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Published in 2017

Systems Study on the Antirheumatic Mechanism of Tibetan Medicated-Bath Therapy Using Wuwei-Ganlu-Yaoyu-Keli.

Authors: Wang T, Yang J, Chen X, Zhao K, Wang J, Zhang Y, Zhao J, Ga Y

Abstract: In clinical practice at Tibetan area of China, Traditional Tibetan Medicine formula Wuwei-Ganlu-Yaoyu-Keli (WGYK) is commonly added in warm water of bath therapy to treat rheumatoid arthritis (RA). However, its mechanism of action is not well interpreted yet. In this paper, we first verify WGYK's anti-RA effect by an animal experiment. Then, based on gene expression data from microarray experiments, we apply approaches of network pharmacology to further reveal the mechanism of action for WGYK to treat RA by analyzing protein-protein interactions and pathways. This study may facilitate our understanding of anti-RA effect of WGYK from perspective of network pharmacology.
Published in 2017

Application of the Subtractive Genomics and Molecular Docking Analysis for the Identification of Novel Putative Drug Targets against Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Poona.

Authors: Hossain T, Kamruzzaman M, Choudhury TZ, Mahmood HN, Nabi AHMN, Hosen MI

Abstract: The emergence of novel pathogenic strains with increased antibacterial resistance patterns poses a significant threat to the management of infectious diseases. In this study, we aimed at utilizing the subtractive genomic approach to identify novel drug targets against Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Poona strain ATCC BAA-1673. We employed in silico bioinformatics tools to subtract the strain-specific paralogous and host-specific homologous sequences from the bacterial proteome. The sorted proteome was further refined to identify the essential genes in the pathogenic bacterium using the database of essential genes (DEG). We carried out metabolic pathway and subcellular location analysis of the essential proteins of the pathogen to elucidate the involvement of these proteins in important cellular processes. We found 52 unique essential proteins in the target proteome that could be utilized as novel targets to design newer drugs. Further, we investigated these proteins in the DrugBank databases and 11 of the unique essential proteins showed druggability according to the FDA approved drug bank databases with diverse broad-spectrum property. Molecular docking analyses of the novel druggable targets with the drugs were carried out by AutoDock Vina option based on scoring functions. The results showed promising candidates for novel drugs against Salmonella infections.
Published in 2017

Adverse drug reactions triggered by the common HLA-B*57:01 variant: a molecular docking study.

Authors: Van Den Driessche G, Fourches D

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) surface proteins are directly involved in idiosyncratic adverse drug reactions. Herein, we present a structure-based analysis of the common HLA-B*57:01 variant known to be responsible for several HLA-linked adverse effects such as the abacavir hypersensitivity syndrome. METHODS: First, we analyzed three X-ray crystal structures involving the HLA-B*57:01 protein variant, the anti-HIV drug abacavir, and different co-binding peptides present in the antigen-binding cleft. We superimposed the three complexes and showed that abacavir had no significant conformational variation whatever the co-binding peptide. Second, we self-docked abacavir in the HLA-B*57:01 antigen binding cleft with and without peptide using Glide. Third, we docked a small test set of 13 drugs with known ADRs and suspected HLA associations. RESULTS: In the presence of an endogenous co-binding peptide, we found a significant stabilization (~2 kcal/mol) of the docking scores and identified several modified abacavir-peptide interactions indicating that the peptide does play a role in stabilizing the HLA-abacavir complex. Next, our model was used to dock a test set of 13 drugs at HLA-B*57:01 and measured their predicted binding affinities. Drug-specific interactions were observed at the antigen-binding cleft and we were able to discriminate the compounds with known HLA-B*57:01 liability from inactives. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, our study highlights the relevance of molecular docking for evaluating and analyzing complex HLA-drug interactions. This is particularly important for virtual drug screening over thousands of HLA variants as other experimental techniques (e.g., in vitro HTS) and computational approaches (e.g., molecular dynamics) are more time consuming and expensive to conduct. As the attention for drugs' HLA liability is on the rise, we believe this work participates in encouraging the use of molecular modeling for reliably studying and predicting HLA-drug interactions. Graphical abstract.
Published in 2017

Enhancing the Promise of Drug Repositioning through Genetics.

Authors: Pritchard JE, O'Mara TA, Glubb DM

Abstract: The development of new drugs has become challenging as the necessary investments in time and money have increased while drug approval rates have decreased. A potential solution to this problem is drug repositioning which aims to use existing drugs to treat conditions for which they were not originally intended. One approach that may enhance the likelihood of success is to reposition drugs against a target that has a genetic basis. The multitude of genome-wide association studies (GWASs) conducted in recent years represents a large potential pool of novel targets for drug repositioning. Although trait-associated variants identified from GWAS still need to be causally linked to a target gene, recently developed functional genomic techniques, databases, and workflows are helping to remove this bottleneck. The pre-clinical validation of repositioning against these targets also needs to be carefully performed to ensure that findings are not confounded by off-target effects or limitations of the techniques used. Nevertheless, the approaches described in this review have the potential to provide a faster, cheaper and more certain route to clinical approval.
Published in 2017

Overcoming Obstacles to Drug Repositioning in Japan.

Authors: Nishimura Y, Tagawa M, Ito H, Tsuruma K, Hara H

Abstract: Drug repositioning (DR) is the process of identifying new indications for existing drugs. DR usually focuses on drugs that have cleared phase-I safety trials but has yet to show efficacy for the intended indication. Therefore, DR can probably skip the preclinical and phase-I study, which can reduce the cost throughout drug development. However, the expensive phase-II/III trials are required to establish efficacy. The obstacles to DR include identification of new indications with a high success rate in clinical studies, obtaining funding for clinical studies, patent protection, and approval systems. To tackle these obstacles, various approaches have been applied to DR worldwide. In this perspective, we provide representative examples of DR and discuss the ongoing efforts to overcome obstacles to DR in Japan.
Published in 2017

Database fingerprint (DFP): an approach to represent molecular databases.

Authors: Fernandez-de Gortari E, Garcia-Jacas CR, Martinez-Mayorga K, Medina-Franco JL

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Molecular fingerprints are widely used in several areas of chemoinformatics including diversity analysis and similarity searching. The fingerprint-based analysis of chemical libraries, in particular of large collections, usually requires the molecular representation of each compound in the library that may lead to issues of storage space and redundant calculations. In fact, information redundancy is inherent to the data, resulting on binary digit positions in the fingerprint without significant information. RESULTS: Herein is proposed a general approach to represent an entire compound library with a single binary fingerprint. The development of the database fingerprint (DFP) is illustrated first using a short fingerprint (MACCS keys) for 10 data sets of general interest in chemistry. The application of the DFP is further shown with PubChem fingerprints for the data sets used in the primary example but with a larger number of compounds, up to 25,000 molecules. The performance of DFP were studied through differential Shannon entropy, k-mean clustering, and DFP/Tanimoto similarity. CONCLUSIONS: The DFP is designed to capture key information of the compound collection and can be used to compare and assess the diversity of molecular libraries. This Preliminary Communication shows the potential of the novel fingerprint to conduct inter-library relationships. A major future goal is to apply the DFP for virtual screening and developing DFP for other data sets based on several different type of fingerprints.Graphical AbstractDatabase fingerprint captures the key information of molecular databases to perform chemical space characterization and virtual screening.
Published in 2017

Drug repositioning for prostate cancer: using a data-driven approach to gain new insights.

Authors: Wang Q, Xu R

Abstract: Prostate cancer (PC) is the most common cancer and the third leading cause of cancer death in men worldwide. Despite its high incidence and mortality, the likelihood of a cure is low for late-stages of PC. There is an unmet need for more effective agents for treating PC. Here, we present a drug repositioning system, GenoPredict, for finding innovative drug candidates for treating PC. GenoPredict leverages upon a large amount of disease genomics data and a large-scale drug treatment knowledge base (TreatKB) that we recently constructed. We first constructed a genetic disease network (GDN) that comprised of 882 nodes and 200,758 edges and applied a network-based ranking algorithm to find diseases from GDN that are genetically related to PC. We developed a drug prioritization algorithm to reposition drugs from PC-related diseases to treat PC. When evaluated in a de-novo prediction setting using 27 FDA- approved PC drugs, GenoPredict found 25 of 27 FDA-approved PC drugs and ranked them highly (recall: 0.925, mean ranking: 27.3%, median ranking: 15.6%). When compared to PREDICT, a comprehensive drug repositioning system, in novel predictions, GenoPredict performed better than PREDICT across two evaluation datasets. GenoPredict achieved a mean average precision (MAP) of 0.447 when evaluated with 172 PC drugs extracted from 172,888 clinical trial reports, representing a 164.5% improvement as compared to a MAP of 0.169 for PREDICT. When evaluated with 72 PC drugs extracted from 43,811 ongoing clinical trial reports, GenoPredict achieved a MAP of 0.278, representing a 231.1% improvement as compared to a MAP of 0.084 for PREDICT. The data is publicly available at: http://nlp. CASE: edu/public/data/PC_GenoPredict and http: //nlp. CASE: edu/public/data/treatKB.
Published in 2017

Predicting drug-drug interactions through drug structural similarities and interaction networks incorporating pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics knowledge.

Authors: Takeda T, Hao M, Cheng T, Bryant SH, Wang Y

Abstract: Drug-drug interactions (DDIs) may lead to adverse effects and potentially result in drug withdrawal from the market. Predicting DDIs during drug development would help reduce development costs and time by rigorous evaluation of drug candidates. The primary mechanisms of DDIs are based on pharmacokinetics (PK) and pharmacodynamics (PD). This study examines the effects of 2D structural similarities of drugs on DDI prediction through interaction networks including both PD and PK knowledge. Our assumption was that a query drug (Dq) and a drug to be examined (De) likely have DDI if the drugs in the interaction network of De are structurally similar to Dq. A network of De describes the associations between the drugs and the proteins relating to PK and PD for De. These include target proteins, proteins interacting with target proteins, enzymes, and transporters for De. We constructed logistic regression models for DDI prediction using only 2D structural similarities between each Dq and the drugs in the network of De. The results indicated that our models could effectively predict DDIs. It was found that integrating structural similarity scores of the drugs relating to both PK and PD of De was crucial for model performance. In particular, the combination of the target- and enzyme-related scores provided the largest increase of the predictive power.Graphical abstract.
Published in 2017

The polypharmacology browser: a web-based multi-fingerprint target prediction tool using ChEMBL bioactivity data.

Authors: Awale M, Reymond JL

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Several web-based tools have been reported recently which predict the possible targets of a small molecule by similarity to compounds of known bioactivity using molecular fingerprints (fps), however predictions in each case rely on similarities computed from only one or two fps. Considering that structural similarity and therefore the predicted targets strongly depend on the method used for comparison, it would be highly desirable to predict targets using a broader set of fps simultaneously. RESULTS: Herein, we present the polypharmacology browser (PPB), a web-based platform which predicts possible targets for small molecules by searching for nearest neighbors using ten different fps describing composition, substructures, molecular shape and pharmacophores. PPB searches through 4613 groups of at least 10 same target annotated bioactive molecules from ChEMBL and returns a list of predicted targets ranked by consensus voting scheme and p value. A validation study across 670 drugs with up to 20 targets showed that combining the predictions from all 10 fps gives the best results, with on average 50% of the known targets of a drug being correctly predicted with a hit rate of 25%. Furthermore, when profiling a new inhibitor of the calcium channel TRPV6 against 24 targets taken from a safety screen panel, we observed inhibition in 5 out of 5 targets predicted by PPB and in 7 out of 18 targets not predicted by PPB. The rate of correct (5/12) and incorrect (0/12) predictions for this compound by PPB was comparable to that of other web-based prediction tools. CONCLUSION: PPB offers a versatile platform for target prediction based on multi-fingerprint comparisons, and is freely accessible at as a valuable support for drug discovery.Graphical abstract.
Published in 2017

Uncover the Underlying Mechanism of Drug-Induced Myopathy by Using Systems Biology Approaches.

Authors: Li D, Li A, Zhou H, Wang X, Li P, Bi S, Teng Y

Abstract: Drug-induced myopathy (DIM) is a rare side effect; however, the consequence could be fatal. There are few reports to systematically assess the underlying mechanism of DIM. In this study, we curated the comprehensive DIM drug list based on structured labeling products (SPLs) and carried out the analysis based on chemical structure space, drug protein interaction, side effect space, and transcriptomic profiling space. Some key features are enriched from each of analysis. Specifically, the similarity of DIM drugs is more significant than random chance, which shows that the chemical structure could distinguish the DIM-positive drugs from negatives. The cytochrome P450 (CYP) was identified to be shared by DIM drugs, which indicated the important role of metabolism in DIM. Three pathways including pathways in cancer, MAPK signaling pathway, and GnRH signaling pathway enriched based on transcriptomic analysis may explain the underlying mechanism of DIM. Although the DIM is the current focus of the study, the proposed approaches could be applied to other toxicity assessments and facilitate the safety evaluation.