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Published in 2017

Enhancing the Promise of Drug Repositioning through Genetics.

Authors: Pritchard JE, O'Mara TA, Glubb DM

Abstract: The development of new drugs has become challenging as the necessary investments in time and money have increased while drug approval rates have decreased. A potential solution to this problem is drug repositioning which aims to use existing drugs to treat conditions for which they were not originally intended. One approach that may enhance the likelihood of success is to reposition drugs against a target that has a genetic basis. The multitude of genome-wide association studies (GWASs) conducted in recent years represents a large potential pool of novel targets for drug repositioning. Although trait-associated variants identified from GWAS still need to be causally linked to a target gene, recently developed functional genomic techniques, databases, and workflows are helping to remove this bottleneck. The pre-clinical validation of repositioning against these targets also needs to be carefully performed to ensure that findings are not confounded by off-target effects or limitations of the techniques used. Nevertheless, the approaches described in this review have the potential to provide a faster, cheaper and more certain route to clinical approval.
Published in December 2017

Trends in GPCR drug discovery: new agents, targets and indications.

Authors: Hauser AS, Attwood MM, Rask-Andersen M, Schioth HB, Gloriam DE

Abstract: G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are the most intensively studied drug targets, mostly due to their substantial involvement in human pathophysiology and their pharmacological tractability. Here, we report an up-to-date analysis of all GPCR drugs and agents in clinical trials, which reveals current trends across molecule types, drug targets and therapeutic indications, including showing that 475 drugs (~34% of all drugs approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)) act at 108 unique GPCRs. Approximately 321 agents are currently in clinical trials, of which ~20% target 66 potentially novel GPCR targets without an approved drug, and the number of biological drugs, allosteric modulators and biased agonists has increased. The major disease indications for GPCR modulators show a shift towards diabetes, obesity and Alzheimer disease, although several central nervous system disorders are also highly represented. The 224 (56%) non-olfactory GPCRs that have not yet been explored in clinical trials have broad untapped therapeutic potential, particularly in genetic and immune system disorders. Finally, we provide an interactive online resource to analyse and infer trends in GPCR drug discovery.
Published in December 2017

Is systems pharmacology ready to impact upon therapy development? A study on the cholesterol biosynthesis pathway.

Authors: Benson HE, Watterson S, Sharman JL, Mpamhanga CP, Parton A, Southan C, Harmar AJ, Ghazal P

Abstract: BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: An ever-growing wealth of information on current drugs and their pharmacological effects is available from online databases. As our understanding of systems biology increases, we have the opportunity to predict, model and quantify how drug combinations can be introduced that outperform conventional single-drug therapies. Here, we explore the feasibility of such systems pharmacology approaches with an analysis of the mevalonate branch of the cholesterol biosynthesis pathway. EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH: Using open online resources, we assembled a computational model of the mevalonate pathway and compiled a set of inhibitors directed against targets in this pathway. We used computational optimization to identify combination and dose options that show not only maximal efficacy of inhibition on the cholesterol producing branch but also minimal impact on the geranylation branch, known to mediate the side effects of pharmaceutical treatment. KEY RESULTS: We describe serious impediments to systems pharmacology studies arising from limitations in the data, incomplete coverage and inconsistent reporting. By curating a more complete dataset, we demonstrate the utility of computational optimization for identifying multi-drug treatments with high efficacy and minimal off-target effects. CONCLUSION AND IMPLICATIONS: We suggest solutions that facilitate systems pharmacology studies, based on the introduction of standards for data capture that increase the power of experimental data. We propose a systems pharmacology workflow for the refinement of data and the generation of future therapeutic hypotheses.
Published in 2017

Integrated network analysis reveals potentially novel molecular mechanisms and therapeutic targets of refractory epilepsies.

Authors: Chu H, Sun P, Yin J, Liu G, Wang Y, Zhao P, Zhu Y, Yang X, Zheng T, Zhou X, Jin W, Sun C

Abstract: Epilepsy is a complex neurological disorder and a significant health problem. The pathogenesis of epilepsy remains obscure in a significant number of patients and the current treatment options are not adequate in about a third of individuals which were known as refractory epilepsies (RE). Network medicine provides an effective approach for studying the molecular mechanisms underlying complex diseases. Here we integrated 1876 disease-gene associations of RE and located those genes to human protein-protein interaction (PPI) network to obtain 42 significant RE-associated disease modules. The functional analysis of these disease modules showed novel molecular pathological mechanisms of RE, such as the novel enriched pathways (e.g., "presynaptic nicotinic acetylcholine receptors", "signaling by insulin receptor"). Further analysis on the relationships between current drug targets and the RE-related disease genes showed the rational mechanisms of most antiepileptic drugs. In addition, we detected ten potential novel drug targets (e.g., KCNA1, KCNA4-6, KCNC3, KCND2, KCNMA1, CAMK2G, CACNB4 and GRM1) located in three RE related disease modules, which might provide novel insights into the new drug discovery for RE therapy.
Published in 2017

Protein Bioinformatics Databases and Resources.

Authors: Chen C, Huang H, Wu CH

Abstract: Many publicly available data repositories and resources have been developed to support protein-related information management, data-driven hypothesis generation, and biological knowledge discovery. To help researchers quickly find the appropriate protein-related informatics resources, we present a comprehensive review (with categorization and description) of major protein bioinformatics databases in this chapter. We also discuss the challenges and opportunities for developing next-generation protein bioinformatics databases and resources to support data integration and data analytics in the Big Data era.
Published in 2017

THPdb: Database of FDA-approved peptide and protein therapeutics.

Authors: Usmani SS, Bedi G, Samuel JS, Singh S, Kalra S, Kumar P, Ahuja AA, Sharma M, Gautam A, Raghava GPS

Abstract: THPdb ( is a manually curated repository of Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved therapeutic peptides and proteins. The information in THPdb has been compiled from 985 research publications, 70 patents and other resources like DrugBank. The current version of the database holds a total of 852 entries, providing comprehensive information on 239 US-FDA approved therapeutic peptides and proteins and their 380 drug variants. The information on each peptide and protein includes their sequences, chemical properties, composition, disease area, mode of activity, physical appearance, category or pharmacological class, pharmacodynamics, route of administration, toxicity, target of activity, etc. In addition, we have annotated the structure of most of the protein and peptides. A number of user-friendly tools have been integrated to facilitate easy browsing and data analysis. To assist scientific community, a web interface and mobile App have also been developed.
Published in 2017

A Comprehensive Gene Expression Meta-analysis Identifies Novel Immune Signatures in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients.

Authors: Afroz S, Giddaluru J, Vishwakarma S, Naz S, Khan AA, Khan N

Abstract: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), a symmetric polyarticular arthritis, has long been feared as one of the most disabling forms of arthritis. Identification of gene signatures associated with RA onset and progression would lead toward development of novel diagnostics and therapeutic interventions. This study was undertaken to identify unique gene signatures of RA patients through large-scale meta-profiling of a diverse collection of gene expression data sets. We carried out a meta-analysis of 8 publicly available RA patients' (107 RA patients and 76 healthy controls) gene expression data sets and further validated a few meta-signatures in RA patients through quantitative real-time PCR (RT-qPCR). We identified a robust meta-profile comprising 33 differentially expressed genes, which were consistently and significantly expressed across all the data sets. Our meta-analysis unearthed upregulation of a few novel gene signatures including PLCG2, HLA-DOB, HLA-F, EIF4E2, and CYFIP2, which were validated in peripheral blood mononuclear cell samples of RA patients. Further, functional and pathway enrichment analysis reveals perturbation of several meta-genes involved in signaling pathways pertaining to inflammation, antigen presentation, hypoxia, and apoptosis during RA. Additionally, PLCG2 (phospholipase Cgamma2) popped out as a novel meta-gene involved in most of the pathways relevant to RA including inflammasome activation, platelet aggregation, and activation, thereby suggesting PLCG2 as a potential therapeutic target for controlling excessive inflammation during RA. In conclusion, these findings highlight the utility of meta-analysis approach in identifying novel gene signatures that might provide mechanistic insights into disease onset, progression and possibly lead toward the development of better diagnostic and therapeutic interventions against RA.
Published in 2017

Integrated Genomic Medicine: A Paradigm for Rare Diseases and Beyond.

Authors: Schork NJ, Nazor K

Abstract: Individualized medicine, or the tailoring of therapeutic interventions to a patient's unique genetic, biochemical, physiological, exposure and behavioral profile, has been enhanced, if not enabled, by modern biomedical technologies such as high-throughput DNA sequencing platforms, induced pluripotent stem cell assays, biomarker discovery protocols, imaging modalities, and wireless monitoring devices. Despite successes in the isolated use of these technologies, however, it is arguable that their combined and integrated use in focused studies of individual patients is the best way to not only tailor interventions for those patients, but also shed light on treatment strategies for patients with similar conditions. This is particularly true for individuals with rare diseases since, by definition, they will require study without recourse to other individuals, or at least without recourse to many other individuals. Such integration and focus will require new biomedical scientific paradigms and infrastructure, including the creation of databases harboring study results, the formation of dedicated multidisciplinary research teams and new training programs. We consider the motivation and potential for such integration, point out areas in need of improvement, and argue for greater emphasis on improving patient health via technological innovations, not merely improving the technologies themselves. We also argue that the paradigm described can, in theory, be extended to the study of individuals with more common diseases.
Published in 2017

Integrative network and transcriptomics-based approach predicts genotype- specific drug combinations for melanoma.

Authors: Regan KE, Payne PRO, Li F

Abstract: Computational methods for drug combination predictions are needed to identify effective therapies that improve durability and prevent drug resistance in an efficient manner. In this paper, we present SynGeNet, a computational method that integrates transcriptomics data characterizing disease and drug z-score profiles with network mining algorithms in order to predict synergistic drug combinations. We compare SynGeNet to other available transcriptomics-based tools to predict drug combinations validated across melanoma cell lines in three genotype groups: BRAF-mutant, NRAS-mutant and combined. We showed that SynGeNet outperforms other available tools in predicting validated drug combinations and single agents tested as part of additional drug pairs. Interestingly, we observed that the performance of SynGeNet decreased when the network construction step was removed and improved when the proportion of matched-genotype validation cell lines increased. These results suggest that delineating functional information from transcriptomics data via network mining and genomic features can improve drug combination predictions.
Published in 2017

Comprehensive analysis of differential co-expression patterns reveal transcriptional dysregulation mechanism and identify novel prognostic lncRNAs in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma.

Authors: Li Z, Yao Q, Zhao S, Wang Y, Li Y, Wang Z

Abstract: Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) is one of the most common malignancies worldwide and occurs at a relatively high frequency in People's Republic of China. However, the molecular mechanism underlying ESCC is still unclear. In this study, the mRNA and long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) expression profiles of ESCC were downloaded from the Gene Expression Omnibus database, and then differential co-expression analysis was used to reveal the altered co-expression relationship of gene pairs in ESCC tumors. A total of 3,709 mRNAs and 923 lncRNAs were differentially co-expressed between normal and tumor tissues, and we found that most of the gene pairs lost associations in the tumor tissues. The differential regulatory networking approach deciphered that transcriptional dysregulation was ubiquitous in ESCC, and most of the differentially regulated links were modulated by 37 TFs. Our study also found that two novel lncRNAs (ADAMTS9-AS1 and AP000696.2) might be essential in the development of ectoderm and epithelial cells, which could significantly stratify ESCC patients into high-risk and low-risk groups, and were much better than traditional clinical tumor markers. Further inspection of two risk groups showed that the changes in TF-target regulation in the high-risk patients were significantly higher than those in the low-risk patients. In addition, four signal transduction-related DCmRNAs (ERBB3, ENSA, KCNK7, MFSD5), which were differentially co-expressed with the two lncRNAs, might also have the predictive capacity. Our findings will enhance the understanding of ESCC transcriptional dysregulation from a view of cross-link of lncRNA and mRNA, and the two-lncRNA combination may serve as a novel prognostic biomarker for clinical applications of ESCC.