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Published on March 29, 2017

The druggable genome and support for target identification and validation in drug development.

Authors: Finan C, Gaulton A, Kruger FA, Lumbers RT, Shah T, Engmann J, Galver L, Kelley R, Karlsson A, Santos R, Overington JP, Hingorani AD, Casas JP

Abstract: Target identification (determining the correct drug targets for a disease) and target validation (demonstrating an effect of target perturbation on disease biomarkers and disease end points) are important steps in drug development. Clinically relevant associations of variants in genes encoding drug targets model the effect of modifying the same targets pharmacologically. To delineate drug development (including repurposing) opportunities arising from this paradigm, we connected complex disease- and biomarker-associated loci from genome-wide association studies to an updated set of genes encoding druggable human proteins, to agents with bioactivity against these targets, and, where there were licensed drugs, to clinical indications. We used this set of genes to inform the design of a new genotyping array, which will enable association studies of druggable genes for drug target selection and validation in human disease.
Published on March 27, 2017

Critical Assessment of Small Molecule Identification 2016: automated methods.

Authors: Schymanski EL, Ruttkies C, Krauss M, Brouard C, Kind T, Duhrkop K, Allen F, Vaniya A, Verdegem D, Bocker S, Rousu J, Shen H, Tsugawa H, Sajed T, Fiehn O, Ghesquiere B, Neumann S

Abstract: BACKGROUND: The fourth round of the Critical Assessment of Small Molecule Identification (CASMI) Contest ( ) was held in 2016, with two new categories for automated methods. This article covers the 208 challenges in Categories 2 and 3, without and with metadata, from organization, participation, results and post-contest evaluation of CASMI 2016 through to perspectives for future contests and small molecule annotation/identification. RESULTS: The Input Output Kernel Regression (CSI:IOKR) machine learning approach performed best in "Category 2: Best Automatic Structural Identification-In Silico Fragmentation Only", won by Team Brouard with 41% challenge wins. The winner of "Category 3: Best Automatic Structural Identification-Full Information" was Team Kind (MS-FINDER), with 76% challenge wins. The best methods were able to achieve over 30% Top 1 ranks in Category 2, with all methods ranking the correct candidate in the Top 10 in around 50% of challenges. This success rate rose to 70% Top 1 ranks in Category 3, with candidates in the Top 10 in over 80% of the challenges. The machine learning and chemistry-based approaches are shown to perform in complementary ways. CONCLUSIONS: The improvement in (semi-)automated fragmentation methods for small molecule identification has been substantial. The achieved high rates of correct candidates in the Top 1 and Top 10, despite large candidate numbers, open up great possibilities for high-throughput annotation of untargeted analysis for "known unknowns". As more high quality training data becomes available, the improvements in machine learning methods will likely continue, but the alternative approaches still provide valuable complementary information. Improved integration of experimental context will also improve identification success further for "real life" annotations. The true "unknown unknowns" remain to be evaluated in future CASMI contests. Graphical abstract .
Published on March 15, 2017

Predict drug permeability to blood-brain-barrier from clinical phenotypes: drug side effects and drug indications.

Authors: Gao Z, Chen Y, Cai X, Xu R

Abstract: Motivation: Blood-Brain-Barrier (BBB) is a rigorous permeability barrier for maintaining homeostasis of Central Nervous System (CNS). Determination of compound's permeability to BBB is prerequisite in CNS drug discovery. Existing computational methods usually predict drug BBB permeability from chemical structure and they generally apply to small compounds passing BBB through passive diffusion. As abundant information on drug side effects and indications has been recorded over time through extensive clinical usage, we aim to explore BBB permeability prediction from a new angle and introduce a novel approach to predict BBB permeability from drug clinical phenotypes (drug side effects and drug indications). This method can apply to both small compounds and macro-molecules penetrating BBB through various mechanisms besides passive diffusion. Results: We composed a training dataset of 213 drugs with known brain and blood steady-state concentrations ratio and extracted their side effects and indications as features. Next, we trained SVM models with polynomial kernel and obtained accuracy of 76.0%, AUC 0.739, and F 1 score (macro weighted) 0.760 with Monte Carlo cross validation. The independent test accuracy was 68.3%, AUC 0.692, F 1 score 0.676. When both chemical features and clinical phenotypes were available, combining the two types of features achieved significantly better performance than chemical feature based approach (accuracy 85.5% versus 72.9%, AUC 0.854 versus 0.733, F 1 score 0.854 versus 0.725; P < e -90 ). We also conducted de novo prediction and identified 110 drugs in SIDER database having the potential to penetrate BBB, which could serve as start point for CNS drug repositioning research. Availability and Implementation: Contact: Supplementary information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.
Published on March 15, 2017

GEAR: A database of Genomic Elements Associated with drug Resistance.

Authors: Wang YY, Chen WH, Xiao PP, Xie WB, Luo Q, Bork P, Zhao XM

Abstract: Drug resistance is becoming a serious problem that leads to the failure of standard treatments, which is generally developed because of genetic mutations of certain molecules. Here, we present GEAR (A database of Genomic Elements Associated with drug Resistance) that aims to provide comprehensive information about genomic elements (including genes, single-nucleotide polymorphisms and microRNAs) that are responsible for drug resistance. Right now, GEAR contains 1631 associations between 201 human drugs and 758 genes, 106 associations between 29 human drugs and 66 miRNAs, and 44 associations between 17 human drugs and 22 SNPs. These relationships are firstly extracted from primary literature with text mining and then manually curated. The drug resistome deposited in GEAR provides insights into the genetic factors underlying drug resistance. In addition, new indications and potential drug combinations can be identified based on the resistome. The GEAR database can be freely accessed through
Published on March 15, 2017

Systematic protein-protein interaction mapping for clinically relevant human GPCRs.

Authors: Sokolina K, Kittanakom S, Snider J, Kotlyar M, Maurice P, Gandia J, Benleulmi-Chaachoua A, Tadagaki K, Oishi A, Wong V, Malty RH, Deineko V, Aoki H, Amin S, Yao Z, Morato X, Otasek D, Kobayashi H, Menendez J, Auerbach D, Angers S, Przulj N, Bouvier M, Babu M, Ciruela F, Jockers R, Jurisica I, Stagljar I

Abstract: G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are the largest family of integral membrane receptors with key roles in regulating signaling pathways targeted by therapeutics, but are difficult to study using existing proteomics technologies due to their complex biochemical features. To obtain a global view of GPCR-mediated signaling and to identify novel components of their pathways, we used a modified membrane yeast two-hybrid (MYTH) approach and identified interacting partners for 48 selected full-length human ligand-unoccupied GPCRs in their native membrane environment. The resulting GPCR interactome connects 686 proteins by 987 unique interactions, including 299 membrane proteins involved in a diverse range of cellular functions. To demonstrate the biological relevance of the GPCR interactome, we validated novel interactions of the GPR37, serotonin 5-HT4d, and adenosine ADORA2A receptors. Our data represent the first large-scale interactome mapping for human GPCRs and provide a valuable resource for the analysis of signaling pathways involving this druggable family of integral membrane proteins.
Published on March 14, 2017

The neuroleptic drug pimozide inhibits stem-like cell maintenance and tumorigenicity in hepatocellular carcinoma.

Authors: Chen JJ, Cai N, Chen GZ, Jia CC, Qiu DB, Du C, Liu W, Yang Y, Long ZJ, Zhang Q

Abstract: Drug repurposing is currently an important approach for accelerating drug discovery and development for clinical use. Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) presents drug resistance to chemotherapy, and the prognosis is poor due to the existence of liver cancer stem-like cells. In this study, we investigated the effect of the neuroleptic agent pimozide to inhibit stem-like cell maintenance and tumorigenicity in HCC. Our results showed that pimozide functioned as an anti-cancer drug in HCC cells or stem-like cells. Pimozide inhibited cell proliferation and sphere formation capacities in HCC cells by inducing G0/G1 phase cell cycle arrest, as well as inhibited HCC cell migration. Surprisingly, pimozide inhibited the maintenance and tumorigenicity of HCC stem-like cells, particularly the side population (SP) or CD133-positive cells, as evaluated by colony formation, sphere formation and transwell migration assays. Furthermore, pimozide was found to suppress STAT3 activity in HCC cells by attenuating STAT3-dependent luciferase activity and down-regulating the transcription levels of downstream genes of STAT3 signaling. Moreover, pimozide reversed the stem-like cell tumorigenic phenotypes induced by IL-6 treatment in HCC cells. Further, the antitumor effect of pimozide was also proved in the nude mice HCC xenograft model. In short, the anti-psychotic agent pimozide may act as a novel potential anti-tumor agent in treating advanced HCC.
Published on March 14, 2017

A standard database for drug repositioning.

Authors: Brown AS, Patel CJ

Abstract: Drug repositioning, the process of discovering, validating, and marketing previously approved drugs for new indications, is of growing interest to academia and industry due to reduced time and costs associated with repositioned drugs. Computational methods for repositioning are appealing because they putatively nominate the most promising candidate drugs for a given indication. Comparing the wide array of computational repositioning methods, however, is a challenge due to inconsistencies in method validation in the field. Furthermore, a common simplifying assumption, that all novel predictions are false, is intellectually unsatisfying and hinders reproducibility. We address this assumption by providing a gold standard database, repoDB, that consists of both true positives (approved drugs), and true negatives (failed drugs). We have made the full database and all code used to prepare it publicly available, and have developed a web application that allows users to browse subsets of the data (
Published on March 11, 2017

Support for phosphoinositol 3 kinase and mTOR inhibitors as treatment for lupus using in-silico drug-repurposing analysis.

Authors: Toro-Dominguez D, Carmona-Saez P, Alarcon-Riquelme ME

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease with few treatment options. Current therapies are not fully effective and show highly variable responses. In this regard, large efforts have focused on developing more effective therapeutic strategies. Drug repurposing based on the comparison of gene expression signatures is an effective technique for the identification of new therapeutic approaches. Here we present a drug-repurposing exploratory analysis using gene expression signatures from SLE patients to discover potential new drug candidates and target genes. METHODS: We collected a compendium of gene expression signatures comprising peripheral blood cells and different separate blood cell types from SLE patients. The Lincscloud database was mined to link SLE signatures with drugs, gene knock-down, and knock-in expression signatures. The derived dataset was analyzed in order to identify compounds, genes, and pathways that were significantly correlated with SLE gene expression signatures. RESULTS: We obtained a list of drugs that showed an inverse correlation with SLE gene expression signatures as well as a set of potential target genes and their associated biological pathways. The list includes drugs never or little studied in the context of SLE treatment, as well as recently studied compounds. CONCLUSION: Our exploratory analysis provides evidence that phosphoinositol 3 kinase and mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitors could be potential therapeutic options in SLE worth further future testing.
Published on March 1, 2017

SZDB: A Database for Schizophrenia Genetic Research.

Authors: Wu Y, Yao YG, Luo XJ

Abstract: Schizophrenia (SZ) is a debilitating brain disorder with a complex genetic architecture. Genetic studies, especially recent genome-wide association studies (GWAS), have identified multiple variants (loci) conferring risk to SZ. However, how to efficiently extract meaningful biological information from bulk genetic findings of SZ remains a major challenge. There is a pressing need to integrate multiple layers of data from various sources, eg, genetic findings from GWAS, copy number variations (CNVs), association and linkage studies, gene expression, protein-protein interaction (PPI), co-expression, expression quantitative trait loci (eQTL), and Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) data, to provide a comprehensive resource to facilitate the translation of genetic findings into SZ molecular diagnosis and mechanism study. Here we developed the SZDB database (, a comprehensive resource for SZ research. SZ genetic data, gene expression data, network-based data, brain eQTL data, and SNP function annotation information were systematically extracted, curated and deposited in SZDB. In-depth analyses and systematic integration were performed to identify top prioritized SZ genes and enriched pathways. Multiple types of data from various layers of SZ research were systematically integrated and deposited in SZDB. In-depth data analyses and integration identified top prioritized SZ genes and enriched pathways. We further showed that genes implicated in SZ are highly co-expressed in human brain and proteins encoded by the prioritized SZ risk genes are significantly interacted. The user-friendly SZDB provides high-confidence candidate variants and genes for further functional characterization. More important, SZDB provides convenient online tools for data search and browse, data integration, and customized data analyses.
Published on March 1, 2017

Improving the discoverability, accessibility, and citability of omics datasets: a case report.

Authors: Darlington YF, Naumov A, McOwiti A, Kankanamge WH, Becnel LB, McKenna NJ

Abstract: Although omics datasets represent valuable assets for hypothesis generation, model testing, and data validation, the infrastructure supporting their reuse lacks organization and consistency. Using nuclear receptor signaling transcriptomic datasets as proof of principle, we developed a model to improve the discoverability, accessibility, and citability of published omics datasets. Primary datasets were retrieved from archives, processed to extract data points, then subjected to metadata enrichment and gap filling. The resulting secondary datasets were exposed on responsive web pages to support mining of gene lists, discovery of related datasets, and single-click citation integration with popular reference managers. Automated processes were established to embed digital object identifier-driven links to the secondary datasets in associated journal articles, small molecule and gene-centric databases, and a dataset search engine. Our model creates multiple points of access to reprocessed and reannotated derivative datasets across the digital biomedical research ecosystem, promoting their visibility and usability across disparate research communities.