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Published in November 2017

The NDE1 genomic locus can affect treatment of psychiatric illness through gene expression changes related to microRNA-484.

Authors: Bradshaw NJ, Ukkola-Vuoti L, Pankakoski M, Zheutlin AB, Ortega-Alonso A, Torniainen-Holm M, Sinha V, Therman S, Paunio T, Suvisaari J, Lonnqvist J, Cannon TD, Haukka J, Hennah W

Abstract: Genetic studies of familial schizophrenia in Finland have observed significant associations with a group of biologically related genes, DISC1, NDE1, NDEL1, PDE4B and PDE4D, the 'DISC1 network'. Here, we use gene expression and psychoactive medication use data to study their biological consequences and potential treatment implications. Gene expression levels were determined in 64 individuals from 18 families, while prescription medication information has been collected over a 10-year period for 931 affected individuals. We demonstrate that the NDE1 SNP rs2242549 associates with significant changes in gene expression for 2908 probes (2542 genes), of which 794 probes (719 genes) were replicable. A significant number of the genes altered were predicted targets of microRNA-484 (p = 3.0 x 10(-8)), located on a non-coding exon of NDE1 Variants within the NDE1 locus also displayed significant genotype by gender interaction to early cessation of psychoactive medications metabolized by CYP2C19. Furthermore, we demonstrate that miR-484 can affect the expression of CYP2C19 in a cell culture system. Thus, variation at the NDE1 locus may alter risk of mental illness, in part through modification of miR-484, and such modification alters treatment response to specific psychoactive medications, leading to the potential for use of this locus in targeting treatment.
Published on November 28, 2017

Functional mapping and annotation of genetic associations with FUMA.

Authors: Watanabe K, Taskesen E, van Bochoven A, Posthuma D

Abstract: A main challenge in genome-wide association studies (GWAS) is to pinpoint possible causal variants. Results from GWAS typically do not directly translate into causal variants because the majority of hits are in non-coding or intergenic regions, and the presence of linkage disequilibrium leads to effects being statistically spread out across multiple variants. Post-GWAS annotation facilitates the selection of most likely causal variant(s). Multiple resources are available for post-GWAS annotation, yet these can be time consuming and do not provide integrated visual aids for data interpretation. We, therefore, develop FUMA: an integrative web-based platform using information from multiple biological resources to facilitate functional annotation of GWAS results, gene prioritization and interactive visualization. FUMA accommodates positional, expression quantitative trait loci (eQTL) and chromatin interaction mappings, and provides gene-based, pathway and tissue enrichment results. FUMA results directly aid in generating hypotheses that are testable in functional experiments aimed at proving causal relations.
Published on November 27, 2017

In silico-based screen synergistic drug combinations from herb medicines: a case using Cistanche tubulosa.

Authors: Liu J, Zhu J, Xue J, Qin Z, Shen F, Liu J, Chen X, Li X, Wu Z, Xiao W, Zheng C, Wang Y

Abstract: Neuroinflammation is characterized by the elaborated inflammatory response repertoire of central nervous system tissue. The limitations of the current treatments for neuroinflammation are well-known side effects in the clinical trials of monotherapy. Drug combination therapies are promising strategies to overcome the compensatory mechanisms and off-target effects. However, discovery of synergistic drug combinations from herb medicines is rare. Encouraged by the successfully applied cases we move on to investigate the effective drug combinations based on system pharmacology among compounds from Cistanche tubulosa (SCHENK) R. WIGHT. Firstly, 63 potential bioactive compounds, the related 133 direct and indirect targets are screened out by Drug-likeness evaluation combined with drug targeting process. Secondly, Compound-Target network is built to acquire the data set for predicting drug combinations. We list the top 10 drug combinations which are employed by the algorithm Probability Ensemble Approach (PEA), and Compound-Target-Pathway network is then constructed by the 12 compounds of the combinations, targets, and pathways to unearth the corresponding pharmacological actions. Finally, an integrating pathway approach is developed to elucidate the therapeutic effects of the herb in different pathological features-relevant biological processes. Overall, the method may provide a productive avenue for developing drug combination therapeutics.
Published on November 27, 2017

Quantitative and Systems Pharmacology. 1. In Silico Prediction of Drug-Target Interactions of Natural Products Enables New Targeted Cancer Therapy.

Authors: Fang J, Wu Z, Cai C, Wang Q, Tang Y, Cheng F

Abstract: Natural products with diverse chemical scaffolds have been recognized as an invaluable source of compounds in drug discovery and development. However, systematic identification of drug targets for natural products at the human proteome level via various experimental assays is highly expensive and time-consuming. In this study, we proposed a systems pharmacology infrastructure to predict new drug targets and anticancer indications of natural products. Specifically, we reconstructed a global drug-target network with 7,314 interactions connecting 751 targets and 2,388 natural products and built predictive network models via a balanced substructure-drug-target network-based inference approach. A high area under receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.96 was yielded for predicting new targets of natural products during cross-validation. The newly predicted targets of natural products (e.g., resveratrol, genistein, and kaempferol) with high scores were validated by various literature studies. We further built the statistical network models for identification of new anticancer indications of natural products through integration of both experimentally validated and computationally predicted drug-target interactions of natural products with known cancer proteins. We showed that the significantly predicted anticancer indications of multiple natural products (e.g., naringenin, disulfiram, and metformin) with new mechanism-of-action were validated by various published experimental evidence. In summary, this study offers powerful computational systems pharmacology approaches and tools for the development of novel targeted cancer therapies by exploiting the polypharmacology of natural products.
Published on November 27, 2017

Knowledge graph prediction of unknown adverse drug reactions and validation in electronic health records.

Authors: Bean DM, Wu H, Iqbal E, Dzahini O, Ibrahim ZM, Broadbent M, Stewart R, Dobson RJB

Abstract: Unknown adverse reactions to drugs available on the market present a significant health risk and limit accurate judgement of the cost/benefit trade-off for medications. Machine learning has the potential to predict unknown adverse reactions from current knowledge. We constructed a knowledge graph containing four types of node: drugs, protein targets, indications and adverse reactions. Using this graph, we developed a machine learning algorithm based on a simple enrichment test and first demonstrated this method performs extremely well at classifying known causes of adverse reactions (AUC 0.92). A cross validation scheme in which 10% of drug-adverse reaction edges were systematically deleted per fold showed that the method correctly predicts 68% of the deleted edges on average. Next, a subset of adverse reactions that could be reliably detected in anonymised electronic health records from South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust were used to validate predictions from the model that are not currently known in public databases. High-confidence predictions were validated in electronic records significantly more frequently than random models, and outperformed standard methods (logistic regression, decision trees and support vector machines). This approach has the potential to improve patient safety by predicting adverse reactions that were not observed during randomised trials.
Published on November 25, 2017

Drug-Target Interaction Prediction through Label Propagation with Linear Neighborhood Information.

Authors: Zhang W, Chen Y, Li D

Abstract: Interactions between drugs and target proteins provide important information for the drug discovery. Currently, experiments identified only a small number of drug-target interactions. Therefore, the development of computational methods for drug-target interaction prediction is an urgent task of theoretical interest and practical significance. In this paper, we propose a label propagation method with linear neighborhood information (LPLNI) for predicting unobserved drug-target interactions. Firstly, we calculate drug-drug linear neighborhood similarity in the feature spaces, by considering how to reconstruct data points from neighbors. Then, we take similarities as the manifold of drugs, and assume the manifold unchanged in the interaction space. At last, we predict unobserved interactions between known drugs and targets by using drug-drug linear neighborhood similarity and known drug-target interactions. The experiments show that LPLNI can utilize only known drug-target interactions to make high-accuracy predictions on four benchmark datasets. Furthermore, we consider incorporating chemical structures into LPLNI models. Experimental results demonstrate that the model with integrated information (LPLNI-II) can produce improved performances, better than other state-of-the-art methods. The known drug-target interactions are an important information source for computational predictions. The usefulness of the proposed method is demonstrated by cross validation and the case study.
Published on November 22, 2017

Structure-Based Design and Discovery of New M2 Receptor Agonists.

Authors: Fish I, Stossel A, Eitel K, Valant C, Albold S, Huebner H, Moller D, Clark MJ, Sunahara RK, Christopoulos A, Shoichet BK, Gmeiner P

Abstract: Muscarinic receptor agonists are characterized by apparently strict restraints on their tertiary or quaternary amine and their distance to an ester or related center. On the basis of the active state crystal structure of the muscarinic M2 receptor in complex with iperoxo, we explored potential agonists that lacked the highly conserved functionalities of previously known ligands. Using structure-guided pharmacophore design followed by docking, we found two agonists (compounds 3 and 17), out of 19 docked and synthesized compounds, that fit the receptor well and were predicted to form a hydrogen-bond conserved among known agonists. Structural optimization led to compound 28, which was 4-fold more potent than its parent 3. Fortified by the discovery of this new scaffold, we sought a broader range of chemotypes by docking 2.2 million fragments, which revealed another three micromolar agonists unrelated either to 28 or known muscarinics. Even pockets as tightly defined and as deeply studied as that of the muscarinic reveal opportunities for the structure-based design and the discovery of new chemotypes.
Published on November 21, 2017

miRDDCR: a miRNA-based method to comprehensively infer drug-disease causal relationships.

Authors: Chen H, Zhang Z, Peng W

Abstract: Revealing the cause-and-effect mechanism behind drug-disease relationships remains a challenging task. Recent studies suggested that drugs can target microRNAs (miRNAs) and alter their expression levels. In the meanwhile, the inappropriate expression of miRNAs will lead to various diseases. Therefore, targeting specific miRNAs by small-molecule drugs to modulate their activities provides a promising approach to human disease treatment. However, few studies attempt to discover drug-disease causal relationships through the molecular level of miRNAs. Here, we developed a miRNA-based inference method miRDDCR to comprehensively predict drug-disease causal relationships. We first constructed a three-layer drug-miRNA-disease heterogeneous network by combining similarity measurements, existing drug-miRNA associations and miRNA-disease associations. Then, we extended the algorithm of Random Walk to the three-layer heterogeneous network and ranked the potential indications for drugs. Leave-one-out cross-validations and case studies demonstrated that our method miRDDCR can achieve excellent prediction power. Compared with related methods, our causality discovery-based algorithm showed superior prediction ability and highlighted the molecular basis miRNAs, which can be used to assist in the experimental design for drug development and disease treatment. Finally, comprehensively inferred drug-disease causal relationships were released for further studies.
Published on November 7, 2017

Predicting new indications of compounds with a network pharmacology approach: Liuwei Dihuang Wan as a case study.

Authors: Wang YY, Bai H, Zhang RZ, Yan H, Ning K, Zhao XM

Abstract: With the ever increasing cost and time required for drug development, new strategies for drug development are highly demanded, whereas repurposing old drugs has attracted much attention in drug discovery. In this paper, we introduce a new network pharmacology approach, namely PINA, to predict potential novel indications of old drugs based on the molecular networks affected by drugs and associated with diseases. Benchmark results on FDA approved drugs have shown the superiority of PINA over traditional computational approaches in identifying new indications of old drugs. We further extend PINA to predict the novel indications of Traditional Chinese Medicines (TCMs) with Liuwei Dihuang Wan (LDW) as a case study. The predicted indications, including immune system disorders and tumor, are validated by expert knowledge and evidences from literature, demonstrating the effectiveness of our proposed computational approach.
Published on November 7, 2017

Framework and resource for more than 11,000 gene-transcript-protein-reaction associations in human metabolism.

Authors: Ryu JY, Kim HU, Lee SY

Abstract: Alternative splicing plays important roles in generating different transcripts from one gene, and consequently various protein isoforms. However, there has been no systematic approach that facilitates characterizing functional roles of protein isoforms in the context of the entire human metabolism. Here, we present a systematic framework for the generation of gene-transcript-protein-reaction associations (GeTPRA) in the human metabolism. The framework in this study generated 11,415 GeTPRA corresponding to 1,106 metabolic genes for both principal and nonprincipal transcripts (PTs and NPTs) of metabolic genes. The framework further evaluates GeTPRA, using a human genome-scale metabolic model (GEM) that is biochemically consistent and transcript-level data compatible, and subsequently updates the human GEM. A generic human GEM, Recon 2M.1, was developed for this purpose, and subsequently updated to Recon 2M.2 through the framework. Both PTs and NPTs of metabolic genes were considered in the framework based on prior analyses of 446 personal RNA-Seq data and 1,784 personal GEMs reconstructed using Recon 2M.1. The framework and the GeTPRA will contribute to better understanding human metabolism at the systems level and enable further medical applications.