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Published in 2015

Use of genome-wide association studies for cancer research and drug repositioning.

Authors: Zhang J, Jiang K, Lv L, Wang H, Shen Z, Gao Z, Wang B, Yang Y, Ye Y, Wang S

Abstract: Although genome-wide association studies have identified many risk loci associated with colorectal cancer, the molecular basis of these associations are still unclear. We aimed to infer biological insights and highlight candidate genes of interest within GWAS risk loci. We used an in silico pipeline based on functional annotation, quantitative trait loci mapping of cis-acting gene, PubMed text-mining, protein-protein interaction studies, genetic overlaps with cancer somatic mutations and knockout mouse phenotypes, and functional enrichment analysis to prioritize the candidate genes at the colorectal cancer risk loci. Based on these analyses, we observed that these genes were the targets of approved therapies for colorectal cancer, and suggested that drugs approved for other indications may be repurposed for the treatment of colorectal cancer. This study highlights the use of publicly available data as a cost effective solution to derive biological insights, and provides an empirical evidence that the molecular basis of colorectal cancer can provide important leads for the discovery of new drugs.
Published in 2015

Mining Chemical Activity Status from High-Throughput Screening Assays.

Authors: Soufan O, Ba-alawi W, Afeef M, Essack M, Rodionov V, Kalnis P, Bajic VB

Abstract: High-throughput screening (HTS) experiments provide a valuable resource that reports biological activity of numerous chemical compounds relative to their molecular targets. Building computational models that accurately predict such activity status (active vs. inactive) in specific assays is a challenging task given the large volume of data and frequently small proportion of active compounds relative to the inactive ones. We developed a method, DRAMOTE, to predict activity status of chemical compounds in HTP activity assays. For a class of HTP assays, our method achieves considerably better results than the current state-of-the-art-solutions. We achieved this by modification of a minority oversampling technique. To demonstrate that DRAMOTE is performing better than the other methods, we performed a comprehensive comparison analysis with several other methods and evaluated them on data from 11 PubChem assays through 1,350 experiments that involved approximately 500,000 interactions between chemicals and their target proteins. As an example of potential use, we applied DRAMOTE to develop robust models for predicting FDA approved drugs that have high probability to interact with the thyroid stimulating hormone receptor (TSHR) in humans. Our findings are further partially and indirectly supported by 3D docking results and literature information. The results based on approximately 500,000 interactions suggest that DRAMOTE has performed the best and that it can be used for developing robust virtual screening models. The datasets and implementation of all solutions are available as a MATLAB toolbox online at and can be found on Figshare.
Published in 2015

Drug-Path: a database for drug-induced pathways.

Authors: Zeng H, Qiu C, Cui Q

Abstract: Some databases for drug-associated pathways have been built and are publicly available. However, the pathways curated in most of these databases are drug-action or drug-metabolism pathways. In recent years, high-throughput technologies such as microarray and RNA-sequencing have produced lots of drug-induced gene expression profiles. Interestingly, drug-induced gene expression profile frequently show distinct patterns, indicating that drugs normally induce the activation or repression of distinct pathways. Therefore, these pathways contribute to study the mechanisms of drugs and drug-repurposing. Here, we present Drug-Path, a database of drug-induced pathways, which was generated by KEGG pathway enrichment analysis for drug-induced upregulated genes and downregulated genes based on drug-induced gene expression datasets in Connectivity Map. Drug-Path provides user-friendly interfaces to retrieve, visualize and download the drug-induced pathway data in the database. In addition, the genes deregulated by a given drug are highlighted in the pathways. All data were organized using SQLite. The web site was implemented using Django, a Python web framework. Finally, we believe that this database will be useful for related researches.
Published in 2015

The CHEMDNER corpus of chemicals and drugs and its annotation principles.

Authors: Krallinger M, Rabal O, Leitner F, Vazquez M, Salgado D, Lu Z, Leaman R, Lu Y, Ji D, Lowe DM, Sayle RA, Batista-Navarro RT, Rak R, Huber T, Rocktaschel T, Matos S, Campos D, Tang B, Xu H, Munkhdalai T, Ryu KH, Ramanan SV, Nathan S, Zitnik S, Bajec M, Weber L, Irmer M, Akhondi SA, Kors JA, Xu S, An X, Sikdar UK, Ekbal A, Yoshioka M, Dieb TM, Choi M, Verspoor K, Khabsa M, Giles CL, Liu H, Ravikumar KE, Lamurias A, Couto FM, Dai HJ, Tsai RT, Ata C, Can T, Usie A, Alves R, Segura-Bedmar I, Martinez P, Oyarzabal J, Valencia A

Abstract: The automatic extraction of chemical information from text requires the recognition of chemical entity mentions as one of its key steps. When developing supervised named entity recognition (NER) systems, the availability of a large, manually annotated text corpus is desirable. Furthermore, large corpora permit the robust evaluation and comparison of different approaches that detect chemicals in documents. We present the CHEMDNER corpus, a collection of 10,000 PubMed abstracts that contain a total of 84,355 chemical entity mentions labeled manually by expert chemistry literature curators, following annotation guidelines specifically defined for this task. The abstracts of the CHEMDNER corpus were selected to be representative for all major chemical disciplines. Each of the chemical entity mentions was manually labeled according to its structure-associated chemical entity mention (SACEM) class: abbreviation, family, formula, identifier, multiple, systematic and trivial. The difficulty and consistency of tagging chemicals in text was measured using an agreement study between annotators, obtaining a percentage agreement of 91. For a subset of the CHEMDNER corpus (the test set of 3,000 abstracts) we provide not only the Gold Standard manual annotations, but also mentions automatically detected by the 26 teams that participated in the BioCreative IV CHEMDNER chemical mention recognition task. In addition, we release the CHEMDNER silver standard corpus of automatically extracted mentions from 17,000 randomly selected PubMed abstracts. A version of the CHEMDNER corpus in the BioC format has been generated as well. We propose a standard for required minimum information about entity annotations for the construction of domain specific corpora on chemical and drug entities. The CHEMDNER corpus and annotation guidelines are available at:
Published in 2015

Analysing the Effect of Mutation on Protein Function and Discovering Potential Inhibitors of CDK4: Molecular Modelling and Dynamics Studies.

Authors: N N, Zhu H, Liu J, V K, C GP, Chakraborty C, Chen L

Abstract: The cyclin-dependent kinase 4 (CDK4)-cyclin D1 complex plays a crucial role in the transition from the G1 phase to S phase of the cell cycle. Among the CDKs, CDK4 is one of the genes most frequently affected by somatic genetic variations that are associated with various forms of cancer. Thus, because the abnormal function of the CDK4-cyclin D1 protein complex might play a vital role in causing cancer, CDK4 can be considered a genetically validated therapeutic target. In this study, we used a systematic, integrated computational approach to identify deleterious nsSNPs and predict their effects on protein-protein (CDK4-cyclin D1) and protein-ligand (CDK4-flavopiridol) interactions. This analysis resulted in the identification of possible inhibitors of mutant CDK4 proteins that bind the conformations induced by deleterious nsSNPs. Using computational prediction methods, we identified five nsSNPs as highly deleterious: R24C, Y180H, A205T, R210P, and R246C. From molecular docking and molecular dynamic studies, we observed that these deleterious nsSNPs affected CDK4-cyclin D1 and CDK4-flavopiridol interactions. Furthermore, in a virtual screening approach, the drug 5_7_DIHYDROXY_ 2_ (3_4_5_TRI HYDROXYPHENYL) _4H_CHROMEN_ 4_ONE displayed good binding affinity for proteins with the mutations R24C or R246C, the drug diosmin displayed good binding affinity for the protein with the mutation Y180H, and the drug rutin displayed good binding affinity for proteins with the mutations A205T and R210P. Overall, this computational investigation of the CDK4 gene highlights the link between genetic variation and biological phenomena in human cancer and aids in the discovery of molecularly targeted therapies for personalized treatment.
Published in 2015

A molecular structure matching approach to efficient identification of endogenous mammalian biochemical structures.

Authors: Hamdalla MA, Ammar RA, Rajasekaran S

Abstract: Metabolomics is the study of small molecules, called metabolites, of a cell, tissue or organism. It is of particular interest as endogenous metabolites represent the phenotype resulting from gene expression. A major challenge in metabolomics research is the structural identification of unknown biochemical compounds in complex biofluids. In this paper we present an efficient cheminformatics tool, BioSMXpress that uses known endogenous mammalian biochemicals and graph matching methods to identify endogenous mammalian biochemical structures in chemical structure space. The results of a comprehensive set of empirical experiments suggest that BioSMXpress identifies endogenous mammalian biochemical structures with high accuracy. BioSMXpress is 8 times faster than our previous work BioSM without compromising the accuracy of the predictions made. BioSMXpress is freely available at
Published in 2015

Protein structure annotation resources.

Authors: Gabanyi MJ, Berman HM

Abstract: A key reason three-dimensional (3-D) protein structures are annotated with supporting or derived information is to understand the molecular basis of protein function. To this end, protein structure annotation databases curate key facts and observations, based on community-accepted standards, about the ~100,000 3-D experimental protein structures to date. This review will introduce the primary structure repositories, databases, and value-added structural annotation databases, as well as the range of information they provide. The different levels of annotation data (primary vs. derived vs. inferred) and how they should all be considered accordingly will also be described.
Published in 2015

Combining Human Disease Genetics and Mouse Model Phenotypes towards Drug Repositioning for Parkinson's disease.

Authors: Chen Y, Cai X, Xu R

Abstract: Parkinson's disease (PD) is a severe neurodegenerative disorder without effective treatments. Here, we present a novel drug repositioning approach to predict new drugs for PD leveraging both disease genetics and large amounts of mouse model phenotypes. First, we identified PD-specific mouse phenotypes using well-studied human disease genes. Then we searched all FDA-approved drugs for candidates that share similar mouse phenotype profiles with PD. We demonstrated the validity of our approach using drugs that have been approved for PD: 10 approved PD drugs were ranked within top 10% among 1197 candidates. In predicting novel PD drugs, our approach achieved a mean average precision of 0.24, which is significantly higher (p
Published in 2015

Predicting Drug-Target Interactions via Within-Score and Between-Score.

Authors: Shi JY, Liu Z, Yu H, Li YJ

Abstract: Network inference and local classification models have been shown to be useful in predicting newly potential drug-target interactions (DTIs) for assisting in drug discovery or drug repositioning. The idea is to represent drugs, targets, and their interactions as a bipartite network or an adjacent matrix. However, existing methods have not yet addressed appropriately several issues, such as the powerless inference in the case of isolated subnetworks, the biased classifiers derived from insufficient positive samples, the need of training a number of local classifiers, and the unavailable relationship between known DTIs and unapproved drug-target pairs (DTPs). Designing more effective approaches to address those issues is always desirable. In this paper, after presenting better drug similarities and target similarities, we characterize each DTP as a feature vector of within-scores and between-scores so as to hold the following superiorities: (1) a uniform vector of all types of DTPs, (2) only one global classifier with less bias benefiting from adequate positive samples, and (3) more importantly, the visualized relationship between known DTIs and unapproved DTPs. The effectiveness of our approach is finally demonstrated via comparing with other popular methods under cross validation and predicting potential interactions for DTPs under the validation in existing databases.
Published in December 2015

An automatic system to identify heart disease risk factors in clinical texts over time.

Authors: Chen Q, Li H, Tang B, Wang X, Liu X, Liu Z, Liu S, Wang W, Deng Q, Zhu S, Chen Y, Wang J

Abstract: Despite recent progress in prediction and prevention, heart disease remains a leading cause of death. One preliminary step in heart disease prediction and prevention is risk factor identification. Many studies have been proposed to identify risk factors associated with heart disease; however, none have attempted to identify all risk factors. In 2014, the National Center of Informatics for Integrating Biology and Beside (i2b2) issued a clinical natural language processing (NLP) challenge that involved a track (track 2) for identifying heart disease risk factors in clinical texts over time. This track aimed to identify medically relevant information related to heart disease risk and track the progression over sets of longitudinal patient medical records. Identification of tags and attributes associated with disease presence and progression, risk factors, and medications in patient medical history were required. Our participation led to development of a hybrid pipeline system based on both machine learning-based and rule-based approaches. Evaluation using the challenge corpus revealed that our system achieved an F1-score of 92.68%, making it the top-ranked system (without additional annotations) of the 2014 i2b2 clinical NLP challenge.