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Published on July 9, 2015

Large-scale Direct Targeting for Drug Repositioning and Discovery.

Authors: Zheng C, Guo Z, Huang C, Wu Z, Li Y, Chen X, Fu Y, Ru J, Ali Shar P, Wang Y, Wang Y

Abstract: A system-level identification of drug-target direct interactions is vital to drug repositioning and discovery. However, the biological means on a large scale remains challenging and expensive even nowadays. The available computational models mainly focus on predicting indirect interactions or direct interactions on a small scale. To address these problems, in this work, a novel algorithm termed weighted ensemble similarity (WES) has been developed to identify drug direct targets based on a large-scale of 98,327 drug-target relationships. WES includes: (1) identifying the key ligand structural features that are highly-related to the pharmacological properties in a framework of ensemble; (2) determining a drug's affiliation of a target by evaluation of the overall similarity (ensemble) rather than a single ligand judgment; and (3) integrating the standardized ensemble similarities (Z score) by Bayesian network and multi-variate kernel approach to make predictions. All these lead WES to predict drug direct targets with external and experimental test accuracies of 70% and 71%, respectively. This shows that the WES method provides a potential in silico model for drug repositioning and discovery.
Published on July 8, 2015

Novel drug target identification for the treatment of dementia using multi-relational association mining.

Authors: Nguyen TP, Priami C, Caberlotto L

Abstract: Dementia is a neurodegenerative condition of the brain in which there is a progressive and permanent loss of cognitive and mental performance. Despite the fact that the number of people with dementia worldwide is steadily increasing and regardless of the advances in the molecular characterization of the disease, current medical treatments for dementia are purely symptomatic and hardly effective. We present a novel multi-relational association mining method that integrates the huge amount of scientific data accumulated in recent years to predict potential novel targets for innovative therapeutic treatment of dementia. Owing to the ability of processing large volumes of heterogeneous data, our method achieves a high performance and predicts numerous drug targets including several serine threonine kinase and a G-protein coupled receptor. The predicted drug targets are mainly functionally related to metabolism, cell surface receptor signaling pathways, immune response, apoptosis, and long-term memory. Among the highly represented kinase family and among the G-protein coupled receptors, DLG4 (PSD-95), and the bradikynin receptor 2 are highlighted also for their proposed role in memory and cognition, as described in previous studies. These novel putative targets hold promises for the development of novel therapeutic approaches for the treatment of dementia.
Published on July 7, 2015

Personalized targeted therapy for esophageal squamous cell carcinoma.

Authors: Kang X, Chen K, Li Y, Li J, D'Amico TA, Chen X

Abstract: Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma continues to heavily burden clinicians worldwide. Researchers have discovered the genomic landscape of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma, which holds promise for an era of personalized oncology care. One of the most pressing problems facing this issue is to improve the understanding of the newly available genomic data, and identify the driver-gene mutations, pathways, and networks. The emergence of a legion of novel targeted agents has generated much hope and hype regarding more potent treatment regimens, but the accuracy of drug selection is still arguable. Other problems, such as cancer heterogeneity, drug resistance, exceptional responders, and side effects, have to be surmounted. Evolving topics in personalized oncology, such as interpretation of genomics data, issues in targeted therapy, research approaches for targeted therapy, and future perspectives, will be discussed in this editorial.
Published on July 1, 2015

Pathways with PathWhiz.

Authors: Pon A, Jewison T, Su Y, Liang Y, Knox C, Maciejewski A, Wilson M, Wishart DS

Abstract: PathWhiz ( is a web server designed to create colourful, visually pleasing and biologically accurate pathway diagrams that are both machine-readable and interactive. As a web server, PathWhiz is accessible from almost any place and compatible with essentially any operating system. It also houses a public library of pathways and pathway components that can be easily viewed and expanded upon by its users. PathWhiz allows users to readily generate biologically complex pathways by using a specially designed drawing palette to quickly render metabolites (including automated structure generation), proteins (including quaternary structures, covalent modifications and cofactors), nucleic acids, membranes, subcellular structures, cells, tissues and organs. Both small-molecule and protein/gene pathways can be constructed by combining multiple pathway processes such as reactions, interactions, binding events and transport activities. PathWhiz's pathway replication and propagation functions allow for existing pathways to be used to create new pathways or for existing pathways to be automatically propagated across species. PathWhiz pathways can be saved in BioPAX, SBGN-ML and SBML data exchange formats, as well as PNG, PWML, HTML image map or SVG images that can be viewed offline or explored using PathWhiz's interactive viewer. PathWhiz has been used to generate over 700 pathway diagrams for a number of popular databases including HMDB, DrugBank and SMPDB.
Published on July 1, 2015

PolySearch2: a significantly improved text-mining system for discovering associations between human diseases, genes, drugs, metabolites, toxins and more.

Authors: Liu Y, Liang Y, Wishart D

Abstract: PolySearch2 ( is an online text-mining system for identifying relationships between biomedical entities such as human diseases, genes, SNPs, proteins, drugs, metabolites, toxins, metabolic pathways, organs, tissues, subcellular organelles, positive health effects, negative health effects, drug actions, Gene Ontology terms, MeSH terms, ICD-10 medical codes, biological taxonomies and chemical taxonomies. PolySearch2 supports a generalized 'Given X, find all associated Ys' query, where X and Y can be selected from the aforementioned biomedical entities. An example query might be: 'Find all diseases associated with Bisphenol A'. To find its answers, PolySearch2 searches for associations against comprehensive collections of free-text collections, including local versions of MEDLINE abstracts, PubMed Central full-text articles, Wikipedia full-text articles and US Patent application abstracts. PolySearch2 also searches 14 widely used, text-rich biological databases such as UniProt, DrugBank and Human Metabolome Database to improve its accuracy and coverage. PolySearch2 maintains an extensive thesaurus of biological terms and exploits the latest search engine technology to rapidly retrieve relevant articles and databases records. PolySearch2 also generates, ranks and annotates associative candidates and present results with relevancy statistics and highlighted key sentences to facilitate user interpretation.
Published in June 2015

Deciphering the pharmacological mechanism of the Chinese formula huanglian-jie-du decoction in the treatment of ischemic stroke using a systems biology-based strategy.

Authors: Zhang YQ, Wang SS, Zhu WL, Ma Y, Zhang FB, Liang RX, Xu HY, Yang HJ

Abstract: AIM: Huanglian-jie-du decoction (HLJDD) is an important multiherb remedy in TCM, which is recently demonstrated to be effective to treat ischemic stroke. Here, we aimed to investigate the pharmacological mechanisms of HLJDD in the treatment of ischemic stroke using systems biology approaches. METHODS: Putative targets of HLJDD were predicted using MetaDrug. An interaction network of putative HLJDD targets and known therapeutic targets for the treatment of ischemic stroke was then constructed, and candidate HLJDD targets were identified by calculating topological features, including 'Degree', 'Node-betweenness', 'Closeness', and 'K-coreness'. The binding efficiencies of the candidate HLJDD targets with the corresponding compositive compounds were further validated by a molecular docking simulation. RESULTS: A total of 809 putative targets were obtained for 168 compositive compounds in HLJDD. Additionally, 39 putative targets were common to all four herbs of HLJDD. Next, 49 major nodes were identified as candidate HLJDD targets due to their network topological importance. The enrichment analysis based on the Gene Ontology (GO) annotation system and the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathway demonstrated that candidate HLJDD targets were more frequently involved in G-protein-coupled receptor signaling pathways, neuroactive ligand-receptor interactions and gap junctions, which all played important roles in the progression of ischemic stroke. Finally, the molecular docking simulation showed that 170 pairs of chemical components and candidate HLJDD targets had strong binding efficiencies. CONCLUSION: This study has developed for the first time a comprehensive systems approach integrating drug target prediction, network analysis and molecular docking simulation to reveal the relationships between the herbs contained in HLJDD and their putative targets and ischemic stroke-related pathways.
Published in June 2015

Predicting drug metabolism: experiment and/or computation?

Authors: Kirchmair J, Goller AH, Lang D, Kunze J, Testa B, Wilson ID, Glen RC, Schneider G

Abstract: Drug metabolism can produce metabolites with physicochemical and pharmacological properties that differ substantially from those of the parent drug, and consequently has important implications for both drug safety and efficacy. To reduce the risk of costly clinical-stage attrition due to the metabolic characteristics of drug candidates, there is a need for efficient and reliable ways to predict drug metabolism in vitro, in silico and in vivo. In this Perspective, we provide an overview of the state of the art of experimental and computational approaches for investigating drug metabolism. We highlight the scope and limitations of these methods, and indicate strategies to harvest the synergies that result from combining measurement and prediction of drug metabolism.
Published in June 2015

Deciphering Signaling Pathway Networks to Understand the Molecular Mechanisms of Metformin Action.

Authors: Sun J, Zhao M, Jia P, Wang L, Wu Y, Iverson C, Zhou Y, Bowton E, Roden DM, Denny JC, Aldrich MC, Xu H, Zhao Z

Abstract: A drug exerts its effects typically through a signal transduction cascade, which is non-linear and involves intertwined networks of multiple signaling pathways. Construction of such a signaling pathway network (SPNetwork) can enable identification of novel drug targets and deep understanding of drug action. However, it is challenging to synopsize critical components of these interwoven pathways into one network. To tackle this issue, we developed a novel computational framework, the Drug-specific Signaling Pathway Network (DSPathNet). The DSPathNet amalgamates the prior drug knowledge and drug-induced gene expression via random walk algorithms. Using the drug metformin, we illustrated this framework and obtained one metformin-specific SPNetwork containing 477 nodes and 1,366 edges. To evaluate this network, we performed the gene set enrichment analysis using the disease genes of type 2 diabetes (T2D) and cancer, one T2D genome-wide association study (GWAS) dataset, three cancer GWAS datasets, and one GWAS dataset of cancer patients with T2D on metformin. The results showed that the metformin network was significantly enriched with disease genes for both T2D and cancer, and that the network also included genes that may be associated with metformin-associated cancer survival. Furthermore, from the metformin SPNetwork and common genes to T2D and cancer, we generated a subnetwork to highlight the molecule crosstalk between T2D and cancer. The follow-up network analyses and literature mining revealed that seven genes (CDKN1A, ESR1, MAX, MYC, PPARGC1A, SP1, and STK11) and one novel MYC-centered pathway with CDKN1A, SP1, and STK11 might play important roles in metformin's antidiabetic and anticancer effects. Some results are supported by previous studies. In summary, our study 1) develops a novel framework to construct drug-specific signal transduction networks; 2) provides insights into the molecular mode of metformin; 3) serves a model for exploring signaling pathways to facilitate understanding of drug action, disease pathogenesis, and identification of drug targets.
Published in June 2015

Extracting drug-drug interactions from literature using a rich feature-based linear kernel approach.

Authors: Kim S, Liu H, Yeganova L, Wilbur WJ

Abstract: Identifying unknown drug interactions is of great benefit in the early detection of adverse drug reactions. Despite existence of several resources for drug-drug interaction (DDI) information, the wealth of such information is buried in a body of unstructured medical text which is growing exponentially. This calls for developing text mining techniques for identifying DDIs. The state-of-the-art DDI extraction methods use Support Vector Machines (SVMs) with non-linear composite kernels to explore diverse contexts in literature. While computationally less expensive, linear kernel-based systems have not achieved a comparable performance in DDI extraction tasks. In this work, we propose an efficient and scalable system using a linear kernel to identify DDI information. The proposed approach consists of two steps: identifying DDIs and assigning one of four different DDI types to the predicted drug pairs. We demonstrate that when equipped with a rich set of lexical and syntactic features, a linear SVM classifier is able to achieve a competitive performance in detecting DDIs. In addition, the one-against-one strategy proves vital for addressing an imbalance issue in DDI type classification. Applied to the DDIExtraction 2013 corpus, our system achieves an F1 score of 0.670, as compared to 0.651 and 0.609 reported by the top two participating teams in the DDIExtraction 2013 challenge, both based on non-linear kernel methods.
Published in June 2015

Large-scale automatic extraction of side effects associated with targeted anticancer drugs from full-text oncological articles.

Authors: Xu R, Wang Q

Abstract: Targeted anticancer drugs such as imatinib, trastuzumab and erlotinib dramatically improved treatment outcomes in cancer patients, however, these innovative agents are often associated with unexpected side effects. The pathophysiological mechanisms underlying these side effects are not well understood. The availability of a comprehensive knowledge base of side effects associated with targeted anticancer drugs has the potential to illuminate complex pathways underlying toxicities induced by these innovative drugs. While side effect association knowledge for targeted drugs exists in multiple heterogeneous data sources, published full-text oncological articles represent an important source of pivotal, investigational, and even failed trials in a variety of patient populations. In this study, we present an automatic process to extract targeted anticancer drug-associated side effects (drug-SE pairs) from a large number of high profile full-text oncological articles. We downloaded 13,855 full-text articles from the Journal of Oncology (JCO) published between 1983 and 2013. We developed text classification, relationship extraction, signaling filtering, and signal prioritization algorithms to extract drug-SE pairs from downloaded articles. We extracted a total of 26,264 drug-SE pairs with an average precision of 0.405, a recall of 0.899, and an F1 score of 0.465. We show that side effect knowledge from JCO articles is largely complementary to that from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) drug labels. Through integrative correlation analysis, we show that targeted drug-associated side effects positively correlate with their gene targets and disease indications. In conclusion, this unique database that we built from a large number of high-profile oncological articles could facilitate the development of computational models to understand toxic effects associated with targeted anticancer drugs.