SARS-CoV, pneumonia and severe acute respiratory syndrome, while they shared CRIP2, NSG1 and TNFRSF21 genes in downregulation. Besides, 14 genes were common to different SARS-CoV comorbidities that might influence COVID-19 disease. We also observed similarities in pathways that can lead to COVID-19 and SARS-CoV diseases. Finally, protein-chemical interactions suggest cyclosporine, resveratrol and quercetin as promising drug candidates against COVID-19 as well as other SARS-like viral infections. The pathogenetic analyses, along with identified biomarkers, signaling pathways and chemical antagonists, could prove useful for novel drug development in the fight against the current global 2019-nCoV pandemic.