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Published in December 2015

An automatic system to identify heart disease risk factors in clinical texts over time.

Authors: Chen Q, Li H, Tang B, Wang X, Liu X, Liu Z, Liu S, Wang W, Deng Q, Zhu S, Chen Y, Wang J

Abstract: Despite recent progress in prediction and prevention, heart disease remains a leading cause of death. One preliminary step in heart disease prediction and prevention is risk factor identification. Many studies have been proposed to identify risk factors associated with heart disease; however, none have attempted to identify all risk factors. In 2014, the National Center of Informatics for Integrating Biology and Beside (i2b2) issued a clinical natural language processing (NLP) challenge that involved a track (track 2) for identifying heart disease risk factors in clinical texts over time. This track aimed to identify medically relevant information related to heart disease risk and track the progression over sets of longitudinal patient medical records. Identification of tags and attributes associated with disease presence and progression, risk factors, and medications in patient medical history were required. Our participation led to development of a hybrid pipeline system based on both machine learning-based and rule-based approaches. Evaluation using the challenge corpus revealed that our system achieved an F1-score of 92.68%, making it the top-ranked system (without additional annotations) of the 2014 i2b2 clinical NLP challenge.
Published in 2015

Conceptual Knowledge Discovery in Databases for Drug Combinations Predictions in Malignant Melanoma.

Authors: Regan K, Raje S, Saravanamuthu C, Payne PR

Abstract: The worldwide incidence of melanoma is rising faster than any other cancer, and prognosis for patients with metastatic disease is poor. Current targeted therapies are limited in their durability and/or effect size in certain patient populations due to acquired mechanisms of resistance. Thus, the development of synergistic combinatorial treatment regimens holds great promise to improve patient outcomes. We have previously shown that a model for in-silico knowledge discovery, Translational Ontology-anchored Knowledge Discovery Engine (TOKEn), is able to generate valid relationships between bimolecular and clinical phenotypes. In this study, we have aggregated observational and canonical knowledge consisting of melanoma-related biomolecular entities and targeted therapeutics in a computationally tractable model. We demonstrate here that the explicit linkage of therapeutic modalities with biomolecular underpinnings of melanoma utilizing the TOKEn pipeline yield a set of informed relationships that have the potential to generate combination therapy strategies.
Published in 2015

Evaluating drug-drug interaction information in NDF-RT and DrugBank.

Authors: Peters LB, Bahr N, Bodenreider O

Abstract: BACKGROUND: There is limited consensus among drug information sources on what constitutes drug-drug interactions (DDIs). We investigate DDI information in two publicly available sources, NDF-RT and DrugBank. METHODS: We acquire drug-drug interactions from NDF-RT and DrugBank, and normalize the drugs to RxNorm. We compare interactions between NDF-RT and DrugBank and evaluate both sources against a reference list of 360 critical interactions. We compare the interactions detected with NDF-RT and DrugBank on a large prescription dataset. Finally, we contrast NDF-RT and DrugBank against a commercial source. RESULTS: DrugBank drug-drug interaction information has limited overlap with NDF-RT (24-30%). The coverage of the reference set by both sources is about 60%. Applied to a prescription dataset of 35.5M pairs of co-prescribed systemic clinical drugs, NDF-RT would have identified 808,285 interactions, while DrugBank would have identified 1,170,693. Of these, 382,833 are common. The commercial source Multum provides a more systematic coverage (91%) of the reference list. CONCLUSIONS: This investigation confirms the limited overlap of DDI information between NDF-RT and DrugBank. Additional research is required to determine which source is better, if any. Usage of any of these sources in clinical decision systems should disclose these limitations.
Published on December 29, 2015

FN14 and GRP94 expression are prognostic/predictive biomarkers of brain metastasis outcome that open up new therapeutic strategies.

Authors: Martinez-Aranda A, Hernandez V, Guney E, Muixi L, Foj R, Baixeras N, Cuadras D, Moreno V, Urruticoechea A, Gil M, Oliva B, Moreno F, Gonzalez-Suarez E, Vidal N, Andreu X, Segui MA, Ballester R, Castella E, Sierra A

Abstract: Brain metastasis is a devastating problem in patients with breast, lung and melanoma tumors. GRP94 and FN14 are predictive biomarkers over-expressed in primary breast carcinomas that metastasized in brain. To further validate these brain metastasis biomarkers, we performed a multicenter study including 318 patients with breast carcinomas. Among these patients, there were 138 patients with metastasis, of whom 84 had brain metastasis. The likelihood of developing brain metastasis increased by 5.24-fold (95%CI 2.83-9.71) and 2.55- (95%CI 1.52-4.3) in the presence of FN14 and GRP94, respectively. Moreover, FN14 was more sensitive than ErbB2 (38.27 vs. 24.68) with similar specificity (89.43 vs. 89.55) to predict brain metastasis and had identical prognostic value than triple negative patients (p < 0.0001). Furthermore, we used GRP94 and FN14 pathways and GUILD, a network-based disease-gene prioritization program, to pinpoint the genes likely to be therapeutic targets, which resulted in FN14 as the main modulator and thalidomide as the best scored drug. The treatment of mice with brain metastasis improves survival decreasing reactive astrocytes and angiogenesis, and down-regulate FN14 and its ligand TWEAK. In conclusion our results indicate that FN14 and GRP94 are prediction/prognosis markers which open up new possibilities for preventing/treating brain metastasis.
Published on December 22, 2015

PROXIMAL: a method for Prediction of Xenobiotic Metabolism.

Authors: Yousofshahi M, Manteiga S, Wu C, Lee K, Hassoun S

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Contamination of the environment with bioactive chemicals has emerged as a potential public health risk. These substances that may cause distress or disease in humans can be found in air, water and food supplies. An open question is whether these chemicals transform into potentially more active or toxic derivatives via xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes expressed in the body. We present a new prediction tool, which we call PROXIMAL (Prediction of Xenobiotic Metabolism) for identifying possible transformation products of xenobiotic chemicals in the liver. Using reaction data from DrugBank and KEGG, PROXIMAL builds look-up tables that catalog the sites and types of structural modifications performed by Phase I and Phase II enzymes. Given a compound of interest, PROXIMAL searches for substructures that match the sites cataloged in the look-up tables, applies the corresponding modifications to generate a panel of possible transformation products, and ranks the products based on the activity and abundance of the enzymes involved. RESULTS: PROXIMAL generates transformations that are specific for the chemical of interest by analyzing the chemical's substructures. We evaluate the accuracy of PROXIMAL's predictions through case studies on two environmental chemicals with suspected endocrine disrupting activity, bisphenol A (BPA) and 4-chlorobiphenyl (PCB3). Comparisons with published reports confirm 5 out of 7 and 17 out of 26 of the predicted derivatives for BPA and PCB3, respectively. We also compare biotransformation predictions generated by PROXIMAL with those generated by METEOR and Metaprint2D-react, two other prediction tools. CONCLUSIONS: PROXIMAL can predict transformations of chemicals that contain substructures recognizable by human liver enzymes. It also has the ability to rank the predicted metabolites based on the activity and abundance of enzymes involved in xenobiotic transformation.
Published on December 21, 2015

Dintor: functional annotation of genomic and proteomic data.

Authors: Weichenberger CX, Blankenburg H, Palermo A, D'Elia Y, Konig E, Bernstein E, Domingues FS

Abstract: BACKGROUND: During the last decade, a great number of extremely valuable large-scale genomics and proteomics datasets have become available to the research community. In addition, dropping costs for conducting high-throughput sequencing experiments and the option to outsource them considerably contribute to an increasing number of researchers becoming active in this field. Even though various computational approaches have been developed to analyze these data, it is still a laborious task involving prudent integration of many heterogeneous and frequently updated data sources, creating a barrier for interested scientists to accomplish their own analysis. RESULTS: We have implemented Dintor, a data integration framework that provides a set of over 30 tools to assist researchers in the exploration of genomics and proteomics datasets. Each of the tools solves a particular task and several tools can be combined into data processing pipelines. Dintor covers a wide range of frequently required functionalities, from gene identifier conversions and orthology mappings to functional annotation of proteins and genetic variants up to candidate gene prioritization and Gene Ontology-based gene set enrichment analysis. Since the tools operate on constantly changing datasets, we provide a mechanism to unambiguously link tools with different versions of archived datasets, which guarantees reproducible results for future tool invocations. We demonstrate a selection of Dintor's capabilities by analyzing datasets from four representative publications. The open source software can be downloaded and installed on a local Unix machine. For reasons of data privacy it can be configured to retrieve local data only. In addition, the Dintor tools are available on our public Galaxy web service at . CONCLUSIONS: Dintor is a computational annotation framework for the analysis of genomic and proteomic datasets, providing a rich set of tools that cover the most frequently encountered tasks. A major advantage is its capability to consistently handle multiple versions of tool-associated datasets, supporting the researcher in delivering reproducible results.
Published on December 19, 2015

Pharmacophore Models and Pharmacophore-Based Virtual Screening: Concepts and Applications Exemplified on Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenases.

Authors: Kaserer T, Beck KR, Akram M, Odermatt A, Schuster D

Abstract: Computational methods are well-established tools in the drug discovery process and can be employed for a variety of tasks. Common applications include lead identification and scaffold hopping, as well as lead optimization by structure-activity relationship analysis and selectivity profiling. In addition, compound-target interactions associated with potentially harmful effects can be identified and investigated. This review focuses on pharmacophore-based virtual screening campaigns specifically addressing the target class of hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases. Many members of this enzyme family are associated with specific pathological conditions, and pharmacological modulation of their activity may represent promising therapeutic strategies. On the other hand, unintended interference with their biological functions, e.g., upon inhibition by xenobiotics, can disrupt steroid hormone-mediated effects, thereby contributing to the development and progression of major diseases. Besides a general introduction to pharmacophore modeling and pharmacophore-based virtual screening, exemplary case studies from the field of short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR) research are presented. These success stories highlight the suitability of pharmacophore modeling for the various application fields and suggest its application also in futures studies.
Published on December 18, 2015

Predicting target proteins for drug candidate compounds based on drug-induced gene expression data in a chemical structure-independent manner.

Authors: Hizukuri Y, Sawada R, Yamanishi Y

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Phenotype-based high-throughput screening is a useful technique for identifying drug candidate compounds that have a desired phenotype. However, the molecular mechanisms of the hit compounds remain unknown, and substantial effort is required to identify the target proteins associated with the phenotype. METHODS: In this study, we propose a new method to predict target proteins of drug candidate compounds based on drug-induced gene expression data in Connectivity Map and a machine learning classification technique, which we call the "transcriptomic approach." RESULTS: Unlike existing methods such as the chemogenomic approach, the transcriptomic approach enabled the prediction of target proteins without dependence on prior knowledge of compound chemical structures. The prediction accuracy of the chemogenomic approach was highly depended on compounds structure similarities in data sets. In contrast, the prediction accuracy of the transcriptomic approach was maintained at a sufficient level, even for benchmark data consisting of structurally diverse compounds. CONCLUSIONS: The transcriptomic approach reported here is expected to be a useful tool for structure-independent prediction of target proteins for drug candidate compounds.
Published on December 15, 2015

Can physicochemical properties of antimicrobials be used to predict their pharmacokinetics during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation? Illustrative data from ovine models.

Authors: Shekar K, Roberts JA, Barnett AG, Diab S, Wallis SC, Fung YL, Fraser JF

Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Ex vivo experiments in extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) circuits have identified octanol-water partition coefficient (logP, a marker of lipophilicity) and protein binding (PB) as key drug factors affecting pharmacokinetics (PK) during ECMO. Using ovine models, in this study we investigated whether these drug properties can be used to predict PK alterations of antimicrobial drugs during ECMO. METHODS: Single-dose PK sampling was performed in healthy sheep (HS, n = 7), healthy sheep on ECMO (E24H, n = 7) and sheep with smoke inhalation acute lung injury on ECMO (SE24H, n = 6). The sheep received eight study antimicrobials (ceftriaxone, gentamicin, meropenem, vancomycin, doripenem, ciprofloxacin, fluconazole, caspofungin) that exhibit varying degrees of logP and PB. Plasma drug concentrations were determined using validated chromatographic techniques. PK data obtained from a non-compartmental analysis were used in a linear regression model to predict PK parameters based on logP and PB. RESULTS: We found statistically significant differences in pH, haemodynamics, fluid balance and plasma proteins between the E24H and SE24H groups (p < 0.001). logP had a strong positive linear relationship with steady-state volume of distribution (Vss) in both the E24H and SE24H groups (p < 0.001) but not in the HS group (p = 0.9) and no relationship with clearance (CL) in all study groups. Although we observed an increase in CL for highly PB drugs in ECMO sheep, PB exhibited a weaker negative linear relationship with both CL (HS, p = 0.01; E24H, p < 0.001; SE24H, p < 0.001) and Vss (HS, p = 0.01; E24H, p = 0.004; SE24H, p = 0.05) in the final model. CONCLUSIONS: Lipophilic antimicrobials are likely to have an increased Vss and decreased CL during ECMO. Protein-bound antimicrobial agents are likely to have reductions both in CL and Vss during ECMO. The strong relationship between lipophilicity and Vss seen in both the E24H and SE24H groups indicates circuit sequestration of lipophilic drugs. These findings highlight the importance of drug factors in predicting antimicrobial drug PK during ECMO and should be a consideration when performing and interpreting population PK studies.
Published on December 15, 2015

An integrated structure- and system-based framework to identify new targets of metabolites and known drugs.

Authors: Naveed H, Hameed US, Harrus D, Bourguet W, Arold ST, Gao X

Abstract: MOTIVATION: The inherent promiscuity of small molecules towards protein targets impedes our understanding of healthy versus diseased metabolism. This promiscuity also poses a challenge for the pharmaceutical industry as identifying all protein targets is important to assess (side) effects and repositioning opportunities for a drug. RESULTS: Here, we present a novel integrated structure- and system-based approach of drug-target prediction (iDTP) to enable the large-scale discovery of new targets for small molecules, such as pharmaceutical drugs, co-factors and metabolites (collectively called 'drugs'). For a given drug, our method uses sequence order-independent structure alignment, hierarchical clustering and probabilistic sequence similarity to construct a probabilistic pocket ensemble (PPE) that captures promiscuous structural features of different binding sites on known targets. A drug's PPE is combined with an approximation of its delivery profile to reduce false positives. In our cross-validation study, we use iDTP to predict the known targets of 11 drugs, with 63% sensitivity and 81% specificity. We then predicted novel targets for these drugs-two that are of high pharmacological interest, the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma and the oncogene B-cell lymphoma 2, were successfully validated through in vitro binding experiments. Our method is broadly applicable for the prediction of protein-small molecule interactions with several novel applications to biological research and drug development. AVAILABILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION: The program, datasets and results are freely available to academic users at