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Published in 2017

Quantitative and Systems Pharmacology 3. Network-Based Identification of New Targets for Natural Products Enables Potential Uses in Aging-Associated Disorders.

Authors: Fang J, Gao L, Ma H, Wu Q, Wu T, Wu J, Wang Q, Cheng F

Abstract: Aging that refers the accumulation of genetic and physiology changes in cells and tissues over a lifetime has been shown a high risk of developing various complex diseases, such as neurodegenerative disease, cardiovascular disease and cancer. Over the past several decades, natural products have been demonstrated as anti-aging interveners via extending lifespan and preventing aging-associated disorders. In this study, we developed an integrated systems pharmacology infrastructure to uncover new indications for aging-associated disorders by natural products. Specifically, we incorporated 411 high-quality aging-associated human genes or human-orthologous genes from mus musculus (MM), saccharomyces cerevisiae (SC), caenorhabditis elegans (CE), and drosophila melanogaster (DM). We constructed a global drug-target network of natural products by integrating both experimental and computationally predicted drug-target interactions (DTI). We further built the statistical network models for identification of new anti-aging indications of natural products through integration of the curated aging-associated genes and drug-target network of natural products. High accuracy was achieved on the network models. We showcased several network-predicted anti-aging indications of four typical natural products (caffeic acid, metformin, myricetin, and resveratrol) with new mechanism-of-actions. In summary, this study offers a powerful systems pharmacology infrastructure to identify natural products for treatment of aging-associated disorders.
Published on December 28, 2017

Exploration of charge states of balanol analogues acting as ATP-competitive inhibitors in kinases.

Authors: Hardianto A, Yusuf M, Liu F, Ranganathan S

Abstract: BACKGROUND: (-)-Balanol is an ATP mimic that inhibits protein kinase C (PKC) isozymes and cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) with limited selectivity. While PKA is a tumour promoter, PKC isozymes act as tumour promoters or suppressors, depending on the cancer type. In particular, PKCepsilon is frequently implicated in cancer promotion, making it a potential target for anticancer drugs. To improve isozyme selectivity of balanol, exhaustive structural and activity relationship (SAR) studies have been performed in the last two decades, but with limited success. More recently, fluorination on balanol has shown improved selectivity for PKCepsilon, although the fluorine effect is not yet clearly understood. Understanding the origin to this fluorine-based selectivity will be valuable for designing better balanol-based ATP mimicking inhibitors. Computational approaches such as molecular dynamics (MD) simulations can decipher the fluorine effect, provided that correct charges have been assigned to a ligand. Balanol analogues have multiple ionisable functional groups and the effect of fluorine substitutions on the exact charge state of each analogue bound to PKA and to PKCepsilon needs to be thoroughly investigated in order to design highly selective inhibitors for therapeutic applications. RESULTS: We explored the charge states of novel fluorinated balanol analogues using MD simulations. For different potential charge states of these analogues, Molecular Mechanics Generalized Born Surface Area (MMGBSA) binding energy values were computed. This study suggests that balanol and the most potent fluorinated analogue (5S fluorine substitution on the azepane ring), have charges on the azepane ring (N1), and the phenolic (C6''OH) and the carboxylate (C15''O2H) groups on the benzophenone moiety, when bound to PKCepsilon as well as PKA. CONCLUSIONS: To the best our knowledge, this is the first study showing that the phenolate group is charged in balanol and its analogues binding to the ATP site of PKCepsilon. Correct charge assignments of ligands are important to obtain predicted binding energy values from MD simulations that reflect experimental values. Both fluorination and the local enzymatic environment of the ATP site can influence the exact charge states of balanol analogues. Overall, this study is highly valuable for further rational design of potent balanol analogues selective to PKCepsilon.
Published on December 28, 2017

Predicting drug-disease interactions by semi-supervised graph cut algorithm and three-layer data integration.

Authors: Wu G, Liu J, Wang C

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Prediction of drug-disease interactions is promising for either drug repositioning or disease treatment fields. The discovery of novel drug-disease interactions, on one hand can help to find novel indictions for the approved drugs; on the other hand can provide new therapeutic approaches for the diseases. Recently, computational methods for finding drug-disease interactions have attracted lots of attention because of their far more higher efficiency and lower cost than the traditional wet experiment methods. However, they still face several challenges, such as the organization of the heterogeneous data, the performance of the model, and so on. METHODS: In this work, we present to hierarchically integrate the heterogeneous data into three layers. The drug-drug and disease-disease similarities are first calculated separately in each layer, and then the similarities from three layers are linearly fused into comprehensive drug similarities and disease similarities, which can then be used to measure the similarities between two drug-disease pairs. We construct a novel weighted drug-disease pair network, where a node is a drug-disease pair with known or unknown treatment relation, an edge represents the node-node relation which is weighted with the similarity score between two pairs. Now that similar drug-disease pairs are supposed to show similar treatment patterns, we can find the optimal graph cut of the network. The drug-disease pair with unknown relation can then be considered to have similar treatment relation with that within the same cut. Therefore, we develop a semi-supervised graph cut algorithm, SSGC, to find the optimal graph cut, based on which we can identify the potential drug-disease treatment interactions. RESULTS: By comparing with three representative network-based methods, SSGC achieves the highest performances, in terms of both AUC score and the identification rates of true drug-disease pairs. The experiments with different integration strategies also demonstrate that considering several sources of data can improve the performances of the predictors. Further case studies on four diseases, the top-ranked drug-disease associations have been confirmed by KEGG, CTD database and the literature, illustrating the usefulness of SSGC. CONCLUSIONS: The proposed comprehensive similarity scores from multi-views and multiple layers and the graph-cut based algorithm can greatly improve the prediction performances of drug-disease associations.
Published on December 28, 2017

Dependency-based long short term memory network for drug-drug interaction extraction.

Authors: Wang W, Yang X, Yang C, Guo X, Zhang X, Wu C

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Drug-drug interaction extraction (DDI) needs assistance from automated methods to address the explosively increasing biomedical texts. In recent years, deep neural network based models have been developed to address such needs and they have made significant progress in relation identification. METHODS: We propose a dependency-based deep neural network model for DDI extraction. By introducing the dependency-based technique to a bi-directional long short term memory network (Bi-LSTM), we build three channels, namely, Linear channel, DFS channel and BFS channel. All of these channels are constructed with three network layers, including embedding layer, LSTM layer and max pooling layer from bottom up. In the embedding layer, we extract two types of features, one is distance-based feature and another is dependency-based feature. In the LSTM layer, a Bi-LSTM is instituted in each channel to better capture relation information. Then max pooling is used to get optimal features from the entire encoding sequential data. At last, we concatenate the outputs of all channels and then link it to the softmax layer for relation identification. RESULTS: To the best of our knowledge, our model achieves new state-of-the-art performance with the F-score of 72.0% on the DDIExtraction 2013 corpus. Moreover, our approach obtains much higher Recall value compared to the existing methods. CONCLUSIONS: The dependency-based Bi-LSTM model can learn effective relation information with less feature engineering in the task of DDI extraction. Besides, the experimental results show that our model excels at balancing the Precision and Recall values.
Published on December 26, 2017

Structure-based prediction of ligand-protein interactions on a genome-wide scale.

Authors: Hwang H, Dey F, Petrey D, Honig B

Abstract: We report a template-based method, LT-scanner, which scans the human proteome using protein structural alignment to identify proteins that are likely to bind ligands that are present in experimentally determined complexes. A scoring function that rapidly accounts for binding site similarities between the template and the proteins being scanned is a crucial feature of the method. The overall approach is first tested based on its ability to predict the residues on the surface of a protein that are likely to bind small-molecule ligands. The algorithm that we present, LBias, is shown to compare very favorably to existing algorithms for binding site residue prediction. LT-scanner's performance is evaluated based on its ability to identify known targets of Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved drugs and it too proves to be highly effective. The specificity of the scoring function that we use is demonstrated by the ability of LT-scanner to identify the known targets of FDA-approved kinase inhibitors based on templates involving other kinases. Combining sequence with structural information further improves LT-scanner performance. The approach we describe is extendable to the more general problem of identifying binding partners of known ligands even if they do not appear in a structurally determined complex, although this will require the integration of methods that combine protein structure and chemical compound databases.
Published on December 22, 2017

Genetic variation in human drug-related genes.

Authors: Scharfe CPI, Tremmel R, Schwab M, Kohlbacher O, Marks DS

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Variability in drug efficacy and adverse effects are observed in clinical practice. While the extent of genetic variability in classic pharmacokinetic genes is rather well understood, the role of genetic variation in drug targets is typically less studied. METHODS: Based on 60,706 human exomes from the ExAC dataset, we performed an in-depth computational analysis of the prevalence of functional variants in 806 drug-related genes, including 628 known drug targets. We further computed the likelihood of 1236 FDA-approved drugs to be affected by functional variants in their targets in the whole ExAC population as well as different geographic sub-populations. RESULTS: We find that most genetic variants in drug-related genes are very rare (f < 0.1%) and thus will likely not be observed in clinical trials. Furthermore, we show that patient risk varies for many drugs and with respect to geographic ancestry. A focused analysis of oncological drug targets indicates that the probability of a patient carrying germline variants in oncological drug targets is, at 44%, high enough to suggest that not only somatic alterations but also germline variants carried over into the tumor genome could affect the response to antineoplastic agents. CONCLUSIONS: This study indicates that even though many variants are very rare and thus likely not observed in clinical trials, four in five patients are likely to carry a variant with possibly functional effects in a target for commonly prescribed drugs. Such variants could potentially alter drug efficacy.
Published on December 21, 2017

Construction and analysis of gene-gene dynamics influence networks based on a Boolean model.

Authors: Mazaya M, Trinh HC, Kwon YK

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Identification of novel gene-gene relations is a crucial issue to understand system-level biological phenomena. To this end, many methods based on a correlation analysis of gene expressions or structural analysis of molecular interaction networks have been proposed. They have a limitation in identifying more complicated gene-gene dynamical relations, though. RESULTS: To overcome this limitation, we proposed a measure to quantify a gene-gene dynamical influence (GDI) using a Boolean network model and constructed a GDI network to indicate existence of a dynamical influence for every ordered pair of genes. It represents how much a state trajectory of a target gene is changed by a knockout mutation subject to a source gene in a gene-gene molecular interaction (GMI) network. Through a topological comparison between GDI and GMI networks, we observed that the former network is denser than the latter network, which implies that there exist many gene pairs of dynamically influencing but molecularly non-interacting relations. In addition, a larger number of hub genes were generated in the GDI network. On the other hand, there was a correlation between these networks such that the degree value of a node was positively correlated to each other. We further investigated the relationships of the GDI value with structural properties and found that there are negative and positive correlations with the length of a shortest path and the number of paths, respectively. In addition, a GDI network could predict a set of genes whose steady-state expression is affected in E. coli gene-knockout experiments. More interestingly, we found that the drug-targets with side-effects have a larger number of outgoing links than the other genes in the GDI network, which implies that they are more likely to influence the dynamics of other genes. Finally, we found biological evidences showing that the gene pairs which are not molecularly interacting but dynamically influential can be considered for novel gene-gene relationships. CONCLUSION: Taken together, construction and analysis of the GDI network can be a useful approach to identify novel gene-gene relationships in terms of the dynamical influence.
Published on December 21, 2017

Investigation and identification of functional post-translational modification sites associated with drug binding and protein-protein interactions.

Authors: Su MG, Weng JT, Hsu JB, Huang KY, Chi YH, Lee TY

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Protein post-translational modification (PTM) plays an essential role in various cellular processes that modulates the physical and chemical properties, folding, conformation, stability and activity of proteins, thereby modifying the functions of proteins. The improved throughput of mass spectrometry (MS) or MS/MS technology has not only brought about a surge in proteome-scale studies, but also contributed to a fruitful list of identified PTMs. However, with the increase in the number of identified PTMs, perhaps the more crucial question is what kind of biological mechanisms these PTMs are involved in. This is particularly important in light of the fact that most protein-based pharmaceuticals deliver their therapeutic effects through some form of PTM. Yet, our understanding is still limited with respect to the local effects and frequency of PTM sites near pharmaceutical binding sites and the interfaces of protein-protein interaction (PPI). Understanding PTM's function is critical to our ability to manipulate the biological mechanisms of protein. RESULTS: In this study, to understand the regulation of protein functions by PTMs, we mapped 25,835 PTM sites to proteins with available three-dimensional (3D) structural information in the Protein Data Bank (PDB), including 1785 modified PTM sites on the 3D structure. Based on the acquired structural PTM sites, we proposed to use five properties for the structural characterization of PTM substrate sites: the spatial composition of amino acids, residues and side-chain orientations surrounding the PTM substrate sites, as well as the secondary structure, division of acidity and alkaline residues, and solvent-accessible surface area. We further mapped the structural PTM sites to the structures of drug binding and PPI sites, identifying a total of 1917 PTM sites that may affect PPI and 3951 PTM sites associated with drug-target binding. An integrated analytical platform (CruxPTM), with a variety of methods and online molecular docking tools for exploring the structural characteristics of PTMs, is presented. In addition, all tertiary structures of PTM sites on proteins can be visualized using the JSmol program. CONCLUSION: Resolving the function of PTM sites is important for understanding the role that proteins play in biological mechanisms. Our work attempted to delineate the structural correlation between PTM sites and PPI or drug-target binding. CurxPTM could help scientists narrow the scope of their PTM research and enhance the efficiency of PTM identification in the face of big proteome data. CruxPTM is now available at .
Published on December 21, 2017

Econazole nitrate inhibits PI3K activity and promotes apoptosis in lung cancer cells.

Authors: Dong C, Yang R, Li H, Ke K, Luo C, Yang F, Shi XN, Zhu Y, Liu X, Wong MH, Lin G, Wang X, Leung KS, Kung HF, Chen C, Lin MC

Abstract: The phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3K)/AKT signaling pathway plays a pivotal role in many cellular processes, including the proliferation, survival and differentiation of lung cancer cells. Thus, PI3K is a promising therapeutic target for lung cancer treatment. In this study, we applied free and open-source protein-ligand docking software, screened 3167 FDA-approved small molecules, and identified putative PI3Kalpha inhibitors. Among them, econazole nitrate, an antifungal agent, exhibited the highest activity in decreasing cell viability in pathological types of NSCLC cell lines, including H661 (large cell lung cancer) and A549 (adenocarcinoma). Econazole decreased the protein levels of p-AKT and Bcl-2, but had no effect on the phosphorylation level of ERK. It inhibited cell growth and promote apoptosis in a dose-dependent manner. Furthermore, the combination of econazole and cisplatin exhibited additive and synergistic effects in the H661 and A549 lung cancer cell lines, respectively. Finally, we demonstrated that econazole significantly suppressed A549 tumor growth in nude mice. Our findings suggest that econazole is a new PI3K inhibitor and a potential drug that can be used in lung cancer treatment alone or in combination with cisplatin.
Published on December 19, 2017

MICRA: an automatic pipeline for fast characterization of microbial genomes from high-throughput sequencing data.

Authors: Caboche S, Even G, Loywick A, Audebert C, Hot D

Abstract: The increase in available sequence data has advanced the field of microbiology; however, making sense of these data without bioinformatics skills is still problematic. We describe MICRA, an automatic pipeline, available as a web interface, for microbial identification and characterization through reads analysis. MICRA uses iterative mapping against reference genomes to identify genes and variations. Additional modules allow prediction of antibiotic susceptibility and resistance and comparing the results of several samples. MICRA is fast, producing few false-positive annotations and variant calls compared to current methods, making it a tool of great interest for fully exploiting sequencing data.