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Published on June 19, 2018

Predicting drug-disease associations by using similarity constrained matrix factorization.

Authors: Zhang W, Yue X, Lin W, Wu W, Liu R, Huang F, Liu F

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Drug-disease associations provide important information for the drug discovery. Wet experiments that identify drug-disease associations are time-consuming and expensive. However, many drug-disease associations are still unobserved or unknown. The development of computational methods for predicting unobserved drug-disease associations is an important and urgent task. RESULTS: In this paper, we proposed a similarity constrained matrix factorization method for the drug-disease association prediction (SCMFDD), which makes use of known drug-disease associations, drug features and disease semantic information. SCMFDD projects the drug-disease association relationship into two low-rank spaces, which uncover latent features for drugs and diseases, and then introduces drug feature-based similarities and disease semantic similarity as constraints for drugs and diseases in low-rank spaces. Different from the classic matrix factorization technique, SCMFDD takes the biological context of the problem into account. In computational experiments, the proposed method can produce high-accuracy performances on benchmark datasets, and outperform existing state-of-the-art prediction methods when evaluated by five-fold cross validation and independent testing. CONCLUSION: We developed a user-friendly web server by using known associations collected from the CTD database, available at . The case studies show that the server can find out novel associations, which are not included in the CTD database.
Published on June 13, 2018

In silico prediction of potential chemical reactions mediated by human enzymes.

Authors: Yu MS, Lee HM, Park A, Park C, Ceong H, Rhee KH, Na D

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Administered drugs are often converted into an ineffective or activated form by enzymes in our body. Conventional in silico prediction approaches focused on therapeutically important enzymes such as CYP450. However, there are more than thousands of different cellular enzymes that potentially convert administered drug into other forms. RESULT: We developed an in silico model to predict which of human enzymes including metabolic enzymes as well as CYP450 family can catalyze a given chemical compound. The prediction is based on the chemical and physical similarity between known enzyme substrates and a query chemical compound. Our in silico model was developed using multiple linear regression and the model showed high performance (AUC = 0.896) despite of the large number of enzymes. When evaluated on a test dataset, it also showed significantly high performance (AUC = 0.746). Interestingly, evaluation with literature data showed that our model can be used to predict not only enzymatic reactions but also drug conversion and enzyme inhibition. CONCLUSION: Our model was able to predict enzymatic reactions of a query molecule with a high accuracy. This may foster to discover new metabolic routes and to accelerate the computational development of drug candidates by enabling the prediction of the potential conversion of administered drugs into active or inactive forms.
Published on June 13, 2018

A systematic approach to identify therapeutic effects of natural products based on human metabolite information.

Authors: Noh K, Yoo S, Lee D

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Natural products have been widely investigated in the drug development field. Their traditional use cases as medicinal agents and their resemblance of our endogenous compounds show the possibility of new drug development. Many researchers have focused on identifying therapeutic effects of natural products, yet the resemblance of natural products and human metabolites has been rarely touched. METHODS: We propose a novel method which predicts therapeutic effects of natural products based on their similarity with human metabolites. In this study, we compare the structure, target and phenotype similarities between natural products and human metabolites to capture molecular and phenotypic properties of both compounds. With the generated similarity features, we train support vector machine model to identify similar natural product and human metabolite pairs. The known functions of human metabolites are then mapped to the paired natural products to predict their therapeutic effects. RESULTS: With our selected three feature sets, structure, target and phenotype similarities, our trained model successfully paired similar natural products and human metabolites. When applied to the natural product derived drugs, we could successfully identify their indications with high specificity and sensitivity. We further validated the found therapeutic effects of natural products with the literature evidence. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that our model can match natural products to similar human metabolites and provide possible therapeutic effects of natural products. By utilizing the similar human metabolite information, we expect to find new indications of natural products which could not be covered by previous in silico methods.
Published on June 13, 2018

Subtractive proteomics to identify novel drug targets and reverse vaccinology for the development of chimeric vaccine against Acinetobacter baumannii.

Authors: Solanki V, Tiwari V

Abstract: The emergence of drug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii is the global health problem associated with high mortality and morbidity. Therefore it is high time to find a suitable therapeutics for this pathogen. In the present study, subtractive proteomics along with reverse vaccinology approaches were used to predict suitable therapeutics against A. baumannii. Using subtractive proteomics, we have identified promiscuous antigenic membrane proteins that contain the virulence factors, resistance factors and essentiality factor for this pathogenic bacteria. Selected promiscuous targeted membrane proteins were used for the design of chimeric-subunit vaccine with the help of reverse vaccinology. Available best tools and servers were used for the identification of MHC class I, II and B cell epitopes. All selected epitopes were further shortlisted computationally to know their immunogenicity, antigenicity, allergenicity, conservancy and toxicity potentials. Immunogenic predicted promiscuous peptides used for the development of chimeric subunit vaccine with immune-modulating adjuvants, linkers, and PADRE (Pan HLA-DR epitopes) amino acid sequence. Designed vaccine construct V4 also interact with the MHC, and TLR4/MD2 complex as confirm by docking and molecular dynamics simulation studies. Therefore designed vaccine construct V4 can be developed to control the host-pathogen interaction or infection caused by A. baumannii.
Published on June 13, 2018

Identification of drug-target interaction by a random walk with restart method on an interactome network.

Authors: Lee I, Nam H

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Identification of drug-target interactions acts as a key role in drug discovery. However, identifying drug-target interactions via in-vitro, in-vivo experiments are very laborious, time-consuming. Thus, predicting drug-target interactions by using computational approaches is a good alternative. In recent studies, many feature-based and similarity-based machine learning approaches have shown promising results in drug-target interaction predictions. A previous study showed that accounting connectivity information of drug-drug and protein-protein interactions increase performances of prediction by the concept of 'guilt-by-association'. However, the approach that only considers directly connected nodes often misses the information that could be derived from distance nodes. Therefore, in this study, we yield global network topology information by using a random walk with restart algorithm and apply the global topology information to the prediction model. RESULTS: As a result, our prediction model demonstrates increased prediction performance compare to the 'guilt-by-association' approach (AUC 0.89 and 0.67 in the training and independent test, respectively). In addition, we show how weighted features by a random walk with restart yields better performances than original features. Also, we confirmed that drugs and proteins that have high-degree of connectivity on the interactome network yield better performance in our model. CONCLUSIONS: The prediction models with weighted features by considering global network topology increased the prediction performances both in the training and testing compared to non-weighted models and previous a 'guilt-by-association method'. In conclusion, global network topology information on protein-protein interaction and drug-drug interaction effects to the prediction performance of drug-target interactions.
Published on June 11, 2018

Cancer Drug Response Profile scan (CDRscan): A Deep Learning Model That Predicts Drug Effectiveness from Cancer Genomic Signature.

Authors: Chang Y, Park H, Yang HJ, Lee S, Lee KY, Kim TS, Jung J, Shin JM

Abstract: In the era of precision medicine, cancer therapy can be tailored to an individual patient based on the genomic profile of a tumour. Despite the ever-increasing abundance of cancer genomic data, linking mutation profiles to drug efficacy remains a challenge. Herein, we report Cancer Drug Response profile scan (CDRscan) a novel deep learning model that predicts anticancer drug responsiveness based on a large-scale drug screening assay data encompassing genomic profiles of 787 human cancer cell lines and structural profiles of 244 drugs. CDRscan employs a two-step convolution architecture, where the genomic mutational fingerprints of cell lines and the molecular fingerprints of drugs are processed individually, then merged by 'virtual docking', an in silico modelling of drug treatment. Analysis of the goodness-of-fit between observed and predicted drug response revealed a high prediction accuracy of CDRscan (R(2) > 0.84; AUROC > 0.98). We applied CDRscan to 1,487 approved drugs and identified 14 oncology and 23 non-oncology drugs having new potential cancer indications. This, to our knowledge, is the first-time application of a deep learning model in predicting the feasibility of drug repurposing. By further clinical validation, CDRscan is expected to allow selection of the most effective anticancer drugs for the genomic profile of the individual patient.
Published on June 7, 2018

Molecular profiling and sequential somatic mutation shift in hypermutator tumours harbouring POLE mutations.

Authors: Hatakeyama K, Ohshima K, Nagashima T, Ohnami S, Ohnami S, Serizawa M, Shimoda Y, Maruyama K, Akiyama Y, Urakami K, Kusuhara M, Mochizuki T, Yamaguchi K

Abstract: Defective DNA polymerase epsilon (POLE) proofreading leads to extensive somatic mutations that exhibit biased mutational properties; however, the characteristics of POLE-mutated tumours remain unclear. In the present study, we describe a molecular profile using whole exome sequencing based on the transition of somatic mutations in 10 POLE-mutated solid tumours that were obtained from 2,042 Japanese patients. The bias of accumulated variations in these mutants was quantified to follow a pattern of somatic mutations, thereby classifying the sequential mutation shift into three periods. During the period prior to occurrence of the aberrant POLE, bare accumulation of mutations in cancer-related genes was observed, whereas PTEN was highly mutated in conjunction with or subsequent to the event, suggesting that POLE and PTEN mutations were responsible for the development of POLE-mutated tumours. Furthermore, homologous recombination was restored following the occurrence of PTEN mutations. Our strategy for estimation of the footprint of somatic mutations may provide new insight towards the understanding of mutation-driven tumourigenesis.
Published on June 7, 2018

Ontology-based literature mining and class effect analysis of adverse drug reactions associated with neuropathy-inducing drugs.

Authors: Hur J, Ozgur A, He Y

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Adverse drug reactions (ADRs), also called as drug adverse events (AEs), are reported in the FDA drug labels; however, it is a big challenge to properly retrieve and analyze the ADRs and their potential relationships from textual data. Previously, we identified and ontologically modeled over 240 drugs that can induce peripheral neuropathy through mining public drug-related databases and drug labels. However, the ADR mechanisms of these drugs are still unclear. In this study, we aimed to develop an ontology-based literature mining system to identify ADRs from drug labels and to elucidate potential mechanisms of the neuropathy-inducing drugs (NIDs). RESULTS: We developed and applied an ontology-based SciMiner literature mining strategy to mine ADRs from the drug labels provided in the Text Analysis Conference (TAC) 2017, which included drug labels for 53 neuropathy-inducing drugs (NIDs). We identified an average of 243 ADRs per NID and constructed an ADR-ADR network, which consists of 29 ADR nodes and 149 edges, including only those ADR-ADR pairs found in at least 50% of NIDs. Comparison to the ADR-ADR network of non-NIDs revealed that the ADRs such as pruritus, pyrexia, thrombocytopenia, nervousness, asthenia, acute lymphocytic leukaemia were highly enriched in the NID network. Our ChEBI-based ontology analysis identified three benzimidazole NIDs (i.e., lansoprazole, omeprazole, and pantoprazole), which were associated with 43 ADRs. Based on ontology-based drug class effect definition, the benzimidazole drug group has a drug class effect on all of these 43 ADRs. Many of these 43 ADRs also exist in the enriched NID ADR network. Our Ontology of Adverse Events (OAE) classification further found that these 43 benzimidazole-related ADRs were distributed in many systems, primarily in behavioral and neurological, digestive, skin, and immune systems. CONCLUSIONS: Our study demonstrates that ontology-based literature mining and network analysis can efficiently identify and study specific group of drugs and their associated ADRs. Furthermore, our analysis of drug class effects identified 3 benzimidazole drugs sharing 43 ADRs, leading to new hypothesis generation and possible mechanism understanding of drug-induced peripheral neuropathy.
Published on June 7, 2018

Repurposing sertraline sensitizes non-small cell lung cancer cells to erlotinib by inducing autophagy.

Authors: Jiang X, Lu W, Shen X, Wang Q, Lv J, Liu M, Cheng F, Zhao Z, Pang X

Abstract: Lung cancer patients treated with tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) often develop resistance. More effective and safe therapeutic agents are urgently needed to overcome TKI resistance. Here, we propose a medical genetics-based approach to identify indications for over 1,000 US Food and Drug Administration-approved (FDA-approved) drugs with high accuracy. We identified a potentially novel indication for an approved antidepressant drug, sertraline, for the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). We found that sertraline inhibits the viability of NSCLC cells and shows a synergy with erlotinib. Specifically, the cotreatment of sertraline and erlotinib effectively promotes autophagic flux in cells, as indicated by LC3-II accumulation and autolysosome formation. Mechanistic studies further reveal that dual treatment of sertraline and erlotinib reciprocally regulates the AMPK/mTOR pathway in NSCLC cells. The blockade of AMPK activation decreases the anticancer efficacy of either sertraline alone or the combination. Efficacy of this combination regimen is decreased by pharmacological inhibition of autophagy or genetic knockdown of ATG5 or Beclin 1. Importantly, our results suggest that sertraline and erlotinib combination suppress tumor growth and prolong mouse survival in an orthotopic NSCLC mouse model (P = 0.0005). In summary, our medical genetics-based approach facilitates discovery of new anticancer indications for FDA-approved drugs for the treatment of NSCLC.
Published in May 2018

DR2DI: a powerful computational tool for predicting novel drug-disease associations.

Authors: Lu L, Yu H

Abstract: Finding the new related candidate diseases for known drugs provides an effective method for fast-speed and low-risk drug development. However, experimental identification of drug-disease associations is expensive and time-consuming. This motivates the need for developing in silico computational methods that can infer true drug-disease pairs with high confidence. In this study, we presented a novel and powerful computational tool, DR2DI, for accurately uncovering the potential associations between drugs and diseases using high-dimensional and heterogeneous omics data as information sources. Based on a unified and extended similarity kernel framework, DR2DI inferred the unknown relationships between drugs and diseases using Regularized Kernel Classifier. Importantly, DR2DI employed a semi-supervised and global learning algorithm which can be applied to uncover the diseases (drugs) associated with known and novel drugs (diseases). In silico global validation experiments showed that DR2DI significantly outperforms recent two approaches for predicting drug-disease associations. Detailed case studies further demonstrated that the therapeutic indications and side effects of drugs predicted by DR2DI could be validated by existing database records and literature, suggesting that DR2DI can be served as a useful bioinformatic tool for identifying the potential drug-disease associations and guiding drug repositioning. Our software and comparison codes are freely available at .