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Published on June 16, 2017

Machine learning workflow to enhance predictions of Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) through drug-gene interactions: application to drugs for cutaneous diseases.

Authors: Raja K, Patrick M, Elder JT, Tsoi LC

Abstract: Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) pose critical public health issues, affecting over 6% of hospitalized patients. While knowledge of potential drug-drug interactions (DDI) is necessary to prevent ADR, the rapid pace of drug discovery makes it challenging to maintain a strong insight into DDIs. In this study, we present a novel literature-mining framework for enhancing the predictions of DDIs and ADR types by integrating drug-gene interactions (DGIs). The ADR types were adapted from a DDI corpus, including i) adverse effect; ii) effect at molecular level; iii) effect related to pharmacokinetics; and iv) DDIs without known ADRs. By using random forest classifier our approach achieves an F-score of 0.87 across the ADRs classification using only the DDI features. We then enhanced the performance of the classifier by including DGIs (F-score = 0.90), and applied the classification model trained with the DDI corpus to identify the drugs that might interact with the drugs for cutaneous diseases. We successfully predict previously known ADRs for drugs prescribed to cutaneous diseases, and are also able to identify promising new ADRs.
Published on June 13, 2017

Knowledge Discovery in Biological Databases for Revealing Candidate Genes Linked to Complex Phenotypes.

Authors: Hassani-Pak K, Rawlings C

Abstract: Genetics and "omics" studies designed to uncover genotype to phenotype relationships often identify large numbers of potential candidate genes, among which the causal genes are hidden. Scientists generally lack the time and technical expertise to review all relevant information available from the literature, from key model species and from a potentially wide range of related biological databases in a variety of data formats with variable quality and coverage. Computational tools are needed for the integration and evaluation of heterogeneous information in order to prioritise candidate genes and components of interaction networks that, if perturbed through potential interventions, have a positive impact on the biological outcome in the whole organism without producing negative side effects. Here we review several bioinformatics tools and databases that play an important role in biological knowledge discovery and candidate gene prioritization. We conclude with several key challenges that need to be addressed in order to facilitate biological knowledge discovery in the future.
Published on June 8, 2017

Data-driven prediction of adverse drug reactions induced by drug-drug interactions.

Authors: Liu R, AbdulHameed MDM, Kumar K, Yu X, Wallqvist A, Reifman J

Abstract: BACKGROUND: The expanded use of multiple drugs has increased the occurrence of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) induced by drug-drug interactions (DDIs). However, such reactions are typically not observed in clinical drug-development studies because most of them focus on single-drug therapies. ADR reporting systems collect information on adverse health effects caused by both single drugs and DDIs. A major challenge is to unambiguously identify the effects caused by DDIs and to attribute them to specific drug interactions. A computational method that provides prospective predictions of potential DDI-induced ADRs will help to identify and mitigate these adverse health effects. METHOD: We hypothesize that drug-protein interactions can be used as independent variables in predicting ADRs. We constructed drug pair-protein interaction profiles for ~800 drugs using drug-protein interaction information in the public domain. We then constructed statistical models to score drug pairs for their potential to induce ADRs based on drug pair-protein interaction profiles. RESULTS: We used extensive clinical database information to construct categorical prediction models for drug pairs that are likely to induce ADRs via synergistic DDIs and showed that model performance deteriorated only slightly, with a moderate amount of false positives and false negatives in the training samples, as evaluated by our cross-validation analysis. The cross validation calculations showed an average prediction accuracy of 89% across 1,096 ADR models that captured the deleterious effects of synergistic DDIs. Because the models rely on drug-protein interactions, we made predictions for pairwise combinations of 764 drugs that are currently on the market and for which drug-protein interaction information is available. These predictions are publicly accessible at . We used the predictive models to analyze broader aspects of DDI-induced ADRs, showing that ~10% of all combinations have the potential to induce ADRs via DDIs. This allowed us to identify potential DDI-induced ADRs not yet clinically reported. The ability of the models to quantify adverse effects between drug classes also suggests that we may be able to select drug combinations that minimize the risk of ADRs. CONCLUSION: Almost all information on DDI-induced ADRs is generated after drug approval. This situation poses significant health risks for vulnerable patient populations with comorbidities. To help mitigate the risks, we developed a robust probabilistic approach to prospectively predict DDI-induced ADRs. Based on this approach, we developed prediction models for 1,096 ADRs and used them to predict the propensity of all pairwise combinations of nearly 800 drugs to be associated with these ADRs via DDIs. We made the predictions publicly available via internet access.
Published on June 6, 2017

TCM-Mesh: The database and analytical system for network pharmacology analysis for TCM preparations.

Authors: Zhang RZ, Yu SJ, Bai H, Ning K

Abstract: With the advancement of systems biology research, we have already seen great progress in pharmacology studies, especially in network pharmacology. Network pharmacology has been proven to be effective for establishing the "compounds-proteins/genes-diseases" network, and revealing the regulation principles of small molecules in a high-throughput manner, thus would be very effective for the analysis of drug combinations, especially for TCM preparations. In this work, we have proposed the TCM-Mesh system, which records TCM-related information collected from various resources and could serve for network pharmacology analysis for TCM preparations in a high-throughput manner ( Currently, the database contains 6,235 herbs, 383,840 compounds, 14,298 genes, 6,204 diseases, 144,723 gene-disease associations, 3,440,231 pairs of gene interactions, 163,221 side effect records and 71 toxic records, and web-based software construct a network between herbs and treated diseases, which will help to understand the underlying mechanisms for TCM preparations at molecular levels. We have used 1,293 FDA-approved drugs, as well as compounds from an herbal material Panax ginseng and a patented drug Liuwei Dihuang Wan (LDW) for evaluating our database. By comparison of different databases, as well as checking against literature, we have demonstrated the completeness, effectiveness, and accuracy of our database.
Published on June 2, 2017

Network analysis of the genomic basis of the placebo effect.

Authors: Wang RS, Hall KT, Giulianini F, Passow D, Kaptchuk TJ, Loscalzo J

Abstract: The placebo effect is a phenomenon in which patients who are given an inactive treatment (e.g., inert pill) show a perceived or actual improvement in a medical condition. Placebo effects in clinical trials have been investigated for many years especially because placebo treatments often serve as the control arm of randomized clinical trial designs. Recent observations suggest that placebo effects may be modified by genetics. This observation has given rise to the term "placebome," which refers to a group of genome-related mediators that affect an individual's response to placebo treatments. In this study, we conduct a network analysis of the placebome and identify a placebome module in the comprehensive human interactome using a seed-connector algorithm. The placebome module is significantly enriched with neurotransmitter signaling pathways and brain-specific proteins. We validate the placebome module using a large cohort of the Women's Genome Health Study (WGHS) trial and demonstrate that the placebome module is significantly enriched with genes whose SNPs modify the outcome in the placebo arm of the trial. To gain insights into placebo effects in different diseases and drug treatments, we use a network proximity measure to examine the closeness of the placebome module to different disease modules and drug target modules. The results demonstrate that the network proximity of the placebome module to disease modules in the interactome significantly correlates with the strength of the placebo effect in the corresponding diseases. The proximity of the placebome module to molecular pathways affected by certain drug classes indicates the existence of placebo-drug interactions. This study is helpful for understanding the molecular mechanisms mediating the placebo response, and sets the stage for minimizing its effects in clinical trials and for developing therapeutic strategies that intentionally engage it.
Published on June 1, 2017

Tissue-Specific Signaling Networks Rewired by Major Somatic Mutations in Human Cancer Revealed by Proteome-Wide Discovery.

Authors: Zhao J, Cheng F, Zhao Z

Abstract: Massive somatic mutations discovered by large cancer genome sequencing projects provide unprecedented opportunities in the development of precision oncology. However, deep understanding of functional consequences of somatic mutations and identifying actionable mutations and the related drug responses currently remain formidable challenges. Dysfunction of protein posttranslational modification plays critical roles in tumorigenesis and drug responses. In this study, we proposed a novel computational oncoproteomics approach, named kinome-wide network module for cancer pharmacogenomics (KNMPx), for identifying actionable mutations that rewired signaling networks and further characterized tumorigenesis and anticancer drug responses. Specifically, we integrated 746,631 missense mutations in 4,997 tumor samples across 16 major cancer types/subtypes from The Cancer Genome Atlas into over 170,000 carefully curated nonredundant phosphorylation sites covering 18,610 proteins. We found 47 mutated proteins (e.g., ERBB2, TP53, and CTNNB1) that had enriched missense mutations at their phosphorylation sites in pan-cancer analysis. In addition, tissue-specific kinase-substrate interaction modules altered by somatic mutations identified by KNMPx were significantly associated with patient survival. We further reported a kinome-wide landscape of pharmacogenomic interactions by incorporating somatic mutation-rewired signaling networks in 1,001 cancer cell lines via KNMPx. Interestingly, we found that cell lines could highly reproduce oncogenic phosphorylation site mutations identified in primary tumors, supporting the confidence in their associations with sensitivity/resistance of inhibitors targeting EGF, MAPK, PI3K, mTOR, and Wnt signaling pathways. In summary, our KNMPx approach is powerful for identifying oncogenic alterations via rewiring phosphorylation-related signaling networks and drug sensitivity/resistance in the era of precision oncology. Cancer Res; 77(11); 2810-21. (c)2017 AACR.
Published on June 1, 2017

In silico prediction of chemical subcellular localization via multi-classification methods.

Authors: Yang H, Li X, Cai Y, Wang Q, Li W, Liu G, Tang Y

Abstract: Chemical subcellular localization is closely related to drug distribution in the body and hence important in drug discovery and design. Although many in vivo and in vitro methods have been developed, in silico methods play key roles in the prediction of chemical subcellular localization due to their low costs and high performance. For that purpose, machine learning-based methods were developed here. At first, 614 unique compounds localized in the lysosome, mitochondria, nucleus and plasma membrane were collected from the literature. 80% of the compounds were used to build the models and the rest as the external validation set. Both fingerprints and molecular descriptors were used to describe the molecules, and six machine learning methods were applied to build the multi-classification models. The performance of the models was measured by 5-fold cross-validation and external validation. We further detected key substructures for each localization and analyzed potential structure-localization relationships, which could be very helpful for molecular design and modification. The key substructures can also be used as features complementary to fingerprints to improve the performance of the models.
Published on June 1, 2017

Supporting precision medicine by data mining across multi-disciplines: an integrative approach for generating comprehensive linkages between single nucleotide variants (SNVs) and drug-binding sites.

Authors: Roy Choudhury A, Cheng T, Phan L, Bryant SH, Wang Y

Abstract: Motivation: Genetic variants in drug targets and metabolizing enzymes often have important functional implications, including altering the efficacy and toxicity of drugs. Identifying single nucleotide variants (SNVs) that contribute to differences in drug response and understanding their underlying mechanisms are fundamental to successful implementation of the precision medicine model. This work reports an effort to collect, classify and analyze SNVs that may affect the optimal response to currently approved drugs. Results: An integrated approach was taken involving data mining across multiple information resources including databases containing drugs, drug targets, chemical structures, protein-ligand structure complexes, genetic and clinical variations as well as protein sequence alignment tools. We obtained 2640 SNVs of interest, most of which occur rarely in populations (minor allele frequency < 0.01). Clinical significance of only 9.56% of the SNVs is known in ClinVar, although 79.02% are predicted as deleterious. The examples here demonstrate that even if the mapped SNVs predicted as deleterious may not result in significant structural modifications, they can plausibly modify the protein-drug interactions, affecting selectivity and drug-binding affinity. Our analysis identifies potentially deleterious SNVs present on drug-binding residues that are relevant for further studies in the context of precision medicine. Availability and Implementation: Data are available from Supplementary information file. Contact: Supplementary information: Supplementary Tables S1-S5 are available at Bioinformatics online.
Published on May 31, 2017

Drug repositioning for enzyme modulator based on human metabolite-likeness.

Authors: Lee YH, Choi H, Park S, Lee B, Yi GS

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Recently, the metabolite-likeness of the drug space has emerged and has opened a new possibility for exploring human metabolite-like candidates in drug discovery. However, the applicability of metabolite-likeness in drug discovery has been largely unexplored. Moreover, there are no reports on its applications for the repositioning of drugs to possible enzyme modulators, although enzyme-drug relations could be directly inferred from the similarity relationships between enzyme's metabolites and drugs. METHODS: We constructed a drug-metabolite structural similarity matrix, which contains 1,861 FDA-approved drugs and 1,110 human intermediary metabolites scored with the Tanimoto similarity. To verify the metabolite-likeness measure for drug repositioning, we analyzed 17 known antimetabolite drugs that resemble the innate metabolites of their eleven target enzymes as the gold standard positives. Highly scored drugs were selected as possible modulators of enzymes for their corresponding metabolites. Then, we assessed the performance of metabolite-likeness with a receiver operating characteristic analysis and compared it with other drug-target prediction methods. We set the similarity threshold for drug repositioning candidates of new enzyme modulators based on maximization of the Youden's index. We also carried out literature surveys for supporting the drug repositioning results based on the metabolite-likeness. RESULTS: In this paper, we applied metabolite-likeness to repurpose FDA-approved drugs to disease-associated enzyme modulators that resemble human innate metabolites. All antimetabolite drugs were mapped with their known 11 target enzymes with statistically significant similarity values to the corresponding metabolites. The comparison with other drug-target prediction methods showed the higher performance of metabolite-likeness for predicting enzyme modulators. After that, the drugs scored higher than similarity score of 0.654 were selected as possible modulators of enzymes for their corresponding metabolites. In addition, we showed that drug repositioning results of 10 enzymes were concordant with the literature evidence. CONCLUSIONS: This study introduced a method to predict the repositioning of known drugs to possible modulators of disease associated enzymes using human metabolite-likeness. We demonstrated that this approach works correctly with known antimetabolite drugs and showed that the proposed method has better performance compared to other drug target prediction methods in terms of enzyme modulators prediction. This study as a proof-of-concept showed how to apply metabolite-likeness to drug repositioning as well as potential in further expansion as we acquire more disease associated metabolite-target protein relations.
Published in May 2017

Insights into the molecular mechanisms of Polygonum multiflorum Thunb-induced liver injury: a computational systems toxicology approach.

Authors: Wang YY, Li J, Wu ZR, Zhang B, Yang HB, Wang Q, Cai YC, Liu GX, Li WH, Tang Y

Abstract: An increasing number of cases of herb-induced liver injury (HILI) have been reported, presenting new clinical challenges. In this study, taking Polygonum multiflorum Thunb (PmT) as an example, we proposed a computational systems toxicology approach to explore the molecular mechanisms of HILI. First, the chemical components of PmT were extracted from 3 main TCM databases as well as the literature related to natural products. Then, the known targets were collected through data integration, and the potential compound-target interactions (CTIs) were predicted using our substructure-drug-target network-based inference (SDTNBI) method. After screening for hepatotoxicity-related genes by assessing the symptoms of HILI, a compound-target interaction network was constructed. A scoring function, namely, Ascore, was developed to estimate the toxicity of chemicals in the liver. We conducted network analysis to determine the possible mechanisms of the biphasic effects using the analysis tools, including BiNGO, pathway enrichment, organ distribution analysis and predictions of interactions with CYP450 enzymes. Among the chemical components of PmT, 54 components with good intestinal absorption were used for analysis, and 2939 CTIs were obtained. After analyzing the mRNA expression data in the BioGPS database, 1599 CTIs and 125 targets related to liver diseases were identified. In the top 15 compounds, seven with Ascore values >3000 (emodin, quercetin, apigenin, resveratrol, gallic acid, kaempferol and luteolin) were obviously associated with hepatotoxicity. The results from the pathway enrichment analysis suggest that multiple interactions between apoptosis and metabolism may underlie PmT-induced liver injury. Many of the pathways have been verified in specific compounds, such as glutathione metabolism, cytochrome P450 metabolism, and the p53 pathway, among others. Hepatitis symptoms, the perturbation of nine bile acids and yellow or tawny urine also had corresponding pathways, justifying our method. In conclusion, this computational systems toxicology method reveals possible toxic components and could be very helpful for understanding the mechanisms of HILI. In this way, the method might also facilitate the identification of novel hepatotoxic herbs.