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Published in May 2018

Local and global anatomy of antibody-protein antigen recognition.

Authors: Wang M, Zhu D, Zhu J, Nussinov R, Ma B

Abstract: Deciphering antibody-protein antigen recognition is of fundamental and practical significance. We constructed an antibody structural dataset, partitioned it into human and murine subgroups, and compared it with nonantibody protein-protein complexes. We investigated the physicochemical properties of regions on and away from the antibody-antigen interfaces, including net charge, overall antibody charge distributions, and their potential role in antigen interaction. We observed that amino acid preference in antibody-protein antigen recognition is entropy driven, with residues having low side-chain entropy appearing to compensate for the high backbone entropy in interaction with protein antigens. Antibodies prefer charged and polar antigen residues and bridging water molecules. They also prefer positive net charge, presumably to promote interaction with negatively charged protein antigens, which are common in proteomes. Antibody-antigen interfaces have large percentages of Tyr, Ser, and Asp, but little Lys. Electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions in the Ag binding sites might be coupled with Fab domains through organized charge and residue distributions away from the binding interfaces. Here we describe some features of antibody-antigen interfaces and of Fab domains as compared with nonantibody protein-protein interactions. The distributions of interface residues in human and murine antibodies do not differ significantly. Overall, our results provide not only a local but also a global anatomy of antibody structures.
Published in May 2018

Exploring the chemical space of peptides for drug discovery: a focus on linear and cyclic penta-peptides.

Authors: Diaz-Eufracio BI, Palomino-Hernandez O, Houghten RA, Medina-Franco JL

Abstract: Peptide and peptide-like structures are regaining attention in drug discovery. Previous studies suggest that bioactive peptides have diverse structures and may have physicochemical properties attractive to become hit and lead compounds. However, chemoinformatic studies that characterize such diversity are limited. Herein, we report the physicochemical property profile and chemical space of four synthetic linear and cyclic combinatorial peptide libraries. As a case study, the analysis was focused on penta-peptides. The chemical space of the peptide and N-methylated peptides libraries was compared to compound data sets of pharmaceutical relevance. Results indicated that there is a major overlap in the chemical space of N-methylated cyclic peptides with inhibitors of protein-protein interactions and macrocyclic natural products available for screening. Also, there is an overlap between the chemical space of the synthetic peptides with peptides approved for clinical use (or in clinical trials), and to other approved drugs that are outside the traditional chemical space. Results further support that synthetic penta-peptides are suitable compounds to be used in drug discovery projects.
Published in May 2018

The role of the Human Metabolome Database in inborn errors of metabolism.

Authors: Mandal R, Chamot D, Wishart DS

Abstract: Metabolomics holds considerable promise to advance our understanding of human disease, including our understanding of inborn errors of metabolism (IEM). The application of metabolomics in IEM research has already led to the discovery of several novel IEMs and the identification of novel IEM biomarkers. However, with hundreds of known IEMs and more than 700 associated IEM metabolites, it is becoming increasingly challenging for clinical researchers to keep track of IEMs, their associated metabolites, and their corresponding metabolic mechanisms. Furthermore, when using metabolomics to assist in IEM biomarker discovery or even in IEM diagnosis, it is becoming much more difficult to properly identify metabolites from the complex NMR and MS spectra collected from IEM patients. To that end, comprehensive, open access metabolite databases that provide up-to-date referential information about metabolites, metabolic pathways, normal/abnormal metabolite concentrations, and reference NMR or MS spectra for compound identification are essential. Over the last few years, a number of compound databases, including the Human Metabolome Database (HMDB), have been developed to address these challenges. First described in 2007, the HMDB is now the world's largest and most comprehensive metabolomic resource for human metabolic studies. The latest release of the HMDB contains 114,100 metabolite entries (with 247 being relevant to IEMs), thousands of metabolite concentrations (with 600 being relevant to IEMs), and ~33,000 metabolic and disease-associated pathways (with 202 being relevant to IEMs). Here we provide a summary of the HMDB and offer some guidance on how it can be used in metabolomic studies of IEMs.
Published in May 2018

Unexplored therapeutic opportunities in the human genome.

Authors: Oprea TI, Bologa CG, Brunak S, Campbell A, Gan GN, Gaulton A, Gomez SM, Guha R, Hersey A, Holmes J, Jadhav A, Jensen LJ, Johnson GL, Karlson A, Leach AR, Ma'ayan A, Malovannaya A, Mani S, Mathias SL, McManus MT, Meehan TF, von Mering C, Muthas D, Nguyen DT, Overington JP, Papadatos G, Qin J, Reich C, Roth BL, Schurer SC, Simeonov A, Sklar LA, Southall N, Tomita S, Tudose I, Ursu O, Vidovic D, Waller A, Westergaard D, Yang JJ, Zahoranszky-Kohalmi G

Abstract: A large proportion of biomedical research and the development of therapeutics is focused on a small fraction of the human genome. In a strategic effort to map the knowledge gaps around proteins encoded by the human genome and to promote the exploration of currently understudied, but potentially druggable, proteins, the US National Institutes of Health launched the Illuminating the Druggable Genome (IDG) initiative in 2014. In this article, we discuss how the systematic collection and processing of a wide array of genomic, proteomic, chemical and disease-related resource data by the IDG Knowledge Management Center have enabled the development of evidence-based criteria for tracking the target development level (TDL) of human proteins, which indicates a substantial knowledge deficit for approximately one out of three proteins in the human proteome. We then present spotlights on the TDL categories as well as key drug target classes, including G protein-coupled receptors, protein kinases and ion channels, which illustrate the nature of the unexplored opportunities for biomedical research and therapeutic development.
Published in May 2018

Inborn errors of metabolism and the human interactome: a systems medicine approach.

Authors: Woidy M, Muntau AC, Gersting SW

Abstract: The group of inborn errors of metabolism (IEM) displays a marked heterogeneity and IEM can affect virtually all functions and organs of the human organism; however, IEM share that their associated proteins function in metabolism. Most proteins carry out cellular functions by interacting with other proteins, and thus are organized in biological networks. Therefore, diseases are rarely the consequence of single gene mutations but of the perturbations caused in the related cellular network. Systematic approaches that integrate multi-omics and database information into biological networks have successfully expanded our knowledge of complex disorders but network-based strategies have been rarely applied to study IEM. We analyzed IEM on a proteome scale and found that IEM-associated proteins are organized as a network of linked modules within the human interactome of protein interactions, the IEM interactome. Certain IEM disease groups formed self-contained disease modules, which were highly interlinked. On the other hand, we observed disease modules consisting of proteins from many different disease groups in the IEM interactome. Moreover, we explored the overlap between IEM and non-IEM disease genes and applied network medicine approaches to investigate shared biological pathways, clinical signs and symptoms, and links to drug targets. The provided resources may help to elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying new IEM, to uncover the significance of disease-associated mutations, to identify new biomarkers, and to develop novel therapeutic strategies.
Published on May 31, 2018

Synthetic Lethality-based Identification of Targets for Anticancer Drugs in the Human Signaling Network.

Authors: Liu L, Chen X, Hu C, Zhang D, Shao Z, Jin Q, Yang J, Xie H, Liu B, Hu M, Ke K

Abstract: Chemotherapy agents can cause serious adverse effects by attacking both cancer tissues and normal tissues. Therefore, we proposed a synthetic lethality (SL) concept-based computational method to identify specific anticancer drug targets. First, a 3-step screening strategy (network-based, frequency-based and function-based screening) was proposed to identify the SL gene pairs by mining 697 cancer genes and the human signaling network, which had 6306 proteins and 62937 protein-protein interactions. The network-based screening was composed of a stability score constructed using a network information centrality measure (the average shortest path length) and the distance-based screening between the cancer gene and the non-cancer gene. Then, the non-cancer genes were extracted and annotated using drug-target interaction and drug description information to obtain potential anticancer drug targets. Finally, the human SL data in SynLethDB, the existing drug sensitivity data and text-mining were utilized for target validation. We successfully identified 2555 SL gene pairs and 57 potential anticancer drug targets. Among them, CDK1, CDK2, PLK1 and WEE1 were verified by all three aspects and could be preferentially used in specific targeted therapy in the future.
Published in May 2018

Association Between Serotonin Syndrome and Second-Generation Antipsychotics via Pharmacological Target-Adverse Event Analysis.

Authors: Racz R, Soldatos TG, Jackson D, Burkhart K

Abstract: Case reports suggest an association between second-generation antipsychotics (SGAs) and serotonin syndrome (SS). The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS) was analyzed to generate hypotheses about how SGAs may interact with pharmacological targets associated with SS. FAERS was integrated with additional sources to link information about adverse events with drugs and targets. Using Proportional Reporting Ratios, we identified signals that were further investigated with the literature to evaluate mechanistic hypotheses formed from the integrated FAERS data. Analysis revealed common pharmacological targets perturbed in both SGA and SS cases, indicating that SGAs may induce SS. The literature also supported 5-HT2A antagonism and 5-HT1A agonism as common mechanisms that may explain the SGA-SS association. Additionally, integrated FAERS data mining and case studies suggest that interactions between SGAs and other serotonergic agents may increase the risk for SS. Computational analysis can provide additional insights into the mechanisms underlying the relationship between SGAs and SS.
Published in May 2018

Identification of circadian clock modulators from existing drugs.

Authors: Tamai TK, Nakane Y, Ota W, Kobayashi A, Ishiguro M, Kadofusa N, Ikegami K, Yagita K, Shigeyoshi Y, Sudo M, Nishiwaki-Ohkawa T, Sato A, Yoshimura T

Abstract: Chronic circadian disruption due to shift work or frequent travel across time zones leads to jet-lag and an increased risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. The development of new pharmaceuticals to treat circadian disorders, however, is costly and hugely time-consuming. We therefore performed a high-throughput chemical screen of existing drugs for circadian clock modulators in human U2OS cells, with the aim of repurposing known bioactive compounds. Approximately 5% of the drugs screened altered circadian period, including the period-shortening compound dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA; also known as prasterone). DHEA is one of the most abundant circulating steroid hormones in humans and is available as a dietary supplement in the USA Dietary administration of DHEA to mice shortened free-running circadian period and accelerated re-entrainment to advanced light-dark (LD) cycles, thereby reducing jet-lag. Our drug screen also revealed the involvement of tyrosine kinases, ABL1 and ABL2, and the BCR serine/threonine kinase in regulating circadian period. Thus, drug repurposing is a useful approach to identify new circadian clock modulators and potential therapies for circadian disorders.
Published on May 30, 2018

A proteome-wide systems toxicological approach deciphers the interaction network of chemotherapeutic drugs in the cardiovascular milieu.

Authors: Giri S, Manivannan J, Srinivasan B, Sundaresan L, Gajalakshmi P, Chatterjee S

Abstract: Onco-cardiology is critical for the management of cancer therapeutics since many of the anti-cancer agents are associated with cardiotoxicity. Therefore, the major aim of the current study is to employ a novel in silico method combined with experimental validation to explore off-targets and prioritize the enriched molecular pathways related to the specific cardiovascular events other than their intended targets by deriving relationship between drug-target-pathways and cardiovascular complications in order to help onco-cardiologists for the management of strategies to minimize cardiotoxicity. A systems biological understanding of the multi-target effects of a drug requires prior knowledge of proteome-wide binding profiles. In order to achieve the above, we have utilized PharmMapper, a web-based tool that uses a reverse pharmacophore mapping approach (spatial arrangement of features essential for a molecule to interact with a specific target receptor), along with KEGG for exploring the pathway relationship. In the validation part of the study, predicted protein targets and signalling pathways were strengthened with existing datasets of DrugBank and antibody arrays specific to vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) signalling in the case of 5-fluorouracil as direct experimental evidence. The current systems toxicological method illustrates the potential of the above big-data in supporting the knowledge of onco-cardiological indications which may lead to the generation of a decision making catalogue in future therapeutic prescription.
Published on May 29, 2018

In Silico Pharmacoepidemiologic Evaluation of Drug-Induced Cardiovascular Complications Using Combined Classifiers.

Authors: Cai C, Fang J, Guo P, Wang Q, Hong H, Moslehi J, Cheng F

Abstract: Drug-induced cardiovascular complications are the most common adverse drug events and account for the withdrawal or severe restrictions on the use of multitudinous postmarketed drugs. In this study, we developed new in silico models for systematic identification of drug-induced cardiovascular complications in drug discovery and postmarketing surveillance. Specifically, we collected drug-induced cardiovascular complications covering the five most common types of cardiovascular outcomes (hypertension, heart block, arrhythmia, cardiac failure, and myocardial infarction) from four publicly available data resources: Comparative Toxicogenomics Database, SIDER, Offsides, and MetaADEDB. Using these databases, we developed a combined classifier framework through integration of five machine-learning algorithms: logistic regression, random forest, k-nearest neighbors, support vector machine, and neural network. The totality of models included 180 single classifiers with area under receiver operating characteristic curves (AUC) ranging from 0.647 to 0.809 on 5-fold cross-validations. To develop the combined classifiers, we then utilized a neural network algorithm to integrate the best four single classifiers for each cardiovascular outcome. The combined classifiers had higher performance with an AUC range from 0.784 to 0.842 compared to single classifiers. Furthermore, we validated our predicted cardiovascular complications for 63 anticancer agents using experimental data from clinical studies, human pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocyte assays, and literature. The success rate of our combined classifiers reached 87%. In conclusion, this study presents powerful in silico tools for systematic risk assessment of drug-induced cardiovascular complications. This tool is relevant not only in early stages of drug discovery but also throughout the life of a drug including clinical trials and postmarketing surveillance.