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Published in January 2018

PDBsum: Structural summaries of PDB entries.

Authors: Laskowski RA, Jablonska J, Pravda L, Varekova RS, Thornton JM

Abstract: PDBsum is a web server providing structural information on the entries in the Protein Data Bank (PDB). The analyses are primarily image-based and include protein secondary structure, protein-ligand and protein-DNA interactions, PROCHECK analyses of structural quality, and many others. The 3D structures can be viewed interactively in RasMol, PyMOL, and a JavaScript viewer called 3Dmol.js. Users can upload their own PDB files and obtain a set of password-protected PDBsum analyses for each. The server is freely accessible to all at:
Published in January 2018

Epigenomics alternations and dynamic transcriptional changes in responses to 5-fluorouracil stimulation reveal mechanisms of acquired drug resistance of colorectal cancer cells.

Authors: Shen Y, Tong M, Liang Q, Guo Y, Sun HQ, Zheng W, Ao L, Guo Z, She F

Abstract: A drug-induced resistant cancer cell is different from its parent cell in transcriptional response to drug treatment. The distinct transcriptional response pattern of a drug-induced resistant cancer cell to drug treatment might be introduced by acquired DNA methylation aberration in the cell exposing to sustained drug stimulation. In this study, we performed both transcriptional and DNA methylation profiles of the HCT-8 wild-type cells (HCT-8/WT) for human colorectal cancer (CRC) and the 5-fluorouracil (5-FU)-induced resistant cells (HCT-8/5-FU) after treatment with 5-FU for 0, 24 and 48 h. Integrated analysis of transcriptional and DNA methylation profiles showed that genes with promoter hypermethylation and concordant expression silencing in the HCT-8/5-FU cells are mainly involved in pathways of pyrimidine metabolism and drug metabolism-cytochrome P450. Transcriptional analysis confirmed that genes with transcriptional differences between a drug-induced resistant cell and its parent cell after drug treatment for a certain time, rather than their primary transcriptional differences, are more likely to be involved in drug resistance. Specifically, transcriptional differences between the drug-induced resistant cells and parental cells after drug treatment for 24 h were significantly consistent with the differentially expressed genes (termed as CRG5-FU) between the tissues of nonresponders and responders of CRCs to 5-FU-based therapy and the consistence increased after drug treatment for 48 h (binomial test, P-value=1.88E-06). This study reveals a major epigenetic mechanism inducing the HCT-8/WT cells to acquire resistance to 5-FU and suggests an appropriate time interval (24-48 h) of 5-FU exposure for identifying clinically relevant drug resistance signatures from drug-induced resistant cell models.
Published in January 2018

Clinical information extraction applications: A literature review.

Authors: Wang Y, Wang L, Rastegar-Mojarad M, Moon S, Shen F, Afzal N, Liu S, Zeng Y, Mehrabi S, Sohn S, Liu H

Abstract: BACKGROUND: With the rapid adoption of electronic health records (EHRs), it is desirable to harvest information and knowledge from EHRs to support automated systems at the point of care and to enable secondary use of EHRs for clinical and translational research. One critical component used to facilitate the secondary use of EHR data is the information extraction (IE) task, which automatically extracts and encodes clinical information from text. OBJECTIVES: In this literature review, we present a review of recent published research on clinical information extraction (IE) applications. METHODS: A literature search was conducted for articles published from January 2009 to September 2016 based on Ovid MEDLINE In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations, Ovid MEDLINE, Ovid EMBASE, Scopus, Web of Science, and ACM Digital Library. RESULTS: A total of 1917 publications were identified for title and abstract screening. Of these publications, 263 articles were selected and discussed in this review in terms of publication venues and data sources, clinical IE tools, methods, and applications in the areas of disease- and drug-related studies, and clinical workflow optimizations. CONCLUSIONS: Clinical IE has been used for a wide range of applications, however, there is a considerable gap between clinical studies using EHR data and studies using clinical IE. This study enabled us to gain a more concrete understanding of the gap and to provide potential solutions to bridge this gap.
Published in January 2018

Precursor-directed combinatorial biosynthesis of cephalosporin analogue by endolithic actinobacterium Streptomyces sp. AL51 by utilizing thiophene derivative.

Authors: Bhattacharjee K, Palepu NR, Rao KM, Joshi SR

Abstract: Natural products or their derivatives provide a reliable resource for new drugs. The multi-step chemical reaction to produce new drug is not only expensive but also release pollutants. The precursor-based combinatorial biosynthesis (PCB) is, however, a better option to produce novel natural products with potential pharmaceutical applications. The present work is an attempt to synthesize an antibacterial compound by transforming thiophene precursor using endolithic Streptomyces sp. AL51. The Streptomyces sp. AL51 was isolated from a granite rock sample collected from Mylliem, Meghalaya, India. The isolate was identified as Streptomyces sp. based on its cultural, morphological, biochemical and molecular characteristics. The bioactive compound CAx1 was extracted from the fermentation broth. The compound was characterized by bioactivity-guided fractionation and identified by infrared, UV-visible, nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectrometry data and identified as 7-[1-(thiophene-5-yl)-1-formamido]-3-propylenyl-3-cephem-4-carboxylic acid with molecular formula C15H14N2O4S2. The purified compound showed considerable in vitro antibacterial activity against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria showing its broad spectrum property. The obtained results provide promising baseline information for the potential use of endolithic actinobacterium for semisynthetic drug discovery. This is the first report on PCB of broad range antibacterial compound by endolithic Streptomyces strain.
Published on January 30, 2018

Adverse drug reactions triggered by the common HLA-B*57:01 variant: virtual screening of DrugBank using 3D molecular docking.

Authors: Van Den Driessche G, Fourches D

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Idiosyncratic adverse drug reactions have been linked to a drug's ability to bind with a human leukocyte antigen (HLA) protein. However, due to the thousands of HLA variants and limited structural data for drug-HLA complexes, predicting a specific drug-HLA combination represents a significant challenge. Recently, we investigated the binding mode of abacavir with the HLA-B*57:01 variant using molecular docking. Herein, we developed a new ensemble screening workflow involving three X-ray crystal derived docking procedures to screen the DrugBank database and identify potentially HLA-B*57:01 liable drugs. Then, we compared our workflow's performance with another model recently developed by Metushi et al., which proposed seven in silico HLA-B*57:01 actives, but were later found to be experimentally inactive. METHODS: After curation, there were over 6000 approved and experimental drugs remaining in DrugBank for docking using Schrodinger's GLIDE SP and XP scoring functions. Docking was performed with our new consensus-like ensemble workflow, relying on three different X-ray crystals (3VRI, 3VRJ, and 3UPR) in presence and absence of co-binding peptides. The binding modes of HLA-B*57:01 hit compounds for all three peptides were further explored using 3D interaction fingerprints and hierarchical clustering. RESULTS: The screening resulted in 22 hit compounds forecasted to bind HLA-B*57:01 in all docking conditions (SP and XP with and without peptides P1, P2, and P3). These 22 compounds afforded 2D-Tanimoto similarities being less than 0.6 when compared to the structure of native abacavir, whereas their 3D binding mode similarities varied in a broader range (0.2-0.8). Hierarchical clustering using a Ward Linkage revealed different clustering patterns for each co-binding peptide. When we docked Metushi et al.'s seven proposed hits using our workflow, our screening platform identified six out of seven as being inactive. Molecular dynamic simulations were used to explore the stability of abacavir and acyclovir in complex with peptide P3. CONCLUSIONS: This study reports on the extensive docking of the DrugBank database and the 22 HLA-B*57:01 liable candidates we identified. Importantly, comparisons between this study and the one by Metushi et al. highlighted new critical and complementary knowledge for the development of future HLA-specific in silico models.
Published on January 29, 2018

Discovery of VEGFR2 inhibitors by integrating naive Bayesian classification, molecular docking and drug screening approaches.

Authors: Kang, Pang X, Lian W, Xu L, Wang J, Jia H, Zhang B, Liu AL, Du GH

Abstract: The high morbidity and mortality of cancer make it one of the leading causes of global death, thus it is an urgent need to develop effective drugs for cancer therapy. Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-2 (VEGFR2) acts as a central modulator of angiogenesis, and is therefore an important pharmaceutical target for developing anti-angiogenic agents. In this study, ligand-based naive Bayesian (NB) models and structure-based molecular docking were combined to develop a virtual screening (VS) pipeline for identifying potential VEGFR2 inhibitors from FDA-approved drugs. The best validated naive Bayesian model (NB-c) gave Matthews correlation coefficients of 0.966 and 0.951 for the test set and external validation set, respectively. 1841 FDA-approved drugs were sequentially screened by the optimal model NB-c and molecular docking module LibDock. By analyzing the results of VS, 9 top ranked drugs with EstPGood value >/= 0.6 and LibDock Score >/= 120 were chosen for biological validation. VEGFR2 kinase assay results demonstrated that flubendazole, rilpivirine and papaverine showed VEGFR2 inhibitory activities with IC50 values ranging from 0.47 to 6.29 muM. Binding mode analysis with CDOCKER revealed the action mechanism of the 3 hit drugs binding to VEGFR2. In summary, we not only proposed an integrated VS pipeline for potential VEGFR2 inhibitors screening, but also identified 3 FDA-approved drugs as novel VEGFR2 inhibitors, which could be used to design and develop new antiangiogenic agents.
Published on January 26, 2018

Beyond genomics: understanding exposotypes through metabolomics.

Authors: Rattray NJW, Deziel NC, Wallach JD, Khan SA, Vasiliou V, Ioannidis JPA, Johnson CH

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Over the past 20 years, advances in genomic technology have enabled unparalleled access to the information contained within the human genome. However, the multiple genetic variants associated with various diseases typically account for only a small fraction of the disease risk. This may be due to the multifactorial nature of disease mechanisms, the strong impact of the environment, and the complexity of gene-environment interactions. Metabolomics is the quantification of small molecules produced by metabolic processes within a biological sample. Metabolomics datasets contain a wealth of information that reflect the disease state and are consequent to both genetic variation and environment. Thus, metabolomics is being widely adopted for epidemiologic research to identify disease risk traits. In this review, we discuss the evolution and challenges of metabolomics in epidemiologic research, particularly for assessing environmental exposures and providing insights into gene-environment interactions, and mechanism of biological impact. MAIN TEXT: Metabolomics can be used to measure the complex global modulating effect that an exposure event has on an individual phenotype. Combining information derived from all levels of protein synthesis and subsequent enzymatic action on metabolite production can reveal the individual exposotype. We discuss some of the methodological and statistical challenges in dealing with this type of high-dimensional data, such as the impact of study design, analytical biases, and biological variance. We show examples of disease risk inference from metabolic traits using metabolome-wide association studies. We also evaluate how these studies may drive precision medicine approaches, and pharmacogenomics, which have up to now been inefficient. Finally, we discuss how to promote transparency and open science to improve reproducibility and credibility in metabolomics. CONCLUSIONS: Comparison of exposotypes at the human population level may help understanding how environmental exposures affect biology at the systems level to determine cause, effect, and susceptibilities. Juxtaposition and integration of genomics and metabolomics information may offer additional insights. Clinical utility of this information for single individuals and populations has yet to be routinely demonstrated, but hopefully, recent advances to improve the robustness of large-scale metabolomics will facilitate clinical translation.
Published on January 25, 2018

In silico profiling of systemic effects of drugs to predict unexpected interactions.

Authors: Yoo S, Noh K, Shin M, Park J, Lee KH, Nam H, Lee D

Abstract: Identifying unexpected drug interactions is an essential step in drug development. Most studies focus on predicting whether a drug pair interacts or is effective on a certain disease without considering the mechanism of action (MoA). Here, we introduce a novel method to infer effects and interactions of drug pairs with MoA based on the profiling of systemic effects of drugs. By investigating propagated drug effects from the molecular and phenotypic networks, we constructed profiles of 5,441 approved and investigational drugs for 3,833 phenotypes. Our analysis indicates that highly connected phenotypes between drug profiles represent the potential effects of drug pairs and the drug pairs with strong potential effects are more likely to interact. When applied to drug interactions with verified effects, both therapeutic and adverse effects have been successfully identified with high specificity and sensitivity. Finally, tracing drug interactions in molecular and phenotypic networks allows us to understand the MoA.
Published on January 25, 2018

Deep learning of mutation-gene-drug relations from the literature.

Authors: Lee K, Kim B, Choi Y, Kim S, Shin W, Lee S, Park S, Kim S, Tan AC, Kang J

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Molecular biomarkers that can predict drug efficacy in cancer patients are crucial components for the advancement of precision medicine. However, identifying these molecular biomarkers remains a laborious and challenging task. Next-generation sequencing of patients and preclinical models have increasingly led to the identification of novel gene-mutation-drug relations, and these results have been reported and published in the scientific literature. RESULTS: Here, we present two new computational methods that utilize all the PubMed articles as domain specific background knowledge to assist in the extraction and curation of gene-mutation-drug relations from the literature. The first method uses the Biomedical Entity Search Tool (BEST) scoring results as some of the features to train the machine learning classifiers. The second method uses not only the BEST scoring results, but also word vectors in a deep convolutional neural network model that are constructed from and trained on numerous documents such as PubMed abstracts and Google News articles. Using the features obtained from both the BEST search engine scores and word vectors, we extract mutation-gene and mutation-drug relations from the literature using machine learning classifiers such as random forest and deep convolutional neural networks. Our methods achieved better results compared with the state-of-the-art methods. We used our proposed features in a simple machine learning model, and obtained F1-scores of 0.96 and 0.82 for mutation-gene and mutation-drug relation classification, respectively. We also developed a deep learning classification model using convolutional neural networks, BEST scores, and the word embeddings that are pre-trained on PubMed or Google News data. Using deep learning, the classification accuracy improved, and F1-scores of 0.96 and 0.86 were obtained for the mutation-gene and mutation-drug relations, respectively. CONCLUSION: We believe that our computational methods described in this research could be used as an important tool in identifying molecular biomarkers that predict drug responses in cancer patients. We also built a database of these mutation-gene-drug relations that were extracted from all the PubMed abstracts. We believe that our database can prove to be a valuable resource for precision medicine researchers.
Published on January 22, 2018

Gene annotation bias impedes biomedical research.

Authors: Haynes WA, Tomczak A, Khatri P

Abstract: We found tremendous inequality across gene and protein annotation resources. We observed that this bias leads biomedical researchers to focus on richly annotated genes instead of those with the strongest molecular data. We advocate that researchers reduce these biases by pursuing data-driven hypotheses.