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Published on January 1, 2018

A review of validation strategies for computational drug repositioning.

Authors: Brown AS, Patel CJ

Abstract: Repositioning of previously approved drugs is a promising methodology because it reduces the cost and duration of the drug development pipeline and reduces the likelihood of unforeseen adverse events. Computational repositioning is especially appealing because of the ability to rapidly screen candidates in silico and to reduce the number of possible repositioning candidates. What is unclear, however, is how useful such methods are in producing clinically efficacious repositioning hypotheses. Furthermore, there is no agreement in the field over the proper way to perform validation of in silico predictions, and in fact no systematic review of repositioning validation methodologies. To address this unmet need, we review the computational repositioning literature and capture studies in which authors claimed to have validated their work. Our analysis reveals widespread variation in the types of strategies, predictions made and databases used as 'gold standards'. We highlight a key weakness of the most commonly used strategy and propose a path forward for the consistent analytic validation of repositioning techniques.
Published on January 1, 2018

dbDEPC 3.0: the database of differentially expressed proteins in human cancer with multi-level annotation and drug indication.

Authors: Yang Q, Zhang Y, Cui H, Chen L, Zhao Y, Lin Y, Zhang M, Xie L

Abstract: Database URL:
Published in 2017

Palpitations and Asthenia Associated with Venlafaxine in a CYP2D6 Poor Metabolizer and CYP2C19 Intermediate Metabolizer.

Authors: Garcia S, Schuh M, Cheema A, Atwal H, Atwal PS

Abstract: Cardiotoxicity has been extensively reported in venlafaxine (VEN) overdoses. Asthenia is also among the common side effects described for this antidepressant. VEN is metabolized mainly by CYP2D6 and to a minor extent by CYP2C19 to the major active metabolite O-desmethylvenlafaxine (ODV). Altered pharmacokinetic parameters in patients with polymorphisms in the CYP2D6 and CYP2C19 genes that result in decreased enzymatic activity have been documented. Here we describe a patient case of VEN associated palpitations and asthenia. The patient takes VEN extended release 150 mg twice daily. Genotyping confirmed the patient is a poor metabolizer for CYP2D6 and an intermediate metabolizer for CYP2C19. We propose that the palpitations and asthenia are related to sustained VEN exposure due to reduced metabolism.
Published in 2017

A novel framework for the identification of drug target proteins: Combining stacked auto-encoders with a biased support vector machine.

Authors: Wang Q, Feng Y, Huang J, Wang T, Cheng G

Abstract: The identification of drug target proteins (IDTP) plays a critical role in biometrics. The aim of this study was to retrieve potential drug target proteins (DTPs) from a collected protein dataset, which represents an overwhelming task of great significance. Previously reported methodologies for this task generally employ protein-protein interactive networks but neglect informative biochemical attributes. We formulated a novel framework utilizing biochemical attributes to address this problem. In the framework, a biased support vector machine (BSVM) was combined with the deep embedded representation extracted using a deep learning model, stacked auto-encoders (SAEs). In cases of non-drug target proteins (NDTPs) contaminated by DTPs, the framework is beneficial due to the efficient representation of the SAE and relief of the imbalance effect by the BSVM. The experimental results demonstrated the effectiveness of our framework, and the generalization capability was confirmed via comparisons to other models. This study is the first to exploit a deep learning model for IDTP. In summary, nearly 23% of the NDTPs were predicted as likely DTPs, which are awaiting further verification based on biomedical experiments.
Published in 2017

Designing Dietary Recommendations Using System Level Interactomics Analysis and Network-Based Inference.

Authors: Zheng T, Ni Y, Li J, Chow BKC, Panagiotou G

Abstract: Background: A range of computational methods that rely on the analysis of genome-wide expression datasets have been developed and successfully used for drug repositioning. The success of these methods is based on the hypothesis that introducing a factor (in this case, a drug molecule) that could reverse the disease gene expression signature will lead to a therapeutic effect. However, it has also been shown that globally reversing the disease expression signature is not a prerequisite for drug activity. On the other hand, the basic idea of significant anti-correlation in expression profiles could have great value for establishing diet-disease associations and could provide new insights into the role of dietary interventions in disease. Methods: We performed an integrated analysis of publicly available gene expression profiles for foods, diseases and drugs, by calculating pairwise similarity scores for diet and disease gene expression signatures and characterizing their topological features in protein-protein interaction networks. Results: We identified 485 diet-disease pairs where diet could positively influence disease development and 472 pairs where specific diets should be avoided in a disease state. Multiple evidence suggests that orange, whey and coconut fat could be beneficial for psoriasis, lung adenocarcinoma and macular degeneration, respectively. On the other hand, fructose-rich diet should be restricted in patients with chronic intermittent hypoxia and ovarian cancer. Since humans normally do not consume foods in isolation, we also applied different algorithms to predict synergism; as a result, 58 food pairs were predicted. Interestingly, the diets identified as anti-correlated with diseases showed a topological proximity to the disease proteins similar to that of the corresponding drugs. Conclusions: In conclusion, we provide a computational framework for establishing diet-disease associations and additional information on the role of diet in disease development. Due to the complexity of analyzing the food composition and eating patterns of individuals our in silico analysis, using large-scale gene expression datasets and network-based topological features, may serve as a proof-of-concept in nutritional systems biology for identifying diet-disease relationships and subsequently designing dietary recommendations.
Published in December 2017

Proliferation inhibition of cisplatin-resistant ovarian cancer cells using drugs screened by integrating a metabolic model and transcriptomic data.

Authors: Motamedian E, Taheri E, Bagheri F

Abstract: OBJECTIVES: If screening to find effective drugs is possible, the inhibition of proliferation using existing drugs can be a practical strategy to control the drug resistance of cancer. Development of a system-oriented strategy to find effective drugs was the main aim of this research. MATERIALS AND METHODS: An algorithm (transcriptional regulated flux balance analysis [TRFBA]) integrating a generic human metabolic model with transcriptomic data was used to identify genes affecting the growth of drug-resistant cancer cells. Drugs that inhibit activation of the target genes were found and their effect on the proliferation was experimentally evaluated. RESULTS: Experimental assessments demonstrated that TRFBA improves the prediction of cancer cell growth in comparison with previous algorithms. The algorithm was then used to propose the system-oriented strategy to search drugs effective in limiting the growth rate of the cisplatin-resistant A2780 epithelial ovarian cancer cell. Experimental evaluations resulted in the selection of azathioprine, terbinafine, hydralazine and sodium valproate that appropriately inhibit the proliferation of resistant cancer cells while minimally affecting normal cells. Furthermore, experimental data indicate that the selected drugs are synergistic and can be used in combination therapies. CONCLUSIONS: The proposed strategy was successful to identify drugs effective on the viability of resistant cancer cells. This strategy can enhance the potency of treatments for drug-resistant cancer cells and provides the possibility of using existing drugs.
Published in 2017

A simple mathematical approach to the analysis of polypharmacology and polyspecificity data.

Authors: Maggiora G, Gokhale V

Abstract: There many possible types of drug-target interactions, because there are a surprising number of ways in which drugs and their targets can associate with one another. These relationships are expressed as polypharmacology and polyspecificity. Polypharmacology is the capability of a given drug to exhibit activity with respect to multiple drug targets, which are not necessarily in the same activity class. Adverse drug reactions ('side effects') are its principal manifestation, but polypharmacology is also playing a role in the repositioning of existing drugs for new therapeutic indications. Polyspecificity, on the other hand, is the capability of a given target to exhibit activity with respect to multiple, structurally dissimilar drugs. That these concepts are closely related to one another is, surprisingly, not well known. It will be shown in this work that they are, in fact, mathematically related to one another and are in essence 'two sides of the same coin'. Hence, information on polypharmacology provides equivalent information on polyspecificity, and vice versa. Networks are playing an increasingly important role in biological research. Drug-target networks, in particular, are made up of drug nodes that are linked to specific target nodes if a given drug is active with respect to that target. Such networks provide a graphic depiction of polypharmacology and polyspecificity. However, by their very nature they can obscure information that may be useful in their interpretation and analysis. This work will show how such latent information can be used to determine bounds for the degrees of polypharmacology and polyspecificity, and how to estimate other useful features associated with the lack of completeness of most drug-target datasets.
Published in 2017

Characterization of the mechanism of drug-drug interactions from PubMed using MeSH terms.

Authors: Lu Y, Figler B, Huang H, Tu YC, Wang J, Cheng F

Abstract: Identifying drug-drug interaction (DDI) is an important topic for the development of safe pharmaceutical drugs and for the optimization of multidrug regimens for complex diseases such as cancer and HIV. There have been about 150,000 publications on DDIs in PubMed, which is a great resource for DDI studies. In this paper, we introduced an automatic computational method for the systematic analysis of the mechanism of DDIs using MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) terms from PubMed literature. MeSH term is a controlled vocabulary thesaurus developed by the National Library of Medicine for indexing and annotating articles. Our method can effectively identify DDI-relevant MeSH terms such as drugs, proteins and phenomena with high accuracy. The connections among these MeSH terms were investigated by using co-occurrence heatmaps and social network analysis. Our approach can be used to visualize relationships of DDI terms, which has the potential to help users better understand DDIs. As the volume of PubMed records increases, our method for automatic analysis of DDIs from the PubMed database will become more accurate.
Published in 2017

SELF-BLM: Prediction of drug-target interactions via self-training SVM.

Authors: Keum J, Nam H

Abstract: Predicting drug-target interactions is important for the development of novel drugs and the repositioning of drugs. To predict such interactions, there are a number of methods based on drug and target protein similarity. Although these methods, such as the bipartite local model (BLM), show promise, they often categorize unknown interactions as negative interaction. Therefore, these methods are not ideal for finding potential drug-target interactions that have not yet been validated as positive interactions. Thus, here we propose a method that integrates machine learning techniques, such as self-training support vector machine (SVM) and BLM, to develop a self-training bipartite local model (SELF-BLM) that facilitates the identification of potential interactions. The method first categorizes unlabeled interactions and negative interactions among unknown interactions using a clustering method. Then, using the BLM method and self-training SVM, the unlabeled interactions are self-trained and final local classification models are constructed. When applied to four classes of proteins that include enzymes, G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs), ion channels, and nuclear receptors, SELF-BLM showed the best performance for predicting not only known interactions but also potential interactions in three protein classes compare to other related studies. The implemented software and supporting data are available at
Published in 2017

Drug Target Protein-Protein Interaction Networks: A Systematic Perspective.

Authors: Feng Y, Wang Q, Wang T

Abstract: The identification and validation of drug targets are crucial in biomedical research and many studies have been conducted on analyzing drug target features for getting a better understanding on principles of their mechanisms. But most of them are based on either strong biological hypotheses or the chemical and physical properties of those targets separately. In this paper, we investigated three main ways to understand the functional biomolecules based on the topological features of drug targets. There are no significant differences between targets and common proteins in the protein-protein interactions network, indicating the drug targets are neither hub proteins which are dominant nor the bridge proteins. According to some special topological structures of the drug targets, there are significant differences between known targets and other proteins. Furthermore, the drug targets mainly belong to three typical communities based on their modularity. These topological features are helpful to understand how the drug targets work in the PPI network. Particularly, it is an alternative way to predict potential targets or extract nontargets to test a new drug target efficiently and economically. By this way, a drug target's homologue set containing 102 potential target proteins is predicted in the paper.