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Published in July 2016

Drug search for leishmaniasis: a virtual screening approach by grid computing.

Authors: Ochoa R, Watowich SJ, Florez A, Mesa CV, Robledo SM, Muskus C

Abstract: The trypanosomatid protozoa Leishmania is endemic in ~100 countries, with infections causing ~2 million new cases of leishmaniasis annually. Disease symptoms can include severe skin and mucosal ulcers, fever, anemia, splenomegaly, and death. Unfortunately, therapeutics approved to treat leishmaniasis are associated with potentially severe side effects, including death. Furthermore, drug-resistant Leishmania parasites have developed in most endemic countries. To address an urgent need for new, safe and inexpensive anti-leishmanial drugs, we utilized the IBM World Community Grid to complete computer-based drug discovery screens (Drug Search for Leishmaniasis) using unique leishmanial proteins and a database of 600,000 drug-like small molecules. Protein structures from different Leishmania species were selected for molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, and a series of conformational "snapshots" were chosen from each MD trajectory to simulate the protein's flexibility. A Relaxed Complex Scheme methodology was used to screen ~2000 MD conformations against the small molecule database, producing >1 billion protein-ligand structures. For each protein target, a binding spectrum was calculated to identify compounds predicted to bind with highest average affinity to all protein conformations. Significantly, four different Leishmania protein targets were predicted to strongly bind small molecules, with the strongest binding interactions predicted to occur for dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (LmDHODH; PDB:3MJY). A number of predicted tight-binding LmDHODH inhibitors were tested in vitro and potent selective inhibitors of Leishmania panamensis were identified. These promising small molecules are suitable for further development using iterative structure-based optimization and in vitro/in vivo validation assays.
Published in July 2016

A Multi-scale Computational Platform to Mechanistically Assess the Effect of Genetic Variation on Drug Responses in Human Erythrocyte Metabolism.

Authors: Mih N, Brunk E, Bordbar A, Palsson BO

Abstract: Progress in systems medicine brings promise to addressing patient heterogeneity and individualized therapies. Recently, genome-scale models of metabolism have been shown to provide insight into the mechanistic link between drug therapies and systems-level off-target effects while being expanded to explicitly include the three-dimensional structure of proteins. The integration of these molecular-level details, such as the physical, structural, and dynamical properties of proteins, notably expands the computational description of biochemical network-level properties and the possibility of understanding and predicting whole cell phenotypes. In this study, we present a multi-scale modeling framework that describes biological processes which range in scale from atomistic details to an entire metabolic network. Using this approach, we can understand how genetic variation, which impacts the structure and reactivity of a protein, influences both native and drug-induced metabolic states. As a proof-of-concept, we study three enzymes (catechol-O-methyltransferase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase) and their respective genetic variants which have clinically relevant associations. Using all-atom molecular dynamic simulations enables the sampling of long timescale conformational dynamics of the proteins (and their mutant variants) in complex with their respective native metabolites or drug molecules. We find that changes in a protein's structure due to a mutation influences protein binding affinity to metabolites and/or drug molecules, and inflicts large-scale changes in metabolism.
Published in July 2016

NLLSS: Predicting Synergistic Drug Combinations Based on Semi-supervised Learning.

Authors: Chen X, Ren B, Chen M, Wang Q, Zhang L, Yan G

Abstract: Fungal infection has become one of the leading causes of hospital-acquired infections with high mortality rates. Furthermore, drug resistance is common for fungus-causing diseases. Synergistic drug combinations could provide an effective strategy to overcome drug resistance. Meanwhile, synergistic drug combinations can increase treatment efficacy and decrease drug dosage to avoid toxicity. Therefore, computational prediction of synergistic drug combinations for fungus-causing diseases becomes attractive. In this study, we proposed similar nature of drug combinations: principal drugs which obtain synergistic effect with similar adjuvant drugs are often similar and vice versa. Furthermore, we developed a novel algorithm termed Network-based Laplacian regularized Least Square Synergistic drug combination prediction (NLLSS) to predict potential synergistic drug combinations by integrating different kinds of information such as known synergistic drug combinations, drug-target interactions, and drug chemical structures. We applied NLLSS to predict antifungal synergistic drug combinations and showed that it achieved excellent performance both in terms of cross validation and independent prediction. Finally, we performed biological experiments for fungal pathogen Candida albicans to confirm 7 out of 13 predicted antifungal synergistic drug combinations. NLLSS provides an efficient strategy to identify potential synergistic antifungal combinations.
Published in July 2016

Identification of Alpha-Adrenergic Agonists as Potential Therapeutic Agents for Dermatomyositis through Drug-Repurposing Using Public Expression Datasets.

Authors: Cho HG, Fiorentino D, Lewis M, Sirota M, Sarin KY

Published in July 2016

A network-based drug repositioning infrastructure for precision cancer medicine through targeting significantly mutated genes in the human cancer genomes.

Authors: Cheng F, Zhao J, Fooksa M, Zhao Z

Abstract: OBJECTIVE: Development of computational approaches and tools to effectively integrate multidomain data is urgently needed for the development of newly targeted cancer therapeutics. METHODS: We proposed an integrative network-based infrastructure to identify new druggable targets and anticancer indications for existing drugs through targeting significantly mutated genes (SMGs) discovered in the human cancer genomes. The underlying assumption is that a drug would have a high potential for anticancer indication if its up-/down-regulated genes from the Connectivity Map tended to be SMGs or their neighbors in the human protein interaction network. RESULTS: We assembled and curated 693 SMGs in 29 cancer types and found 121 proteins currently targeted by known anticancer or noncancer (repurposed) drugs. We found that the approved or experimental cancer drugs could potentially target these SMGs in 33.3% of the mutated cancer samples, and this number increased to 68.0% by drug repositioning through surveying exome-sequencing data in approximately 5000 normal-tumor pairs from The Cancer Genome Atlas. Furthermore, we identified 284 potential new indications connecting 28 cancer types and 48 existing drugs (adjusted P < .05), with a 66.7% success rate validated by literature data. Several existing drugs (e.g., niclosamide, valproic acid, captopril, and resveratrol) were predicted to have potential indications for multiple cancer types. Finally, we used integrative analysis to showcase a potential mechanism-of-action for resveratrol in breast and lung cancer treatment whereby it targets several SMGs (ARNTL, ASPM, CTTN, EIF4G1, FOXP1, and STIP1). CONCLUSIONS: In summary, we demonstrated that our integrative network-based infrastructure is a promising strategy to identify potential druggable targets and uncover new indications for existing drugs to speed up molecularly targeted cancer therapeutics.
Published in July 2016

Short- and long-term inhibition of cardiac inward-rectifier potassium channel current by an antiarrhythmic drug bepridil.

Authors: Ma F, Takanari H, Masuda K, Morishima M, Ono K

Abstract: Bepridil is an effective antiarrhythmic drug on supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias, and inhibitor of calmodulin. Recent investigations have been elucidating that bepridil exerts antiarrhythmic effects through its acute and chronic application for patients. The aim of this study was to identify the efficacy and the potential mechanism of bepridil on the inward-rectifier potassium channel in neonatal rat cardiomyocytes in acute- and long-term conditions. Bepridil inhibited inward-rectifier potassium current (I K1) as a short-term effect with IC50 of 17 muM. Bepridil also reduced I K1 of neonatal cardiomyocytes when applied for 24 h in the culture medium with IC50 of 2.7 muM. Both a calmodulin inhibitor (W-7) and an inhibitor of calmodulin-kinase II (KN93) reduced I K1 when applied for 24 h as a long-term effect in the same fashion, suggesting that the long-term application of bepridil inhibits I K1 more potently than that of the short-term application through the inhibition of calmodulin kinase II pathway in cardiomyocytes.
Published in July 2016

Extracting genetic alteration information for personalized cancer therapy from

Authors: Xu J, Lee HJ, Zeng J, Wu Y, Zhang Y, Huang LC, Johnson A, Holla V, Bailey AM, Cohen T, Meric-Bernstam F, Bernstam EV, Xu H

Abstract: OBJECTIVE: Clinical trials investigating drugs that target specific genetic alterations in tumors are important for promoting personalized cancer therapy. The goal of this project is to create a knowledge base of cancer treatment trials with annotations about genetic alterations from METHODS: We developed a semi-automatic framework that combines advanced text-processing techniques with manual review to curate genetic alteration information in cancer trials. The framework consists of a document classification system to identify cancer treatment trials from and an information extraction system to extract gene and alteration pairs from the Title and Eligibility Criteria sections of clinical trials. By applying the framework to trials at, we created a knowledge base of cancer treatment trials with genetic alteration annotations. We then evaluated each component of the framework against manually reviewed sets of clinical trials and generated descriptive statistics of the knowledge base. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The automated cancer treatment trial identification system achieved a high precision of 0.9944. Together with the manual review process, it identified 20 193 cancer treatment trials from The automated gene-alteration extraction system achieved a precision of 0.8300 and a recall of 0.6803. After validation by manual review, we generated a knowledge base of 2024 cancer trials that are labeled with specific genetic alteration information. Analysis of the knowledge base revealed the trend of increased use of targeted therapy for cancer, as well as top frequent gene-alteration pairs of interest. We expect this knowledge base to be a valuable resource for physicians and patients who are seeking information about personalized cancer therapy.
Published on July 29, 2016

Synthetic biology and microbioreactor platforms for programmable production of biologics at the point-of-care.

Authors: Perez-Pinera P, Han N, Cleto S, Cao J, Purcell O, Shah KA, Lee K, Ram R, Lu TK

Abstract: Current biopharmaceutical manufacturing systems are not compatible with portable or distributed production of biologics, as they typically require the development of single biologic-producing cell lines followed by their cultivation at very large scales. Therefore, it remains challenging to treat patients in short time frames, especially in remote locations with limited infrastructure. To overcome these barriers, we developed a platform using genetically engineered Pichia pastoris strains designed to secrete multiple proteins on programmable cues in an integrated, benchtop, millilitre-scale microfluidic device. We use this platform for rapid and switchable production of two biologics from a single yeast strain as specified by the operator. Our results demonstrate selectable and near-single-dose production of these biologics in <24 h with limited infrastructure requirements. We envision that combining this system with analytical, purification and polishing technologies could lead to a small-scale, portable and fully integrated personal biomanufacturing platform that could advance disease treatment at point-of-care.
Published on July 28, 2016

Prediction of scaffold proteins based on protein interaction and domain architectures.

Authors: Oh K, Yi GS

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Scaffold proteins are known for being crucial regulators of various cellular functions by assembling multiple proteins involved in signaling and metabolic pathways. Identification of scaffold proteins and the study of their molecular mechanisms can open a new aspect of cellular systemic regulation and the results can be applied in the field of medicine and engineering. Despite being highlighted as the regulatory roles of dozens of scaffold proteins, there was only one known computational approach carried out so far to find scaffold proteins from interactomes. However, there were limitations in finding diverse types of scaffold proteins because their criteria were restricted to the classical scaffold proteins. In this paper, we will suggest a systematic approach to predict massive scaffold proteins from interactomes and to characterize the roles of scaffold proteins comprehensively. RESULTS: From a total of 10,419 basic scaffold protein candidates in protein interactomes, we classified them into three classes according to the structural evidences for scaffolding, such as domain architectures, domain interactions and protein complexes. Finally, we could define 2716 highly reliable scaffold protein candidates and their characterized functional features. To assess the accuracy of our prediction, the gold standard positive and negative data sets were constructed. We prepared 158 gold standard positive data and 844 gold standard negative data based on the functional information from Gene Ontology consortium. The precision, sensitivity and specificity of our testing was 80.3, 51.0, and 98.5 % respectively. Through the function enrichment analysis of highly reliable scaffold proteins, we could confirm the significantly enriched functions that are related to scaffold protein binding. We also identified functional association between scaffold proteins and their recruited proteins. Furthermore, we checked that the disease association of scaffold proteins is higher than kinases. CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, we could predict larger volume of scaffold proteins and analyzed their functional characteristics. Deeper understandings about the roles of scaffold proteins from this study will provide a higher opportunity to find therapeutic or engineering applications of scaffold proteins using their functional characteristics.
Published on July 28, 2016

Prediction of compound-target interactions of natural products using large-scale drug and protein information.

Authors: Keum J, Yoo S, Lee D, Nam H

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Verifying the proteins that are targeted by compounds of natural herbs will be helpful to select natural herb-based drug candidates. However, this entails a great deal of effort to clarify the interaction throughout in vitro or in vivo experiments. In this light, in silico prediction of the interactions between compounds and target proteins can help ease the efforts. RESULTS: In this study, we performed in silico predictions of herbal compound target identification. First, data related to compounds, target proteins, and interactions between them are taken from the DrugBank database. Then we characterized six classes of compound-target interaction in humans including G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), ion channel, enzymes, receptors, transporters, and other proteins. Also, classification-prediction models that predict the interactions between compounds and target proteins through a machine learning method were constructed using these matrices. As a result, AUC values of six classes are 0.94, 0.93, 0.90, 0.89, 0.91, and 0.76 respectively. Finally, the interactions of compounds from natural products were predicted using the constructed classification models. Furthermore, from our predicted results, we confirmed that several important disease related proteins were predicted as targets of natural herbal compounds. CONCLUSIONS: We constructed classification-prediction models that predict the interactions between compounds and target proteins. The constructed models showed good prediction performances, and numbers of potential natural compounds target proteins were predicted from our results.